Zestawy podstawowy, ZESTAW IX



Przeczytaj uważnie wypowiedzi pięciu osób, które oznaczono literami A-E. Następnie odpowiedz na pyta­nia 4.1-4.7. W miejsce, obok każdego pytania, wpisz odpo-wiednią literę. W przypadku, gdy pytanie wymaga podania dwóch odpowiedzi, kolejność wpisywania liter jest dowolna. Za każde poprawne rozwiązanie otrzy­masz 1 pkt.

(7 punktów)

Parents Talk Kate Douglas

I remember when I saw a packet of cigarettes in my daughter's room. I felt anger at first, but then I thought about how I should talk to her about my fears. She was just seventeen. I didn't want her to think that I searched for the cigarettes everywhere in her room. In fact, the half-empty packet was lying under her bed.

John Kent

I was absolutely furious when my son, Greg, took my car without asking. Not that I didn't trust his driving skills. I simply feared that his friends may encourage him to speed up. You know, when you're a teenager stu­pid ideas come to your head. And you never listen to your common sense.

Terry Smith

Once I looked through the window. It was a winter evening. Lots of snow on trees, people rushing home, wrapped up to protect themselves from cold. And sud­denly I saw my daughter and her boyfriend kissing each other. I called my wife, Susan, because I needed her help. They were kissing in the middle of the street, which by no means was a desert island! Fortunately, a moment later I could hear the doorbell. It was my daughter coming back home. But the thing I saw then knocked me off my feet. Her boyfriend was at least 10 years older. I knew I had to do something about it.

Brian Scott

My son, Ben, was a good student and then, one day, his form teacher phoned me at work. She asked me to come to Ben's school because there were some problems with Ben. I couldn't believe it! Every day Ben would go to school. When asked about school, he would say that everything was fine. But it wasn't true! Ben had prob­lems with two school subjects. Besides, he started to play truant. I was at his school on the same day.

Ann Cartwright

I read lots of books about bringing children up. Some of them gave really good tips to frustrated parents who felt lost in the maze of their parental duties. However, life may surprise even those who think they are ready to face all problems connected with their offspring. It did surprise me. My son declared one day that he was getting married with a girl from his class. Everything would have been fine if not for their age. They were both 19.1 loved them both but I couldn't agree to their marriage then.

Susan Lynch

My son, Brian, wanted to organise a birthday party for his friends. He asked for our permission and both my husband and I agreed. The big day came. When I saw his friends I thought I would go mad. Two of them looked like drug dealers. When I talked to my husband about my fears, he criticized me for being over-protec­tive. I was angry with both of them. I'm sure there was something to the way they looked.

A Kate Douglas B John Kent C Terry Smith D Brian Scott

E Ann Cartwright F Susan Lynch


found something in their child's room by chance?
Przykład A

didn't like their child's friend(s)? 4.1. 4.2.

looked for practical advice on raising children? 4.3.

was shocked by their child's love affair? 4.4.


was annoyed by their partner's reaction? 4.6.

had to take action immediately? 4.7.


Przeczytaj uważnie scenariusz do sceny filmowej.
Następnie uporządkuj kolejność zdarzeń oznaczonych
literami A-J. Swoje odpowiedzi zaznacz w odpowiedniej
kratce 5.1-5.9. Za każde poprawne rozwiązanie
otrzymasz 1 pkt. (9 punktów)


0x01 graphic

James: Hello.

Gun: (In a DJ's style voice) Hello this is G.W.R. You're live on G.W.R. Radio. Tell me friend is this Westbury 822941?

James: Er (wipes the dirt off the number on the phone) yes it is.

Gun: Great. Who am I speaking to?

James: Ermll'm James, but this is a...

Gun: Wonderful, James, at last someone was brave enough to pick up the phone, you will be rewarded for your bravery James. You are our first contestant on todays "PHONE BOX CHALLENGE", do you know the rules James, do you listen to the show?

James: Um...well no? Actually, I'm too busy to listen tothe local radio stations.

Gun: OK, not a problem James, I'll just run through the rules for you because this is your chance to win some great prizes. Do you want to win some great prizes James? Are you willing to take a chance, you must be or you would not have answered the phone, would you, James?

James: Yes I'll take a chance. What do I have to do? What am I playing for?

Gun: Well it sounds like we have a willing contestant listeners, James sounds up for the phone box chal­lenge so let's play! The rules are very simple James, in fact there's only 1 rule, which is, under no cir­cumstances what so-ever can you or anyone else, hang up the phone for any reason. If you do hang up you loose (slight pause) everything. That is the one golden rule. The first prize up for grabs is the top 40 singles. Do you want to play James?

James: Okay. What do I have to do?

Gun: All you have to do to win the top 40 UK singles James is get the next passer by to say "hi I love to listen to G.WR radio at lunchtime" that's it James and the top 40 UK singles are yours.

James: (Gets the next passer by to do it).

Gun: (James back on the phone) Well done James, you have just won the top 40 UK singles. Now, do you want to say anything to the listeners, before we move on?

James: Brilliant, Yeah, I'd like to say hello to my wife.

Gun: Well, you've done that now, James. Before was easy, perhaps too easy, do you want to play another.

James: Yes, OK. What am I playing for now?

Gun: OK James. There's one more thing I need to explain. I can see you; I am watching you right now. It is very important that you understand that for the next part of the game.

James: (looking round) Oh on. You don't want me to take off my clothes or something like that, do you?

Gun: (laughing) Oh no, nothing like that James. But (change of voice) If you hang up, your wife will get into trouble.

Gun: Now, James, remember the rule, don't hang up and you don't lose. But hang up and you lose ...

James: (starts to laugh)

Gun: Okay James. You seem to be having trouble with this. It's easy. As I said, there's one rule. I'm watch­ing you. If you call for help, or run, I can see you. (pause) So how are you feeling?

A James decides to play the game.

B People ignore a telephone in the phone box.

C Gun encourages James to take part in the game.

D James goes for lunch.

E James wins the first prize.

F James says a message to his wife.

G James answers the phone.

H James gets married.

I James talks to someone on the street.

J Gun explains the golden rule.


Przeczytaj uważnie tekst. Następnie zdecyduj, które ze
ń 6.1-6.4 są zgodne z treścią tekstu (TRUE),
a które fałszywe (FALSE). Swoją odpowiedź zaznacz
w odpowiedniej kratce, tak ja
k zostało to pokazane
w przyk
ładzie. Za każde poprawne rozwiązanie
otrzymasz 1 pkt.
(4 punkty)


It's not always possible to visit the crater in absolute safety, and in certain periods mountain guides are pro­hibited from leading parties up to the rim of the crater. Naturally, as on any other mountain in the world, indi­viduals are free to go where they please, at their own risk, but great care should always be taken. A good state of physical fitness, suitable clothing and footwear, and above all the company of a more experienced per­son can help to reduce the risks to a minimum, these consisting mainly of sudden lava blowouts or disorien­tation in bad weather or other conditions of low visibil­ity.

However, once the crater rim is reached, a spectacle is guaranteed, with on one side a vast panorama of the surrounding region, and on the other the vision of the fiery bowels of the earth in the three craters that make up the current summit of the volcano.

(taken from: Province of Catania Tourist Board leaflet. Author Giambattiista Condorelli. Email: apt@atp.catania.it)




It is sometimes possible to visit the crater without risking one's life.



Tourists can use only marked routes.


Good preparation is a must.


Sudden eruptions and bad weather increase the risks.


There are spectacular views from the top of Etna.

Przykład H











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