Ignore this at your peril. Already companies are in court paying out thousands and thousands in compensation for under estimating this serious issue.

Individual company reports carried out, also lectures given. Our counsellors are qualified with over 20 years experience in this industry.

We use only the most up to date, tried, tested and proven to work techniques to effect positive change in your company's workforce.

40 million working days per year are being lost to employers as a result of stress related absences. Our services will prove that prevention is better than cure and will save your company thousands of pounds in lost manpower and revenue.

Unlike most other personal development-training consultants, Dr. Jonathan Royle - BSc himself is a successful professional Hypnotherapist, psychotherapist and psychological counsellor with a vast experience of dealing with Major Blue Chip Companies, Organisations and high profile Celebrity Clients.

Personal support and guidance is provided in response to individuals needs as well as group motivational training and stress management sessions being held to enable your workforce to operate at peak performance consistently.

As one director was heard to say after a Royle training session:

“My job as the boss is to provide the right atmosphere in the “greenhouse” of our company, so that people can constantly grow. Dr. Jonathan Royle's training sessions provide that environment.”


Now considered to be one of Britains most dynamic personal development consultants, sales advisors and motivational trainers, Dr. Jonathan Royle - BSc is also an accomplished stress management consultant and shares his experiences and techniques in a highly effective and entertaining down to earth style.


Now for the first time, you can hear and experience for yourself, his techniques for confident communication and personal improvement in his “Lifechange” seminars.

Lifechanges is a genuine product and a unique service which is of invaluable use to all company managers, self employed people and in fact, every human who wishes to effect positive and lasting change in their lifestyles.


“Powerful communication skills for business and winning solutions for life.”


“Innovative business leaders are measured by results and not by efforts.”


“People don't plan to fail, but many do fail to plan.”


Well as Henry David Thoreau said, “Things do not change, we change.” Dr. Jonathan Royle's Lifechanges seminars and lectures teach you and your workforce how to take immediate control of your mental, emotional, physical and financial destiny.

Through inspirational anecdotes, case studies personalised self help tests and a program that anyone can follow, Dr. Jonathan Royle teaches the lessons in destiny that lead to success through self mastery.

The only limitations we have in life, are those which we impose upon our own minds. So take control of your life and allow Royle Leroy to make you a no limits person.


“The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go beyond them into the impossible”

Arthur C Clarke

And as it states in the Holy Bible

“As a Man thinketh so he becomes.”

Lifechanges seminars can program your mind and guarantee you the success you so richly deserve and as Mark Twain so correctly said.

“There is nothing training cannot do, nothing is above its reach, it can turn bad morals to good, it can destroy bad principles and recreate good ones, it can lift men to angelship.”


Our courses can be tailored to suit your individual or company needs and have in the past taught self hypnosis, creative visualisation, neuro linguistic programming, subliminal communication and many other highly effective techniques to numerous satisfied customers to achieve self improvement, stress management, business skills, self awareness, personal growth, career development, habit cessation, increased performance and much more.

Whatever your problem is, Lifechanges can solve it for you.

Our courses are an exciting voyage of self discovery which guide you across an ocean to a new world of opportunity and success.

To put your company back onto the track of guaranteed success, increased performance from your workforce and ultimately higher profits give me a call today.


Tel: +44 (0) 7050 - 377579 or 07932-975297

Or +44 (0) 1706 - 522302 or email us on: and for more information on Dr. Jonathan Royle's Skills, Experience and reputation in the industry please visit his site of:

Top television Hypnotist & Celebrity Mind Therapist Dr. Jonathan Royle has already used his pioneering techniques to help famous media and sporting stars to effect positive change and increased performance in their careers and lifestyles. Major household name blue chip companies, have also benefited enormously from Royle's confidential service. So remember, if you don't contact Lifechanges, then your competitors will.


  1. Stress costs your company over £1000 per employee per year.

  1. So if your company employs 100 people then stress costs the company over £400 per day.

  1. If your company employs 1000 people, then stress costs the company over £1,000000 a year.

  2. In an average lifetime, the average employee loses one and a half years from work because of stress induced illness.

  3. Whatever else you try, and however much you spend on high technology equipment, nothing will improve your company's efficiency and profitability more than taking care of your employees. Reducing their exposure to stress and learning how to get the best out of them. Your company's biggest hidden asset is the people it employs.

  4. In Royle's “Lifechanges” seminars, Jonathan explains exactly how, why and when stress causes problems. More importantly, he also explains how you can control and minimise the amount of stress in your company to consequently have staff perform at their peak performance and to increase the profitability of your company.


P.S: Dr. Jonathan Royle - BSc is also in Great Demand to present his Comedy Hypnotic Demonstrations for Corporate Events, Awards Ceremonies and Product Launches and can help you to get your sales message across with ease.


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