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1 charakterystyka OLD ENGLISH od Dawida

1.1. Secular poetry

Beowulf - epic poem, it belongs to

The same group al `Iliad' and `Odyssey'-

Serious work, large in characters, events

Setting and effect:

-large in events- is narrated

-large in settings-not confined to one place

-large in effects- lots of ornaments to

impress readers.

Widsith - “the far journey” it's also the

Name Of the author (the far traveler),

Much Shorter than “Beowulf”, 143 lines

long-comes from “The Exeter Manuscript”,

has some historical importance-it's not

a chronical, it's not historical poem

but contains some part of history,

author is not reliable chronicler,

he confuses history.

The Wanderer- 115lines, comes

from The Exeter Manuscript, author

is unknown, tells of his los (he

Lost his lord, he has to find a new

home),He's on the boat surrounded

by the frozen water; He has a dream

in which he sees his old lord, When he

wakes up he sees fellow waves all

around And his sorrow is greater,

he or somebody else Makes general

comments on the transience of

Human life, life is short, men is

doomed to dir, There's no escape

from Wyrd (fate), we can only See

consolation in God.

The Seafarer- monologue, title speaker

Enumerates Both the mistakes and

tractions of the sea life or May be a

dialogue in which an old sailor Talks to

a young man willing to go to sea;

He calls his ship a house of sorrow, life of

The sailor is compared with the life of

the landsman, Life on the sailor is

better: he is closer to God than Landsman,

he knows that he can perish in any time

So he thinks often about God; in the second

part There are reflections about death and life

The battle of Maldon”-war poem,

Describes a real event, a battle took

Place in the year 991, a band of Viking

Invader landed in the estuary of river

Panta and they invaded Kingdom of

Essex. Invaders demanded a ransom

Of gold but it was refused. Byrhtnoth-

Saxons leader, Athelred- king of Essex

Byrhtnoth dies, before it he prays. This

Poem is improtatnt: it may be treated

As a first breath of chivalry, this poem

Antedates medieval, chivalric romances.

It may be treated as a forerunner,

Precursor, antecedent. We find in it

A very important chivalric virtues: bravery,

Courage, loyalty, sacrifice.

1.2 Religious poetry:

Cademon- Bead(the historian) tells us that

Cademon was a simple shepherd, he was

untalented, he couldn't sing any song, and

when shepherd was enjoying themselves he

left the company; once he had a dream-

he saw a strenger who stood by him and said:

Cademon sing me something, he answered:

I can't sing, stranger said; Yet you

must sing to me, sing me the origin

of world/things. Cademon started

singing a hymn in prise of God Creator.

“cademon's hymn” 9lines long, series

of kennings prasing the wisdom of God,

his benevolence; hymn Is a solemn song of

praise of religious or patriotic content.

“the genesis poem”- author unknown,

consist of 2parts: Genesis A and Genesis B.

A is earlier, composed 8th cent; Describes

a war in heaven, and the act of creation,

Paraphrases a” Book of Genesis”. B is later

written in 9th cent It comes in the middle

of gen.A, It's 600lines long, Middle part of

whole poem, present Satan(defiant, powerful

Spirit, challenging God's authority) and the

temptation of EveA and B differ in metre,

style and vocabulary.

“The dream of the Rood”- probably

Written By Cynewulf, in the first part

the author tells Us about dream

in which he saw the holly Cross, next

the cross begins to speak his own

Voice relating to the poet it's story-

About His humiliation-it was used

as an instrument To punish felons,

next it's speaks of its Humility, Jesus

was crucified on him, next Cross

speaks of his pride as a tree of glory

As a symbol of Christ's redemption of

Mankid, after that the dreamer wakes up

And he claims he is now a different man

Better Christian, he has a hope of

Salvation, he claims he will follow

The holly cross throughout his life.


Bede- was a clergymen, was called: The

Venerable Bede, Bede Venerabilis. Most

Important work: " Historia Ecclesiastica

Gentis Anglorum” written in Latin,

Monumental story, history starting from

The invasion of Julius Caesar at 1st cent.BC

In covers a very ong span of time-8th cent

To 731.

King Alfred- ruler of Wessex, completed the

Task of uniting kingdoms into one; King

Alfred the Great-learned, laic man, was a

Translator( from Latin into English), most

Important work: “The Anglo-Saxon

Chronicle”. He died in 901 but his history

Continued to be reported, he deserves

The title of father of English prose.


2.1 .daty i osoby

1066-date of the Norman conquest, in

This year William Duke landed in the

South-east coast of England, defeated

Anglo-Saxons at the battle of Hastings.

At the end of this year William became

A king of England, known as William

The Conqueror.

1154-Henry II Angerin, new dynasty

Angerin (Andegaweńska), he was a

Conqueror of Ireland. In the last decade

Of 12th century we have Richard I -

Richard The Lion Hearr-ed, was a great

Knight, took part in 3rd Crusade and he

Popularised the spirit of chivalry.

King John the Lackland- brother of Richard I,

Greedy man, introduced numerous taxes,

He was forded to sign important document

in 1215, Magina Charta Liberatum (Wielka

karta swobód. It marks beginning of

parliament rule.

2.2 evoluiton of Eng Lg,

Middle eng lit into 3 stages

Stage and its poetry

2.3 religious poetry

I Sing of Maiden”- anonymous author, the

Mystery of Jesus to the appearance of dew-

Very delicate, fine comparison, which

Suggested mystery.

I uzupelnic

2.4 romance

2.5 the ballad

2.6 chronicles in verse

2.7 allegorical poetry

“The Owl and the Nightingale” - two birds

Meet to speak to each other, they beginning

To quarrel, owl is criticized for its bad singing,

Owl replies that its singing its useful; it

Regulates the time, it gives signal to people

When they should go to sleep, wake up;

The meaning- although the song of nightingale

Is beautiful, it is vain and useless, the broader

Meaning is that “ not all glitters is gold”, we

Shouldn't judge by appearance.

“The Pearl” -allegory from group of three

Poems. Author unknown, he is refered

As the pearl Poet. Poem counts about 100

Stanzas/ Pearl is a woman she is author's

Daughter. Author has lost pearl in a garden

He is depressed because of his lost, in

This garden she is buried, there is her grave,

He lost her when she was a child (treny

Kochanowskiego), father is recalling her,

The poet lied down on the ground-

On the grave of his beloved pearl. He fall

Asleep and has a dream in which he

Sees his daughter, She assured him

That she is really happy, she talks to

Him, poet wants to join her but there is

A stream separating them, he wants to

Cross it, he plunges in the water and

Wakes up- the vision has gone. Father

Says about himself: a joyless jeweler.

2.8 Early medival prose

Geofrfrey of Monmouth- chronicler, he

wrote in Latin his great work “Historia

regum Britaniae”, “History of British rulers”,

he included on his list of the early British

kings king Arthur.

Richard Poor- bishop of Salisbury, composed a

Kind of manual, very practical guide “ The Rule

Of Anchoresses”. There was real community

Of anchoresses. He presents it as birds, they

Left earth and rise to sky. They have to come

Back to earth from time to time, they are not

Safe here, they have to come back because

Of bodily needs.

2.9 lyric - dawid str 8

2.10 age of Chaucer

Geoffrey Chaucer- the most important writer

On the whole Middle Engl. Period. Middle class

Man, his father was a merchant. He become

Royal favorite after war with France,

He distinguish himself during the war; he

Travelled through continent, he learned foreign


. -French stage- he imitated French masters, best

Known stage “The Romance of the rose”

-Italian stage-influenced by Italian masters:

Boccaccio “Decameron”. In this period his

Greats work is “Troilus and Criseyde”- love

Poem featuring a triangle of lovers, third hero

Is a Phitantus, the background of the poem is

The siege of Troy and Greeks- Trojan war. Wrote

In rhyme royal- deca syllabic 7lined stanza,

Rhyming ABABBCC.

- English stage- composed The Canterbury Tales

“the Canterbury tales”- pilgrims traveled

To Canterbury to visit the tomb of saint

Thomas Becke-local bishop who was

Murdered in his cathedral by king henry II.

They were written in heroic couplets iambic

Pentameter. Tales are preceded by General P

Prologue- Chaucer presents his pilgrims one by

One: 1. Knight,2. Squire,3. Yeoman, 4. Prioress

5.another Nun, 6.Monk,7.Friar,8.Merchant, 9.Clerk,

10. Sergeant of the law, 11.Franklin,

12.haberdasher, 13.Carpenter,

14. Weaver,15. Dyer,16. Tapestry maker,

17.Cook, 18. Shipman,19.Doctor of physic

20.Godd wife from bath,21.parson,



28.Chaucer,29.Host of tabard Inn.



William Langland-composed an allegorical poem

“Piers Plowman” (peter the ploughman). There are

Three version of this poem. Marked ABC, William

Composed A version. Ver B and C were composed

By other poets.

John Gower- composed poetry of the common

Allegorical type, he composed in three languages

English French and Latin.

Prose writers in the age of Chaucer:

1)John Wycliffe- clergyman, criticized abuses

Of the clergy. Best known work wrote in Latin

“De Domino Divino”

2)Sir John Mandeville- English knight, and that

He travelled, came from France. Composed a

Book of travel, composed in French,

Quickly translated into many languages.

3. The late middle english

3.1 czasy

1381- The Peasant revolution

1399- change of dynasty, Lancastrian,

Henry IV

1455/85- The War of the Roses- war

Of the succession to the throne,

Fought between the house of Lancaster

(red rose) and York (white rose), the victor

Was Henry Tudor VII, crowned in 1485

The end of Middle English Period of literat.

3.2 osoby

3.3 dramt 3 kinds

3.4 prose-osoby

Sir Thomas Malroy- most life spent in prison

He took part in a war of Roses. Wrote “Le

Morte d'Arthur”-shows last phase in the

Life of King Arthur and the knights of Round

Table. Different romance compared with earlier

Medival romances. Malroy's romance is closer

To life. -dokonczyc


4.RENAISSANCE (1485-1603)

4.1 daty

. 1453- marks the fall of Constantinople,

Beginning of renaissance; after the town fell

To the Turks great number of Greek, emigrants

Appeared in Europe, they were generally

Learned men.

1475/6- William Caxton went to Germany

To study the newly ivented art of printing,

He set up his printing press at Burges(Belgium),

Where on which he printed his own translation

of the French “Troy” book- first book printed

in English.

1485- end of the War of Roses, beginning of

New dynasty- Tudor: Henry VII, Henry VIII,


1492- Christopher Columbus discovered America.

1497- Vasco da Gamma reached India by

Sailing around the cape of good hope.


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