9 cyber addiction

There is no denying that the Internet has revolutionized many aspects of our life. It is providing information and entertainment to people from all over the world. It is a symbol of modern world. But on the other hand it is also a source of different problems. Everyone has probably heard about hackers' attacks and other cyber-crimes but, as psychologists say, these problems have risen.

Cyber-addiction and webaholism are different names to Internet addiction. The researches prove that with every year more and more people find it harder to spend a single day without having an internet access. Furthermore many of them find online activities more attractive then offline ones and these are the main symptoms of the cyber-disease.

Cyber-addiction is considered as a psychological disorder that can lead to many serious consequences. First of them is health problem. Internet addicts do not pay attention to such prosaic duties like shopping and cooking. These activities make them offline for too long. They prefer junk food which is much faster to consume and unfortunately much fatter than regular food. In addition internet addicts eat when they are starving what makes them consume more food than they would do it in normal circumstances. Internet addicts have metabolic disorders and heart problems.

Secondly, financial problems can also result from cyber addiction. In many situations time which spent in the cyber-world, could be used in more productive way. Moreover cyber addicts sometime get online during work time what can affect professional duties and finally the income. Furthermore Internet shops are full of 'last minute' offers which can be very attractive for some internet users. Finally smaller income and more money spent in Internet shops can ruin home budget.

Thirdly Internet addicts spent more time in front of the computer and the less time they have for face to face relations. Furthermore the fewer time they have for friends so the number of friends is smaller. It is a dramatic situation because it's much more difficult to fight with addiction while being alone.

As we can see negative consequences of cyber-addiction are serious, so why people have such a life style? The answer for that question is quite obvious. On the Internet you can listen to the music, watch movies, and chat with friends. Moreover you can do it at once! Internet is also a kind of parallel world where you can travel with light speed, meet people from all over the world, and remain anonymous. It is also a place you can find answers for many questions.

In conclusion, it seems that Internet can be a trap to many of us. We should remember to use this powerful technology well. In my opinion I am not an Internet addict. Before getting online I try to determine what is the purpose of my visit in cyber-world. I am trying to spend all of my spare time in the real world and I not hiding behind the computer display.


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