22.11.08 ang, ●●●► Matura i studia, matura

22.11.08 Test nr 1


Zadanie 1. (0-3)





Wysłuchaj dwukrotnie trzech krótkich dialogów i zdecyduj, w jakim miejscu (A-D) toczą się te rozmowy. Wpisz odpowiednią literę obok numeru dialogu (1.1.-1.3.) Jedno miejsce podano dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnego dialogu.

Za każdą poprawną odpowiedź otrzymasz 1 punkt.



C.Shopping centre



1.1. ______ 1.2. _____ 1.3. ______



Zadanie 2. (0-7)



Po dwukrotnym wysłuchaniu porad dla podróżujących z kotem zdecyduj, które zdania (1.1.-1.7.) podane poniżej są zgodne z wysłuchanymi wskazówkami (True), a które nie (False). Weź w kółko prawdziwą odp.

Za każdą poprawną odpowiedź otrzymasz 1 punkt.


2.1 Cats like travelling very much. True False

2.2 You should put something soft into a plastic carriers. T F

2.3 Cardboard boxes are as good as plastic carriers. T F

2.4 You should start preparations several days before your journey. T F

2.5 Cat should eat something in the carrier. T F

2.6 In a hotel if you want to find your cat in the morning ,keep in the bathroom. T F

2.7 Put the carrier into the bathroom because your cat sleep in it. T F



Zadanie 3. (0-5)





Przeczytaj pytania podane w tabeli. Po dwukrotnym wysłuchaniu wiadomości radiowych (A-C) zdecyduj, jak na nie odpowiedzieć. Wpisz odpowiednią literę w przygotowane miejsce w tabeli. Jedna wiadomość może pasować do kilku pytań. Za każdą poprawną odpowiedź otrzymasz 1 punkt.

 In which piece of news does the speaker talk about:

3.1 a programme which you can listen to later?

3.2 the war in which many ordinary people are killed?

3.3 a production which you can see in the cinema?

3.4 messages that everybody receives but nobody wants them?

3.5 a person who was killed by America soldiers?


Zadanie 4. (0-6)

Przeczytaj poniższy tekst, a następnie zdecyduj, które zdania (4.1.-4.6.) są zgodne z treścią tekstu (True), a które nie (False). Wstaw znak „X” w odpowiednie miejsce w tabeli. Za każdą poprawną odpowiedź otrzymasz 1 punkt.



In the past 20 years, the number of single-child families has risen by 40 per cent. The trend is strongest among professional couples and older parents who want to concentrate on their careers. Legal adviser Wendy Drayson, 40, told the Sunday Times: “I knew I wanted to have only one child, and Iwas sterilized 18 months after I had him. I love my son to pieces, but Iwould not say he is the best thing that has ever happened in my life. Ihave my work and other things.”

Jill Pitkeathley, author of a study of only children, says that most of them regret not having brothers and sisters. “As more children grow up in one-child families, I think society will lose some of its ability to communicate,” she said. Ann Laybourn of the Centre for Study of the Child at Glasgow University disagrees. “The worst that you could say about only children is that in childhood they have a tendency to put on weight, because, without brothers and sisters to play

with, they tend not to run about as much.”

Spotlight, no 6 / 1998


4.1 The number of one-child families has been growing for some time. T F

4.2 People don't want to have more children because they are good professionals. T F

4.3 Wendy says that her son is not everything she wants from life. T F

4.4 Jill Pitkeathley thinks that the growing number of only children is not good for the society. T F

4.5 Ann Labourn has a similar opinion to Jill T F

4.6 Only children do not move so much as children who have brothers or sisters. T F


Zadanie 5. (0-3)

Przeczytaj tekst i wybierz zgodne z jego treścią zakończenia zdań 5.1.-5.3. Zakreśl literę A, B, C lub D. Za każdą poprawną odpowiedź otrzymasz 1 punkt.


Andre Previn and his wife applied to adopt aVietnamese child. Miss Taylor who worked in an orphanage (home for children who have no parents) in Saigon visited them for the weekend to see if they were good candidates for parents. At

breakfast on the first morning, she asked whether she might have abowl of cereal. “Of course”, Previn replied, eagerly reaching for the health-food cereal which his two small sons enjoyed each morning. Pouring Miss Taylor a generous bowlful, he then talked about its nutritional value. She ate in silence. “To be quite honest,” she remarked at last, gazing

into her empty bowl, ”I'm not crazy about it.” At this point, Previn looked again at the grain-filled jar. “I'm not surprised,” he slowly replied. “I've just made you eat alarge dish of hamster food.”



5.1. Andre Previn and his wife

A.wanted to adopt the child.

B. adopted the child in Vietnam.

C.went to an orphanage in Saigon.

D.had aVietnamese child for aweekend.


5.2 At breakfast on the first morning:

A.Previn ate a bowl of cereal.

B.Previn's sons ate health-food.

C.Miss Taylor enjoyed her meal.

D.Miss Taylor didn't like the cereal.


5.3. At the end they discovered that

A. the jar was filled with grain.

B.Previn was surprised.

C.Previn made a large dish.

D.Miss Taylor ate pet food.



Zadanie 6. (0-5)

Przeczytaj tekst o zasadach zwiedzania British Museum przez zorganizowane grupy. W wolne miejsca na początku akapitu (6.1.-6.5.) wpisz literę (A-F) odpowiadającą tytułowi ułatwiającemu zorientowanie się, jakie informacje zawarte są w tej części tekstu. Jeden tytuł podano do datkowo i nie pasuje on do żadnego akapitu. Za każdą poprawną odpowiedź otrzymasz 1 punkt


6.1. _______

Visits to the Museum are free but you must book for any group of 10 or more. Booking enables us to provide schools with a range of facilities and services to make your visit beneficial and enjoyable. Please ensure you have the following information:preferred date of your visit, time of arrival and other possible options, numbers of students and adults,

which galleries you want to visit, particular access or special requirements of your group.


6.2. _______

We recommend that you visit us before you bring your group, this will allow you to plan your visit and prepare your risk assessment. You can also attend a free session for teachers, when members of the museum schools team will be on hand to show you relevant galleries, suggest ways of structuring your visit and advise you on suitable learning activities for your pupils. Such sessions take place once a term.


6.3. _______

The Main entrance to the Museum on Great Russell Street has 12 steps with handrails at each side. There are lifts on both sides of the steps, with bells for visitors to call for assistance if required. There is a level entrance to the Museum

on Montague Place and alift to the different floors in the Museum.

6.4. _______

Guide dogs with blind persons are welcome. Dog bowls are available from the Information Desk. There are large print versions of What's on, at the Information Desk for people with poor sight. Some of our talks are sign interpreted for

deaf persons. For details, pick up What's on from the Information Desk. Wheelchairs are at both entrances. Please contact us on +44 (0)20 7323 8299 before your visit if you would like to make sure that awheelchair will be available.


6.5. _______

The main cloakroom is to the west of the Main entrance, 1 per item. Large luggage can be left at the cloakroom by the Montague Place entrance, 1 per item. Lost property is to the west of the Main entrance, at the main cloakroom.

There are toilets on every floor of the Museum.



A. Information for disabld visitors.

B.Ways in to the museum.

C.Special equipment.

D. Making a reservation.

E. Facilities.

F. Planning your visit.

Zadanie 7. (0-6)

Przeczytaj poniższy tekst, a następnie odpowiedz na pytania podane w tabeli poniżej (7.1.-7.6.). Wpisz odpowiednią literę (A-E) odpowiadającą danej osobie w przygotowane miejsce w tabeli. Jedna osoba pasuje do dwóch pytań.

Za każdą poprawną odpowiedź otrzymasz 1 punkt



Standby power is the use of electricity when adevice (e.g. aTV set, amicrowave oven, a radio) is not active. It is used to provide consumers with functions such as remote control, memory, clock and networking. Some green organisations have started a campaign calling on governments to stop production of electronic goods with standby options because it is awaste of energy. Everybody- from electronics manufacturers and politicians, to consumers and environmentalists

-has an opinion. Here is what our readers think about it.


Reader A

What is the point in focusing our attention on trivial amounts of energy consumption caused by leaving devices on? While they are wasting their energies on these, governments continue to sanction the destruction of rainforests and the air pollution caused by growing economies such as China. Are politicians really this stupid or do they just hope that we are?



Speaker B

The producers say that the power consumption of televisions has come down from 400W to 30W since the 1970s. But take a look at the TV's in the shops. 300 to 500W plasma screens are becoming the norm, and worst of all there is no

information about energy consumption on labels of TV sets. 85% are labeled, eh? Open your eyes! Why so little labeling? Because industry does not want to inform consumers.



Speaker C

It's all very well to talk about not having standby but how will it work in practise. I assume that someone who is old or disabled would be able to have aTV with stand-by, so how's it going to work-would there be amedical examination before

you are allowed to buy aTV with stand-by?



Speaker D

The simple fact is that people LIKE the standby function. They don't want to have to get up and walk across the room to turn things on and off all the time. So if the devices have no standby function people will leave TV's turned on using

more energy.



Speaker E

Let us smile at those thinking that by switching off standby power they have saved the world. Let us ask how much more energy they wasted by leaving their electrical water heater on, for just one minute more than necessary. Isn't it perhaps the right time to start eliminating all the waste of energy from our homes?



Which of the readers says that

7.1 much more energy is wasted at home by other tings that TV sets?

7.2 the producers are not telling us the truth?

7.3 it's easy to make a law but it's not easy t put it to practise?

7.4 much more environment is destroyed by industry than by home waste of energy ?

7.5 buyers cannot find some information on the products in the shop?

7.6 people simply want to have a standby function?

Zadanie 8. (0-5)

Przyjechałeś/łaś do Irlandii na kurs językowy i mieszkasz w wynajętym pokoju. Chciałbyś/chciałabyś znaleźć współlokatora/współlokatorkę, by obniżyć koszty wynajmu. Napisz krótkie ogłoszenie do lokalnej gazety:

Poinformuj, kogo poszukujesz. Sprecyzuj, jaka to powinna być osoba. Określ cenę, jaką trzeba będzie zapłacić. Podaj adres, pod którym oczekujesz na odpowiedzi. Nie podawaj swoich prawdziwych danych osobowych Wzadaniu nie jest określony limit słów. Oceniana jest umiejętność zwięzłego przekazu informacji określonych wpoleceniu (4 punkty) i poprawność językowa (1 punkt).



Zadanie 9. (0-10)

Kolega/koleżanka z klasy wybiera się do Anglii na wakacje, żeby trochę zarobić. Prosi Cię, żebyś go/ją zarekomendował/a osobie, u której pracowałeś/aś w zeszłym roku. Napisz list do swojego byłego pracodawcy, w którym:

Przypominasz, kim jesteś i kiedy tam pracowałeś/aś. Informujesz, jaki jest cel twojego listu i kim jest kolega/koleżanka.

Podajesz dwie zalety kolegi/koleżanki, dla których warto go/ją zatrudnić. Wyrażasz nadzieję, że kolega/koleżanka do-

stanie tę pracę i że pracodawca będzie zadowolony z jego/jej pracy. Pamiętaj o zachowaniu odpowiedniej formy i stylu listu. Nie umieszczaj żadnych adresów. Podpisz się jako XYZ. Długość listu powinna wynosić od 120 do 150 słów. Oceniana jest umiejętność pełnego przekazania informacji (4 punkty), forma (2 punkty), poprawność językowa (2 punkty) oraz bogactwo językowe (2 punkty).



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