Exam & Skills Test 1 & 2 A

1&2 Exam & Skills Test Student A

Słuchanie (10 marks)

Exam task - poziom podstawowy

CD Track 2

1 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie cztery reklamy radiowe. Z podanych odpowiedzi (a, b i c) wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią nagrania.

1 How long is the sale at Smartmen?

a) Twenty-four hours. b) The weekend. c) Ten hours.

2 What type of shoes are on sale at Shoeworld?

a) Only flip-flops. b) Only high-heels. c) All ladies' summer shoes.

3 What type of shop is Carers?

a) Women's high street fashion. b) Second hand. c) Children's clothes.

4 What can you not buy at Freedom Fairtrade?


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CD Track 2

2 Listen again and answer the questions.

0 What is the stall number of Freedom Fairtrade at Central Market?


1 What type of clothing is on sale at Smartmen?


2 What discount do they offer at Shoeworld?


3 What day of the week does the Shoeworld sale end?


4 What costs £25 or less at Carers sale?


5 How long will Freedom Fairtrade have a stall at Central Market?


6 What day can you buy jewellery at the Freedom Fairtrade stall at Central Market?



Funkcje językowe i środki językowe (10 marks)

Exam task - poziom podstawowy

3 Przeczytaj poniższe opisy sytuacji w języku polskim. Z podanych odpowiedzi a, b i c
wybierz właściwą reakcję.

1 Koleżanka kupiła w sklepie buty. Jak zapytasz sprzedawcę, czy ma pasującą do nich torebkę?

a) Do you have a matching bag?

b) Do you have a similar bag?

c) Is there a matching suitcase?

2 W bibliotece osobie stojącej przed tobą upadły książki. Zapytaj, czy potrzebuje pomocy.

a) Can I give you a hand?

b) Can you give me a hand?

c) Don't worry. I will hand it for you.

3 Jesteś w sklepie. Widzisz sweter, który ci się podoba. Zapytaj sprzedawcę, czy możesz go

a) Can you give me this?

b) May I put it on?

c) Can I try it on?

4 Powiedz koleżance, że wasz samolot już odleciał.

a) Oh no! Our plane has already taken off!

b) Oh no! Our plane is missing!

c) Oh no! Our plane has already landed.


Exam task - poziom rozszerzony

4 Przeczytaj poniższy e-mail. Uzupełnij luki 1-3, używając podanych wyrazów w odpowiedniej
formie. Jeden wyraz nie pasuje do żadnej luki.

be write visit go

Hi Mum!

I 1____________ to you just to tell you everything is fine. Carla and Giuseppe are really nice to me. My plane 2____________ delayed and they had been waiting for me for over three hours at the airport! The food is delicious - yesterday we had pizza for lunch and pasta for dinner.

I 3 ____________ Duomo, Cenacolo Vinciano and Pinacoteca di Brera so far. I also want to see Castello Sforzesco and La Scala. You can call me tonight, I'm not going out.

Hugs and kisses,



Exam task - poziom rozszerzony

5 Przeczytaj poniższe pary zdań. Uzupełnij każdą lukę, tak aby zachować znaczenie zdania

1 John (work) in this hospital for 10 years.

John _____________________________ in this hospital for 10 years.

2 Peter (be / not / famous) as Matt.

Peter ____________________________ as Matt.

3 After (meet / town), Paula and George caught a train to the country.

After _______________________________, Paula and George caught a train to the country.


Czytanie (10 marks)

Exam task - poziom podstawowy i rozszerzony

6 Przeczytaj tekst. Zdecyduj, które z podanych zdań są zgodne z treścią tekstu (T),
a które nie (F).

1 Harriet was born in London. ____

2 Harriet studied fashion in London. ____

3 Belinda started to make clothes in London. ____

4 Belinda went back to Hull because she couldn't find a job. ____

5 There were lots of fashion shops in Hull. ____

6 Belinda and Harriet opened their second shop in Hull in 2007. ____

7 The text is about a company which is run by two friends. ____

Passion for Fashion

Belinda Bailey grew up in Hull, a city in the north of England. When she was eighteen, she went to London to study fashion and design. Belinda spent four years in London.

During her time in the city, she met Harriet Napier. Harriet was also from the north of England. She had grown up in Leeds, but had moved to London with her family when she was fourteen. She was now studying economics but she shared Belinda's passion for fashion. The two girls often went shopping together and discussed fashion. It was during these shopping trips that Belinda found inspiration in the streets of London and soon she started to design and make her own clothes.

After university, Belinda looked for a job in London. Unfortunately, the fashion industry in London was very competitive and she could not find work. In January 2005, after four months of looking for a job, Belinda decided to go back to Hull. She was unhappy at first because she missed London. She soon realised, however, that the fact that there were not many clothes shops in Hull meant that there was an opportunity for her to sell her own designs.

She started to sell her clothes at a local market and was surprised to discover that her designs were popular. After the first month, she had sold all her clothes and she needed extra help. In October 2005, she rang her friend Harriet, who agreed to move to Hull and work with Belinda. They worked hard and in 2007 they opened their own shop in Hull called Passion for Fashion. The shop was a great success and in 2009 they opened a second shop in Manchester. Their ambition is to open a shop in London one day too.


7 Read the text again and number the events in the correct order.

a) Belinda moved to London. 0 .

b) Harriet moved to Hull. ____

c) Belinda opened a market stall. ____

d) Belinda moved back to Hull and started designing clothes. ____


Pisanie (10 marks)

Exam task - poziom rozszerzony

8 Zastanawiasz się nad tym, co chciałbyś / chciałabyś robić w przyszłości po ukończeniu
szkoły. Napisz email do koleżanki
z USA, w którym:

- zapytasz ją, jak spędziła weekend,

- opowiesz o swoich planach na przyszłość,

- poprosisz o radę, jakie studia wybrać.

Długość tekstu 50-100 słów.




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Funkcje językowe i środki językowe

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PHOTOCOPIABLE © 2011 Pearson Longman ELT



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