Exam & Skills Test 1 & 2 B

1&2 Exam & Skills Test Student B

Słuchanie (10 marks)

Exam task - poziom podstawowy

CD Track 2

1 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie cztery reklamy radiowe. Z podanych odpowiedzi (a, b i c) wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią nagrania.

1 What is not on sale at Smartmen?


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2 How long is the Shoeworld sale?

a) From the twenty-second of September to the twenty-ninth of September .

b) Seven days.

c) From the twenty-first of September to the twenty-eighth of September.

3 What costs £25 or less at Carers sale?

a) Children's clothing.

b) Women's formal dresses and skirts.

c) Used women's and children's clothing.

4 What is the stall number of Freedom Fairtrade at Central Market?

a) 9 b) 30 c) 16


CD Track 2

2 Listen again and answer the questions.

0 What day can you buy jewellery at the Freedom Fairtrade stall at Central Market?

On the 2nd of October.

1 How long is the sale at Smartmen?


2 What type of shoes are on sale at Shoeworld? ___________________________________________________

3 What day of the week does the Shoeworld sale end?


4 What type of shop is Carers?


5 How long will Freedom Fairtrade have a stall at Central Market?


6 What can you buy at Freedom Fairtrade?



Funkcje językowe i środki językowe (10 marks)

Exam task - poziom podstawowy

3 Przeczytaj poniższe opisy sytuacji w języku polskim. Z podanych odpowiedzi a, b i c wybierz
właściwą reakcję.

1 W sklepie podchodzi do ciebie sprzedawca i pyta, czy może ci pomóc. Jak odpowiesz?

a) Yes, I like sports clothes.

b) Yes, I'm looking for a black T-shirt.

c) Yes, it suits me.

2 Widzisz, że kolega ma rękę w gipsie. Zapytaj, co się stało.

a) What did you do?

b) Have you hurt yourself badly?

c) What's happened?

3 Powiedz koleżance, że dobrze jej w bluzce, którą przymierza.

a) It is good for you!

b) It fits you!

c) It suits you!

4 Zaproponowano ci coś do picia. Podziękuj i powiedz, że chętnie się napijesz.

a) Thank you, my pleasure!

b) Thank you, I could do with a drink.

c) Thank you, I am very hungry.


Exam task - poziom rozszerzony

4 Przeczytaj poniższy email. Uzupełnij luki 1-3, używając podanych wyrazów w odpowiedniej
formie. Jeden wyraz nie pasuje do żadnej luki.

take off have start buy

Hi Dad!

It's a pity you couldn't come with us. Me and Mum 1_____________ a great time together. We go sightseeing and shopping every day. Mum 2_____________ five pairs of shoes! However, our holiday didn't start well. There was a strike at the airport and we had been waiting for 5 hours before our plane finally 3_____________.




Exam task - poziom rozszerzony

5 Przeczytaj poniższe pary zdań. Uzupełnij każdą lukę, tak aby zachować znaczenie zdania

1 Julia (be / doctor) for 16 years.

Julia _____________________________ for 16 years.

2 This job is (not / interesting) I thought.

This job is ____________________________ I thought.

3 After (ask / brother) for advice, Brian bought his girlfriend some flowers.

After _______________________________ for advice, Brian bought his girlfriend some flowers.


Czytanie (10 marks)

Exam task - poziom podstawowy i Rozszerzony

6 Przeczytaj tekst. Zdecyduj, które z podanych zdań są zgodne z treścią tekstu (T),
a które nie (F).

1 Julia left Brazil five years ago. ____ [Author ID1: at Sun Sep 4 12:36:00 2011 ]

2 Julia came to London to work. ____

3 Julia didn't have enough money to buy the material. ____

4 All Julia's friends agreed to help her open the studio. ____

5 Julia and her four friends opened the first Recycled Fashion studio in 2006. ____

6 Lots of design students wanted to work in the studio. ____

7 The text is about a company which sells recycled clothes. ____

Recycled Fashion

Julia Rezaro first came to the UK from Brazil five years ago to study fashion at a London college. At home, Julia had always liked making her own clothes, but when she got to London, she found that the material she needed was too expensive. Fortunately, Julia soon thought of a way to save money. She started shopping in charity shops, where she could find cheap old clothes that she could then adapt to her own designs.

Her friends at the college loved Julia's designs and they started making their own recycled clothing. The popularity of her clothes gave Julia an idea. She decided to open a design studio that specialised in transforming old clothing into trendy new styles. Julia telephoned her friends and asked them to work with her and open the studio. A lot of her friends said no because they didn't think people would want to buy old, redesigned clothes. Julia didn't give up though, and in 2006, she and her three friends opened the first Recycled Fashion studio in London.

Within eight months, Julia's studio was a success. There were a lot of design students who wanted to try out their ideas. It was a great experience for the designers and the clothes were very popular.

Today there are over thirty designers working for Recycled Fashion. In July 2007, Julia opened a second studio in Glasgow, and a few months later in November she opened another in Dublin. Julia plans to open studios all over Europe. She says that she wants to give young designers the chance to make their designs and to sell fantastic cheap clothes to young people throughout the world.


7 Read the text and number the events in the correct order.

a) Julia moved to London. 0 .

b) Julia had the idea of opening a studio. ____

c) Julia's friends started to copy her style. ____

d) Julia started shopping in charity shops. ____


Pisanie (10 marks)

Exam task - poziom rozszerzony

8 Zastanawiasz się nad tym, jak będzie wyglądała Twoja przyszłość. Napisz list do kolegi
z Anglii, w którym:

- zapytasz go, jak się czuje,

- opowiesz, jaki zawód chciałbyś / chciałabyś wykonywać w przyszłości,

- poprosisz go o radę jakie studia wybrać.

Długość tekstu 50-100 słów.




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Funkcje językowe i środki językowe

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PHOTOCOPIABLE © 2011 Pearson Longman ELT






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PHOTOCOPIABLE © 2011 Pearson Longman ELT



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