praca dziennikarza

Mass media- institiutionalised form of message production and dissemination operation on a large scale.

Mass media- newspaper, TV, radio, the Internet, that communicate news of information to large numbers of people.

New media- new technologies such as the Internet or Digital TV.

Multimedia- (adj) using wide + sound and other methods of communication in computers; a multimedia presentation products

Media- of medium, express our ideas

The media- spread inf. To people, also used for communication and enteraintment. The media are TV, radio and newspapers regarded as a group.

Medium- a way or means of expressing your ideas or of communicating with people.

-a substance or material which is used for a particular purpose or in order to produce a particular effect.

John Fiske

Media divides into 3 groups:

Presentational- media as face voice or body communication or as communication both verbal and nonverbal in a face to face relationship

Representational- exist once they have been created even without further human involvement includes writing painting photography

Mechanical- f. e. radio, TV, video, cinema, the press, telephone are used to transmit communication

Influence media:


-educational function of the media

-available round

-provide various forms of entertainment

-develop imagination

-create a chance for minority viewing


-the relationship has fallen dramatically

-manipulate people

-show too much violence, sex, pornography

-promote offensive language


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