Shops and shopping
I go shopping very often. I like it. Sometimes I only go round the shop to have a look. It is fine. I spend much money on clothes. I usually buy T-shirts, skirts or jeans. Sometimes I purchase jumpers, socks, underclothes (bras and pants). But I must try it on. I take some clothes and I must go into a changing room. If all these rooms are engaged, I must wait for a free changing room. Purchases are very important for me because in summer I need many skirts and shorts, T-shirts with no or short sleeves, dresses and mainly swimming costume. In winter I need T-shirts with long sleeves, sweaters, jeans, scarfs, gloves and huts. But I needn`t have clothes, which is in or clothes of famous label. Clothes are very nice gifts , too. When my boyfriend has a birthday or a name-day, I buy him briefs or T-shirts and so on. Of course I don`t buy only clothes.
Before anything else I buy food. But it is not so amusing. First of all it is a duty. Every day I buy rolls, bread or something sweat like biscuits, chocolate, sweat drops, … I go shopping food to grocery. There are various groceries. But when I want to buy fruit or vegetable I go to greengrocery. My mother usually go to these shops, too. Once a month we go to Liberec. There are supermarkets and we do the shopping for all month there. There is everything we need: various groceries, toiletries, breas and rolls, pastry, meat and smoked foods, fish and seafood, dairy products, sweats and cakes, clothes, shoes, flowers, toys, books, sport equipment, furniture, jewels, garden equipment, …
When we come into a supermarket, we must have a trolley and our purchase we put in it. We push a supermarket trolley between shelves and go round the shop. We buy everything we need. When we do our shopping, we must stand in a queue at the cash desk. In supermarkets we can pay cash, cheques or credit cards. It is an advantage of these large shops.
Shops attracts customers with decorated shop-windows, a shop design, a layout and advertisements or TV commercials, bargains, reduced prices, … All these things influence customers. But we can buy a faulty product. This product can be broken, scratched and so on. So when we buy expired goods, we can complain about these products and claim for a refund or replacement.
Sentences we can need:
I am just looking, thank you. Jen se dívám…
Yes, I`d like some… Chtěl bych…
Can I have a look at… Můžu se mrknout na…?
Could you show me… Můžete mi ukázat…?
Can I try it on? Můžu si to zkusit?
I will take this one (after all). Vezmu si tenhle (přeci jen).
How much is it? (How much does it cost?) Kolik to stojí?
Can you gift-wrap it for me? Zabalíte mi to jako dárek?
May/Can I help you? Budete si přát?
What size do you take? Jakou máte velikost?
Have you chosen already? Máte vybráno?
Anything else? Ještě něco?
Will you pay cash or seque? Platíte hotově nebo šekem?
Could you pay at the cash desk, please? Plaťte u pokladny.
Different shops
grocery potraviny, koloniál
greengrocery ovoce a zelenina
bakery pekařství
butcher`s řeznictví
fishmonger`s rybárna
dairy obchod s mléčnými produkty
confectioner`s cukrárna
clothes shop oděvy
second hand sekáč
shoe shop obuv
jewellery shop zlatnictví
flower shop květinářství
toy shop hračkářství
pet shop obchod se zvířátky
book shop knihkupectví
music/record shop hudebniny
gift shop obchod s dárkovými předměty
stationer`s papírnictví
newsagent`s prodejna novin
news-stand novinový stánek
sports shop sportovní potřeby
furniture shop prodejna nábytku
hardware shop železářství, domácí potřeby
glassware sklo
china shop porcelán
electrical equipment elektropotřeby
D.I.Y. shop kutilské potřeby
Garden centre prodejna zahradního vybavení
Gymnázium F.X.Š.
Nováková Tereza
2004 - 2005
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