Linguisitics I


Choose one correct answer from the options given or fill in the blanks where necessary:

The English word pencil sharpener is an instance of a

  • simple word

  • compound word

  • complex word

  • complex compound word

Give an example of a word which has resulted from the process of clipping

The English sentence I don't know nobody here is a case of

  • negative harmony

  • single negation

  • multiple negation

  • illogical thinking

The ancestor of the Romance languages (e.g. French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, and Romanian) is

  • Flemish

  • Latin

  • Norman

  • English

The word indecisive consists of

  • one morpheme

  • three morphemes

  • two morphemes

  • more than three morphemes

Derivational morphology accounts for the complex structure of one of the following words. Which one?

  • rowing

  • younger

  • falsifiable

  • trees

The Basque language is

Inflectional morphology accounts for the complex structure of one of the following words. Which one?

  • rowing

  • jobless

  • youthfull

  • cork

English /*/ is

  • a dental nasal

  • a velar fricative

  • an post-alveolar fricative

  • a dental plosive

The author of the Longman Pronunciation Dictionary is

  • Paul Grice

  • Daniel Jones

  • John Wells

  • Noam Chomsky

The study of word structure is called

  • lexicography

  • semantics

  • lexicology

  • morphology

The English pronoun of address you

Which branch of the Indo-European languages do Polish and Russian belong to:

Between small and tiny, miniature there is a relation of

  • homophony

  • hyponymy

  • meronymy

  • synonymy

A phoneme is

If somebody asks me “Is your wife a doctor” and I answer “Yes, she is working in the newly-built clinic”, I might by breaking:

  • Maxim of Manner

  • Maxim of Quality

  • Maxim of Quantity

  • Maxim of Relevance

Oral sounds are articulated

Of the different types of affixes, English appears to make the most use of

English /**/ is

Which of the following languages is not a stress-timed language:

Cross-linguistically speaking, the first consonants acquired by children are:

We say that two languages are genetically related if

If two language varieties differ in pronunciation only we call them

Which of the following words belongs to a non-lexical category?

/**/ is

Between Polish and European there is a semantic relation of

The science of speech sounds, their production, transmission and reception is called

The kind of language characteristic of a given occupation is referred to as:

The Romance group of languages includes (among others)

A scholar who focuses on the sentence structure is called

The process that turns the nasal /*/ into /*/ in the word bacon is called

The branch of linguistics that investigates the characteristic features of the language used by various social groups is called:

Give an example of two acronyms and alphabetisms in Polish and English

The kind of language that mothers use while talking to their children is referred to as:

Draw the appropriate tree structures for the following phrases:

drove carefully those shoes

never trust strangers criminally handsome


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