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10th September 2005

This examination consists of the following parts:

1. Definitions .................................................................... 10 points

2. Multiple Choice Questions............................................... 20 points

3. Cloze............................................................................. 20 points

4. Paraphrasing.................................................................. 20 points

5. Word Building ............................................................... 20 points

6. Translation (Polish to English).......................................... 20 points

7. Reading Comprehension ................................................. 10 points

8. Error Recognition............................................................ 10 points

9. Phrasal Verbs............................................................... 10 points

10. General Knowledge Component...................................... 10 points


150 points

Total: 200 points

TIMING: 3 hours. .


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Choose the correct definition of each word in bold. Mark your answers on the answer sheet.

NOTE: Only one answer is correct in each case.


0. Computer is.

  1. a piece of equipment that you speak into to record your voice or make it louder when you are speaking

  2. a piece of electronic equipment which you use to listen to programmes that are broadcast, such as music and news

  3. an electronic machine that can store information and do things with it according to a set of instructions called a programme

1. When you live in a suburb you live

  1. in a village near a city

  2. in the centre of a city

  3. far from the centre of a city

2. If somebody smells a rat, somebody

  1. suspects something unfair going on

  2. smells a strange odour in the air

  3. hunts for rats

3. A tobacco addict is someone who

a) sells tobacco

  1. smokes a lot of cigarettes

  2. dictates tobacco prices

4. If an argument is relevant it

  1. relates well to the discussion

  2. has to be considered again

  3. is misleading

5. Ancient civilizations are ones of

a) long ago

b) peace-like character

c) war-like character

6. When somebody is impartial they

  1. don't belong to any political party

  2. don't take part in any social events

  3. don't show preference for any party engaged in a conflict

7. If something is mysterious it

b) is not easily understood

c) has long history

8. To come in disguise means

  1. to come dressed as somebody else

  2. to come at the last moment

  3. to come in a bad mood

9. A necessary evil can be

  1. bad things which cannot be avoided

  2. serious decisions which cannot be avoided

  3. high payments which cannot be avoided

10.To do research means to

  1. practice physical exercises in a gym

  2. study a subject in a detailed way

  3. do the homework one has forgotten to do


Four phrases are printed after each of these incomplete sentences. Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence. Mark your answers on the answer sheet.


0. The suspected murderer has been ............................... for three days now, but the police are doing their best to catch him.

a) on the level b) in the know c) at large d) the tip of the iceberg

1.I haven't bought … oranges.

a) much b) some c) few d) many

2.Jenny and … girls came last, which was a real surprise.

a) anothers b) another c) the others d) other

3. ... his religious beliefs he drinks a lot of alcohol.

a) Although b) Because c) In spite of d) In order to

4.Mary Robins hardly... any work at home.

a) does b) hasn't done c) doesn't do d) has done

5.If you think the price is too high, you ... buy the blouse .

  1. must have c) needn't have

b) needn't d) mustn't

6 I don't like cake, I … have ice cream.

a) had better c) would rather

b) ought d) prefer

7. … when you saw that explosion?

a) Were you driving c) Have you driven

b) Did you drive d) Had you been driving

8. Jim hasn't talked to me … we came back from Rome.

a) for b) before c) after d) since

9. What a delicious pie! May I have the …? I may bake some one day.

a) bill b) recipe c) prescription d) description

10. Has Mark … you about how Helen is getting on at college?

a) told b) answered c) explained d) said

11. I … put my money there if I didn't think it was safe.

a) wouldn't b) hadn't c) didn't d) oughtn't

12. Buses into town run … twenty minutes.

a) each b) all c) some d) every

13. Food prices have been … steadily for at least 15 years.

a) rising b) raising c) lifting d) growing

14. If we … you were in town we would have invited you to dinner.

a) have known c) had known

b) knew d) would know

15. All his friends congratulated ... the entrance examination.

a) he passed c) that he passed

b) him on passing d) him to pass

16. By the end of this year Matilda … from the university.

a) graduates c) will graduate

b) will have graduated d) has graduated

17. It is difficult to imagine how the earliest people … without money.

a) arranged b) spent c) managed d) bear

18. Luke's boss must have a very high … of his ability to promote him so quickly.

a) view b) opinion c) idea d) feeling

19. Monica prefers light … to all those serious novels.

a) romance b) tales c) plot d) fiction

20. The picture frame is certainly not … but just a good imitation.

a) real b) factual c) genuine d) true


Fill each gap with one suitable word only. Write your answers on the answer sheet.

Language of colours

Some psychologists 1) _____ that colours can affect our actions and feelings. They say experiments 2) _____that changing the colours of a room, for 3) _____ , can change the feelings some people 4) _____ while they are in that room. One such experiment

5) _____ made in Canada. The colours of walls in a school were changed 6) _____ orange, white, and brown to yellow and blue. Students were tested 7) _____ intelligence before and after 8) _____ wall colours were changed. Their IQ scores were higher after the walls were painted yellow and blue. Attendance also was better after the change in colours, and teachers reported 9)_____ students were less 10) _____ to cause trouble.

In 11) _____ experiment, an American psychologist showed people colours and 12) _____ gave them simple tests. He discovered that the colour pink 13) _____ people relax. He also tested his 14) _____ at a military prison. He found that pink rooms made the prisoners 15) _____ more relaxed and peaceful.

Other experiments show that when people look at warm colours, like yellow or red, their brain activity and 16) _____ pressure increase and breathing 17) _____ faster. The colour blue 18) _____ the opposite effect: it seems to slow 19)_____ the activity 20) _____ the body.


Paraphrase each of the sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence printed before it, using the given word. The form of the word may not be changed in any way. Write your answers on the answer sheet


0. I'd like to make a few suggestions.


I`d like to put forward a few suggestions.

1. The actress was not as beautiful as we thought.



2. With each day we stayed in Cracow, we loved the city more



3. Although he loves Joan very much, he isn't going to marry her.



4.Why did we go to the zoo on such a rainy day? It wasn't very wise.



5. “Me? No, I didn't take your gloves,” said Joan.



6. Where is the nearest cinema, please?



7. Without tourism, this area wouldn't have much income.



8. Don't worry, someone will deliver the fridge right to your house.



9. Excuse me, is somebody serving you sir?



10. Not many peole in this country can pay for proper medical treatment.




The underlined words in capitals can be used to form a word that completes suitably the meaning of each sentence. Give the proper form of the word. Write your answers on the answer sheet.


0. Is there any ............ of hiring a boat? POSSIBLE [possibility]

1. I have never really believed that travel ... [BROAD] the mind.

2. After a short period of economic ... [PROSPER] there came an economic decline.

3. We are certainly ... [PAY] him. His work isn't worth a tenth of what he charges us.

4. Please, ... [CONNECT] your computer from the mains after you have finished your word-processing.

5. Greg says the cut ... [BLOOD] only a bit but he really must have lost a lot of blood.

6. Our African journey was very ... [ADVENTURE]

7. I'm afraid that my first ... [IMPRESS] of the film was not very favourable.

8.Last winter was rather mild in ... [COMPARE] with the present one. 9. At first I was against the system but Frank's ... [SENSE] arguments convinced me.

10.I have always admired his great ... [WISE] and experience. 11. Thanks to the operation Ella's ... [SEE] improved beyond expectations.

12. He would always help me in case of trouble. I had never known a more ... [RELY] person.

13. A great number of ... [COMPLAIN] have been written to the city council about the location of the hipermarket.

14. There were many social and even political changes brought about by the ... [INDUSTRY] revolution in Britain.

15. The parents were completely ... [POWER]. They could do nothing to prevent their son from taking drugs.

16. Bacteria are never ... [VISION] to the naked eye.

17. Judging by his suspicious behaviour his ... [SINCERE] leaves much to be desired.

18. The only thing needed to put the rule into operation is the chief executive's ... [SIGN].

19. This container is full of ... [POISON] gas and should be handled with greatest caution.

20. I wonder what the reason is for Mark's great ... [HOSTILE] towards his uncle.


Translate the following sentences into English. Do not be misled by the amount of space in between prompted words. You may not change the words already given. Write your answers on the answer sheet.


0. Gdzie mieszkasz?

Where do you live?

1.Gdybyś przyszła wcześniej, zastałabyś Betty jak pożera 4 wielkie steki.

If .................................................... found Betty................................................ .

2.Chociaż Sybilla śmiała się ze mnie, wziąłem ze sobą parasol na wypadek deszczu.

........................................... . ....................................in case...........................

3.Nie wierzyłbym mu tak ślepo. Jako księgowy musiał wiedzieć o złej sytuacji finansowej w firmie

.................................................……………about bad financial situation in the company.

4.Ta książka jest wyjątkowo nudna. W życiu nie czytałem bardziej beznadziejnego kryminału.

............................................ . Never....................................................................

5.Pod żadnym pozorem nie powinno się prowadzić samochodu po spożyciu alkoholu. Tacy kierowcy powinni być pozbawieni prawa jazdy do końca życia.

On......................................drink and drive. Such drivers………………............…….for life.

6.Betty powiedziała, że jeżeli zobaczy pana Greena to powie mu o kłopotach, które mamy z Paulą. Ciekawe, czy mógłby coś poradzić.

Betty said............................................................................................................

7.Malują mi teraz pokój. Kiedy będzie skończony będę musiał przesunąć biurko.

I.............. ..........................................................................................................

8.Nie pójdziesz do kina zanim nie nauczysz się na pamięć tego wiersza. Wiem, że wolałbyś żebym pozwolił ci pójść, ale tego nie zrobię.

...................until.............................. . ........ would rather......................................

  1. Najwyższy czas abyś poszedł do łóżka. Jutro rano rodzice będą czekali, żebyś ich podwiózł na stację.

It is .....................................................................................................................

  1. Musi być jakiś błąd w jego rozumowaniu. Gdyby on miał rację, bylibyśmy najbogatszym narodem w Europie.

............................... . .............................reasoning. If he....................................


Read the text and answer the questions that follow it. Mark your answers on the answer sheet.

As my train was not due to leave for another hour, I had plenty of time to spare. After buying some magazines to read on the journey, I made my way to the luggage office to collect the heavy suitcase I had left there three days before. There were only a few people waiting, and I took out my wallet to find the receipt for my case. The receipt did not seem to be where I had left it. I emptied the contents of the wallet, and railway tickets, money, scraps of paper, and photographs tumbled out of it; but no matter how hard I searched, the receipt was nowhere to be found.

When my turn came, I explained the situation sorrowfully to the assistant. The man looked at me suspiciously as if to say that he had heard this type of story many times and asked me to describe the case. I told him that it was an old, brown-looking object, no different from the many cases I could see on the shelves. The assistant then gave me a form and told me to make a list of the chief contents of the case. If they were correct, he said, I could take the case away. I tried to remember all the articles I had hardly packed and wrote them down as they came to me.

After I had done this, I went to look among the shelves. There were hundreds of cases there and for one dreadful moment, it occurred to me that if someone had picked the receipt up, he could have easily claimed the case already. This had not happened fortunately, for after a time, I found the case lying on its side high up in a corner. After examining the articles inside, the assistant was soon satisfied that it was mine and told me i could take the case away. Again I took up my wallet: this time to pay. I pulled out a five-pound note and the “lost” receipt slipped out with it. I could not help blushing and glanced up at the assistant. He was nodding his head knowingly, as if to say that he had often seen this happen before too!

1). The author of the text

A missed his train but bought the ticket for another one.

B bought the magazines but couldn't buy the suitcase

C apparently did not have a receipt for his suitcase

D emptied his wallet and could easily find the receipt for his suitcase

2). While explaining the problem to the assistant the author felt

A sad

B angry

C furious

D indifferent

3). Having listened to the author, the assistant

A was suspicious and called the police

B made the author write down what the case contained

C told the author to write a complaint

D promised the author to find his suitcase soon

4). When he was looking for his case among the shelves, the author

A did not like the cases he found

B feared that it may have been already claimed

C found it on a bottom shelf

D still could not find it

5). After the problem was settled the author

A did not want to pay the assistant

B did not show any gratitude to the assistant

C was embarrassed to find the receipt

D was puzzled by the loss of the receipt


Some of the following sentences are correct, but some have a word which should not be there. If a sentence is correct put a tick by its number on the answer sheet. If a sentence has a word which should not be there, write the word on the answer sheet.


0. Thank you for the book which you had sent me for my birthday last week. 0. had

00. Coffee is made from the beans that grow in the coffee bush. 00. √

1. There can be few people in the western world who haven't been heard of Andrew Lloyd Webber.

2. He began his musical career at the age of twenty.

3. He and Tim Rice they wrote and produced the first of their hits.

4. This was followed by the one rock opera Jesus Christ Superstar, which received a lot

of criticism.

5. It ran for more longer than any other theatrical production in British musical history.

6. The last work Webber did with the Rice was Evita.

7. It was so much successful that it was recently made into a major film starring


8. Webber's musicals are generally being spectacular productions.

9. Many people look on him as the most talented songwriter of his generation.

10.Despite of his fame he is a very modest person.


Choose the one Phrasal Verb that best completes the sentence. Put your answers on the answer sheet.


0. He had a bad time in the army but he has .......c........ .

a) put it down b) put it forth c) put it behind d) put it out

1.I'm very tired now, I think I'll ... .

a) turn in b) turn up c) turn out d) turn over

2. The police have warned tourists to ... for pickpockets in the town.

a) look up b) look down c) look out d) look forward

3. Not being experienced in climbing, he ... the ladder and hurt his back.

a) fell from b) fell off c) fell away from d) fell out of

4.She kept putting off writing to her parents, but eventually she ... it last night.

a) got on to b) got round to c) got up to d) got away with

5. We are all going to the pub. Would you like to ... ?

a) come on b) come about c) come forward d) come along

6. Don't be ... by her apparent shyness.

a) taken up b) taken in c) taken over d) taken through

7.The entrance examination was ... in June.

a) carried out b) drawn up c) followed up d) brought about

8.Although he didn't earn much, he tried to ... a little bit of money each month.

a) put on b) put out c) put back d) put aside

9.Scared animals hastily ... the shelter of the forest.

a) went for b) got for c) made for d) took for

10.Mrs Maudsley always ... in a crowd because she wore such large hats.

a) stood out b) looked out c) showed out d) found out

  1. General Knowledge Component

Identify the following names by putting "X" in the proper column. Mark your answers on the answer sheet.










William Shakespeare


F.Scott Fitzgerald

William Blake

Charlotte Bronte

David Livingstone

Isaac Newton

Condolezza Rice

Louis Armstrong

Charles Dickens

Anthony Hopkins

Jack Straw

Abraham Lincoln

Tom Hanks

Samuel Beckett

John Major

Iris Murdoch

Emma Thompson

Seamus Heaney

Keanu Reeves

William Turner

George Gershwin



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