Ensuring the security of the state and its citizens is one of the vital interests of the
the Polish nation. National security is the ability of state and its society to ensure that the conditions of his survival as an institution, civic community, the biological survival of the population, territorial integrity, political independence, internal stability and quality of life. This ability is influenced by actions involving the use of the opportunities, the challenges, reducing risk and eliminating external threats and internal ports to particular, to ensure the survival, identity, operation and development of the state and the freedom of the people (society).
The Polish national security in the twenty-first century have a profound impact processes
occurring in today's global security environment. They are characterized by high dynamics and complexity of the changes and the occurrence of asymmetric threats, of which the most dangerous are: terrorism, proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their means of delivery, transnational organized crime, threats in cyberspace. There are also challenges in the absence of reaction can not turn into a threat. They include such phenomena as: the destabilization of the political system, poorly functioning economic and social mechanisms, mass human rights violations, poverty communities, small water resources, environmental degradation, natural disasters, rising energy demand coupled with difficult access to energy resources, depleting resources of rare metals and demographic problems. The main opportunities for national security must be sought to strengthen the role of the Polish North Atlantic Treaty Organisation and the European Union, and to build good relations with neighboring countries.
Preventing any potential security threats requires a integrated national security system, ensuring a quick and smooth operation in all conditions and in response to all kinds of threats and crises. The need to prepare, maintain and improve the national security system provides for the National Security Strategy of the Polish Republic November 13, 2007, which formulated the definition and developed a theoretical basis for the functioning of such a system. The national security system to all of the forces, the means and the resources allocated by the state to perform the tasks in the field of security, according to these tasks organized, maintained and prepared in which the target is distinguished by a number of management and executive subsystems.
However, the lack of vision of the role and importance of strategy in our legal system and the sectoral approach to security, determined the low ratio of records relating to the construction of the national security system for documents implementation. In this way, the development of an integrated national security system still remains one of the most important strategic challenges.
External factors-security environment
Strategic context
A key factor determining the shape of the current international relations are
globalization processes, as evidenced by the ongoing development of the free movement of ideas, people, goods, services and capital. The consequences of these processes have a dual nature. Globalization contributes significantly to the development of civilization on a global scale, but also to significantly enhance the development gaps between countries and within
societies. The complex network of relations of economic, political and communication
predisposes states and nations of the world for peaceful cooperation, creating both new areas and opportunities for confrontation.
The current level of economic integration of the world causes the rapid changes downturn and crises occur not only in the immediate vicinity Polish, but also in other parts of the world, may adversely affect the stability of the Polish economy, and hence the security of the state. Particularly important in this context, given the degree of liquidity, it is possible sudden destabilization of the financial markets. The economic crisis of recent years had a significant impact on the overall situation in the security sphere, slowing or leveling a large group of economic growth countries, including close partners and Polish allies. It is also very possible that they will lead to significant changes in the functioning of the global economic system and Financial Review and modify the structures of international cooperation in this regard. Therefore, the effects of the crisis on individual countries and the whole system
international, but still impossible to comprehensive and accurate assessment will prove
ensure a lasting and significant impact on the operation of the different areas of the state, including the security sector.
Moving the center of global power of the Euro-Atlantic area in the Asia and the Pacific will be accompanied by the gradual evolution of the relevance and feasibility of global Impact of China, India, Brazil and other emerging powers. West countries are still leaders in many areas, while maintaining the unique military capabilities, economic and technology, and their cultural and civilizational heritage is becoming one of several possible reference points. Authoritarian model, combined with the promise of prosperity, has become in the eyes of some countries and their leaders a viable alternative to Western universalism.
Rising aspirations and possibilities to influence the newly emerging powers may mean that they will gradually assume some of the responsibility for the evolution of the situation
international regional and global levels. They can also lead to growing competition. The stability of the international order more than ever will require the widest possible and effective security cooperation and constant adaptation crucial in this respect international structures.
Entry by many countries globe on a dynamic growth path associated with the large demand for food and raw materials, especially energy. Significant changes the ways in which the material may result from global climate change and the need to counteract them by the international community.
The growing demand for energy makes they are used for political leverage and are increasingly replacing military power in achieving the objectives policy. Tensions caused by timing constraints in the supply of gas to some countries show the weakness of the energy market and the negative impact of policy on the economy. Another important challenge for the dynamic nature may become exhausted undergoing resources of rare metals. The desire to obtain access to their deposits, it can turn into conflicts at different scales. One approach to counter this type of situation can be more efficiently recycle waste containing these metals.
Potential risks arising from the development of the security environment is also terrorism. Although the current risk of the terrorist attacks on Polish territory remains low level, it is possible to rise, especially in connection with the activity of our country internationally, resulting, allied commitments. Furthermore, Polish territory could be used to try to create the Organizations terrorist logistics to carry out terrorist attacks territory of other EU countries. Direct threat attacks terrorist concerns while Polish citizens residing outside the country, first of all soldiers participating in international military missions. Terrorism remains a serious threat to the safety of loved ones Polish allies and a major challenge to international stability. This means the need for adequate to Polish needs, obligations and opportunities for participation Polish Republic in the international fight against this phenomenon.
A major challenge is the effective prevention and control crime and organized crime, in particular on international, which favors the position our country at the intersection of various routes, as well as the fact that Poland's eastern border is one of the longest sections of the external border of the Union European Union. Activities of organized criminal groups engaged transboundary concerns in particular the trafficking of illegal migration, production, trafficking and illicit drugs and precursors that contain them production as well as smuggling and illegal trade in arms, munitions and materials explosives and trafficking. The importance of the Organised Crime Threat also affect the potential for co-operation of organized criminal groups terrorist organizations or other extreme radical movements which appealed to violence in the name of political objectives.
The challenge for security is still the possibility of crisis as a result of natural disasters or
caused by human activities. Although the frequency of such events as fires, floods and other natural disasters, failures industrial accidents, air, sea and road or epidemics of infectious diseases has not in the future to increase, then-given the growing complexity of today and
the interdependence of social and economic life of the country - their negative effects can be a deeper, more lasting and spread faster than ever before. Ability to precisely determine the scale, intensity and duration of such events are often limited.
A particular threat to the security of states are highly negative phenomena in cyberspace, resulting from deliberate human action, or caused by the failure or disruption of the accident infrastructure telecommunications. The high rate of technological development and the dissemination of the results of the deepening relationship between the smooth functioning of the State action infrastructure, points to the rapid growth in importance of this type of challenge in the future. Particularly noteworthy in this regard, the possibility for unauthorized entities (including foreign intelligence services and terrorist groups and criminal) access to electronically stored classified information and the threat of disruption of information systems major institutions spheres of government and the private sector of economic importance.
A potential source of danger, even of a military nature, are areas with reduced stability in the Euro-Atlantic area or its vicinity, especially in the Middle East, North and South Caucasus, Central Asia and Eastern Europe. The causes of tensions and conflicts in those regions of the globe should be sought in factors ethnic, religious, as well as unequal access to natural resources.
Contemporary the world does not remain helpless in the face of global challenges and threats. The international community, including Poland, has a wide spectrum of possibilities
strengthen its security. One of the most important instruments shaping the international security environment The North Atlantic Alliance.
NATO remains the key multilateral policy instrument security of the Polish Republic. Historically, the unique effectiveness Alliance is due on the one hand to its military capabilities and a broad range of instruments of action, on the other, the unity resulting
with community values. Poland will work to maintain and develop this acquis. A key priority is ensuring an appropriate balance in the hierarchy of tasks and activities between his Alliance primary functions (collective defense, a forum for consultation), and the role of stabilizer position through international partnerships and operations outside the Articles. 5 of the Treaty North (TP). A prerequisite for this is to ensure adequate reliability
alliance commitments, including through various forms of strengthening the collective defense (Contingency plans, exercises, NATO Response Force, infrastructure defense). Providing the ability to selectively react global accordance international law and the holistic approach (Comprehensive Approach) and the openness to collaboration with other organizations, will help to strengthen NATO's ability to perform its core tasks: collective defense, response emergency and security cooperation. In this context, it is important to fill the allied obligations under Art. 3 of the Treaty North Atlantic, which simply requires to maintain and develop their individual and collective capacity to resist armed attack.
The factor of great importance for strengthening security in the region Progress is the Euro-Atlantic European integration. Thanks to the special character comprehensive cooperation within its framework, the development of the European Union permanently increases European stability in all its dimensions. Adoption Lisbon Treaty opens up new opportunities to further accelerate and deepen integration processes, also in the field of security. It also offers opportunities to strengthen a sense of community among Member States and their societies. The progress of European integration, including through down by the various instruments of cooperation with partners, influence stabilize the neighboring regions, contributing to the strengthening of cooperation international and mutual trust. For Poland membership in the EU is also an important stimulus for the comprehensive development of the country and can deepen ties with its neighbors and other close partners.
Now take a new shape transatlantic relations. Gradually progressive renewal of the relations within NATO, in the formula of the US- European Union as well as in the course of bilateral initiatives linking the United States of America and European countries allow changes on both sides of the Atlantic. Awareness of the common challenges of a global nature, including those related to the crisis economic, motivates members of the transatlantic community to strengthen ties in key areas for all partners. This also applies to the issues in area security issues such as arms control and disarmament and the modernization and transformation main structures of transatlantic cooperation, and reflects the growing cooperation will 12 countries in Europe and North America, both among themselves and with the counterparts in other parts of the world.
Still, in a preferred direction from the Polish perspective development takes regional security environment in Europe. At the continental level is constantly growing range and intensity of international cooperation, which provide a solid institutional basis the NATO, the European Union, the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) and other regional and sub-regional structures. Also continue to be made progress of democratization and economic transformation, particularly in Europe South. The continent of Europe, especially in its eastern and southern parts, characterized by the presence of certain disputes and tensions, mostly on the ground ethnicity. Although the risk that they become open conflicts
forces is limited, it is but still requires constant attention, particularly the situation in the South Caucasus and Balkans. Some concern is also continuing in some countries in the region do not fully democratic legal systems, as well as periodic disclosure in policy of the country confrontational attitudes. The stability of regional governance security in Europe is largely dependent on the amendment regimes arms control and disarmament and confidence-building measures and security, fixed in the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe (CFE Treaty), the Treaty the Open Skies and the Vienna Document 1999.
Opportunities for Polish security
The above-mentioned processes and phenomena shaping the international environment
significant safety way affect the security of Polish. Additionally, the security of our country also influenced by regional factors and local levels. The following analysis concerns the most important aspects of national security, focused mainly on the external dimension.
The Polish state is a member of the universal (Nations States) and regional (North Atlantic Treaty Organization, and the EU, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe), which purpose is to ensure the safety of its members. Membership of the Polish Republic the North Atlantic Alliance and the European Union to provide reassurance the state and offers a multi-dimensional growth and the role of the Polish
internationally. Both membership system of collective security, as and construction good relations with neighboring countries is an opportunity for Polish policy safety. With many of our neighbors and partners, we aim to establish and implementation of a strategic partnership. A particular area of ​​interest Poland, because of its potential and importance for safety european continent, countries are Eastern Europe. Therefore, the chance for Polish security policy is to strengthen cooperation with its eastern neighbors Polish - as part of bilateral relations and fulfillment of existing content formulas of cooperation, and above all by encouraging cooperation between NATO and the EU in the countries, including in the framework of the Eastern Partnership, the NATO- Russia, NATO-Ukraine Commission and the Partnership for Peace / Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council.
The Committee welcomes the adoption at the Lisbon Summit in November 2010, a new
NATO Strategic Concept, which contains a number of elements relevant to the Polish security of Europe and the transatlantic community. The new strategy confirms defensive nature of the organization and at the same time adapt it to function in today's security environment. Also equipped with a range of allies instruments that carry the potential to strengthen the security of the entire Euro-Atlantic region.
A chance of Polish security policy is to ensure that the impact on evolution the NATO and the European Union and behavior and improve the capacity of these structures. Enlargement NATO liability issues that go beyond the traditional sense domain of action
political -military alliance and play a more active role in combating the challenges
new type (such as building ability is and the collective response to such challenges as
attacks on IT infrastructure and disruption in the supply of raw materials energy) have a positive impact on the security of the Euro-Atlantic region.
Another chance for the safety of both the Polish and the whole world should be seen
in strengthening international law and ensuring its widespread respect, the development of legal and regulatory mechanisms that will effective tools in the fight against new threats, especially those related to the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, terrorism, organized crime and the phenomenon of failed states.
An important form of cooperation allows to eliminate the source of many security threats international is development assistance. Conducted pursuant to the held taking into account the resources and the opportunity to co-promote democracy, relieve
conflicts and humanitarian problems in the countries that will be provided. Establishment coherent framework and a clear division of tasks of planning, coordination and current aid projects contribute to the growing importance of the role of the Polish as
one of the major players in this field. In addition to increasing the volume of development and improving the efficiency of their spending, Poland in cooperation
development should make better use of their positive experience associated with the transformation of the political system.
Risks and challenges of Polish security
The preferred shape the international security environment and the Polish connection
ally lead to the fact that at present and in the near future, the probability traditional armed aggression is small. But you can not totaIy ruled out near the borders of the Polish situation, the use of force or threat of force. Also - whereas the presence of significant adjacent potentials Polish military, including non- Poland maintained and will develop the ability for an effective response to such threats. At the same time care will be
the maintenance of openness, transparency and predictability of military activities,
provided by the system of regional arms control and confidence-building measures
and security.
Polish security threat in connection with nuclear programs and reinforcing implemented by some countries, is undermining the effectiveness of international system of prevention proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. If these problems can not be resolved in the coming years, the success of programs atomic states can initiate similar programs to take the next state, leading to a nuclear arms race in the scale individual regions and destabilizing the international security situation. There is a risk that poorer countries who can not afford to carry nuclear weapons, will be in the situation compelled to compensate for potential opponents advantage by creating arsenals of chemical and biological weapons.
Among the major threats to international security is international terrorism. The terrorist threat in Poland remains low. It can not be ruled out making a terrorist trials to carry out a terrorist attack on the territory of an EU Member State. A serious security threat is also an increase the number of failing states and failed to gradually lose their sovereignty and efficiency of the institution state. They are not able to fight effectively against terrorism, rebellions or smuggling. As a result, a growing number of areas beyond any state control.
Constant threat without Polish national security are also activities of foreign services
special aimed at obtaining information from a range of business intelligence, political and scientific -technology.
Differences in the perception of the challenges and threats to security and self-interest
by the members of NATO and the EU in conjunction with a confused and unpredictable development security environment can pose a serious challenge to the community of
Transatlantic. Anxiety could wake evolution of the North Atlantic Alliance, which of regional security organizations are increasingly becoming a global alliance impact. This situation could result in a weakening of allied commitments to Polish. A related challenge is the focus of interest of the United States to non-European regions.
Another challenge for the Polish and European security policy is to define the importance and place of the European Union on the global stage, particularly in light existing gap between the capacity of the EU in the field of and the lack of economic real instruments in the field of foreign and security policy. Although Treaty Lisbon gives the instruments that enable an effective influence on global processes, however, capacity utilization in large part on depend on the political will of the Member States. In times of crisis vested national interests prevail over thinking in terms of groups. A significant challenge for the Polish policy abroad is to ensure a balance between the orientation of the EU and the Mediterranean co-operation with the countries of Eastern Europe and the Southern Caucasus. Selecting one of the options of cooperation can not be achieved at the expense of the other.
Weakness system of international organizations (United Nations system, international financial institutions and the World Organisation for Commerce), as well as international regimes, arms control, disarmament and non-proliferation, which suffer from a lack of efficiency, should be considered as a challenge for Polish, and global security policy. Weaknesses universal security system should be sought in the absence of reform. Sustained international relations maximize the power of logic reinforces the tendency of some countries to abandon limitations of the multilateral system and international law.
A major challenge for Europe is to develop a new regime arms control conventional. The current system, based on CFE Treaty was questioned by one of the countries - parties. Efforts should be made, that in the course of negotiations were adopt measures to ensure the maintenance of quantitative restrictions on weapons systems and equipment, extending the scope of exchange of information and raising the effectiveness of verification, with the possibility for joining the treaty of new states.
In recent years are growing challenges energy security Polish that affects the functioning of all sectors of the national economy. Energy must be available on a continuous basis, even in situations of political or economic crises, both national and global. Even a brief interruption in the supply of energy can result in high financial costs in all sectors of the national economy and in social life. The energy sector, due to the crucial importance of the economy has a direct impact on the ability of the Armed Forces of Polish Republic. Dependence on natural gas and crude oil from one source and the limited capacity of the transportation and storage media energy measurably reduce our country's resilience to crises, energy security and caused by political factors or technical support. Therefore, the challenge for the Polish security policy remains diversification of energy sources, its suppliers and delivery channels, and increase in the dimension of resilience to crises.
Due to the degree of computerization of the modern world, particular challenge for
Polish security are negative developments in cyberspace. The effects of such activities
can be felt by the public and involve the inability to use electronic services. The consequences for the economy and infrastructure may include economic loss, loss of competitiveness of the Polish economy or threats national defense.
The challenge for the security of the state is the migration pressure that accompanies
the occurrence of political and military crises. Polish migration system includes
can temporarily increase the flow of people seeking protection in the territory
Polish. However, it should prevent the formation of closed communities in Poland
immigrants, which may contribute to the increased risk associated with organized crime. Irregular legal status, language and cultural issues and lack of professional qualifications not allow immigrants to work legally. Factor conducive to the conduct of the business of international crime, is being on the Polish people from countries and regions at risk. The negative impact of organized crime on the state's stability and safety of its citizens is manifested in many areas of social life, and the consequences
often turn out to be long-lasting.
The ongoing process of climate warming leads to the occurrence of a number of extreme weather events that pose a significant challenge for the Polish security. The most serious threat caused by the impact of natural forces in our country are flooding caused by heavy rain, thaw, congestion or storms. Also, human activity is wrong-wrong space management, poor water management, lack of adequate security and a lack of proper hydraulic maintenance of defenses, affects the possibility of flooding. Meanwhile, in Poland, there is the problem of small water resources. The total capacity of existing reservoirs in the country does not offer the possibility of effective response to emerging local water deficits in periods of drought, and does not guarantee an adequate supply of water.
A major challenge for national security is to ensure food security at a level that guarantees at least the minimum food self-sufficiency of the State to which it is necessary to maintain adequate production base in the agri-food sector. The needs in this area highlights the increased risk associated the increasing occurrence of crisis phenomena, of both production (resulting, among others: the occurrence of extreme weather events), and also in line with market (eg due to speculative activities)
in the global food market. This type of phenomenon can lead to unrest on the international political scene, in particular in developing countries, but also
have an impact on the functioning of the economy in the EU member states, including Polish.
In addition to the issue of food security in a quantitative sense, the key importance to the issue of food security in a qualitative sense. The problem gaining importance, with increased incidence of various phytosanitary risks and veterinary closely related to such the increase in trade flows in the food. Effective and immediate response of the veterinary services and phytosanitary measures in the event of these risks is in the highest degreeimportant.
A major challenge for Polish, but also in Europe, becoming the demographic situation.
The demographic structure of African countries the number of people above 65 years of age is greater than the number of people in the range of 0 -14 years. This trend is
deepened. This situation leads to the need for a new form of the common European migration policy. In the interest of Polish is to develop such a framework European policy to allow the influx of highly skilled workers and their integration into host societies, but also a policy that will restrictive for our Eastern partners.
The internal conditions
The national security system
The effective implementation of the objectives of security policy requires the maintenance and development of the Republic of Polish national security system, integrated with the Allied security system through common procedures for dealing with emergency situations and during the war, and participated in the Allied defense planning. The national security system is aimed at the preparation and use of forces and means at the disposal of the state to counter threats detrimental to the survival of the nation and the state, territorial integrity, political independence and sovereignty, the smooth functioning of the state institutions and socio-economic development. It is a system of safety features including both external and internal, focused on providing national security in relation to socio-economic development of the country.
In the past, national security has traditionally been equated with the defense against the dangers of war. At the end of the twentieth century became more and more important, however, to take on non-military aspects of security. Initially, they were considered as factors complementary and supporting military action, which in time became a new category
in the wider security issues. This category was the "defense", which combines conceptually and practically military efforts with the support of non-military. It was the first phase of integration processes in the field of national and international security.
In Poland, the first phase of integration was completed in the late nineties the last century. Defence was formed as a branch of the national security, which includes integrated oppose the political risks -using all the military (military and civilian) government resources organized in the defense system. Then, a strategy of defense and the concept of the defense system were implemented procedures for national defense planning (development Political and Strategic Defence Directive RP, operational planning and programming of defense), launched a strategic defense game system and the training of public administration at higher rates defense.
At the end of the first decade of the twenty-first century, integration processes have gained a new acceleration. Prejudge this increasingly globalized security environment, and above all, the nature of contemporary challenges and threats. Integration processes in the area of security, were launched in 2007 released the National Security Strategy of the Republic of Poland, which combined the previously issued separately strategies of defense and security, and presented the concept of the integrated system of national security. According to the National Security Strategy of the Republic of Poland, the national security system make all responsible for security in the light of Constitution and relevant laws authorities and institutions within the legislative branch, executive and the judiciary, including
the Parliament, the President of the Republic, the Prime Minister, the Council of Ministers, the central state administration bodies and other state government bodies and public institutions. The essential elements are the armed forces and the departments and government agencies committed to preventing and combating external threats, ensure public safety, salvage and protection of the population and property in emergency situations, and (to the extent provided in the Constitution and relevant laws) local authorities and other legal entities, including entrepreneurs creating industrial defense potential and implementing tasks of national defense.
The strategy states that the national security system consists of a subsystem of national security and executive subsystems. Management subsystem create public authorities and heads of organizational units that perform tasks related to national security and command authorities Armed Forces. The special role in managing national security falls to Parliament, President of the Republic and the Council of Ministers. The chief task of the subsystem is to ensure continuity of management decisions and actions in order to maintain national security. This subsystem also implements projects related to the monitoring of the sources, types, directions and scale of threats, prevention of risks to national security in the territory of the Republic of Poland and beyond its borders, preventing the effects of these threats and their disposal, as well as directing the national defense.
The executive subsystems make up the strength and resources of the properties ministers in charge of departments of government, central government government, governors, local government authorities and other state institutions and bodies responsible for the implementation of statutorily defined responsibilities for the national security. The main task of implementing the subsystems is early identification of challenges and threats to the security of the country to prevent and, if they occur - counteracting the negative effects. An equally important goal of these services is to strengthen the capacity of the state and its ability to deliver national interests.
In addition to the analysis contained in the National Security Strategy of the Republic of Poland, it is worth noting that in addition to the classic indicated in the executive subsystems important role in ensuring national security act, do not fit into the traditional classification,
support systems security. These include, inter alia, the protection of critical infrastructure and strategic reserve system and a number of supporting specific operating systems (eg state border protection system, flood protection system, the system of protection of personal data and classified information). Their development is gaining resistance to threats to national security, including emergency and unforeseen events.
Although the Polish law does not provide a comprehensive safety system national action in the field of national security are taken continuously. No regulate the organization and functioning of the national security system in a single instrument that makes the actions taken in this area by the bodies responsible for different areas of national security are often sectoral and fragmented. Actions taken to date to integrate the efforts of those responsible for the most serious national security filled the gap, but did not introduce systemic and comprehensive solutions in the scale of the state. Bearing in mind that in Poland there is no regulatory framework, which clearly sytuowałyby strategy as a normative document, its provisions in relation to the national security system had contractual use. For this reason, the national security system could not be classified as purely systemic solutions, which clearly would bind him to the policies of national security and they award him the nature of effective public policy tool, which is used to ensure the existence and development.
Legally speaking, the national security system does not therefore constitute a functioning own state structure. The tasks involved in maintaining security national powers are set out in all government bodies and the privatized entities that meet a specific role in the system. Therefore, the national security system is based primarily on national defense potential, characterized by having adequate strength to implementation of major tasks in the maintenance of security, adequate maintenance of economic infrastructure, social and critical states to eliminate threats, and in the case of their occurrence-elimination of their consequences. The effectiveness of the national security system determines a number of factors, include: the ability to respond appropriately to changes in the environment international security and the creation of external threats internal and levels of basic state potential (economic, military scientific and technical, moral, demographic, intellectual, labor)
stability of the political system and the existing structures of the state, the degree of political economic, financial and technological dependencies state efficiency constituent subsystems and executive management. Gaining increasing importance also such factors as the quality of the surrounding environment and the effectiveness of policy ecological dynamics of the population, its age structure, the stability of the provision of food, the security industry with raw materials, stable and sufficient access to diversified sources of energy.
The basic form of the organization and operation of this system is a system of state defense, maintained to ensure the protection of vital national interests, in particular the sovereignty and independence of the Polish nation, the right to territorial integrity and inviolability of borders. In the past, the SOP was adapted to the needs of military security (military) state. Despite the gradual change (due to changes in the geopolitical situation of Polish and NATO force in defense response mechanisms), even today, remains the main purpose of guaranteeing the preservation of States' ability to respond effectively to external political and military crises, and in the case of war-the ability to quickly Local repel aggression on its territory and create conditions to effectively confront, in the collective defense of NATO allies, large-scale aggression.
The process of integrating the operation of all components SOP's defense planning, which allows laying out and achieving objectives in the field of defense. The shortcomings of the defense planning at the strategic level include primarily: no statutory definition of basic concepts in the field of defense planning, the inclusion in the implementing act of tasks performed by the local government.
Next SOP important role in ensuring national security, fully
crisis management system. This system formed the public authorities which invoke emergency management centers (acting-clock shifts) and crisis management teams (teams of experts and advisory municipal level, district, provincial and government). Crisis management is an activity of public administration which is part of national security, which is to avert crises taking over control of them through planned activities and respond in case of emergencies and playback infrastructure or restore its original shape. The effort to
minimize the risk of threats to national security play an important role: at the disposal of the competent authorities and departments of power and resources, directing their use and planning system. At each level of government is developing a crisis management plan including, among others risk analysis, balance sheet needs, manpower and funds and the procedure for obtaining external assistance (including relevant contracts, agreements, plans).
Planning and preparation against potential threats, as well as proper coordination between the above systems create a system of national security, are essential to improve the efficiency and consistency, without significantly increasing funding for national security.
National security management subsystem
Targeting national security is one of the most important activities of the State, to ensure the existence and development of the environment in varying conditions of political security, military, economic, socio-cultural and environmental. In the process of national security the key role played by the management body
(to the extent determined by the law of general application) public authorities. Management functions are fulfilled by entities specialized in performing specific tasks to achieve the goals of safety, working at all levels of the organization of the state.
Adopted in the Constitution division executive authority in the state in certain areas may potentially generate challenges in the efficient management of national security. It may refer specifically to the situation where the powers of the President and the Prime Minister are interdependent. Law and the Council of Ministers on the issue of national security, based on the Constitution, adopted in the power-sharing executive, perpetuate and prerogatives of the President of the Council of Ministers in this regard.
Issues of competence and the associated difficulties in security management can result from the following conditions:
constitutional prerogatives of the head of state in the field of national security and the relationship with the Council of Ministers are reflected among other things in the recording art. 126 of the Constitution: 'The President of the Republic shall ensure observance of the Constitution, safeguard the sovereignty and security of the state and the inviolability and integrity of its territory. The President shall exercise his duties within the scope and under the terms of the Constitution and the laws. "And in art. Paragraph 144. 2 of the Constitution: "Official Acts of the President of the Republic shall require a signature of the Prime Minister,
that by such signature shall be responsible to the Sejm. "authority of the President of Poland in the Armed Forces is governed by Art. 134 of the Constitution. The constitutional prerogatives of the Council of Ministers in the field of national security are laid down in particular in Article. 146 section 4. Section 7-9 and Section 11 Constitution: "To the extent and under the conditions laid down in the Constitution and laws of the Council of Ministers in particular, ensure the internal security of the state and public order, ensure the external security of the state shall exercise general control in the field of relations with other countries and international organizations, exercise general control in the field of defense country (...) ". Quoted prerogatives of the President of Poland and the Council of Ministers, due to their general nature can often lead to a variety of interpretations and sometimes hinder the smooth interaction of bodies of executive power;
not enter the systemic issues of national security on the powers of the Speaker and the Senate who are potential successors of the Constitution the President had he not able to perform its functions;
the level of government in the national security continues to dominate
departmental perspective, often limiting the action to accept and control
implementation of the concept and programs formulated at the level of individual ministries. Created in 2008, the Government Security Centre still does not fulfill the role of integrating the scale State-level action to national security;
according to the existing legislation is national security management
interdisciplinary governed by separate regulations covering crisis management and the management of state defense. But there is no regulation that combine actions of both of these areas of national security in a coherent system of national security;
departmental creation of individual parts of the system security management leads to partial and often divergent solutions that require major revisions structures and powers in emergencies. There are the shortage of information, hindering the fulfillment of the condition and the lack of continuity interference in the management of the execution of tasks to counter the existing threat security.
It would be important to consider the adoption of the law competence, specifying certain in the Constitution, the powers of the executive in the management of national security.
Crises Management Act does not clearly resolve major issues national security management. First of all, it stated clearly enough relationships occurring between the organization of national security management subsystem (which, in light of the applicable law is part of the national defense system), and organization management in crisis situations. In not adequately identified "common tasks" for the national defense system and crisis management system and has not established mechanisms for a smooth transition from the "state of the ordinary" for extraordinary and vice versa. In addition, the Law on emergency management in its current form only for the tasks performed on Polish territory, while there is a real need for regulation taking into account the Polish commitment to our allies and partners (part of civil-military contingents in missions outside the country), and allowing the advantage of the opportunities allied to protect the interests of the Polish and the citizens.
Weaknesses in national security management subsystem also result from the lack of a uniform law, introducing new solutions and stringing spread across multiple acts arrangements for the operation of this area of national security.
A major area of ​​weakness of national security management subsystem is a shortage of infrastructure, especially connectivity. Work on the creation of a communication system for the public administration, national security management, security and public order, and for the rescue of several years did not go beyond the concept stage.
In the second decade of the twenty national security will be shaped dynamic process of hazard identification, take on challenges, defining goals and ways to achieve them. New standards for safety will manifest itself in such features as: informacyjność (universality of information affects the mood and creates public pressure to certain actions), asymmetry (in the choice of means and resources), networking (network of international and national institutions responsible for security) integration (progressive integration of civil and military efforts). The complexity and multifaceted security Polish (State as an institution and its citizens)
will require close integration of its core areas (security political, military, economic, social, environmental, etc.), as well as the growing link it with the socio-economic development of the country. This approach is part of the philosophy of documents produced as part of an integrated development strategy.
The primary drivers of the Polish national security will be: security policy, external and internal conditions, today's call and threats and the development of an integrated national security system.
Polish security policy has evolved over the last decade, systematically broadening the concept of security (both in terms of the subject, as and material) and gradually moving to the concept of integrated national security. This understanding of national security is a prerequisite for the development of the country and at the same time the output element. To a lesser extent, the evolution of security policy goals were aimed at realization of national interests.
The main favorable international circumstances remain favorable safety of Polish membership in NATO and the European Union. Membership in NATO will continue to create guarantees for territorial defense alliance of the country, thus strengthening our external security politico-military means, and membership in the EU will create opportunities lasting, comprehensive and sustainable development, and provide an opportunity to strengthen the international position of Polish and increase its impact on the
international environment.
The horizon of the strategy of conventional threat of armed aggression against Poland is negligible. But we can not completely exclude the possibility of a situation at our borders using force or threat of force. Moreover, given the presence in the vicinity of Polish significant military capabilities, including unconventional, our country will have the ability to maintain for an effective response to such threats.
An important challenge for the Polish security will also work
organized crime, especially transnational. Rank this challenge from the Polish perspective will at the same time increase with the increasing attractiveness of the Polish criminal groups in connection with the transit p
ołożeniem, the progress of European integration, the openness of borders and the increasing prosperity of its citizens.
The challenge for the Polish security policy in the near future will remain
diversification of energy sources, its suppliers and delivery channels, and
increase in the dimension of resilience to crises.
The challenge for national security remains the possibility of a situation
crisis in the aftermath of natural or man, accidents or as a consequence of various processes and global phenomena. It is therefore necessary to maintain the highest level of ability to respond to such events, the rapid minimize their effects, as well as preventing them, so far as is possible. Of particular importance in this respect to ensure adequate immunity nasytuacje crisis critical infrastructure.