ściąga angol

Test A

2Complete the sentences using the past simple or present perfect.

0I __have never worked________ (never work) at the university.

1.Real Madrid __have von (win) thirty-five games this year.

2The Peace Group _didn't finish_(not finish) their research last year.

3There have been_ (be) no positive replies to date.

4How many people have visited (visit) the London Eye today?

5The catering company_organised_ (organise) the reception yesterday.

6The meteor first appeared_(appear) on 18 April 2006.

7In the last few days, we _have received_(receive) £350,000 in new funds.

8The government banned_(ban) the magazine three months ago.

3Fill in the gaps with the correct words.

0.He had to stop playing football because of his high blood__ pressure.

1He's not sleeping at all. I think he has insomnia

2There are a lot of carbohydrates_ in bread.

3Hamburgers and pizzas are junk_____ food

4David always fails exams because he has poor concentration___

5I need more vitamins__ so I am going to drink more orange juice.

6I love salmon It's my favourite fish.

7.More people suffer from depression_in winter than in summer.

8.He's got a bad memory_____. He can't remember anything!

4.Make sentences using the present perfect and since or for.

0.I / be / a painter / 1989.

I have been a painter since 1989._

1.The / light / not workedTuesday.

The light hasn't worked since Tuesday__

2.The charity / work / with children / 25 years.

The charity has worked with children for 25 years_

3.you / hear / from Mark / March?

Have you heard from mark since march?_

4.This / country / be / a republic / a century.

This country has been a republic for a centure

5.They / not drive / the car / three days.

They haven't driven the car for three days__

6Peter / not cook / a long time.

Peter hasn't cooked for a long time

7.Professor Jones / give / any lessons / last week?

Has professor Jones given any lessons since last week?

8.They / not meet / Graham / the last conference.

They haven't met Graham since the last conference

5Fill in the gaps with one or two words to complete the dialogue.

A: Good morning. How 0__can_________ I help?

B: Good morning. I'm having trouble sleeping.

A: Hmm. How long have 1____you had__ this problem?

B: About two months.

A: Does this happen 2__every_____night?

B: Yes.

A: What about stress? Do you sometimes 3__get_____ stressed by work?

B: A little but not much.

A: OK. 4_Have you___ seen an osteopath?

B: Yes. I saw one last week. He thinks I'm all right.

A: I think your problem is stress and cholesterol. You 5__need/should take____ more exercise in 6_order_ to improve your general health. You 7shuldn't drink_ coffee at night either 8__so (that)_ you can sleep better.

Test B

1Make sentences using the present perfect and since or for

0I / be / a painter / 1989.

I have been a painter since 1989.__

1Professor Jones / give / any lessons / last week?

Has profesor Jones given any lessons last week?____

2They / not meet / Graham / the last conference.

They haven't met graham since the last conference3 you / hear / from Mark / March?

Have you heard from mark sinceMarch?_

4.This / country / be / a republic / a century.

This country has been a republic for a century_

5The / light / not worked Tuesday.

The light hasn't worked since Tuesday_

6The charity / work / with children / 25 years.

The charity has worked with children for 25 years_

7They / not drive / the car / three days.

They haven't driven the car for three days

8.Peter / not cook / a long time.

Peter hasn't cooked for a long time

2Fill in the gaps with the correct words.

0He had to stop playing football because of his high blood__ pressure

1More people suffer from deppession____________ in winter than in summer.

2.He's got a bad memory_. He can't remember anything!

3.Hamburgers and pizzas are jusk__ food_______

4David always fails exams because he has poor concentration_____.

5.He's not sleeping at all. I think he has insomnia___.

6There are a lot of carbohydrates___ in bread.

7.I need more vitamins____ so I am going to drink more orange juice.

8.I love salmon_.It's my favourite fish.

3.Complete the sentences using the past simple or present perfect.

0 I __have never worked___ (never work) at the university.

1In the last few days, we _have received_ (receive) £350,000 in new funds.

2The government_banned_ (ban) the magazine three months ago.

3There __have been__ (be) no positive replies to date.

4How many people __have visited_ (visit) the London Eye today?

5Real Madrid __have won__ (win) thirty-five games this year.

6The Peace Group _didn't finish_(not finish) their research last year.

7The catering company organised_(organise) the reception yesterday.

8The meteor first ___appeared_ (appear) on 18 April 2006.

/ 8

4Fill in the gaps with one or two words to complete the dialogue.

A: Good morning. How 0__can____ I help?

B: Good morning. I'm having trouble sleeping.

A: Hmm. How long have 1__you had_____ this problem?

B: About two months.

A: Does this happen 2_every__night?

B: Yes.

A: What about stress? Do you sometimes _get_stressed by work?

B: A little but not much.

A: OK. 4_heve visited have von_

Have you__ seen an osteopath?

B: Yes. I saw one last week. He thinks I'm all right.

A: I think your problem is stress and cholesterol. You need/should take___ more exercise in 6_order__ to improve your general health. You 7shouldn't drink___ coffee at night either 8_so (that)_ you can sleep better.

/ 8


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