2. Cechy charakteru
Ćwiczenie 2.
Przeczytaj teksty. Wykorzystując zawarte w nich słownictwo, odpowiedz na pytania.
Look at the characteristics of the animals in the Chinese horoscope. Which animal are you? Do you agree or not with the generalized description provided? Why?
What is your opinion of horoscopes and the claim that our lives are destined by special arrangements of planets on the day of our birth? Give reasons why some people believe in horoscopes, and why some others do not.
Many magazines and newspapers publish personality tests and psycho-quizzes. Should we believe the results of these tests and the interpretations provided by editors? Why? Why not? Can such a test really describe us and the way we truly are?
To what extent can professional psychological tests be believed? Justify your opinion. Is there any better way to describe the way we are? If yes, give an example. If not, why not?