PharmChek® sweat patches
Wydalanie toksyn
Many toxic elements appeared to be
preferentially excreted through sweat
matale przechodzą z osocza do gruczołów potowych, możliwe jest też gromadzenie w innych tkankach i transport np. ze skóry do potu
It is immediately obvious in
most cases that the median is closer to the geometric mean
than to the arithmetic mean and thus the values follow a
log-normal distribution. The distribution includes some
outliers, and the sample size median is a preferred indicator
of distribution
It is evident from Figs. 3 and 4 that for
many toxic elements, including cadmium, lead, and aluminum,
excretion in sweat far exceeds that in urine.
From a biomonitoring perspective, perspiration may
serve as a more sensitive body fluid for measurement
compared with blood because some toxic elements,
including cadmium, bismuth, antimony, and tin, are
frequently not detected in serum but may be found in
sweat samples from the same individual (Table 3).
is evident from the results that sweat does not represent an
ultrafiltrate of blood plasma because concentrations of
various elements vary considerably between serum and
Beta laktamy
Antibiotics probably have to be excreted to the surface of
the skin to interfere with the normal flora. A possible route of
excretion would be the sweat glands. We have previously
shown that ciprofloxacin is excreted in sweat (perspiration) and
this leads to rapid development of multidrug-resistant MRSE. We speculated whether excretion of b-lactam antibiotics
in sweat could also be the biological background for the development
of MRSE and MRSA. The aim of this study was
therefore to measure the concentrations in blood, apocrine
sweat (axilla), and eccrine sweat (volar surface of the forearm)
of selected representative b-lactam antibiotics in adult healthy
In brief, sweat production
was stimulated by pilocarpine iontophoresis, the sweat
was collected for 30-min periods by 20-mm-diameter paper
disks (30 ml of sweat), and blood was collected midway through
each of these periods at 30 min to 8 h after the antibiotics were
given. A biological method was used for antibiotic measurement
(test strains: Sarcinia lutea ATCC 9341 and Proteus rettgeri
9228/71; lower detection limits, 0.1 to 0.4 mg/ml). The
sweat from antibiotic-free persons had no activity against these
two strains. The reproducibility of the measurements of concentrations
of antibiotics in sweat was 11.8% (variation coefficient)
The excretion of b-lactam antibiotics, notably expanded-
spectrum cephalosporins, and fluoroquinolones in
sweat may, therefore, be the biological explanation for the
close temporal relationship between the marketing of these
antibiotics and the increase of MRSA reported in, e.g., the
United Kingdom and central Europe
Administration (SAMHSA) in the United States has proposed a cutoff concentration of 1 ng
THC/patch for federally mandated workplace testing programs [19]. Saito et al. reported a
validated gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC/MS) method with a LOQ of 0.4 ng
THC/patch and found concentrations of 0.9 to 3.1 ng THC/patch in several 24-hour sweat
patches from one cannabis user [20].
THC concentrations in weekly sweat patches from Group 1. Subjects were
daily cannabis users who abstained from drug use during the study. All but one of eleven
subjects had THC first-week patch concentrations above the LOQ with a mean ± S.E.M. of
3.85 ± 0.86 ng/patch. Concentrations decreased over time, with patches from two subjects worn
the fourth week containing more than 0.4 ng
Due to the fact that the concentration of THCCOOH in sweat is lower than the detection limit
of most common confirmation methods, its presence in sweat has not been reported [18].
This controlled administration study demonstrated that THC does not readily enter sweat
following oral ingestion
MDMA was the primary analyte detected in 382 patches (59.7%), with concentrations
up to 3007 ng/patch. MDA was detected in 188 patches (29.4%) at <172 ng/patch, whereas no HMMA
or HMA was detected; 224 patches (35.0%) and 60 patches (9.4%) were positive for MDMA and
MDA, respectively, at the 25-ng/patch threshold proposed by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health
Services Administration.
However, variability in sweat excretion
suggests that results should be interpreted qualitatively rather than quantitatively
administered a single oral dose of 100 mg MDMA to 9 individuals and
detected parent drug in sweat patches after only 1.5 h, with peak concentrations at 24 h. There
was large intersubject variability, with peak concentrations ranging from 3.2−1326 ng/patch
BPA was initially investigated
for its potentially therapeutic estrogenic properties
Dystrybucja leków wraz z potem.
Wraz z potem wydzielane są najczęoeciej substancje o charakterze słabo zasadowym. Główną drogą
transportu jest dyfuzja bierna zgodna z gradientem stężeń. Dzięki nowym standardom analizy chemicznej pot
stał się medium w którym w sposób stosunkowo prosty można okreoeli stężenie leku. Stężenia wykrywane w
pocie są wypadkową eliminacji która ma charakter kumulacyjny. Stężenie mimo częoeciowej reabsorbcji
wydzielanej wraz z potem substancji wzrasta wraz z wydłużeniem czasu próbkowania. Reabsorpcja po
wydzieleniu wraz z potem dotyczy takich substancji jak MDMA, kokaina czy THC. Liczba substancji które
można wykryć w pocie nie jest duża a aprobowanych metod służących do przesiewowych analiz np w
kryminalistyce jest krótka. Dotyczy między innymi takich związków jak:
- etanol
- nikotyna, kotynina
-amfetamina, metamfetamina
- metadon
- kokaina, benzyloekgonina, ester metylowy ekgoniny
- fencyklidyna
- morfina, heroina, 6 acetylomorfina
Dla niektórych substancji takich jak etanol eliminacja wraz z potem przyjmuje liniową zależnooećwstosunku
do zawartooeci etanolu we krwi.Wiadomo także że stężenie niektórych aminokwasów w pocie jest znacznie
wyższe niż ich stężeniewosoczu krwi np.: seryna 24 krotnie cytrulina 13 krotnie.Większooeć substancji które
wykrywane sąwpociewdużych stężeniach to substancje lipofilne. Prawdopodobnie nie jest to jednak wynik
większego powinowactwa lipofilnych leków do gruczołów potowych lecz gruczołów łojowych. Dzięki
gruczołom łojowym wydzielane jest na powierzchni skóry wiele substancji silnie lipofilnych takich jak
iwermektyna, terbinafina, klofazymina, flukonazol itrakonazol i gryzeofulwina (Faergemann J. i wsp. 1994;
Haas N. i wsp. 2002; Soube S. i wsp. 2004). Substancje te najczęoeciej kumulują się w obrębie
© Tomasz Grabowski 338
gruczoł potowy
gruczoł łojowy
krew skóra właoeciwa
Ryc. Eliminacja i redystrybucja leków wraz z potem.K(p-0) stała szybkooeci transferu
leku wraz z potem na powierzchnie skóry;K(ł-w) stała szybkooeci transferu leku z łoju do włosa;
K(ł-sc) stała szybkooeci transferu leku z łoju do ; K(sc.-k) stała szybkooeci transferu leku
ze do skóry właoeciwej.