przepisy, Diety, WW


mieso 40 dag wieprzowiny bez kosci kroic na kawalki ,2 lyzki oleju i smazyc;cebule (1 duza) oraz 3 zabki czosnku obrac posiekac,smazyc razem z miesem kilka minut,oproszyc sola,pieprzem oregano i przelozyc do zaroodpornego naczynia; na kolejnych 2 lyzkach oleju zrumienic pokrojone ziemniaki (3 szt) oraz marchewke (1 duza) i dodac do miesa ;kapuste (1kg) poszatkowac podlac kilkoma lyzkami wody i dusic ok10min,dodac do reszty wymieszac ,przyprawic,posypac pokruszona feta(15dag) ,pokropic tluszczem (1lyzka) i zapiekac ok 30 min w temp. 180st.smacznego

przepis na ciasteczka owsiane mam nawet dwa przepisy,jedne sie gotuje drugie sie piecze)


- 2 szklanki płatków owsianych górskich,

- 0,5 szkl.miodu(ja dodaje frutozy tak ok.4 lyzeczki)

- 2 łyżki kakao,

- 4 łyżki masła,

- 5 łyżek mleka

- 1 aromat waniliowy( migdałowy lub rumowy )

-rozdrobnione orzechy,migdały,jak lubisz to jeszcze inne bakalie(rodzynki i jablka suszone - wtedy dodaje cynamonu)

wszystko rzucasz do garA,zagotowujesz caly czas mieszajac,az powstanie plastyczna masa.dobrze wymieszana mase ukladasz na pergaminie i pozostawiasz do zastygnięcia(ale nejlepsze sa jeszcze cieple mieszaj na malym ogniu-jak masa bedzie jednolita to od razu sciagaj z ognia.

2-gi przepis:

-500 gram płatków owsianych (górskie najlepsze)

-ja daje 2 lyzki fruktozy( w przepisie jest 250 gr cukru)

-125 gram masła

-pół łyżeczki proszku do pieczenia

-3 jajka (jak wielkie te jajca to 2) ok.

-10 kropelek olejku migdałowego

-garstka rodzynek, pokrojone orzechy, migdały, płatki kokosowe

Te ciasteczka przygotowuje się w 15 minut.Należy po prostu wszystkie składniki wrzucić do miski i dokładnie zagnieść razem z bakaliami. Trzeba tylko pamiętac o tym, żeby płatki owsiane były raczej drobne, sypkie i kruche. Z wielkich, grubych i twardych płatków nic nam nie wyjdzie, bo nie wymieszamy ich równo z łuszczem i jajkiem.Teraz trzeba dużą blachę wyłożyć sreberkiem do pieczenia i niczym jej nie smarować, tylko łyżką nakładać ciasteczka w odległości centymetra od siebie. Prawie nie rosną w piekarniku, dlatego mogą leżeć tak blisko.Ciacha pieczemy na bardzo jasnozłoty kolor w temperaturze ok. 150-160 stopni. Piekarnik gazowy może być troszkę cieplejszy. Wyjmujemy je z piekarnika, gdy lekko puknięte palcem nie będą kleiste. Cieplutkie powinny być na zewnątrz chrupiące, a w środku miękkie.

Ja kombinuje,robie np z tartym jabkliem i cynamonem,w zaleznosci od ochoty.

milego dnia

jest pyszne, cala wielka okragla blacha ma tylko 19P


2 lyzki budyniu smietankowego

250ml chudego mleka

wanilia ( najlepiej z laski )

slodzik (odpowiednik 75g cukru)

2 bialka

300g chudego twarogu

150g biszkoptow

5 lyzek zimego espresso

2 lyzki rumu (albo amaretto)

1 lyzka nieslodzonego kakao

1. budyn zrobic wg przepisu na opakowaniu z mlekiem, wanilia i slodzikiem ( 50g cukru)

2. bialko ubic z reszta slodzika na sztywna piane

3. twarog zmiksowac z budyniem i delikatnie wymieszac z bialkiem

4. okragla tortownice wylozyc polowa biszkoptow, nasaczyc je rumem wymieszanym z kawa

5. polozyc na to powstala mase

6. kolejna warstwa biszkoptow

7. znow masa

8. oproszyc kakao

9. chlodzic ok. 6h w lodowce (najlepiej zostawic na cala noc)

zdrowe ciasteczka owsiane.

Składniki (trochę „na oko”, proporcje można modyfikować):

dwie szklanki płatków owsianych (ale nie błyskawicznych, tylko zwykłych)

szklanka otrębów owsianych

dwa jajka

trochę margaryny w płynie - Rama Culinesse, albo Knorr (margaryna w kostkach ma szkodliwe izomery trans, a masło ma tłuszcze nasycone)

trochę mleka odtłuszczonego

miód, cukier, fruktoza do posłodzenia (albo spacjalny słodzik, który można piec - uwaga, ASPARTAMU NIE MOŻNA!!!)


Płatki i otręby wsypujemy do miski, wbijamy jajka, dodajemy dwie-trzy łyżki margaryny, kilka łyżek miodu (albo czegoś innego słodkiego - ilość trzeba sobie dobrać eksperymentalnie, ja dodaję 3 łyżki miodu). Składniki dokładnie mieszamy, dolewamy trochę mleka, znowu mieszamy. Masa ma być dobrze posklejana, trudna do mieszania, ma się solidnie przyklejać do łyżki. Odstawiamy ją na kilka godzin, żeby płatki nasiąkły. Przed pieczeniem dolać trochę mleka (żeby masa była bardziej plastyczna) i wymieszać.

Nabierać kopiastą łyżkę masy, formować z niej placki o średnicy 5 cm i grubości niecałego centymetra. Ciasteczka układać na blaszce przykrytej papierem do pieczenia. Piec w piekarniku w temp. ok. 150-200 stopni na środkowym poziomie około 20 minut. Powinny zrobić się na wierzchu złoto-brązowe. Zostawić w piekarniku aż do jego wystygnięcia. I już!

Można do masy dodać 2-3 łyżeczki odtłuszczonego kakao, jakiś aromat, zmielone orzechy i co tam przyjdzie do głowy-ja robię „zwykłe”.Punkty to zależy od ilości ciasteczek, całość ma 23,5p, wychodzi ok 25 sztuk, a więc po ok 1p za ciacho, albo jak mniejsze ciacha to za 2 szt. 1,5p, ale wystarczy zjeść 2-3, aby sie nasycić. Warto zrobić, ja teraz robię je na okrągło.

CIASTECZKA (tym razem piwne)

2 szkl. mąki

1 kostka margaryny

? szkl. piwa

dżem lub powidła.

cukier puder

Mocno schłodzoną margarynę zetrzeć na grubych oczkach do mąki, dodać piwo i wyrobić ciasto. Wyrobione włożyć na dwie godziny do lodówki. Potem rozwałkować, wycinać kwadraty, smarować powidłami i składać na pół lak pierogi. Potem do piekarnika między 160 a 180 st.C.) i piec na złoto. Bardzo rosną! Upieczone posypać

cukrem pudrem. Wychodzi coś a la ciasto francuskie. Bossssssssssskie ibanalnie proste. Polecam!

Robiłam z farszem pieczarkowo-cebulowym, mięsnym , cukinią a la ananas, powidłami, nawet same wykrojone literatka a potem posypane cukrem pudrem.Można dodac soli i masz potem zamiast paluszków do piwa,np. kroisz paski i potem je przekręcasz- masz swiderki ( kształty dowolne)

Boki widelcem lepiej się skleją no i ładne falbanki wychodzą.


Points: 13,5 na blache, ok. 2 na porcje

4 jajka (8P)

3 lyzeczki slodziku

4 lyzki goracej wody

100g maki (5,5P)

2 lyzeczki proszku do pieczenia

1-2 lyzeczek cynamonu LUB cytryna bez skorki

3-4 jablka

Oddzielic bialko od zoltka. Zoltko utrzec ze slodzikiem i woda na „biszkopt”, bialko ubic i dodac do masy. Wymieszac proszek do pieczenia z maka i przez sito przesiac na mase. Nie miksowac, tylko delikatnie wymieszac. Dodac cytryne/cynamon. Pokroic jablka w kawalki.

Wylac ciasto do okraglej duzej formy i polozyc na nim jablka. Piec w temp. 180°C we wczesniej nagrzanym piekarniku okolo 20-25min.

Suflet malinowy


0x01 graphic

1 godzina, 4 porcje
1 porcja - 2,5 punktu
wg programu Strażników Wagi

- 150 g malin
- 2 jajka
- 1 łyżka stołowa cukru waniliowego
- 3 łyżki stołowe cukru pudru
- 20 ml likieru pomarańczowego
- 1 łyżka mąki ziemniaczanej
- 1 łyżeczka niskotłuszczowej margaryny
- słodzik w płynie,

Maliny rozmrozić. Oddzielić żółtka od białek, żółtka ubić z cukrem waniliowym i 1 łyżką stołową cukru pudru.

Maliny zmiksować z likierem pomarańczowym, wymieszać z żółtkiem, doprawić słodzikiem i posypać mąką ziemniaczaną.

Żółtko ubić z cukrem pudrem na sztywną pianę, dodać do ciasta. Foremki sufletowe natłuścić margaryną, wypełnić masą i zapiekać przez ok. 20 minut w piekarniku nagrzanym do 180 stopni.
Podawać posypane cukrem pudrem.

Naleśniki z pieczarkami


Na ciasto:

Warzywa drobno pokroić, podsmażyć, a gdy ostygną, wymieszać z serem. Składniki na ciasto dobrze wymieszać, smażyć cienkie naleśniki (na patelni nie wymagającej tłuszczu). Na gotowe naleśniki nałożyć farsz, zwinąć i krótko podgrzać, by ser się rozpuścił.

. Zupa grzybowa a la Weight Watchers Strażnicy Wagi 4 porcje / 1 porcja - wartość 3 PUNKTY Skladniki:

 3 dkg grzybów suszonych

 1 pęczek włoszczyzny

 1 cebuli

 1 śmietany (niskotłuszczowej)

 1 łyżeczka mąki (1 dag)
Sposób przygotowania:

 Grzyby namoczyć i ugotować. Włoszczyznę zetrzeć na tarce z grubymi oczkami. Cebulę posiekać i ugotować razem z włoszczyzną

 Grzyby odcedzić, posiekać i razem z wywarem dodać do włoszczyzny

 Mąkę rozprowadzić śmietaną i niewielką ilością gorącego wywaru, zagęścić zupę

 Do smaku doprawić. Podawać z ryżem bądź łazankami

2. Dzwonki karpia duszone w porach a la Weight Watchers Strażnicy Wagi 4 porcje / 1 porcja -wartość 4 PUNKTY Składniki:

 Jeden mały karp (ok. 1 kg)

 1 kg porów

 3 łyżki margaryny

 szklanka białego wina lub bulionu rybnego

 sok z 1 cytryny

 2 plasterki cytryny

 odrobina soli, biały pieprz do smaku
Sposób przygotowania:

 Karpia podzielić na 4 dzwonki. Skropić sokiem z cytryny, oprószyć solą i białym pieprzem

 Pory przepołowić wzdłuż, umyć i pokroić w półkrążki. Do 1 porcji stopionej margaryny wrzucić pory i dusić 5 minut

 Włożyć dzwonki karpia, dodać pozostałą porcję margaryny, plastry cytryny i wlać białe wino

 Dusić około 25-30 minut na małym ogniu pod przykryciem. Podawać z ryżem

3. Babka Bożonarodzeniowa 20 porcji/ 1 porcja - wartość 3,5 PUNKTU Czas przygotowania: około 20 minut Składniki:

 220 margaryny light

 75 g cukru i 1 łyżka cukru waniliowego (może być słodzik)

 4 jajka

 400 g mąki + 80 g mąki ziemniaczanej

 2 łyżki proszku do pieczenia + 2 łyżki kakao

 125 ml mleka chudego

 35 g gorzkiej czekolady

 1 łyżeczki mielonych goździków, 2 łyżki skórki pomarańczowej

 2 łyżki wody, 200 ml wina czerwonego

 1 laska cynamonu, anyż, przyprawy do wina grzanego

 2 łyżeczki proszku do pieczenia
Sposób przygotowania:

 Margarynę utrzeć z cukrem, cukrem waniliowym, dodać goździki, i stopniowo jajka.

 Mąkę, mąkę ziemniaczaną, proszek do pieczenia i kakao wymieszać z mlekiem

 Czekoladę pokroić na drobne kawałki dodać razem z goździkami i skórką pomarańczy do ciasta

 Masę energicznie wymieszać dodając wodę mineralną

 Ciasto umieścić w formie i piec w temperaturze 175 st. przez około 50-60 minut

 Czerwone wino podgrzać, dodać laskę cynamonu, anyż i doprawić przyprawami do grzanego wina i słodzikiem lub cukrem

 Gdy ciasto ostygnie nasączyć tą mieszanką i ostawić na 20 minuty


Czas przygotowania: 20 minut + 3 godziny wyrastania ciasta
Ilość porcji: 5



0,5 kg maki
2 dkg drożdży 
ćwierć szklanki mleka
3 łyżki oliwy
1 łyżka cukru 
1 łyżeczka soli
tłuszcz do smarowania blachy

Sposób przyrządzania:


Drożdże rozdrobnić i wymieszać z cukrem, mlekiem i 2 łyżkami mąki i tak przygotowany zaczyn odstawić na 30 min. w ciepłe miejsce.  Gdy podwoi swoja objętość, do miski wsypać mąkę i zaczyn oraz oliwę i sól. Dokładnie wyrabiać, dodając po troszeczku wody aby ciasto było elastyczne, miękkie i niezbyt zwarte. Pozostawić (w ciepłym miejscu) do wyrośnięcia w przykrytej i natłuszczonej misce na 1.5 - 2 godz. Ciasto rozwałkować następnie na 10 placuszków i odłożyć na 30 min. do wyrośnięcia. Piec przez ok. 5-7 minut w temperaturze 220 - 230 stopni na natłuszczonej blasze, a wierzch posmarować białkiem lub wodą.


     Najpopularniejsza przystawka w kuchni greckiej. Ze względu na dużą ilość czosnku odradzamy ją wampirom, polecamy zaś wszystkim w sezonie przeziębień.

Czas przygotowania: 10 minut
Ilość porcji: 4



1 litr gęstego jogurtu naturalnego
4 duże ząbki czosnku
1 duży ogórek
odrobina soku z cytryny
świeżo zmielony pieprz
kilka czarnych oliwek oraz liści mięty do dekoracji

Sposób przyrządzania:


Ogórek obrać i zetrzeć na tarce o dużych oczkach. Delikatnie odcisnąć sok z ogórka. Czosnek przecisnąć przez praskę i wraz z ogórkiem dodać do jogurtu. Wymieszać, doprawić solą, pieprzem i kilkoma kroplami soku z cytryny. Przełożyć do miseczek, udekorować. Tak przygotowana potrawa gotowa jest do podania.



Liście mięty zastąpić można ewentualnie natką pietruszki.

Warzywa słodko - kwaśne

     Krótko duszone, jędrne warzywa w delikatnym sosie na sposób chiński

Czas przygotowania: 30 minut
Ilość porcji: 4



300 g pieczarek
300 g kapusty pekińskiej
2 cebulki
50 g orzechów (ziemnych niesolonych lub włoskich)
łyżka siekanego imbiru
5 kolb małych kukurydz
pół szklanki kiełków sojowych
1 łyzka ketchupu
1 łyżka mąki ziemniaczanej
pół szklanki bulionu warzywnego
1 łyżeczka cukru
1 łyżeczka sosu sojowego
2 łyzki oleju


Sposób przyrządzania:


Orzechy smażyć chwilę na rozgrzanym oleju. Dodać posiekaną drobno cebulkę i imbir oraz pokrojone w ćwiartki pieczarki i poszatkowaną kapustę pekińską. Dusić przez 5 minut. Z bulionu, cukru, sosu sojowego, ketchupu, mąki ziemniacznej przygotować zalewę, którą - dokladnie wymieszaną - dodać do warzyw. Wrzucić kiełki i pokrojone na pół kukurydze i dusić razem przez 5 minut. Doprawić do smaku solą i pieprzem. Podawać z ugotowanym na sypko ryżem.


składniki:1mały przecier pomidorowy, 2 marchewki, 1 cukinia lub 200g kalafiora albo białej kapusty, 1cebula, przyprawy, 200ml bulionu warzywnego.Umyte warzywa ugotuj, przypraw sosemchili, solą i czosnkiem.Część zmiksuj na puree.

Breakfast French Toast

4 Points per serving (5 with syrup)


2 Slices low-cal bread

1/2 Banana sliced and mashed

1 Egg, beaten

1/8 C. Light Syrup (optional- 1 extra point)



Blend beaten egg and mashed banana. Dip bread in mixture (this will be lumpy) and fry bread in pam sprayed pan until done. Serve with syrup, and sprinkle with cinnamon. Good and very filling.

Makes 1 serving.


Breakfast Tortillas vegan

6.5 Points Per Serving


Here is a new recipe that I made this morning for breakfast. I added a touch of fatfree cheese to the torillas when I spread the mixture on them. Next time I will add some chilies for my husband who likes his food very spicy. Kathleen


2 cups hashed brown potatoes -- frozen

1 cup cooked brown rice

1/4 cup chopped green onions

1/3 cup salsa

1/3 cup corn kernels -- frozen

5 each whole wheat tortillas (4-6)


Cook the potatoes in a dry nonstick skillet, stirring frequently, until lightly browned, about 15 minutes. Add the remaining ingredients, except the tortillas, and cook another 5 minutes, stirring occasionally, until heated through. Spoon a line of the mixture down the center of each tortilla roll up, and eat.

Serving Size : 5

Kashi Waffles

4 Points Per Waffle


This was on my e-mail from the Kashi newsletter. I haven't tried it yet but it sounds good. The points are 4 points per waffle. I am sure the points will go down if you use egg beaters or egg whites instead of whole eggs and applesauce instead of oil/butter.

Makes 6 large waffles

1 cup cold, cooked Kashi Pilaf

1 cup sifted flour

2 tsp. Baking powder

1/2 tsp. baking soda

1/2 tsp. salt

1 Tbl brown sugar

3 eggs, separated

1/3 cup melted butter or margarine (or applesauce)

1 1/2 cup buttermilk


Sift together flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt and sugar. Beat egg yolks until light in color. Beat egg whites until stiff. Blend buttermilk, butter (or applesauce) and egg yolks and add to dry ingredients. Mix well. Fold in Kashi and egg whites. Bake in hot waffle iron until golden brown.

Nutrition Facts:

Serving Size: 1 waffle 169.73g (6 oz.)

Calories 204 Fat cal. 38 Phosphorus 121 mg Total Fat 4 g Potassium 201 mg Saturated Fat 1 g Iron 2 mg Cholesterol 109 mg Calcium 95 mg Total Carb. 32 g Sodium 480 mg Sugars 7 g Vitamin A 183 IU Fiber 3 g Vitamin C 1 mg Protein 9 g Folate 44 mcg

All American Potato Salad

2 Points per serving


2 pounds medium-sized red potatoes -- unpeeled

1/3 cup thinly sliced celery

1/3 cup finely chopped onion

1/3 cup grated carrot

1 tablespoon sweet pickle relish -- plus

1 1/2 teaspoons sweet pickle relish


1/3 cup nonfat or reduced-fat mayonnaise

1/3 cup nonfat sour cream

2 tablespoons spicy mustard

1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper


1. Cut the potatoes into 3/4 " pieces, and place in a microwave or stove-top steamer. Cover and cook at high power or over medium-high heat for 8 to 10 minutes, or until tender. Rinse with cool water and drain. Place the potatoes in a large bowl. Add the celery, onion, carrot, and relish, and toss gently to mix. Combine the dressing ingredients in a small bowl, and stir to mix well. Add the dressing to the potato mixture, and toss gently to mix. Cover the salad and chill for at least 2 hours before serving.

Makes 8 servings.

Serving size (1/8 recipe)

According to the website: Per serving: 139 Cal, 0.2g Fat, 2.9g Fib, 0mg Chol, 3.5g Pro, 185mg Sod

Weight Watcher Points: 2

Almond-Chicken Salad

8 Points Per Serving


1 1/2 cups plain nonfat yogurt

2 tablespoons mango chutney

2 teaspoons low-sodium ketchup

1 teaspoon mild or hot curry powder

8 ounces skinless cooked chicken breast, shredded

2 cups cooked elbow macaroni

1 cup chopped scallions

1/4 cup chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley

2 ounces slivered almonds


In medium bowl, combine yogurt, chutney, ketchup and curry powder. In large bowl, combine chicken, macaroni, scallions, parsley and almonds. Add yogurt mixture; toss well to coat thoroughly. Refrigerate, covered, until chilled.

Makes 4 servings

EACH SERVING PROVIDES: 1/2 Milk; 1 Fat; 1/2 Vegetable; 2 1/2 Proteins; 1 Bread; 20 Optional Calories

PER SERVING: 376 Calories; 28 g Protein; 12 g Fat; 38 g Carbohydrate; 246 mg Calcium; 210 mg Sodium; 52 mg Cholesterol; 3 g Dietary Fiber

BLT Pasta Salad

3 Points Per Serving


3 2/3 cups cooked elbow macaroni -- (8 oz. uncooked), cooked without salt or fat

4 cups tomatoes -- peel, seed & coarsely chopped (about 2-1/2 lbs.)

4 slices cooked bacon -- hickory-smoked, crumbled

3 cups iceberg lettuce -- (prepackaged), very thinly sliced

1/2 cup fat-free mayonnaise

1/3 cup low-fat sour cream\

1 tablespoon Dijon mustard

1 teaspoon sugar

2 teaspoon cider vinegar

1/2 teaspoon salt

1/2 teaspoon pepper


1. Combine first 4 ingredients in a large bowl; toss gently. Combine mayonnaise ane next 6 ingredients; stir well. Add dressing to salad; toss gently. Serve immediately.

Yield: 10 cups. (10 Servings of 1 cup)

Exchanges 1-1/2 Starch 1 Veg.

Per Serving: Calories 149 (18% from fat); Protein 4.7g; Fat2.9g (sat 0.7g); Carb 26g; Fibre 1.4g; Cholesterol 5mg; Iron 0.7mg; Sodium 367mg, Calcium 18mg.

NOTES : Notes: I substituted 4 ounces cooked ham, diced, used sugar substitute in place of sugar, and I medium head of iceberg lettuce. Dennis & I rated at 9 out of 10.

Chicken Caesar Salad

5 Points per serving


4 (1-ounce) slices French bread

Vegetable cooking spray

1/2 teaspoon garlic powder

2 pounds skinned, boned chicken breast halves

1/3 cup fresh lemon juice

1/4 cup red wine vinegar

1 tablespoon olive oil

1 teaspoon anchovy paste

1/4 teaspoon freshly ground pepper

5 cloves garlic

9 cups loosely packed torn romaine lettuce

1/4 cup grated fresh Parmesan cheese


1 Trim bread crusts, and discard. Cut bread into 1-inch cubes. Arrange bread cubes in a single layer on a baking sheet. Coat bread cubes with cooking spray, and sprinkle with garlic powder; toss well. Bake at 350º for 15 minutes or until lightly browned; set aside.

2 Coat a large nonstick skillet with cooking spray; place over medium-high heat until hot. Add chicken; saute 6 minutes on each side or until done. Remove chicken from skillet; let cool. Cut chicken across grain into thin\par slices; set aside.

3 Combine lemon juice and next 5 ingredients in container of an electric blender; cover and process until smooth. Add 1/4 cup lemon juice mixture to chicken, tossing gently to coat.

4 Place lettuce in a large bowl; drizzle remaining lemon juice mixture over lettuce, and toss well. Add chicken mixture and cheese, tossing gently to coat. Serve with croutons.

Yield: 7 servings (serving size: 1-1/2 cups salad and 1/3 cup croutons).

CALORIES 257 (28% from fat) / PROTEIN 33.7g / FAT 7.9g (SAT 2.1g, MONO 3.3g, POLY 1.3g) / CARB 10.8g / FIBER 1.6g / CHOL 85mg / IRON 2.2mg / SODIUM 303mg / CALCIUM 90mg

Chicken Taco Salad

4 Points per serving


3/4 cup chopped onion

1 1/2 cups (8 ounces) diced cooked chicken breast

5 ounces (one 8-ounce can) canned pinto beans -- rinsed and drained

1/2 cup water

1 1/2 teaspoons taco seasoning mix

4 cups shredded lettuce

2 cups chopped fresh tomato

1/2 cup chopped green bell pepper

3/4 cup (3 ounces) Kraft shredded reduced-fat Cheddar cheese

1 1/2 cups (1 1/2 ounces) Corn Chex

3/4 cup chunky salsa

6 tablespoons Land 0 Lakes fat-free sour cream

"Olé Olé Olé! This taco salad still delivers all the traditional flavors, but the chicken offers a lighter version of this spicy and satisfying dish!"


1. In a large saucepan sprayed with olive-flavored cooking spray, brown onion. Stir in chicken pinto beans, water, and taco seasoning. Mix well to combine. Lower heat. Simmer 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Meanwhile, in a large serving bowl, combine lettuce, tomato, and green pepper. Spoon hot chicken mixture over lettuce mixture. Top with Cheddar cheese and Corn Chex. Toss gently to combine. For each serving, place about 2 cups mixture on a plate and top with 2 tablespoons salsa and 1 tablespoon sour cream.

Serves 6.

HINT: If you don't have leftovers, purchase a chunk of chicken breast from your local deli.

Serving size (2 cups mixture, 2 tablespoons salsa and 1 tablespoon sour cream)

According to the cookbook: Per serving: 232 Cal, 4g Fat, 22g Pro, 27g Carb, 344mg Sod, 5g Fib

Healthy Exchanges: 3 Protein, 2 2/3 Vegetables, 1/3 Bread, 15 Opt. Cal.

Diabetic Exchanges: 2 Meat, 2 Vegetable, 1 Starch

Chicken Waldorf Salad

6 Points Per Serving


2 apples -- cored and diced

1 tablespoon lime juice

2 cups cooked chicken breast halves -- diced

2 cups seedless grapes -- halved

1/4 cup walnuts -- chopped\

1/4 cup nonfat sour cream

2 teaspoons reduced calorie mayonnaise

2 teaspoons dijon mustard

1/4 teaspoon salt

1/4 teaspoon peppe

12 lettuce leaves


In large bowl, combine apples and lime juice; toss to coat. Add chicken, grapes, nuts, sour cream, mayonnaise, mustard, salt and pepper. Toss to combine. Place lettuce leaves on plates, top with salad mixture

Serving Size : 4

Cottage Style Tuna Salad

1 Point Per Serving


1/2 cup low-fat cottage cheese

1 can water-packed tuna, drained

1/2 small green bell pepper, diced

1/4 cup diced celery

1 TBS minced chives

1 tsp fresh lemon juice

Pepper to taste


Combine ingredients in bowl; toss lightly to mix. Serve on lettuce leaves.

Makes 6 servings.

Per Serving: Calories: 52 Fiber: 1.5 Fat: 1 Carbohydrate: 1 Protein: 10 Cholesterol: 11 Sodium: 92

Creamy Dilled Potato Salad

2 Points per serving


2 pounds small unpeeled red potatoes

1/4 cup packed fresh dillweed

1/4 cup packed fresh flat-leaf parsley sprigs

1/4 cup sliced green onions

1 clove garlic, halved

1/2 cup nonfat buttermilk

1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice

1/8 teaspoon pepper

1/2 cup diagonally sliced celery

1/2 cup coarsely chopped red bell pepper


1 Place potatoes in a saucepan; cover with water, and bring to a boil. Cover, reduce heat, and simmer 15 minutes or until tender; drain. Set potatoes aside, and keep warm.

2 Position knife blade in food processor bowl. Drop dillweed, flat-leaf parsley, green onions, and garlic halves through food chute with processor running; process 3 seconds or until minced. Add nonfat buttermilk, lemon juice, and pepper; process until smooth.

3 Cut potatoes in half. Combine potatoes, celery, and bell pepper in a large bowl. Add buttermilk mixture, tossing gently to coat.

Yield: 6 servings (serving size: 1 cup).

CALORIES 129 (2% from fat) / PROTEIN 4.6g / FAT 0.3g (SAT 0.1g, MONO 0g, POLY 0.1g) / CARB 28.4g / FIBER 3.4g / CHOL 1mg / IRON 2.7mg / SODIUM 4.5mg / CALCIUM 68mg

Creamy Mustard-Dill Potato Salad

2 Points Per Serving


2 (15oz) cans whole baby potatoes, drained and quartered

1/2 cup sliced celery

1 TBS. minced onion

1/4 cup reduced-fat mayonaise

1/4 cup nonfat sour cream

1 TBS. mustard

2 tsp. minced fresh dillweed Or 1/2 tsp. dried dillweed

1/8 tsp. pepper


Combine first 3 ingreds. in a large bowl. Combine mayo and remaining 4 ingreds., stirring well. Add mayo mixture to potato mixture; toss gently until combined. Cover and CHILL at least 2 hours.

Yields: 6 servings (1/2 cup per serving)

Cuban Chicken Salad

6 Points Per Serving


1 cup Tomato French Dressing or Catalina dressing

1 tablespoon lemon juice

1 1/2 cups boned, cooked chicken, in thin strips

1 cup ripe olives, sliced

1/3 cup green pepper, cut into strips

1/4 cup red onion, finely chopped

2 to 3 tablespoons pimiento, in thin strips

1 avocado, cut into crescents

4 cups shredded lettuce


Add lemon juice to the dressing. Refrigerate until ready to use.

Combine all salad ingredients except avocado Refrigerate.

Just before serving, add avocado. Arrange salad on bed of shredded lettuce. Shake dressing and pour over salad.


Makes 4 servings.

Calories: 278 per serving.

Diabetic exchanges per serving: fruit 0, vegetable 1, bread 0, milk 0, meat 2, fat 2

Cucumber, Yogurt, and Spearmint Salad

2.89 Points Per Serving


The mint of choice is spearmint, but any fresh mint will work.

2 cups nonfat yogurt

2 cucumbers

1 or 2 cloves garlic, minced

(1 or 2 teaspoons) Salt

Freshly ground black pepper

1/3 cup chopped fresh mint (preferably spearmint)

1/3 cup chopped flat-leaf parsley

1/2 tsp sugar (optional)

2 tsp extra-virgin olive oil

pita bread


Drain the yogurt in a yogurt funnel or cheesecloth-lined colander for 1 hour. Peel the cucumbers, cut each one in half lengthwise, and use a melon baller or spoon to scoop out the seeds. Cut the cucumbers in 1/4-inch dice. Mash the garlic and salt to a paste in a mixing bowl. Stir the drained yogurt into the garlic paste. Add the cucumbers, pepper, mint, parsley, and sugar, and toss to mix. Correct the seasoning, adding salt and pepper to taste. Just before serving, drizzle the salad with olive oil. Tear off pieces of pita bread and use them to scoop us the salad.

Makes 4 servings.

Per Serving: Calories.....147 Fat.....5 g Carbs

Fat Free German Potato Salad

2 Points Per Serving


2 cups water -- divided

1 cup cider vinegar

1 onion -- chopped

4 tablespoons sugar

1 teaspoon salt

1/4 teaspoon pepper

1 teaspoon celery seed

4 teaspoons ham flavored soup base

2 tablespoons cornstarch

3 tablespoons bacos®

8 pounds potato


Cook, peel and chop potatoes. Bring 1 3/4 cups of water, the cider vinigar, sugar, salt, pepper, celery seed and ham flavored soup base to a boil. Add chopped onion. Slow simmer until onion is glassy, about 30 to 45 minutes. Mix cornstarch with 1/4 cup water. Thicken liquid mixture. Add Bacos Pour over potatoes. Serve hot or cold.

Servings: 19

Serving size 1 Cup

NOTES : 1 Cup is equal to 2 Weight Watchers points

Garden Greek Pasta Salad

7.5 Points Per Serving



1/4 teaspoon salt

1 16 oz. can kidney beans, rinsed and drained

1/2 cup feta cheese, crumbled

4 cups cooked pasta, raditore

2 cups cucumbers, thinly sliced

1 cup chopped red bell pepper

1/2 cup red onion, sliced

1/4 cup Kalamata olive, pitted & cut in half

1/4 cup finely chopped fresh parsley

2 tablespoons olive oil

1/4 cup lemon juice

2 teaspoons chopped fresh oregano


Mix all ingredients except cheese in glass or plastic bowl. Cover and refrigerate at least 1 hour to blend flavors. Top with cheese.

Makes 8 servings

Per Serving Calories....367 Fat....8 g Carbs....55 g Sodium....303mg Fiber....4 g.

Greek Spinach Salad

2 Points Per Serving


1/4 cup red wine vinegar

1 tsp. water

2 tsp. olive oil

1/2 tsp. dried oregano

1-2 cloves garlic, minced

1 (15oz) can garbanzo beans, drained

1 1/2 cups sliced cucumber (about 1 med.)

1 1/2 cups chopped plum tomatoes

5 cups loosely packed torn spinach

1/3 cup crumbled feta cheese

Freshly ground pepper


Combine first 5 ingreds., stirring well with a wire whisk. Combine beans, cucumber, and tomato in a large bowl; add vinegar mixture and toss well. Add spinach and feta cheese; toss salad gently. Sprinkle salad with pepper is desired. Arrange salad evenly on individual salad plates.

Yields: 6 servings (1 1/2 cups per serving)

Italian Ham & Cheese Salad

3 Points per serving


12 ounces penne pasta

1 1/2 cups lean ham -- diced

1 1/2 cups shredded nonfat mozzarella cheese -- or

1 1/2 cups reduced-fat mozzarella cheese

1 red bell pepper -- cut into thin strips

4 scallions -- thinly sliced


1/2 cup plain nonfat yogurt

1/4 cup nonfat mayonnaise

2 tablespoons nonfat mayonnaise -- or

2 tablespoons reduced-fat mayonnaise

3 tablespoons

Dijon mustard

1 1/2 teaspoons dried Italian seasoning


1. Cook the pasta al dente according to package directions. Drain, rinse with cold water, and drain again. Place the pasta in a large bowl. Add the ham, mozzarella, peppers, and scallions, and toss to mix.

2. In a small bowl, combine the dressing ingredients, and stir to mix well. Pour the dressing over the pasta mixture, and toss to mix. Cover the salad and chill for at least 2 hours before serving.

Makes 12 Servings. Serving size (1 cup)

According to the website: Per serving: 171 Cal, 1g Fat, 1.5g Fib, 13mg Chol, 15g Pro, 435mg Sod

Layer Italian Salad

1-2 Points Per Serving**


1 1/2 cups Italian bread crumbs

2 medium red peppers -- thinly sliced rings

2 medium yellow peppers -- thinly sliced rings

2 medium green peppers -- thinly sliced rings

1 medium red onion -- thinly sliced rings

1 cup sliced cucumber -- english / european

6 Roma tomatoes -- thinly sliced (about 3 cups)

1 cup grated nonfat Parmesan

3/4 cup light italian salad dressing

2 tablespoons chopped basil


Place bread crumbs in shallow baking dish and bake at 350º for five minutes. Set aside. Arrange vegetables in layers in very large clear glass bowl, sprinkling some of the bread crumbs and parmesan cheese over each layer. Cover and refrigerate for 2-8 hours. Just before serving, pour dressing over top, and sprinkle with basil.

Makes 16 servings.

**LOWER FAT NOTES: If you use fat free italian salad dressing then the salad would only be 1 point per serving rather then 2 points.

NOTES : Per serving: 105.6 cal, 1.6g (14.2%) fat, 1g fibre, 496mg sodium, 16.6g carbs, 5.4g protien

Per serving: 2.05 points

Lori's Tuna Pasta Salad

4.5 Points Per Serving*


I omitted the egg and added a few things of my own. It is very delicious!

1/2 box Ziti [2 cups ]

Two tablespoons of Mayonnaise

1 can Tuna

1 stalk celery

1 stalk green onion [scallion]

4 pitted black olives [sliced in rounds for that decorative touch



boil 1/2 box pasta. combine all other ingredients [remembering to finely chop/slice all veggies first]. Drain pasta and combine with everything, serve and enjoy.

Makes four very generous servings [or more smaller servings]

Calories per serving: 201; calories from fat 54 [less if you use diet may]; total fat 6 grams, cholesterol 20 mg; sodium 237 mg; total carbohydrate 22 grams; dietary fiber 1 gram, protein 15 grams, vitamin A 0%, Vitamin C 1%, Calcium 0%; Iron 4 %.

*points per serving:4.5 [less if you use diet mayo]

Mock Potato Salad Diabetic

2 Points Per Serving


Try this low-calorie version of the original and you'll see that it makes delicious sense!


1 medium rutabaga

Pot of boiling water

1 packet Equal

1 tablespoon lemon juice

1 cup minced celery with leaves

1/2 cup finely chopped scallions

1 medium dill pickle, chopped

1 1/2 teaspoons salt

Dash paprika

3/4 cup diet mayonnaise

2 hard-cooked eggs, chopped


Pare rutabaga and cut into 4 pieces. Drop into boiling water. Continue to boil until tender, about 30 minutes. Drain well. Cool. After rutabaga has cooled, dice (should be about 2 cups), and place in a salad bowl. Sprinkle with Equal and lemon juice. Add celery, scallions, pickle, salt, paprika, and mayonnaise to rutabaga. Toss well. Fold in eggs. Chill before serving.

Makes 8 servings, 1/2 cup each.

Calories: 86 per serving.

Diabetic exchanges per serving: fruit 0, vegetable 1 bread 0 milk 0 meat 0 fat 2

Neptune Pasta Salad

3 Points per serving


12 ounces tricolor rotini pasta

2 cups fresh broccoli florets -- (about 1/2 pound)

3 cups cooked crab meat or shrimp -- (about 1 1/4 pounds)

1 red bell pepper, cut into thin strips

4 scallions -- thinly sliced


1/2 cup nonfat or reduced-fat mayonnaise -- plus

2 tablespoons nonfat or reduced-fat mayonnaise

1/2 cup fat-free Italian dressing

1 1/2 tablespoons finely chopped fresh oregano -- or

1 1/2 teaspoons dried oregano

"For variety, substitute fresh asparagus pieces for the broccoli."


1. Cook the pasta until barely al dente according to package directions. Add the broccoli, and cook for another 30 seconds, or just until the broccoli is bright green and crisp-tender. Drain, rinse with cold water, and drain again. Place the pasta mixture in a large bowl. Add the crab meat or shrimp, pepper, and scallions, and toss to mix.

2. In a small bowl, combine the dressing ingredients, and stir to mix. Pour the dressing over the pasta, and toss to mix. Cover the salad and chill for at least 2 hours before serving.

Makes 12 servings.

Serving size (1 cup)

According to the website: Per serving: 175 Cal, 1.2g Fat, 1.8g Fib, 30mg Chol, 13g Pro, 316mg Sod Weight

Oriental Chicken Salad

6 Points Per Serving


1 pound skinless, boneless chicken breasts or thighs

3/4 cup frozen orange juice concentrate, thawed

2 cups water

2 tablespoons sliced green onion

3 ounces packaged dried Chinese egg noodles or fine egg noodles, broken

Soy-Ginger Dressing (see recipe, below)

1 cup red or green sweet pepper cut into thin strips

1 8-ounce can sliced bamboo shoots, drained

4 cups torn butterhead (Boston or Bibb) lettuce

4 oranges, peeled, sectioned, and seeded

orange Slice Twists (optional)


Rinse chicken. Reserve 3 tablespoons of the thawed concentrate for dressing. In a large skillet combine remaining concentrate, water, and onion. Bring to boiling; add chicken. Cover and simmer about 15 minutes or until chicken is tender and no longer pink. Drain chicken, discarding liquid and onion. When chicken is cool enough to handle, cut into bite-size strips. Meanwhile, cook noodles according to package directions. Drain; rinse with cold water and drain again. In a salad bowl combine chicken strips and cooked noodles. Pour Soy-Ginger Dressing over chicken mixture. Cover and chill for 2 to 24 hours.

To serve, add pepper strips and bamboo shoots to chicken mixture. Toss well. Divide lettuce among 6 individual serving plates. Spoon chicken mixture on lettuce. Top salads with orange sections. If desired, garnish with citrus twists.

Makes 6 main-dish servings.




reserved 3 tablespoons orange juice concentrate

3 tablespoons reduced-sodium soy sauce

2 tablespoons olive oil or salad oil

1 tablespoon water

1 teaspoon toasted sesame oil

1 teaspoon grated gingerroot


In a screw-top jar combine the reserved 3 tablespoons orange juice concentrate, 3 tablespoons reduced-sodium soy sauce, 2 tablespoons olive oil or salad oil, 1 tablespoon water, 1 teaspoon toasted sesame oil, and 1 teaspoon grated gingerroot. Cover and shake well.

Makes about 1/2 cup dressing.

Per Serving Calories...266 Fat...8 g Carbs...30 g Sodium...306 mg Fiber...2 g.

Old-Fashioned Potato Salad

4-5 Points Per Serving*


1 pound boiling potatoes -- about 3 medium

2 eggs

1 medium stalk celery

1 medium onion

3/4 cup Miracle Whip® light -- or light mayonnaise

1 1/2 teaspoons white vinegar

1 1/2 teaspoons mustard

1/2 teaspoon salt

1/8 teaspoon pepper


Choose round red or round white potatoes to boil for potato salad because they will hold their shape when cooked. Russet potatoes do not work as well for potato salad. Peel the potatoes, and cut any large potatoes in half. Add 1 inch of water to the large saucepan. Cover and heat the water to boiling over high heat. Add potatoes. Cover and heat to boiling again. Once water is boiling, reduce heat just enough so water bubbles gently. Cook covered 20 to 25 minutes or until potatoes are tender when pierced with a fork. Drain potatoes in a strainer, and cool slightly. Cut potatoes into cubes.

While the potatoes are cooking, place the eggs in the medium saucepan. Cover with at least 1 inch of cold water, and heat to boiling over high heat. Remove the saucepan from the heat. Let stand covered 18 minutes. Immediately pour off the hot water from the eggs, then run cool water over them several seconds to prevent further cooking; drain.

Peel and chop the eggs. Chop the celery. Peel the onion, and chop enough of the onion to measure 1/4 cup. Wrap any remaining onion, and refrigerate for another use.

Mix the Miracle Whip or mayonnaise, vinegar, mustard, salt and pepper in a large bowl. Gently stir in the potatoes, celery and onion. Stir in the chopped eggs.

Cover and refrigerate at least 4 hours to blend flavors and to chill.

Cover and refrigerate any remaining salad.

Serving Size : 5

*Per serving (with MiracleWhip): 215 calories, 11g fat (1g saturated fat), 2g fiber

US Points: 5

UK Points: 3.5

Per serving (with light mayonnaise): 192 calories, 9g fat (2g saturated fat), 2g fiber

US Points: 4.5

UK Points: 3.5

Per serving: 215 Calories (kcal); 11g Total Fat; (46% calories from fat); 5g Protein; 24g Carbohydrate; 87mg Cholesterol; 498mg Sodium

Food Exchanges: 1 Grain(Starch); 1/2 Lean Meat; 1/2 Vegetable; 0 Fruit; 2 Fat; 1/2 Other Carbohydrates


4 Points per serving


1/2 cup sun-dried tomatoes (packed without oil)

1/2 cup hot water

2 pounds small round red potatoes

olive oil-flavored vegetable cooking spray

1/2 cup sliced green onions

2 cloves garlic, minced

1/2 cup reduced-fat Caesar dressing

1/2 cup nonfat sour cream

2 tablespoons pesto

1/4 teaspoon freshly ground pepper


Coarsely chop tomatoes. Combine tomato and hot water in a small bowl, let stand 10 minutes. Drain and set aside. Cut potatoes into 1-inch cubes. Cook potatoes in boiling water to cover 15 to 17 minutes or until tender. Let cool slightly. Coat a large nonstick skillet with cooking spray; place over medium-high heat until hot. Add tomato, potato, green onions and garlic to skillet; saute 5 minutes. Add dressing; deglazing skillet by scraping particles that cling to bottom. Cook 1 minute; set aside; and keep warm. Combine sour cream, pesto, and pepper in a large bowl, stirring well., Add potato mixture, and toss lightly until combined.

Yield: 6 (1-cup) servings.

Per serving: cal. 201 Carb. 32.0g Pro. 6.1g Fat 5.7g Fiber 3.8g Chol. 3mg Sod. 446mg

Exchanges: 2 starch, 1 fat.

Polynesian Salad

5 Points per serving


1 tablespoon reduced-calorie margarine -- plus

1 teaspoon reduced-calorie margarine

2 tablespoons Brown Sugar Twin

6 ounces (1 full cup) diced 97% fat-free ham -- or extra-lean ham

4 cups cooked elbow macaroni -- rinsed and drained

2 cups canned pineapple chunks, packed in their own juice -- (two 8-ounce cans) drained, reserve 2 tablespoons juice

3/4 cup Kraft shredded reduced-fat Cheddar or American cheese -- (3 ounces)

1/2 cup chopped green bell pepper

1/2 cup Kraft fat-free mayonnaise

3/4 cup plain fat-free yogurt

1/3 cup nonfat dry milk powder -- Carnation

1/2 teaspoon salt

"You don't have to travel to the South Seas to savor this mouothwatering main-dish salad. But if you're aleady packed, I won't stop you. Just promise to send me a postcard."


1. In a large skillet, melt margarine with Brown Sugar Twin; add diced ham. Cook and stir until ham is golden brown. Cool. In a large bowl, combine macaroni, pineapple, cheese, and green pepper. In a small bowl, combine mayonnaise, yogurt, dry milk powder, reserved pineapple juice, and salt. Stir into macaroni mixture. Blend in cooled ham mixture. Refrigerate for at least 2 hours. Serves 8 (1 cup each).

HINT: 3 cups dry elbow macaroni usually makes about 4 cups cooked.

Flo's Notes: I skipped the first step, and did not brown my ham thus eliminating the margarine and sugar from the recipe. I also omitted the salt. I used wheat based rotini instead of macaroni.

Yield: "8 cups"

Serving size (1 cup)

According to the cookbook: Per serving: 227 Cal, 3g Fat, 12g Pro, 37g Carb, 609mg Sod, 1 Fib

Healthy Exchanges: 1 Bread, 1 Protein, 1/2 Fruit, 1/4 Fat, 1/4 Skim Milk, 10 Opt. Cal.

Diabetic Exchanges: 1 1/2 Starch, 1 Fruit, 1 Meat

Source: "Healthy Exchanges Cookbook, page 90" Copyright: "JoAnna M. Lund 1994; Healthy Exchanges, Inc., 1995; ISBN 0-399-14065-4"

Ranch Potato Salad

2 Points per serving



2 medium russet potato -- peeled and cubed

8 teaspoons light mayonnaise

1/3 cup fat-free Ranch dressing

1/3 cup celery -- diced

1/3 cup frozen peas -- thawed

3/4 teaspoon paprika

8 teaspoons scallions -- chopped (or green onions)

salt and pepper to taste


Boil the potatoes for 10 to 15 minutes until done. Drain and set aside. Combine the remaining ingredients and toss well with the potatoes. Refrigerate for 1 hour before serving.

Serves 4

Calories 131, Fat 3.5g (24% calories from fat), Cholesterol 3mg, Protein 2.1g, Carbohydrates 22.5g, Dietary Fiber 2.1 Sodium 306mg

Exchanges 1 1/2 Starch.

Red Bean Salad with Feta and Peppers

2.5 Points Per Serving


This is one of my favorite recipes.

1 can (19oz.) kidney beans

1 sweet red pepper, chopped

2 cups finely chopped cabbage (I use red)

2 green onions, chopped

4 oz feta cheese, cubed (1 cup)

1/4 chopped fresh parsley

1 clove garlic, minced

2 tbsp lemon juice

1 tbsp vegetable oil (I use olive oil)


Drain kidney beans and rinse under cold water. In salad bowl, combine beans, red pepper, cabbage, onions, cheese, parsley, garlic, lemon juice and oil: toss to mix. Cover and refrigerate for up to three days.

Makes 6 servings, 1 cup each, 2.5 points each.

Calories, 165: total fat 7 grams: saturated fat 3 grams: fibre 7 grams.

Sesame Chicken Salad

3 Points per Serving


2 C. torn or chopped, cooked or roasted chicken without skin

1-10 oz package torn mixed European-style or Italian-blend salad greens

1-8 3/4 oz can whole baby corn, drained and halved crosswise

2 green onions, sliced (1/4 cup)

1/4 C. sliced radishes

1/2 C. orange juice

1/4 C. rice vinegar or white vinegar

1/2 t. toasted sesame oil

1/4 t. pepper

1 1/2 t. sesame seed, toasted*

finely shreeded radish (optional)

orange slices (optional)


Combine the chicken, salad greens, baby corn, green onions, and sliced radishes in a larg salad bowl. For Dressing, combine the orange juice, vinegar, oil, and pepper in a screw-top jar. Cover and shake well. Refrigerate up to 3 days; shake before using. To Serve, pour dressing over salad mixture, tossing lightly to coat. Transfer to individual bowls. Sprinkle each serving with sesame seed. Garnish with finely shredded radish and orange slices if desired.

Makes 6 servings

*To toast sesame seeds, cook and stir in nonstick skillet over medium heat for about 1 minute or just till lightly golden. Watch closely so they don't burn. Remove from heat and transfer to a bowl to cool completely.

Nutrition facts per serving: 154 cal., 7 g total fat (2 g sat. fat., 25 mg calcium, 96 mg sodium, 6 g carbo., 2 g fiber, 15 g pro. Food exchanges: 1/2 vegetable, 2 meat, 1/2 fat.

Shepherd's Salad

1 Point per serving


1 1/2 cups diced tomato

1 cup diced green bell pepper

1 cup diced peeled cucumber

1/2 cup minced fresh parsley

1/3 cup sliced green onions

1/4 cup fresh lemon juice

2 tablespoons water

1 tablespoon olive oil

1/4 teaspoon salt

1/8 teaspoon pepper

Combine all ingredients in a medium bowl. Chill for 1 hour.

Servings: 8

Serving Size: 1/2 cup

Per serving: 33 Calories (kcal); 2g Total Fat; (45% calories from fat); 1g Protein; 4g Carbohydrate; 0mg Cholesterol; 73mg Sodium Food Exchanges: 0 Grain(Starch); 0 Lean Meat; 1/2 Vegetable; 0 Fruit; 1/2 Fat; 0 Other Carbohydrates

Tuna Pasta Salad

4 Points Per Serving


8 ounces shell pasta (3 cups or 8 oz - shell macaroni, uncooked)

1 1/2 cups broccoli florets (fresh)

6 1/2 ounces tuna in water, canned (1 can, drained and flaked)

1 small green pepper -- Cut into strips

1 small sweet red pepper -- Cut into strips

1/2 cup fat-free Italian salad dressing

1/3 cup pitted ripe olives -- Sliced

1 teaspoon dried italian seasoning


Cook pasta according to package directions, adding broccoli during the last 3 minute of cooking; drain. Rinse with cold water to cool quickly; drain well. In large bowl, stir together cooled pasta and broccoli and add remaining ingredients. Cover; refrigerate 2 hours

Calories: 210; Total Fat: 2g; Total Carbohydrate: 34g; Fiber: 2; Protein: 14g.

It makes 6 servings of 1 1/3 cups a piece.

Per serving: 28 Calories (kcal); 1g Total Fat; (26% calories from fat); trace Protein; 5g Carbohydrate; 0mg Cholesterol; 346mg Sodium

Food Exchanges: 0 Grain(Starch); 0 Lean Meat; 1/2 Vegetable; 0 Fruit; 0 Fat; 0 Other Carbohydrates

Zesty Coleslaw

1 Point per serving


8 cups coarsely shredded cabbage -- (about 2 pounds)

1 cup grated carrot


1/2 cup nonfat or reduced fat mayonnaise

2 tablespoons white wine vinegar

2 tablespoons pineapple juice

3 tablespoons spicy mustard

1 1/2 tablespoons sugar

1/8 teaspoon ground black pepper


Combine the cabbage and carrot in a large bowl, and toss to mix well. Combine the dressing ingredients in a small bowl, and stir to mix well. Pour the dressing over the cabbage mixture, and toss to mix. Cover the salad and chill for several hours or overnight before serving.

Makes 8 servings.

Serving size (1/8 recipe)

According to the website: Per serving: 42 Cal, 0.4g Fat, 1.7g Fib, 0mg Chol, 1g Prot, 213mg Sod

Weight Watcher Points: 1

Caesar Salad Dressing Recipe- no raw eggs

1.5 Points Per Serving


Try this one- it's from Moosewood Restaurant Cooks At Home and it's really good.


2 hard boiled eggs

1/3 cup olive oil (preferably extra-virgin)

3 T. fresh lemon juice

1/2 tsp. salt

1 tsp. Dijon mustard

1 garlic clove, minced or pressed (I always use at least 2)

ground black pepper to taste


Peel and chop the hard-boiled eggs. Place all ingredients in a blender and puree until smooth. Covered and refrigerated, this dressing will keep for about 5 days.

Per 2 oz serving: 217 cal., 3.8 g. protein, 22 g. fat, 1.7 g. carbohydrate, 336 mg sodium, 120 mg cholesterol

according to my points calculator, this is 6 points per serving. Says it makes a cup, so 2 oz would be 1/4 cup or 4 Tablespoons. So, each tablespoon would have 1.5 points.

Cilantro Salad Dressing

0.36 Points Per Serving


Serving Size : 4

1/2 cup fresh cilantro leaves

1/4 cup buttermilk

1/4 cup fat-free mayonnaise

1/8 teaspoon sugar

3 drops hot pepper sauce

Salad greens and vegetables of your choice


In a food processor or blender, place cilantro, buttermilk, mayonnaise, sugar and hot pepper sauce: cover and process until smooth. Serve over greens and vegetables. Store in the refrigerator.

Yield about 1/2 cup.

Makes (1/2 cup) 4 - 2 tablespoon servings

Serving Ideas : Use this zippy dressing over greens or hot or cold boiled potatos

NOTES : Per 2 tbsp serving: 17.1 cal, 0.2g fat, 0g fibre, 142mg sodium


Italian Dressing

1 Point per serving


1/4 cup low-sodium chicken broth

1 tablespoon minced red bell pepper

1 tablespoon chopped basil

1 tablespoon white-wine vinegar

2 teaspoons extra virgin olive oil

1/2 teaspoon grated lemon zest

1/2 teaspoon salt

1/2 garlic clove, minced

1/4 teaspoon dried oregano leaves, crumbled

1/8 teaspoon freshly ground pepper


In a jar with a tight-fitting lid, combine all the ingredients; cover and shake well. Refrigerate, covered, overnight. Shake again before serving.

Makes 4 servings

Honey-Mustard Dressing

1 Point per serving


1/2 cup plain nonfat yogurt

4 teaspoons prepared mustard

4 teaspoons honey

1 tablespoons snipped dill

2 teaspoons white-wine vinegar

1/2 teaspoon sugar

1/8 teaspoon ground white pepper


In a small bowl, whisk all the ingredients. Refrigerate, covered, 2-3 hours. Whisk again before serving.

makes 4 servings


0 Points per serving


1/2 c. skim milk

1/3 c. non-fat sour cream

1/3 c. fat-free mayonnaise

1/4 c. grated fat-free parmesan cheese

1/2 tsp.dried dill

1/4 tsp.garlic powder

1/4 tsp.dry mustard

pepper to taste


Combine all ingredients and shake well. Refrigerate.

Makes about 11/4 cups

Serving size 1 tbsp

Calories......28.....Fat.....0 g.....Sodium......157 mg.....Fiber.....0.5 g.


0 Points per serving


1/2 cup vinegar

2 tsp. lemon juice

1 clove minced garlic

pepper to taste

dash tabasco


Combine all ingredients. Shake vigorously. Refrigerate in tightly sealed container.

Makes 1/2 c. can be doubled or tripled.

Servings size. 1 tbsp.

Calories:.....12 .....Fat.....0 \par g.....Sodium.....26 mg.....Fiber.....0 g.

Orange Dressing

1/2 Point Per Tablespoon


1/2 cup fresh orange juice

1/4 cup fresh lemong juice

1/2 tsp paprika

1/8 tsp garlic powder (optional)

1/8 tsp pepper


Combine all ingredients in jar. Cover and shake well. Store in Fridge.

Makes 3/4 Cups

POINTS: 1/2 per Tablespoon

Per TBS: Calories: 7 Fiber: 0 Fat: 0 Carbohydrate: 0 Protein: 0 Cholesterol: 0 Sodium: 0

Presto Dressing

2 points per serving


2 cups packed basil leaves

1/2 cup packed flat-leaf parsley leaves

1/4 cup part-skim ricotta cheese

3 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese

3 garlic cloves

1/2 teaspoon freshly ground pepper

2 tablespoons plain nonfat yogurt


In blender or food processor, combine the basil, parsley, ricotta, Parmesan, garlic and pepper; puree. Transfer to a small bowl with a tight-fitting lid; stir in the yogurt. Refrigerate, covered, until the flavors are blended, at least 2 hours. Stir again before stirring.

makes 4 servings

Russian Dressing

1 Point per serving



3 tablespoons orange juice

3 tablespoons reduced-calorie mayonnaise

2 tablespoons minced green bell pepper

2 tablespoons minced red bell pepper

2 tablespoons tomato paste

2 tablespoons plain nonfat yogurt

1 tablespoon drained prepared horseradish

1 tablespoon grated onion

1 teaspoon Dijon mustard

1/2 teaspoon chili powder

1/4 teaspoon freshly ground pepper

In a jar with a tight-fitting lid, combine all the ingredients; cover and shake well. Refrigerate, covered, 2-3 hours. Shake again before serving.

makes 4 servings

Seafood Dressing

1 Point Per Tablespoon


1 cup low-fat yogurt

1 cup reduced-calorie mayonaise

1/2 cup spicy chili sauce

2 TBS fresh lemon juice

1 TBS minced onion

1 TBS prepared horseradish

Pinch tarragon

Salt and Pepper to taste (optional)


Combine all ingredients in bowl; mix well. Store in fridge.

Makes 2 3/4 cups

Per TBS: Calories: 22 Fiber: 0 Fat: 2 Carbs: 2 Protein: 0 Cholesterol: 2 Sodium: 86


0 Points per serving

2/3 cup low-fat cottage cheese

1/8 tsp. garlic and / or onion powder

1 to 2 tsp white wine vinegar or tarragon vinegar

2T non-fat milk

1T chives, chopped

Puree all ingredients in blender. Refrigerate in tightly sealed container.

Makes about 1 c.

Serving size 1 tbsp.

Calories..... 20.....Fat.....1 g.....Sodium.....56 mg.....Fiber.....1 g

2 point shake!!

2 Points per serving


1 cup skim milk

2 tbl ff sugar free pudding mix any flavor

1 tbl coolwhip

1 tsp vanilla

8 ice cubes


Put all in blender and process till smooth and thick.

Serves 1

I love the chocolate Karen Mich

Caramel Apple Milkshakes

4 Points Per Serving


3 cups frozen yogurt, vanilla

3/4cup 1% low-fat milk

1/2 cup applesauce

1 teaspoon cinnamon

1/4 cup caramel topping

Place the yogurt, milk, cinnamon, and topping in a blender. Cover and blend until smooth. Pour into 6 glasses. Serve immediately.

Per serving = 179 calories, 4 gm fat, 4 mg cholesterol, 126 mg sodium, 32 gm carbohydrate, 0 gm fiber, 4 gm protein

Makes 6 glasses

Chocolate Fudge Shake

1 Point Per Serving


2 Cups skim milk-cold

1 Package Jell-o Chocolate Fudge Instant Pudding and Pie Filling, fat-free, sugar-free-Reduced Calorie

2 Cups crushed ice


Pour milk into blender container. Add remaining ingredients and cover. Blend at high speed at 15 seconds or until smooth.

(mixture thickens as it stands. Thin with additional milk, if desired.)

Makes: 4 portions

Fruit and Spice Iced Tea

1 Point Per Serving


3 English Breakfast teabags

3 Orange and spice teabags

3 cups water -- boiling

Equal sweetener to taste

2 cups grapefruit juice


mint sprigs


Place teabags in large teapot. Add boiling water; let stand, covered, 10 min. Remove teabags and stir in Equal until dissolived. Let cool. Pour grapefruit juice and 3 cups cold water into large pitcher, stir in cooled tea. Pour over ice and garnish with mint.

Serving Size : 8

Low-Fat Maple-Walnut Ice Milk

3 Points Per Serving

Hi Everyone, I made this last night and its wonderful. You don't need and icecream maker for this. I used the hand mixer for a good 5 minutes. DHTB loved it and thought it was fattening *looking innocent* I never told him it was low-fat. ooops.


1 1/2 cs. 1% low-fat milk

1 c. evaporated skimmed milk

1 c. maple syrup

1/2 c. frozen egg substitute, thawed

1/2 c. chopped walnuts, toasted


Combine first 4 ingredients in a bowl; beat at medium speed of an electric mixer until well blended. Pour into the freezer can or a 2-quart hand-turned or electric freezer; (I used a large coffee can) let freeze for 1 1/2 hours. Remove from freezer; stir in walnuts. Put back in freezer for at least 12 hours.

Makes 12 servings.

Per Serving Calories...132...Fat...3.3 g...Carbs...21.7 g Sodium...57 mg Fiber...0 g.

Low-Fat Sunshine Shake

3.5 Points Per Serving


1 cup orange juice

1/2 cup grapefruit juice

1 ripe banana

1/2 cup low-fat vanilla yogurt

1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract


Combine all ingredients in blender until smooth. Pour into glass, and serve immediately.

Makes two ( 8-ounce) servings

Per Serving Calories...182 Fat...1 g Carbs...40 gSodium...37 mg Fiber...2 g.

Yummy Shake

4 Points per serving


2 Pkgs. Alba's or Swiss Miss (chocolate)

1/3 C. Non-fat dry milk

1 C. Ice Water

6-8 Crushed ice cubes


Blend in blender...Enjoy

Makes 1 Serving

Carmel Nut Popcorn Crunch

3 Points Per Serving


10 cups popcorn, air-popped

1 cup pecans

1/2 cup butter

1/2 teaspoon baking soda

1 cup brown sugar

1/4 cup light corn syrup

1/2 teaspoon salt


Spread popped popcorn and nuts in a large shallow pan and place in a preheated 250º F oven. Combine butter, brown sugar, syrup and salt in a saucepan. Cook over medium heat, stirring until sugar dissolves. Wash sugar from sides of pan with a wet brush. Boil until mixture reaches 248º (firm ball stage on candy thermometer), about 5 minutes. Remove from heat and stir in soda. Pour mixture over corn and nuts, stirring gently to coat. Return glazed popcorn and nut mixture to oven and bake 45 minutes, stirring every 15 minutes. When cooled, pack in airtight tins.

Make approx 21 (1/2 cup) servings.

NOTES : Per serving: 107.9 cal, 6.3g (50.6%) fat, 0.8g fibre, 132mg sodium, 13.2g carbs, 0.7g protien

Per serving: 2.52 points

Caramel Popcorn

4 Points Per Serving


12 c. popcorn, air-popped

1 c. brown sugar, packed

1/2 c. corn syrup, light

1/4 c. reduced fat margarine, melted

1/2 tsp.. salt\par 1/2 tsp. baking soda

1/2 tsp. pure vanilla extract


Preheat oven to 300º. Place popped corn in oven while preparing caramel glaze. In medium saucepan, combine brown sugar, corn syrup, margarine, and salt. Cook ten minutes. Stirring constantly, bring to a boil over medium heat. Without stirring, boil four minutes. Remove from heat; stir in baking soda and vanilla extract. Pour over warm popcorn; tossing to coat completely. Bake 60 minutes, stirring every 15 minutes. Turn popcorn mixture onto a large piece of foil. Cool completely. Break mixture into small pieces. Place in large bowl.

Makes 9 servings.

Calories...207 Fat...3 g Carbs...46 g Sodium...253 mg Fiber...1 g.

Cheery Cherry Popcorn

1 Point Per Serving


10 cups popcorn, air-popped

85 grams jell-o, jelly powder -- 1 pkg cherry flavour


try other flavours for a change

vegetable cooking spray -- butter flavoured


Put popcorn into a very large bowl and spray lightly with butter flavored spray. Sprinkle with gelatin. Put in 350º oven for five minutes. Gelatin will dissolve slightly and stick to the popcorn.

Makes 10 (1 cup) servings.

**NOTE: If you use diet flavoured gelitin the points would be 2.5 - 3 cups for 1 point, instead of 1 point a cup.

NOTES : Per serving: 63 cal, 0.3g (4.7%) fat, 1.2g fibre, 0g sodium, 13.8g carbs, 1.5g protien

Per serving: 1.05 points

Cinnamon Popcorn Crunch

3 Points Per Serving


11 cups popcorn, air-popped -- unsalted

6 1/2 ounces mixed nuts, dry-roasted -- 1 can salted

1 pound light brown sugar

1 cup light corn syrup -- or maple syrup

1/2 cup butter or margarine

1/2 cup water

2 teaspoons salt

1 1/2 teaspoons cinnamon


Mix popcorn and nuts in large buttered bowl. Combine sugar, syrup, butter or margarine, water, salt and cinnamon in saucepan. Heat slowly to the boiling point, stirring until sugar melts. Cook to hard crack stage (290-295º F). Pour syrup in a fine stream over popcorn and nuts. Stir until popcorn and nuts are evenly coated with syrup. Spread out on large buttered surface or waxed paper. Separate into bite-size portions with forks. Cool.

Makes about 34 (1/2 cup) servings.

NOTES : Per serving: 143.4 cal, 5.6g (33.3%) fat, 0.9g fibre, 170mg sodium, 23.9g carbs, 1.3g protien

Per serving: 3.15 points

Country Cousin Popcorn Balls

6 Points Per Serving


2 cups sugar

2/3 cup apple juice -- or water

2/3 cup maple syrup

1/2 cup butter

1 1/2 teaspoons salt

4 quarts popcorn, air-popped -- warm (15 cups)

1 cup honey-roasted peanuts -- unsalted or salted

1 1/2 cups chopped dates -- 1 8oz package


Combine sugar, apple juice, syrup, butter and salt in a heavy saucepan. Bring to a boil, stirring occasionally. Remove sugar from sides of pan with a wet brush. Cook, without stirring, until mixture reaches 270º F, or the soft crack stage on a candy thermometer. Add vanilla. Pour mixture over popped popcorn, peanuts and dates; mix well. Wet or butter hands and shape into 3-inch balls.

Makes 18 balls.

*1 ounce of unpopped popcorn kernels (2 tablespoons household measure) makes approximately 1 quart of popped popcorn.

NOTES : Per serving: 280.9 cal, 9.4g (28.8%) fat, 2.9g fibre, 297mg sodium, 49.3g carbs, 3.1g protien

Dream Chocolate Pudding

2 Points per serving


2 envelopes Dream Whip topping

2 3/4 Skim Milk, divided

1 teaspoon Vanilla

2 packages of Sugar Free Instant chocolate pudding (Jello Brand)


Beat Whip topping mix, 1 cup milk and vanilla in a large bowl with electric mixer on high speed 6 minutes or until topping thickens and forms peaks. Add remaining milk and pudding mixes; beat on low speed until blended. Beat on high speed 2 minutes, scraping bowl occasionally, spoon in serving dishes and refrigerate at least 4 hours.Can also be made with different flavor pudding mix, vanilla, butterscotch etc.(it is very much like a Mousse)

Each serving approx 1/2 to 3/4 cup and it makes 8 servings

Serving = 115 Calories, 0 fat grams, 0 fiber

WW Point value = 2 point Computed by the MasterCook software Recomputed from original post and point value and serving size changed.

Fruity Mousse

2 Points Per Serving


1 pkg. (8 oz.) Philadelphia® Fat Free Cream Cheese , softened

1 tub Crystal Light® Pink Lemonade Flavor Low Calorie Soft Drink Mix , divided*

1 cup skim milk

1 tub (8 oz.) Cool Whip® Lite Whipped Topping , thawed


BEAT cream cheese and 1-1/2 teaspoons of the drink mix in large bowl with electric mixer on medium speed until well blended and smooth. Gradually addmilk, mixing until well blended. GENTLY stir in whipped topping until well blended. Pour into serving bowl or individual dishes. REFRIGERATE 3 hours or until firm. Serve with fresh fruit, if desired

Serves: 10

*NOTE: Place remaining drink mix in glass or plastic pitcher. Add 1 quart water; stir to dissolve. Serve over ice.

Nutrition Info (per Serving) Calories: 80; Total Fat: 3g (saturated fat - 3g); Dietary Fiber: 0g

UK Points: 1.9

Milk-Chocolate Pudding

5.5 Points Per Serving


1/2 cup sugar

2 tablespoons cornstarch

2 cups 1% low-fat milk

1-1/2 ounces semisweet chocolate, chopped

1 large egg, lightly beaten

1 teaspoon vanilla extract


1. Combine the sugar and cornstarch in a saucepan; gradually add milk, stirring with a whisk until well-blended. Stir in chocolate. Bring to a boil over medium heat; cook 7 minutes, stirring constantly. Gradually add hot milk mixture to egg, stirring constantly with a whisk. Return the milk mixture to the pan, and cook until thick and bubbly (about 30 seconds), stirring constantly. Remove from heat, and stir in the vanilla. Spoon the mixture into a bowl; place plastic wrap over the surface, and cool to room temperature.

Yield: 4 servings (serving size: 1/2 cup). NUTRITIONAL INFORMATION: CALORIES 240 (24% from fat); FAT 6.4g (sat 3.3g, mono 2g, poly 0.3g); PROTEIN 6.1g; CARB 40.8g; FIBER 0.1g; CHOL 60mg; IRON 0.5mg; SODIUM 78mg; CALC 160mg

Warm Chocolate Bread Pudding

4 Points Per Serving


Cooking oil or nonstick cooking spray

1 c. firm-textured white bread cubes (from about 1 1/4 slices of Italian or sourdough bread)

2 T. miniature semisweet chocolate pieces

2 T. sugar

1/3 c. fat-free milk

3 T. refrigerated or frozen egg product, thawed, or 1 egg

1/2 t. finely shredded orange or tangerine peel

1/4 t. vanilla

sifted powdered sugar or fat-free whipped topping (optional)


Preheat the oven to 350º. Spray two 6-oz individual souffle dishes or custard cups with cooking oil or nonstick cooking spray. Divide the bread cubes between the two dishes or cups. Combine chocolate, sugar, and milk in a small saucepan. Stir over low heat till the chocolate melts; remove from heat. Beat smooth with a wire whisk, if necessary. Place egg product or egg in a small bowl; gradually stir in the chocolate mixture. Add the orange peel and vanilla. Pour mixture over bread in the two dishes or cups. Press lightly with back of spoon to be sure all the bread cubes are moistened. If desired, desserts may be covered and refrigerated for 1-2 hours before baking. Uncover before baking. Bake in a 350º oven for 15-20 minutes till the tops appear firm and a knife inserted near the centers comes out clean. Cool about 10 minutes; serve warm. Top with sprinkles of powdered sugar or dollops of whipped topping, if desired.

Makes 2 servings

Nutrition facts: 163 cal., 4 g total fat (0 g sat. fat), 80 mg calcium, 125 mg sodium, 29 g carbo., 0 g fiber, 5 g pro.

Food exchange: 1 starch

Rich Chocolate Mousse

2 Points Per Serving


1/4 ounce unflavored gelatin -- (one package)

1/4 cup water

1 cup milk

1/2 cup cocoa powder

1/3 cup Equal Spoonful

2 cups Cool Whip Lite


Sprinkle gelatin over water in small saucepan; let stand 2 to 3 minutes. Cook over low heat, stirring constantly, until gelatin is dissolved; cool. Stir 1/4 cup of the milk into cocoa to make a paste; gradually stir in remaining milk. Stir in gelatin mixture and Equal Spoonful . Refrigerate until mixture begins to thicken, 20 to 30 minutes. Fold in 2 cups whipped topping. Spoon mixture into stemmed glasses or serving bowl. Refrigerate 2 to 4 hours. To serve, garnish mousse with dollops of whipped topping and chocolate curls.

No serving size listed, I am guessing 1/2 Cup

Per serving: 99 Calories (kcal); 5g Total Fat; (42% calories from fat); 3g Protein; 12g Carbohydrate; 6mg Cholesterol; 41mg Sodium Food Exchanges: 1/2 Grain(Starch); 0 Lean Meat; 0 Vegetable; 0 Fruit; 1 Fat; 1/2 Other Carbohydrates

NOTES : Nutrition information per serving: Calories: 95, Saturated Fat: <1 g, Protein: 4 g, Cholesterol <1 mg, Carbohydrates: 13 g, Fiber: 2 g, Total Fat: 5 g, Sodium: 74 mg

Christmas Lasagna

Serving Size : 8

Categories : Pasta 10 Points per serving

Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method

-------- ------------ --------------------------------

***Red Pepper Sauce***

2 teaspoons olive oil

2 sweet red peppers -- coarsely chopped

2 pounds tomatoes -- quartered

1/2 cup parsley -- flat leaved

4 cloves garlic -- minced

2 teaspoons balsamic vinegar

1/4 teaspoon freshly ground pepper


9 lasagna noodles

1 teaspoon olive oil

1 green pepper -- thinly sliced into rings

1 sweet red pepper -- thinly sliced into rings

2 cups nonfat ricotta cheese

1/4 cup egg substitute

2 tablespoons nonfat parmesan cheese

2 teaspoons dried basil

pinch nutmeg -- grated

1 cup canned cannelini beans -- rinsed and drained

1/2 cup shredded nonfat mozzarella cheese

To make the red-pepper sauce: In a large no-stick frying pan over medium heat, warm

the oil. Add the red peppers; cook for 5 minutes.

Add the tomatoes, parsley and garlic; cover and simmer, stirring frequently,

for 20 to 25 minutes. Transfer to a blender.

Add the vinegar and black pepper; process until smooth.

Measure out 1 cup of the sauce and set it aside to serve with the lasagna.

To make the lasagna: In a large pot of boiling water, cook the noodles for 10 to 12

minutes, or until tender. Drain and toss with the oil.

Meanwhile, coat a large no-stick frying pan with no-stick spray.

Warm over medium-high heat.

Add the green and red peppers. Cook, stirring frequently, for 2 to 3 minutes,

or until just tender; set aside.

In a medium bowl, mix the ricotta, egg, Parmesan, basil and nutmeg.

Preheat the oven to 350º F.

To assemble the lasagna, spread one-quarter of the red-pepper sauce in the bottom of

a 9" x 13" baking dish.

Lay 3 noodles side by side in the dish.

Spread with half of the ricotta mixture, half of the sautéed peppers, half of the

beans and one-third of the remaining red-pepper sauce.

Repeat to make another layer.

Top with the remaining 3 noodles, the remaining red-pepper sauce and the mozzarella.

Cover and bake for 30 minutes. Uncover and bake for 10 minutes, or until bubbly.

Let stand for 5 minutes before cutting.

Reheat the reserved red-pepper sauce and serve it with the lasagna.


"10 Points per serving"

Per serving: 509 Calories (kcal); 5g Total Fat; (8% calories from fat); 28g Protein;

89g Carbohydrate; 13mg Cholesterol; 291mg Sodium

Food Exchanges: 5 Grain Starch); 2 Lean Meat; 1 1/2 Vegetable; 0 Fruit; 1/2 Fat;

0 Other Carbohydrates

NOTES : Description: "This festive lasagna freezes well, so you can assemble it

ahead and bake it when needed. The red and green colors are especially appropriate

for a Yuletide celebration."

Fast and Easy Lasagna

Serving Size : 9 Categories : Pasta 7 Points Per Serving

Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method

-------- ------------ --------------------------------

vegetable cooking spray

1 pound extra lean ground beef

26 ounces pasta sauce -- low calorie

8 ounces tomato sauce

2 teaspoons italian seasoning

8 ounces yolk-free egg noodles

8 ounces fat-free sour cream

8 ounces fat-free ricotta cheese -- or cottage cheese

3 cups fat-free mozzarella cheese -- shredded

Preheat oven to 350º.

Lightly spray 13x9 inch baking dish with vegetable cooking spray. Set aside.

Brown ground round and drain well.

Add pasta sauce, tomato sauce and Italian seasoning.

Simmer 10 to 15 minutes.

While sauce simmers, cook noodles according to package directions and drain.

Combine hot noodles with sour cream, ricotta cheese and 2 cups mozzarella cheese.

Layer ingredients by pouring half of noodle/cheese mixture on bottom of baking dish.

Top with half of the pasta sauce mixture.

Add remaining noodle/cheese mixture and top with remaining mozzarella cheese.

Return to oven for 2 minutes or until cheese melts.


"7 Points Per Serving"

Per serving: 349 Calories (kcal); 9g Total Fat; (24% calories from fat); 33g Protein;

33g Carbohydrate; 48mg Cholesterol; 559mg Sodium

Food Exchanges: 2 Grain Starch); 4 Lean Meat; 1/2 Vegetable; 0 Fruit; 1 Fat;

1/2 Other Carbohydrates

Fettuccine with Spinach and Feta Cheese

Serving Size : 2 Categories : Pasta 12 Points Per Serving

Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method

-------- ------------ --------------------------------

8 ounces fettucine -- cooked

1 cup fat-free chicken broth soup

10 ounces frozen spinach -- thawed and dried

1/3 cup sun-dried tomatoes

garlic -- to taste

1 cup nonfat ricotta cheese

pepper -- to taste

1/4 cup feta cheese

Cook and drained pasta. Bring broth, spinach, tomatoes, and garlic to boil. Reduce

heat, simmer, covered 5 minutes.

Add ricotta and pepper, warm through. Add pasta and feta and toss. My DH has

decided (after giving them a real good try) that he doesn't like sun dried tomatoes.

So I substitute canned tomatoes in most recipes (unless I'm making something just

for me, as I love sun dried tomatoes).


"12 Points Per Serving"

Per serving: 628 Calories (kcal); 6g Total Fat; (9% calories from fat); 43g Protein;

101g Carbohydrate; 37mg Cholesterol; 915mg Sodium

Food Exchanges: 6 Grain Starch); 3 Lean Meat; 1 1/2 Vegetable; 0 Fruit; 1/2 Fat;

0 Other Carbohydrates

NOTES : A REAL quick and easy one. I happen to like this one cold, too. And prefer

using fresh spinach, even though that's not quite so convenient. - Anni

Fresh Pasta with Lemon Cream

Serving Size : 8

Categories : Pasta 3 Points Per Serving

Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method

-------- ------------ --------------------------------

15 ounces lowfat ricotta cheese

dash salt

1 teaspoon grated lemon rind

1 teaspoon nutmeg

4 cups cooked pasta

Empty ricotta into blender or food processor, using the steel blade. Add salt.

Process until all graininess disappears and ricotta has the texture of thick

whipped cream. Flavor the mixture with lemon peel and nutmeg. Store in refrigerator.

Drain the hot cooked pasta, then immediately return it to the saucepan it was cooked


Add the whipped ricotta. Toss until pasta is well coated with the sauce.

Can garnish with parmesan, fresh parsley or a few thin slices of pitted black



"3 Points Per Serving"


"4 cups"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Per serving: 156 Calories (kcal); 2g Total Fat; (12% calories from fat); 11g Protein;

22g Carbohydrate; 21mg Cholesterol; 247mg Sodium

Food Exchanges: 1 1/2 Grain(Starch); 1 Lean Meat; 0 Vegetable; 0 Fruit; 0 Fat;

0 Other Carbohydrates

NOTES : (Garnishes Not included in Points per serving)

Lazy Lasagna

Serving Size : 9 Categories : Pasta 8 Points Per Serving

Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method

-------- ------------ --------------------------------

1 pound extra lean ground beef

26 ounces spaghetti sauce

16 ounces fat-free cottage cheese

2 tablespoons grated parmesan cheese

vegetable cooking spray

8 ounces lasagna noodles -- precooked

1 cup reduced fat cheddar cheese -- or reduced fat mozzarella,


parsley -- optional, chopped

Preheat oven to 350º.

Cook meat in a large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat until browned, stirring

to crumble.

Drain well, and return meat to pan. Add sauce, bring to a boil. Reduce heat, and

simmer 5 minutes.

Combine cottage and parmesan cheeses in a bowl; set aside.

Spread 1/2 cup meat mixture in bottom of a 13 x 9 inch baking dish coated with

cooking spray.

Arrange 4 noodles over meat mixture; top with half of cottage cheese mixture, 1 cup

meat mixture; and 1/3 cup cheddar cheese. Repeat layers, ending with noodles.

Spread remaining meat mixture over noodles.

Cover and bake at 350º for 30 minutes. Uncover, sprinkle with 1/3 cup

cheddar cheese, and bake 5 more minutes or until cheese melts. Let stand 10 minutes

before serving. Garnish with parsley, if desired.


"8 Points Per Serving"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Per serving: 359 Calories (kcal); 14g Total Fat; (35% calories from fat);

24g Protein; 33g Carbohydrate; 41mg Cholesterol; 672mg Sodium

Food Exchanges: 1 1/2 Grain Starch); 3 Lean Meat; 2 1/2 Vegetable; 0 Fruit; 2 Fat;

0 Other Carbohydrates

No Meat Lasgana

Serving Size : Categories : Pasta 4 Points Per Serving

Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method

-------- ------------ --------------------------------

2 tablespoons olive oil

2 medium onions -- chopped

2 cloves garlic -- minced

28 ounces tomatoes

8 ounces tomato sauce

2 teaspoons oregano -- chopped

1/2 teaspoon salt

1/2 teaspoon pepper

1 package lasagna noodles

1 cup fat free mozzarella cheese

1/2 cup grated parmesan cheese

1 cup fat-free ricotta cheese

1-In medium saucepan over medium heat, warm the olive oil Add the onions and garlic

and sauté for 5 minutes or until onions are soft. Add the tomatoes and their juice,

the tomato sauce, oregano, salt and pepper. Bring the mixture to a simmer.

Reduce heat to medium low and simmer, uncovered for 35 minutes, stirring often.

2- Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil over high heat. Add the lasagna

noodles and cook, stirring occasionally, until just tender, according to the

package directions. Drain, rinse under cold water, and drain again. Lightly oil

a baking sheet and spread the noodles out on it. Set aside.

3- In a medium bowl, toss together the mozzarella and parmesan. Set aside.

4- Preheat oven to 350º, lightly spray 11 x 7 inch baking sheet with cooking spray.

5- Spoon some of sauce into bottom of prepared baking dish. Make layers of noodles,

trimming to fit the dish, ricotta, sauce and grated cheeses, starting with a third

of each. Top the lasagna with a thin film of sauce and remaining grated cheese.

6- Bake for 35 minutes or until bubbling. Let stand 10 minutes before cutting.


"4 Points Per Serving"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Per serving: 175 Calories (kcal); 5g Total Fat; (27% calories from fat); 14g Protein;

19g Carbohydrate; 11mg Cholesterol; 579mg Sodium

Food Exchanges: 1/2 Grain Starch); 1 1/2 Lean Meat; 1 1/2 Vegetable; 0 Fruit; 1 Fat;

0 Other Carbohydrates

Pasta Jambalaya

Serving Size : 8 Categories : Pasta 8 points per serving

Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method

-------- ------------ --------------------------------

vegetable cooking spray

1/2 cup onion -- diced

1/2 cup red bell pepper -- diced

1 clove garlic -- minced

1 teaspoon cajun seasoning

15 ounces black beans, canned -- rinsed and drained

10 ounces tomatoes with green chilies -- undrained

3 ounces turkey kielbasa -- halved lenghtwise, and thinly sliced

7 cups penne pasta -- (about 3 cups tube-shaped pasta) uncooked

1/2 cup four-cheese Mexican-style shredded cheese

Place a large nonstick skillet coated with cooking spray over medium-high heat until


Add onion, bell pepper, and garlic; sauté 5 minutes. Add seasoning; sauté 1 minute.

Add beans, tomatoes, and kielbasa; bring to a boil.

Reduce heat; simmer 10 minutes or until thick.

Combine bean mixture and pasta in a large bowl. Top with cheese.


"8 points per serving"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Per serving: 444 Calories (kcal); 3g Total Fat; (6% calories from fat); 19g Protein;

82g Carbohydrate; 16mg Cholesterol; 468mg Sodium

Food Exchanges: 5 Grain Starch); 1/2 Lean Meat; 1/2 Vegetable; 0 Fruit; 0 Fat;

0 Other Carbohydrates

NOTES : Serving Size: 1 cup

Pasta With Spinach Pesto Sauce

Serving Size : 6

Categories : Pasta 8 Points Per Serving

Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method

-------- ------------ --------------------------------

16 ounces spinach -- baby

6 ounces tofu, firm -- sliken

2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice

1 tablespoon garlic -- minced

2 tablespoons nonfat chicken broth -- reduced sodium

1/4 cup nonfat parmesan cheese

1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper

1 teaspoon dried italian seasoning

10 ounces mushrooms -- sliced

4 ounces shiitake mushrooms -- sliced to equal 1 cup

1/2 cup red onion -- diced

1/4 cup bacon bits

1 pound pasta shells -- penne

Cook pasta according to package directions. While pasta is cooking, in food

processor or blender, combine spinach, tofu, lemon juice, garlic, broth, cheese,

pepper, and Italian seasoning, process until smooth. Set aside.

Spray a large non-stick sauté pan with cooking spray.

Over medium heat, cook onions and mushrooms until tender. Reduce heat to low, add

pesto mixture and heat until hot. Toss pasta with sauce and bacon bits. Serve with

additional Parmesan cheese, if desired.


"8 Points Per Serving"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Per serving: 426 Calories (kcal); 4g Total Fat; (8% calories from fat); 21g Protein;

81g Carbohydrate; 4mg Cholesterol; 229mg Sodium

Food Exchanges: 5 Grain Starch); 1 Lean Meat; 1 1/2 Vegetable; 0 Fruit; 0 Fat;

0 Other Carbohydrates

NOTES : NOTE: If sauce seems too thick, thin to desired consistency with pasta

cooking water or broth.

Presto Primavera

Serving Size : 8

Categories : Pasta 2 Points Per Serving

Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method

-------- ------------ --------------------------------

6 ounces pasta -- penne, spirals or macaroni

8 1/2 ounces peas, canned -- drained

8 ounces green beans, canned -- drained

8 1/4 ounces carrots, canned -- sliced, drained

14 1/2 ounces diced tomatoes -- with garlic and onion

salt and pepper -- to taste

nonfat parmesan cheese -- optional

Cook pasta according to package directions; drain.

Meanwhile, heat peas, green beans, carrots and tomatoes in separate large saucepan

while pasta is cooking.

Mix in pasta and heat through. Season with salt and pepper, if desired. Garnish with

Parmesan cheese, if desired.


"2 Points Per Serving"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Per serving: 117 Calories (kcal); 1g Total Fat; (4% calories from fat); 5g Protein;

24g Carbohydrate; 0mg Cholesterol; 225mg Sodium

Food Exchanges: 1 Grain Starch); 0 Lean Meat; 1 Vegetable; 0 Fruit; 0 Fat;

0 Other Carbohydrates

NOTES : Serving size: 1/8 recipe

Variation: For a hearty main dish, add cooked chicken or ham.

Quick Lasagna

Serving Size : 8

Categories : Pasta 5 Points Per Serving

Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method

-------- ------------ --------------------------------

30 ounces nonfat ricotta cheese

1/4 cup nonfat parmesan cheese -- divided

1 large egg

28 ounces low-fat spaghetti sauce -- divided

1/2 package lasagna noodles -- divided**

2 1/2 cups part skim milk mozzarella cheese -- divided, shredded

Heat the oven to 375 ş.

In a large bowl, combine the ricotta, 2 tablespoon of the parmesan cheese and the


In a 13 x 9" baking dish, spread 3/4 cup of the sauce.

Top with 3 noodles, then 1/2 of the ricotta mixture and 1 cup of the mozzarella


Repeat all the layers (sauce, noodles, ricotta mixture, mozzarella), then top with

the remaining noodles and sauce.

Sprinkle with the remaining mozzarella and parmesan cheese.

Cover with foil and bake for 10 minutes longer, until the noodles are tender.

Let stand for 10 minutes before serving.


"5 Points Per Serving"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Per serving: 261 Calories (kcal); 8g Total Fat; (28% calories from fat); 29g

Protein; 18g Carbohydrate; 63mg Cholesterol; 895mg Sodium

Food Exchanges: 1/2 Grain Starch); 3 1/2 Lean Meat; 0 Vegetable; 0 Fruit; 1 Fat;

1/2 Other Carbohydrates

NOTES : **9 noodles

Simple Lasagna

Serving Size : 10

Categories : Pasta 5 Points Per Serving

Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method

-------- ------------ --------------------------------

3/4 package lasagna noodles

2 cups part skim milk mozzarella cheese -- shredded

1/4 cup nonfat parmesan cheese -- grated


15 ounces nonfat ricotta cheese

1 cup nonfat cottage cheese

1/4 cup nonfat parmesan cheese -- grated

2 tablespoons parsley -- finely chopped or 2 teaspoons dried


8 ounces extra lean ground beef--or Morningstar Farms recipe crumbles

32 ounces tomato sauce

16 ounces crushed tomatoes

2 tablespoons tomato paste

1 medium onion -- chopped

1 1/2 teaspoons garlic -- crushed

2 1/2 teaspoons dried italian seasoning

Sauce: Brown ground beef and drain. Add remaining sauce ingredients to browned

ground beef and stir, bring to a boil, reduce heat, cover and simmer for 25 minutes.

Set aside.

Filling: Combine all of the filling ingredients in large bowl and stir to mix well.

Set aside.

Assembly: Coat a 9x13 pain with cooking spray. Spoon 1 cup of the sauce over bottom

of pan. Lay 4 uncooked noodles over the bottom of the pan (3 lengthwise and one

crosswise). Allow a little space between noodles for expansion.

Top noodles with half of the filling mixture, 3/4 cup of mozzarella, and 1 1/2 cups

of sauce. Repeat the noodles, filling, mozzarella and sauce layers.

Finally top with remaining noodles, sauce, Parmesan and mozzarella.

At this point you can freeze.

To prepare: Thaw overnight.

Cover the pain with aluminum foil and bake at 350º F for 45 minutes, remove foil and

bake for 15 more minutes or until the edges are bubbly and the top is brown.

Remove from oven and let rest for 5 minutes before cutting and serving.


"5 Points Per Serving"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Per serving: 249 Calories (kcal); 8g Total Fat; (28% calories from fat); 25g Protein;

21g Carbohydrate; 41mg Cholesterol; 956mg Sodium

Food Exchanges: 1/2 Grain Starch); 3 Lean Meat; 2 Vegetable; 0 Fruit; 1/2 Fat;

0 Other Carbohydrates

Spaghetti with Sauce and Cheese

Serving Size : 2

Categories : Pasta 5 Points per serving

Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method

-------- ------------ --------------------------------

1/2 green bell pepper -- finely diced

1/4 cup spanish onion -- chopped

1 clove garlic -- minced

1 teaspoon olive oil

1 cup canned tomatoes -- chopped

1 cup spaghetti -- cooked

3/4 ounce nonfat mozzarella cheese -- shredded

3/4 ounce nonfat parmesan cheese -- grated

Sauté first three ingredients in oil. Add tomatoes, simmer. Serve over spaghetti.

Top with cheese.


"5 Points per serving"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Per serving: 259 Calories (kcal); 3g Total Fat; (10% calories from fat); 14g Protein;

45g Carbohydrate; 10mg Cholesterol; 343mg Sodium

Food Exchanges: 2 Grain Starch); 1 Lean Meat; 1 1/2 Vegetable; 0 Fruit; 1/2 Fat;

0 Other Carbohydrates

Basic Marinara Sauce

Serving Size : 4

Categories : Pasta Sauces 1 Point Per Serving

Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method

-------- ------------ --------------------------------

1 small onion -- chopped fine

1 small carrot -- chopped fine

2 cloves garlic -- chopped fine

3 tablespoons chicken stock

4 tablespoons fresh basil -- chopped

2 tablespoons fresh italian parsley

3 pounds tomatoes -- peeled, seeded and chopped

3 tablespoons tomato paste

Sauté onion, carrot, and garlic in chicken stock for 5 minutes. Add tomatoes and

tomato paste (if using fresh tomatoes), basil, and parsley.

Cook for about 10 minutes to heat and blend flavors.

Serve immediately over cooked pasta.


"1 Point Per Serving"


"Shared by: Donna"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Per serving: 98 Calories (kcal); 1g Total Fat; (9% calories from fat); 4g Protein;

22g Carbohydrate; 0mg Cholesterol; 234mg Sodium

Food Exchanges: 0 Grain Starch); 0 Lean Meat; 4 Vegetable; 0 Fruit; 0 Fat;

0 Other Carbohydrates

NOTES : The beauty of this classic Italian sauce is that by preparing it quickly,

the fresh flavors are retained. It is not necessary to cook it all day.

Eggplant, Tomato And Pepper Sauce Vegan

Serving Size : 7

Categories : Pasta Sauces 1 Point Per Serving

Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method

-------- ------------ --------------------------------

1 medium eggplant

1 teaspoon salt

1 cup vegetable broth

3/4 cup chopped onion -- minced

6 roma tomatoes -- chopped (2 cups)

1 large red bell pepper -- seeded and chopped

1/4 teaspoon crushed red pepper

3 tablespoons tomato paste

1 teaspoon sweetener -- honey, sugar etc

Peel and dice eggplant; place in medium bowl. Sprinkle with salt; toss well. Let

stand at room temperature 15 minutes to soften.

While eggplant softens, bring broth to a boil in large heavy saucepan over medium-

high heat.

Reduce heat: stir in onion and garlic. Simmer 3 minutes.

Add tomatoes, bell pepper and red pepper flakes; simmer an additional 10 minutes,

stirring occasionally.

Drain eggplant in colander; rinse well. Add eggplant, tomato paste, an sweetener

to sauce. Simmer 15 minutes or until thickened, stirring occasionally.

Serve hot over cooked pasta.


"1 Point Per Serving"


"3 1/2 cups"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Per serving: 80 Calories (kcal); 1g Total Fat; (11% calories from fat); 3g Protein;

17g Carbohydrate; trace Cholesterol; 606mg Sodium

Food Exchanges: 0 Grain Starch); 0 Lean Meat; 2 1/2 Vegetable; 0 Fruit; 0 Fat;

0 Other Carbohydrates

NOTES : 7 1/2 cup servings.

Low-Fat Chunky Garden Marinara Sauce

Serving Size : 7

Categories : Pasta Sauces 1 Point Per Serving

Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method

-------- ------------ --------------------------------

1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil -- optional

2 teaspoons fresh garlic -- crushed

1 cup fresh mushrooms -- chopped

3/4 cup red bell pepper -- or green, chopped

1/2 cup onion -- chopped

28 ounces crushed tomatoes

2 tablespoons tomato paste

2 tablespoons vegetarian bouillon -- or beef bouillon granules

1 1/2 teaspoons dried italian seasoning

1 1/2 teaspoons sugar -- optional

1/4 teaspoon crushed red pepper

Coat a large nonstick skillet with nonstick cooking spray or with the olive oil, and

preheat over medium heat. Add the garlic, mushrooms, bell pepper and onion. Cover,

and cook, stirring occasionally, for about 5 minutes, or until the vegetables start

to soften and release their juices.

Add all of the remaining ingredients to the pan, and stir to mix.

Increase the heat to medium-high, and bring the mixture to a boil.

Reduce the heat to low, cover, and simmer, stirring occasionally, for about 20

minutes, or until the sauce is thick and the flavors are well blended.

Serve hot over your choice of pasta.


"1 Point Per Serving"


"3 1/2 cups"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Per serving: 76 Calories (kcal); 2g Total Fat; (25% calories from fat); 3g Protein;

13g Carbohydrate; trace Cholesterol; 217mg Sodium

Food Exchanges: 0 Grain Starch); 0 Lean Meat; 2 Vegetable; 0 Fruit; 1/2 Fat;

0 Other Carbohydrates

Low-Fat Pasta Mediterranean

Serving Size : 4

Categories : Pasta Sauces 2 Points Per Serving

Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method

-------- ------------ --------------------------------

4 cups zucchini -- diced

1 tablespoon olive oil

3/4 teaspoon garlic -- minced, more if desired

2 cups tomatoes -- chopped

2 tablespoons fresh basil -- chopped

6 teaspoons feta cheese -- crumbled

1 1/2 tablespoons kalamata olive -- sliced

In a large sauté pan, sauté chopped zucchini in oil and garlic over medium heat

until zucchini is cooked through.

Add tomatoes and basil and just heat through.

Divide sauce into six portions and serve over pasta.

(whole-wheat pasta has more fiber.)

Garnish each plate with 1 teaspoon of feta and 1 teaspoon of olives.


"2 Points Per Serving"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Per serving: 94 Calories (kcal); 6g Total Fat; (55% calories from fat); 3g Protein;

9g Carbohydrate; 4mg Cholesterol; 153mg Sodium

Food Exchanges: 0 Grain Starch); 0 Lean Meat; 1 1/2 Vegetable; 0 Fruit; 1 Fat;

0 Other Carbohydrates

Pasta Sauce, Ultimate Quick-And-Easy

Serving Size : 3

Categories : Pasta Sauces 3 Points Per Serving

Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method

-------- ------------ --------------------------------

1 teaspoon olive oil

1 cup onion -- chopped

4 cloves garlic -- minced


1/2 cup red wine -- OR as needed 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar

1 tablespoon sugar

1 tablespoon fresh basil -- chopped OR 2 teaspoons dried basil

2 tablespoons tomato paste

1/2 teaspoon italian seasoning

1/4 teaspoon black pepper

29 ounces diced tomato -- drained


2 tablespoons fresh parsley -- chopped

Heat oil in a saucepan or large skillet over medium-high heat. Add onion and garlic;

sauté 5 minutes.

Stir in wine and next 6 ingredients (wine through tomatoes), and bring to a boil.

Reduce heat to medium, and cook, uncovered, about 15 minutes. Stir in parsley.


"3 Points Per Serving"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Per serving: 152 Calories (kcal); 3g Total Fat; (16% calories from fat); 4g Protein;

26g Carbohydrate; 0mg Cholesterol; 140mg Sodium

Food Exchanges: 0 Grain Starch); 0 Lean Meat; 4 Vegetable; 0 Fruit; 1/2 Fat;

1/2 Other Carbohydrates

Spaghetti Sauce - Bulgur Vegan

Serving Size : 7

Categories : Pasta Sauces 1 Point Per Serving

Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method

-------- ------------ --------------------------------

1 cup onion -- chopped

2 cloves garlic -- minced

14 ounces tomatoes, canned -- peeled with liquid

8 ounces tomato sauce

1 tablespoon parsley

1 whole bay leaf

1/2 teaspoon oregano

1/4 teaspoon sugar

1/4 teaspoon salt

1/8 teaspoon pepper

1 cup cooked bulgur

In 3qt pan, sauté onion and garlic. Stir in tomatoes, sauce, and spices. Bring to a

boil, reduce heat, and simmer, uncovered, 20 minutes.

Discard bay leaf, stir in bulgur and serve over your favorite pasta, or spaghetti



"1 Point Per Serving"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Per serving: 53 Calories (kcal); trace Total Fat; (3% calories from fat); 2g Protein;

12g Carbohydrate; 0mg Cholesterol; 359mg Sodium

Food Exchanges: 1/2 Grain Starch); 0 Lean Meat; 1 Vegetable; 0 Fruit; 0 Fat;

0 Other Carbohydrates

Almond Fried Rice

Serving Size : 6

Categories : Sides 6 Points per serving

Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method

-------- ------------ --------------------------------

2 tablespoons oil

3/4 cup green onion -- thinly sliced

1/2 cup red bell pepper -- diced

1 egg -- beaten

3 cups cooked rice -- cold

1/2 cup lean ham -- cooked and diced

1/2 cup almonds, blanched -- slivered

2 tablespoons soy sauce, low sodium

Heat oil in skillet over medium-high heat.

Add onions and pepper.

Stir-fry for 1 minute.

Add egg; cook, stirring gently until firm.

Stir in rice and cook until heated through, gently separating grains.

Add ham and soy sauce.

Just before serving add almonds.


"6 Points per serving"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Per serving: 267 Calories (kcal); 12g Total Fat; (41% calories from fat); 9g Protein;

31g Carbohydrate; 36mg Cholesterol; 375mg Sodium

Food Exchanges: 2 Grain Starch); 1/2 Lean Meat; 1/2 Vegetable; 0 Fruit; 2 Fat;

0 Other Carbohydrates

Provencale Potato Gratin

Serving Size : 4

Categories : Sides 4 Points Per Serving

Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method

-------- ------------ --------------------------------

1 1/4 pounds red potatoes -- cut 1/8" thick slices

vegetable cooking spray

3 plum tomatoes -- cut 1/8" thick slices, divided

1 cup red onion -- thinly sliced, separated into rings and divided

3 tablespoons fresh basil -- chopped and divided

1/4 teaspoon salt

1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper

2 tablespoons ripe olives -- thinly sliced

1/2 cup low sodium chicken broth

2 teaspoons olive oil

1/2 cup asiago Cheese -- grated (or use parmesan or romano)

Preheat oven to 400º F. Arrange one-third of potato slices in the bottom of an

8-inch baking dish or a 2-quart casserole coated with cooking spray.

Top the potatoes with 1/3 cup tomato slices, 1/3 cup onion slices, 1 tablespoon

basil, 1/4 teaspoon salt, 1/4 teaspoon pepper.

Repeat the layers except for salt and pepper, and sprinkle ripe olives over the

top layer. Combine broth and oil, and drizzle over the potatoes.

Cover with foil and bake at 400º F. for 40 minutes.

Uncover and bake 25 minutes or until potatoes are tender.

Sprinkle potatoes with Asiago cheese and bake for 3 minutes or until cheese melts.


"4 Points Per Serving"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Per serving: 220 Calories (kcal); 7g Total Fat; (28% calories from fat); 9g Protein;

32g Carbohydrate; 13mg Cholesterol; 421mg Sodium

Food Exchanges: 1 1/2 Grain Starch); 1/2 Lean Meat; 1 Vegetable; 0 Fruit; 1 Fat;

0 Other Carbohydrates

Secret Skillet Potatoes

Serving Size : 4

Categories : Sides 4 Points Per Serving

Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method

-------- ------------ --------------------------------

1/2 cup fat-free Italian salad dressing

1/2 cup onion -- chopped

4 1/2 cups hash browns, frozen

3/4 cup reduced fat cheddar cheese

In a large skillet, combine Italian dressing and onion. Stir in hash browns.

Cook over medium heat for 10 min, stirring often. Add Cheddar Cheese.

Mix well to combine.

Lower heat, cover and simmer for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally.


"4 Points Per Serving"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Per serving: 250 Calories (kcal); 3g Total Fat; (10% calories from fat); 10g Protein;

47g Carbohydrate; 4mg Cholesterol; 602mg Sodium

Food Exchanges: 3 Grain Starch); 1/2 Lean Meat; 1/2 Vegetable; 0 Fruit; 0 Fat;

0 Other Carbohydrates

Spanish Rice

Serving Size : 6

Categories : Sides 4 Points Per Serving

Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method

-------- ------------ --------------------------------

1 1/3 cups brown rice

2 cloves garlic

2 cups chicken broth

14 1/2 ounces stewed tomatoes -- canned

8 scallion -- sliced

Add all the ingredients to a skillet. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat to simmer and cover.

Cook until rice is tender. Add more water to keep from sticking if needed.


"4 Points Per Serving"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Per serving: 193 Calories (kcal); 2g Total Fat; (7% calories from fat); 6g Protein;

39g Carbohydrate; 0mg Cholesterol; 277mg Sodium

Food Exchanges: 2 Grain Starch); 0 Lean Meat; 1 Vegetable; 0 Fruit; 0 Fat;

0 Other Carbohydrates

Teriyaki Rice

Serving Size : 6

Categories : Sides 3 Points per serving

Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method

-------- ------------ --------------------------------

1 cup long-grain rice

2 cups fat-free chicken broth -- or beef

1/2 teaspoon salt

3 green onions -- sliced

2 cloves garlic -- minced

2 tablespoons teriyaki sauce

1 tablespoon brown sugar

Heat broth to a boil. Add salt and rice.

Return to a boil. Cover pan with lid. Simmer about 20 minutes or until rice is almost cooked.

Add onions, garlic, teriyaki sauce and brown sugar. Stir to combine.

Reheat for a few minutes until green onions are soft but not mushy.


"3 Points per serving"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Per serving: 133 Calories (kcal); trace Total Fat; (1% calories from fat); 6g Protein;

29g Carbohydrate; 0mg Cholesterol; 578mg Sodium

Food Exchanges: 1 1/2 Grain(Starch); 1/2 Lean Meat; 1/2 Vegetable; 0 Fruit; 0 Fat;

0 Other Carbohydrates

Three Pepper Oat Pilaf

Serving Size : 6

Categories : Sides 2 Points Per Serving

Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method

-------- ------------ --------------------------------

1/2 cup red bell pepper -- chopped

1/2 cup yellow bell pepper -- chopped

1/2 cup mushrooms -- chopped

1/2 cup green onions -- sliced

2 cloves garlic -- minced

1 tablespoon canola oil -- or olive oil

1 3/4 cups old-fashioned rolled oats -- uncooked

2 egg whites -- lightly beaten

3/4 cup lowfat chicken broth

2 tablespoons fresh basil leaves -- minced or 2 teaspoons dried

1/2 teaspoon salt

1/4 teaspoon pepper

In 10-inch nonstick skillet, cook peppers, mushrooms, onions and garlic in oil over medium

heat, stirring occasionally, until vegetables are crisp-tender, about 2 minutes. In bowl, mix

oats and egg whites until oats are evenly coated. Add oats to vegetable mixture in skillet.

Cook over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until oats are dry and separated, about 5 to 6

minutes. Add broth, basil, salt and pepper. Continue cooking, stirring occasionally, 2 to 3

minutes or until liquid is absorbed. Serve immediately.


"2 Points Per Serving"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Per serving: 131 Calories (kcal); 4g Total Fat; (25% calories from fat); 7g Protein;

19g Carbohydrate; 0mg Cholesterol; 264mg Sodium

Food Exchanges: 1 Grain(Starch); 1/2 Lean Meat; 1/2 Vegetable; 0 Fruit; 1/2 Fat;

0 Other Carbohydrates

Apple Glazed Carrots

1 Point Per Serving


1 tbsp butter

16 ozs baby carrots

1 c apple cider

1 tsp honey

1 tbsp minced green onion


Melt butter in non-stick skillet over medium-high heat. Add carrots and saute until carrots begin to brown slightly, about 8 minutes. Add apple juice and honey and bring to boil. Reduce heat and simmer until carrots are tender and liquid is reduced to glaze, stirring occasionally, about 15 minutes. Transfer to bowl. Sprinkle with green onion tops and serve.

Serving Size : 4

Per serving: 105 Calories; 3g Fat (25% calories from fat); 1g Protein; 19g Carbohydrate; 8mg Cholesterol; 79mg Sodium

Campfire Potatoes

2.5 Points Per Serving


8 medium potatoes, peeled, and thinly sliced

2 tablespoons worcestershire sauce

2 medium onions, sliced

1/2 cup chicken broth, low sodium

1 tablespoon canola oil

Non stick cooking spray

2 tablespoons minced fresh parsley or 1 tablespoon dried parsley


Spray one side of a large piece of heavy-duty foil with non stick cooking spray. Place the potatoes and onion on a large piece of heavy-duty foil and dot with oil. Combine the parsley and worcestershire sauce and sprinkle over potatoes. Fold foil up around potatoes and add broth. Seal the edges of foil well. Grill, covered, over medium heat for 35 to 40 minutes or until potatoes are tender.

Serves 8. PER SERVING: CALORIES: 145 (11.7% from fat) FAT: 1.9g (SAT 0.3g) FIBER: 2.9g SODIUM: 64.9mg DIABETIC EXCHANGE: 1 starch + 1 fruit

Cardamom Carrots

1 Point Per Serving


4 cups baby carrots

2 tablespoons apple juice

1 teaspoon butter

1 tablespoon sugar

1 teaspoon ground cardamom


Carrots steamed with cardamom are a sweet side dish. In 10-inch nonstick skillet, combine all ingredients; place over medium heat and cook, stirring occasionally, for 15 minutes or until carrots are tender.

Serving Size : 4

Nutrition information per serving: Calories 67 Carbohydrates 14 g Protein 1 g Fat 1 g including sat. fat 1 g Cholesterol 3 mg Sodium 41 mg Calcium 30 mg Dietary fiber 3 g Diabetic exchanges per serving: 1 bread/ starch each.

Per serving: 68 Calories; 1g Fat (14% calories from fat); 1g Protein; 14g Carbohydrate; 3mg Cholesterol; 43mg Sodium

Cheesey Twice-Baked Potatoes

2 Points Per Serving


2 Idaho potatoes, about 1 lb.

1/4 C. Fat-free Sour Cream

1/4 C. Crumbled Bleu Cheese

1 tsp. Chopped Fresh Parsley

Preheat oven to 400ºF. Pierce potatoes with fork. Bake until tender, 45-50 minutes. Remove from oven; let stand until cool enough to handle. Cut potatoes lengthwise. With spoon, scoop out potato pulp, forming 4 shells. Place pulp in bowl; add sour cream, bleu cheese and parsley. With potato masher, blend until smooth. Smooth potato mixture into shells. Place on baking sheet and bake until heated through, 15 minutes

Yeild: 4 servings.

Each serving contains: 115 Cal.; 5 g. protein; 3g. fat; 8mg chol.; 19 g. carbs; 131 mg. sodium; 1 g. fiber.

Crunchy Vegetable Wrap

2 Points per serving


1/4 cup tub-style fat-free cream cheese

4 (10-inch) fat-free flour tortillas

4 curly leaf lettuce leaves

1 cup alfalfa sprouts

1 cup shredded red cabbage

1/2 cup chopped tomato

1/4 cup (1 ounce) crumbled blue cheese

2 tablespoons finely diced red onion


Spread 1 tablespoon cream cheese over each tortilla; top each with a lettuce leaf. Divide sprouts and remaining ingredients evenly among tortillas; roll up. Cut each rolled wrap in half diagonally.

Servings: 4

Serving Size: 1 wrap

Per serving: 147 Calories (kcal); 8g Total Fat; (45% calories from fat); 6g Protein; 15g Carbohydrate; 22mg Cholesterol; 322mg Sodium Food Exchanges: 1/2 Grain(Starch); 1/2 Lean Meat; 1/2 Vegetable; 0 Fruit; 1 1/2 Fat; 0 Other Carbohydrates


"Creamed" Spinach

1.5 Points Per Serving


Pureed cottage cheese, milk and Parmesan cheese double for the traditional cream sauce served on spinach; it's a delicious trade-off with only 1 gram of fat per serving.


2/3 cup low-fat (1%) cottage cheese

1/4 cup low-fat (1%) milk

1 tablespoon grated Parmesan cheese

1 garlic clove, minced

1/4 teaspoon salt

1/8 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper

20 ounces spinach leaves, steamed until tender and chopped


In food processor or blender, combine cottage cheese, milk, Parmesan cheese, garlic, salt and pepper; puree until smooth. Add one-fourth of the spinach; puree until smooth. In large skillet, combine the remaining spinach and cottage cheese mixture. Cook over medium heat, stirring occasionally, 5 minutes, until heated through.

Makes 4 servings


5 Vegetables,% Protein, 15 Optional Calories

71 Calories, 10 g Protein, 1 g Fat, 7 g Carbohydrate, 432 mg Sodium, 3mg Cholesterol, 4 g Dietary Fiber

Greek Green Beans

1 Point Per Serving


1 1/4 cups one-third-less salt chicken broth

2 garlic cloves

1 1/4 pounds fresh green beans, trimmed

1 tsp cornstarch

1 TBS water

1 TBS chopped fresh oregano

1 1/2 TBS fresh lemon juice

2 tsp olive oil

1/2 tsp Dijon mustard

1/4 tsp salt

1/8 tsp pepper

1/4 cup (1 oz) crumbled feta cheese

English lavender flowers (optional)


Combine chicken broth and garlic cloves in a large nonstick skillet; bring to a boil. Add green beans; cover, reduce heat, and simmer 15 minutes or until beans are crisp tender. Drain beans in a colander, reserving 1/4 cup broth mixture and 1 garlic clove; discard remaining broth and garlic clove. Return reserved liquid to skillet; mash garlic clove with a fork. Combine cornstarch and 1 TBS water; stir until blended. Add cornstarch mixture, oregano, and next 5 ingredients to skillet; cook over medium heat 3 minutes or until mixture is slightly thick, stirring constantly. Return green beans to skillet, and cook until thoroughly heated, stirring constantly. Spoon beans into a serving bowl, and sprinkle with crumbled feta cheese. Garnish with English lavender flowers, if desired.

Servings: 4 (1cup) servings

Green Bean Casserole

2 Points Per Serving


2 9-ounce packages frozen French-style green beans

1/3 cup chopped onion

2 teaspoons margarine or butter

3 tablespoons fine dry breadcrumbs

1 10 3/4-ounce can condensed cream of mushroom soup -- red-fat, red-sodium

1/4 cup nonfat plain yogurt

2 tablespoons diced pimiento -- drained


Cook the beans according to package directions, omitting the salt. Drain well. Meanwhile, cook onion in margarine or butter in a small saucepan till tender. Stir in bread crumbs; set aside. Combine soup, yogurt, and pimiento. Stir in beans. Transfer the mixture to a 1 1/2-quart casserole. Sprinkle bread crumb mixture on top. Bake in a 350º oven for 25 to 30 minutes or till heated through.

Makes 5 side-dish servings.

Per Serving: 81 Cal, 2g total fat(0g sat. fat); 2mg Choles, 192mg Sod, 13g Carbo, 0g Fiber, 3g Pro.

Food exchanges: 1/2 starch, 1/2 fat.

Green Beans Provençale

1 point per serving


1 pound fresh green beans -- cut into 1 1/2-inch pieces

12 small cherry tomatoes -- halved

1/4 cup chopped red onion

3/8 cup chopped fresh parsley

1/8 cup water

1/8 cup white wine vinegar

1 tablespoon grated Parmesan cheese

1 tablespoon olive oil

1/4 teaspoon dried thyme

1/4 teaspoon pepper

1 garlic cloves -- minced

Steam beans, covered, 8 minutes or until crisp-tender. Drain beans; plunge into cold water, and drain. Combine beans, tomatoes, and onion in a medium bowl. Combine the chopped parsley and remaining ingredients in a small bowl, stirring until well-blended. Pour over the vegetables, tossing gently to coat. Serve at room temperature.

Servings: 6

Serving Size: 1 cup

Per serving: 57 Calories (kcal); 3g Total Fat; (38% calories from fat); 2g Protein; 8g Carbohydrate; 1mg Cholesterol; 25mg Sodium Food Exchanges: 0 Grain(Starch); 0 Lean Meat; 1 1/2 Vegetable; 0 Fruit; 1/2 Fat; 0 Other Carbohydrates

Italian Vegetable Kabobs

2 Points Per Serving


1 medium zucchini

1 medium yellow squash

1 small red onion, cut into wedges

1 medium red or green bell pepper, cut into 1 - inch pieces

4 ounces fresh whole mushrooms

1/2 cup Italian salad dressing, divided

1/4 cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese


Soak 8 wooden skweres in enough water to cover in a large bowl for 30 minutes. Preheat the grill. Slice the zucchini and yellow squash lengthwise into halves. Cut the halves crosswise into 1/2-inch pieces. Thread the zucchini, yellow squash, red onion, bell pepper and mushrooms alternately on the wooden skewrs (or metal skewers). Brush the vegetables with half the salad dressing. Grill the kabobs over medium-hot coals for 10 minutes or until the vegeetables are tender-crisp, turning occasionally. Remove the kabobs to a serving platter. Brush the vegetables with remaining salad dressing. Sprinkle with the cheese. Serve immediately.

Yields: 8 servings

WW Points: 2

Calories: 101 Fat: 5 Sodium: 146 mg Dietary Fiber: 1

Maple-Glazed Carrots

1 Point Per Serving


1 1/2 cups sliced carrot

2 tablespoons reduced-calorie maple syrup

1 teaspoon margarine

1/4 teaspoon salt-free herb-and-spice blend


Place sliced carrot, reduced-calorie maple syrup, margarine, and salt-free herb-and-spice blend in a small microwave-safe bowl. Cover and microwave at HIGH 6 to 8 minutes, or until tender, stirring every 2 minutes.

Yield: 2 servings

Polynesian Carrots

2 Points per serving


1 cup crushed pineapple packed in fruit juice -- (one 8-ounce can) drained, and

1/4 cup liquid reserved

1/2 cup water

1/2 teaspoon apple pie spice

3 cups shredded carrots

1/4 cup raisins

2 tablespoons chopped pecans -- (1/2 ounce)


1. In a large skillet, combine pineapple juice, water, and apple pie spice. Add carrots. Mix well to combine. Cover. Cook over medium heat, stirring occasionally until tender, about 8 to 10 minutes. Stir in raisins, pineapple, and pecans. Lower heat. Continue cooking until mixture is heated through, about 5 minutes, stirring often.

Yield: "3 cups"

Serves 4 (3/4 cup each).

Flo's Notes: I only used 1/4 cup water because I don't like a lot of extra moisture in my veggies, and 1/2 cup seemed like a lot. Also, I did not cover the carrots to cook them, for the same reason. I cooked them uncovered to evaporate any excess water or juice. They cooked up nicely and were not swimming in moisture when served.

According to the cookbook: Per serving: 130 Cal, 2g Fat, 2g Pro, 26g Carb, 31mg Sod, 3g Fib

Healthy Exchanges: 1 1/2 Vegetable, 1 Fruit, 1/2 Fat

Diabetic Exchanges: 1 Vegetable, 1 Fruit, 1/2 Fat

Sauteed Chinese Cabbage

0 Points Per Serving


1 large head cabbage, cut in eighths

2 T Minced garlic

Salt and pepper to taste

Cooking spray

1/4 cup Soy sauce


Boil cabbage until fork tender. Cut up into smaller pieces. Spray a large frying pan with cooking spray. Saute a lot of minced garlic (about two tablespoons should do it), stirring constantly. Add cabbage and stir "fry" adding a bit of water if necessary. Add salt and pepper to taste and about 1/4 cup soy sauce. Continue stir frying until most of soy sauce is absorbed and cabbage looks carmelized.

Really filling and delicious.

Spanish Green Beans

1 Point per serving


3/4 cup chopped onion

5 1/2 cups frozen cut green beans

1 cup water

1/2 teaspoon dried minced garlic

1 3/4 cups (one 14 1/2 oz can) stewed tomatoes -- undrained

1/3 cup Heinz Light or Healthy Choice ketchup

2 tablespoons Hormel bacon bits

1/4 teaspoon black pepper


1. In a large skillet sprayed with butter-flavored cooking spray, sauté onion until tender, about 5 minutes. Add green beans, water and garlic. Mix well to combine. Lower heat. Cover and simmer 20 minutes or until beans are tender. Add undrained tomatoes, ketchup, bacon bits, and black pepper. Mix well to combine. Continue cooking 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Serves 6 (1 cup). Serving size (1 cup)

According to the cookbook: Per serving: 97 Cal, 1g Fat, 4g Pro, 18g Carb, 264mg Sod, 4g Fib

Healthy Exchanges: 2 2/3 Vegetable, 17 Opt. Cal.

Diabetic Exchanges: 3 Vegetable

Spring Vegetable Paella

5 Points Per Serving


1 pound asparagus, cut into 2-inch pieces

3 cups broccoli flowerets

2 teaspoons olive or vegetable oil

1 cup chopped red bell pepper (about 1 medium)

1 1/4 cups chopped zucchini (about 2 small)

1/2 cup chopped onion (about 1 medium)

4 cups cooked brown or regular long grain rice

2 cups chopped, seeded tomatoes (about 2 large)

3/4 teaspoon salt

1/2 teaspoon saffron threads or 1/4 teaspoon ground turmeric

2 cans (15 to 16 ounces each) garbanzo beans, rinsed and drained

1 package (10 ounces) frozen green peas, thawed


1. Cook asparagus and broccoli in enough boiling water to cover in 2-quart saucepan about 4 minutes or until crisp-tender; drain. 2. Heat oil in 10-inch skillet over medium-high heat. Cook asparagus, broccoli, bell pepper, zucchini and onion in oil about 5 minutes, stirring occasionally, until onion is crisp-tender. 3. Stir in remaining ingredients. Cook about 5 minutes, stirring frequently, until hot.

MAKES: 6 servings, about 2 cups each

1 Serving: 360 calories (55 calories from fat); 6 g fat (1 g saturated); 0 mg cholesterol; 590 mg sodium; 73 g carbohydrate (13 g dietary fiber); 17 g protein.

Stir-Fried Spaghetti Squash with Dairy-Free Pesto Sauce

4 Points per serving


1 1/2 pounds spaghetti squash -- cooked ( 1 small)

3 cloves garlic

1 tablespoon pine nuts

1 cup packed fresh basil leaves

1/3 cup mellow barley miso

1 teaspoon tahini

3 tablespoons olive oil

1 small zucchini -- sliced

1 small Italian eggplant -- sliced

1 red pepper -- diced

3/4 cup fresh green peas -- or frozen

2 tablespoons water

"Unique among winter squash, spaghetti squash is mild and crunchy, with a pulp that's almost white in color. After cooking, the pulp may be raked out of the squash and pulled apart into strands that resemble spaghetti. It may be used as a substitute for spaghetti, in salads or stir-fries."


1. Cut squash in half horizontally; scrape out and discard seeds. With a fork, scrape out strands of squash from each half and set aside. Discard skins.

2. To make pesto, fit a food processor with metal chopping blade. Drop in garlic and pine nuts; process until minced. Scrape down sides of bowl and process twice, if necessary, for even mincing. Add basil and pulse until finely minced. Add miso, tahini and 1 tablespoon of olive oil. Process to blend. Transfer pesto to a bowl.

3. In large skillet or wok, stir-fry zucchini and eggplant in remaining oil until lightly browned and softened. Add squash and toss to coat with oil. Stir in peppers and peas, and continue to stir-fry until warmed through.

4. Whisk water into pesto and pour sauce over squash mixture. Toss to coat evenly. Garnish with additional basil leaves.

Yield: "6 servings"

Serving size (1 muffin)

Per MC nutritional analysis: Per Serving: 187 Calories, 10g Fat, 5g Fiber

Two Cheese Potatoes Gratin

5.5 Points Per Serving


1 1/2 pounds potato -- cut into 1/4 inch slices

1 garlic clove

1/2 teaspoon salt

1/8 teaspoon red pepper

1/4 cup parmesan cheese

1/4 cup flour

2 cups skim milk

5 ounces cheddar cheese -- shredded


Place potato slices and garlic clove in saucepan and cover with water; bring to a boil and cook 8 minutes or until just tender. Drain and discard garlic. Place flour, salt and red pepper in a large saucepan. Gradually whisk in milk until blended. Cook over medium heat until thick and remove from heat; stir in cheese. Arrange half of potatoes in a baking dish which has been sprayed with nonstick spray. Pour half of sauce over slices. Repeat with remaining potatoes and sauce. Sprinkle with parmesan cheese. Bake at 350º for 25 minutes or until bubbly.

Serving Size : 6

Per serving: 248 calories, 9g fat (6g saturated fat), 2g fiber

US Points: 5.5

UK Points: 5.5

Per serving: 248 Calories (kcal); 9g Total Fat; (32% calories from fat); 13g Protein; 29g Carbohydrate; 29mg Cholesterol; 435mg Sodium

Food Exchanges: 1 1/2 Grain(Starch); 1 Lean Meat; 0 Vegetable; 0 Fruit; 1 Fat; 0 Other Carbohydrates

Vegetable Couscous

3 Points per serving


1 tablespoon oil olive

3/4 cup finely diced zucchini

3/4 cup finely diced peeled eggplant

1/2 cup finely diced red bell pepper

1/2 cup finely diced yellow bell pepper

1/2 cup diced onion

1-3/4 cups water

1/2 teaspoon salt

1-1/4 cups uncooked couscous

1/2 cup finely diced tomato

1/3 cup finely chopped ripe olives

1 tablespoon chopped fresh mint

1/8 teaspoon black pepper


Heat oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat, and add zucchini and next 4 ingredients (zucchini through onion). Saute zucchini mixture 2 minutes or until vegetables are crisp-tender. Reserve 2 tablespoons sauteed vegetabes for garnish.

Bring water and salt to a boil in a large saucepan, and gradually stir in couscous. Remove from heat, and cover; let stand 5 minutes. Fluff with a fork. Stir in remaining sauteed vegetables, tomato, olives, mint, and black pepper. Set aside; keep warm.

Yield: 6 servings

Per serving: 186 cals, 3 g fat(17 % CFF), 3 g fiber

Vegetarian Rice Casserole

5 Points Per Serving


I tried this last night and even my non-veggie family loved it! :-)

1 tablespoon olive oil 2 onions -- chopped

2 stalks celery -- chopped

1/2 green bell pepper -- seeded and chopped

1 can diced tomatoes (no salt added) -- (14.5 oz)

1/2 cup minced parsley

1 teaspoon dried thyme

1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper

2 1/2 cups cooked brown rice

2 cups cooked wild rice

1 cup shredded reduced-fat cheddar cheese


Preheat the oven to 350º. In a large nonstick skillet, heat the oil. Add the onions, celery and bell pepper; cook, stirring as needed, until softened, 5 - 6 minutes. Add the tomatoes, parsley, thyme and black pepper; bring to a boil. Stir in the rices; transfer to a 3-quart casserole. Cover with foil and bake 10 minutes; uncover and sprinkle with the cheese. Bake until the cheese is melted, about 3 minutes longer.

No serving size listed, I am guessing it Serves 5

NOTES : Per Serving: 235 Calories, 5 g Total Fat, 0 g Saturated Fat, 3 mg Cholesterol, 326 mg Sodium, 38 g Total Carbohydrate, 3 g Dietary Fiber, 10 g Protein, 202 mg Calcium.

Caramelized Onion Dip

Serving Size : 10

Categories : Appetizers 1 Point Per Serving

Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method

-------- ------------ --------------------------------

1/3 cup nonfat sour cream

1/3 cup cider vinegar

3 Tablespoons honey

1 clove garlic -- minced

1 3/4 cups onion -- chopped

1 teaspoon olive oil

1/8 teaspoon White pepper

1/4 cup reduced-calorie mayonnaise

Heat oil in a large skillet over medium heat.

Add onion and garlic; cover and cook 8 minutes or until tender.

Add vinegar, honey, and white pepper; stir well.

Bring to a boil over medium-high heat, and cook, uncovered, 10 minutes or until

onion is deep golden and liquid evaporates, stirring occasionally.

Combine the onion mixture, mayonnaise, and remaining ingredients in a bowl; stir

well. Cover and chill.


"1 Point Per Serving"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Per serving: 57 Calories (kcal); 2g Total Fat; (31% calories from fat); 1g Protein;

9g Carbohydrate; 3mg Cholesterol; 35mg Sodium

Food Exchanges: 0 Grain Starch); 0 Lean Meat; 1/2 Vegetable; 0 Fruit;

1/2 Fat; 1/2 Other Carbohydrates

NOTES : Oh this is lovely! I made this over the holidays and those folks who would

never eat fat free or low fat LOVED this!!! Of course I didn't tell them it was low

fat... Until after they ate it and it was too late... *g*

Creamy Red Pepper Dip with Vegetables

Serving Size : 16

Categories : Appetizers 1 Point Per Serving

Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method

-------- ------------ --------------------------------

7 ounces roasted red peppers -- jar, drained

1 clove garlic -- pressed

1 tablespoon fresh basil -- thinly sliced

1 cup nonfat sour cream

1 cup nonfat mayonnaise

1/2 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce

1/8 teaspoon salt

1 large green bell pepper -- (or red) halved

6 ribs celery -- cut into 2-3 inch pieces

2 carrots -- cut into thin slices

2 cucumbers -- sliced

1 1/2 cups broccoli florets

1 1/2 cups cauliflower

2 cups mushrooms -- small

Pat the red peppers dry and chop.

Combine the red peppers, garlic, basil, sour cream, mayonnaise, Worcestershire sauce

and salt in a large mixing bowl and mix well.

Creamy Red Pepper Dip with Vegetables

Serving Size : 16

Categories : Appetizers 1 Point Per Serving

Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method

-------- ------------ --------------------------------

7 ounces roasted red peppers -- jar, drained

1 clove garlic -- pressed

1 tablespoon fresh basil -- thinly sliced

1 cup nonfat sour cream

1 cup nonfat mayonnaise

1/2 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce

1/8 teaspoon salt

1 large green bell pepper -- (or red) halved

6 ribs celery -- cut into 2-3 inch pieces

2 carrots -- cut into thin slices

2 cucumbers -- sliced

1 1/2 cups broccoli florets

1 1/2 cups cauliflower

2 cups mushrooms -- small

Pat the red peppers dry and chop.

Combine the red peppers, garlic, basil, sour cream, mayonnaise, Worcestershire sauce

and salt in a large mixing bowl and mix well.

Spoon the dip into the green pepper halves and place on a serving tray.

Arrange the assorted vegetables around the dip.


"1 Point Per Serving"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Per serving: 45 Calories (kcal); trace Total Fat; (3% calories from fat); 2g Protein;

10g Carbohydrate; 2mg Cholesterol; 241mg Sodium

Food Exchanges: 0 Grain Starch); 0 Lean Meat; 1 Vegetable; 0 Fruit; 0 Fat;

1/2 Other Carbohydrates

Spoon the dip into the green pepper halves and place on a serving tray.

Arrange the assorted vegetables around the dip.


"1 Point Per Serving"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Per serving: 45 Calories (kcal); trace Total Fat; (3% calories from fat); 2g Protein;

10g Carbohydrate; 2mg Cholesterol; 241mg Sodium

Food Exchanges: 0 Grain Starch); 0 Lean Meat; 1 Vegetable; 0 Fruit; 0 Fat;

1/2 Other Carbohydrates

Crunchy Cheese Dip

Serving Size : 20

Categories : Appetizers 3 Points Per Serving*

Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method

-------- ------------ --------------------------------

8 ounces pineapple chunks in juice

16 ounces low fat cream cheese -- softened

8 ounces water chestnuts, canned -- drained and chopped

3 tablespoons fresh chives -- chopped

1 teaspoon seasoned salt

1/4 teaspoon pepper

1 cup pecans -- chopped

fresh parsley -- chopped

Drain the pineapple, reserving 1 tablespoon juice.

In a small bowl, combine pineapple, cream cheese, water chestnuts, chives, salt,

pepper, and pecans.

Stir in reserved juice; mix well.

Garnish with parsley.

Cover and chill.

Serve with crackers.


"3 Points Per Serving"


"3 1/2 cups"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Per serving: 101 Calories (kcal); 8g Total Fat; (66% calories from fat); 3g Protein;

6g Carbohydrate; 13mg Cholesterol; 228mg Sodium

Food Exchanges: 0 Grain Starch); 1/2 Lean Meat; 0 Vegetable; 0 Fruit;

1 1/2 Fat; 0 Other Carbohydrates

Serving Ideas : Assorted Crackers

NOTES : Betsy's Notes: I added some peach and Vidalia onion hot sauce to

give it a bit of zing. Regular hot sauce will work as well.

NOTES : Contributed by Debrah Hill, Kansas "The combination of flavors

makes this dip very interesting as well as delicious. It's a challenge to not eat

a lot while you're making it. I'm usually anxious for my guests to arrive so I can

serve it and dig in!"

*3 WW points without crackers.

Curry Dip

Serving Size : 6

Categories : Appetizers 2 Points Per Serving

Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method

-------- ------------ --------------------------------

1 cup nonfat cottage cheese

1/4 cup plain nonfat yogurt

1/4 cup reduced-calorie mayonnaise

2 teaspoons onion -- diced

1 1/2 teaspoons curry powder -- or to taste

1 packet low sodium chicken broth

1/4 teaspoon dry mustard

In blender, combine all ingredients until smooth and creamy.


"2 Points Per Serving"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Per serving: 68 Calories (kcal); 3g Total Fat; (36% calories from fat); 8g Protein;

3g Carbohydrate; 5mg Cholesterol; 260mg Sodium

Food Exchanges: 0 Grain Starch); 1 Lean Meat; 0 Vegetable; 0 Fruit; 1/2 Fat;

0 Other Carbohydrates

Serving Ideas : Use as a dressing or dip for fresh vegetables; as a sauce for fish

or chicken; as a salad dressing; or as a sandwich spread.

Each serving (1/4 cup)

Fresh Fruit Dip

Serving Size : 32

Categories : Appetizers 1 Point Per Serving

Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method

-------- ------------ --------------------------------

8 ounces light cream cheese -- softened

7 ounces marshmallow cream

1/2 cup crushed pineapple in juice -- drained

1 teaspoon orange zest

1/2 teaspoon orange liqueur -- or orange concentrate

1/8 teaspoon ground ginger

Combine all ingredients, stir well. Cover and chill.


"1 Point Per Serving"


"2 cups"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Per serving: 38 Calories (kcal); 1g Total Fat; (29% calories from fat); 1g Protein;

6g Carbohydrate; 4mg Cholesterol; 43mg Sodium

Food Exchanges: 0 Grain Starch); 0 Lean Meat; 0 Vegetable; 0 Fruit; 0 Fat;

1/2 Other Carbohydrates

NOTES : 1 tbsp = 1 point

Note: I believe this will freeze this well, and since this makes a lot, if I

weren't taking it to a party with a fruit tray, I'd use an ice cube tray to freeze

this into 1 tbsp portions, then dump the cubes into a ziplock, so I could use it up

at my leisure.

Low-Fat Chicken Pate

Serving Size : 14

Categories : Appetizers 1 Point Per Serving

Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method

-------- ------------ --------------------------------

1 1/2 cups skinless boneless chicken breast -- cooked, minced

8 ounces fat-free cream cheese -- softened

3 tablespoons onion -- chopped

2 tablespoons dry sherry

2 tablespoons low-fat mayonnaise

2 teaspoons lemon juice

1/4 teaspoon hot sauce

1/8 teaspoon ground nutmeg

dash paprika

Combine chicken (which has been finely chopped), cream cheese, onion, sherry,

mayonnaise, lemon juice, hot sauce, and nutmeg in container of electric blender;

process until smooth.

Transfer mixture to a 2 cup mold coated with cooking spray (Pam). Cover, and chill


Unmold onto a serving plate. Sprinkle with paprika. Garnish with parsley sprigs,

if desired.

Serve with Melba toast rounds or unsalted crackers.


"1 Point Per Serving"


"1 3/4 cups"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Per serving: 53 Calories (kcal); 1g Total Fat; (20% calories from fat); 8g Protein;

1g Carbohydrate; 17mg Cholesterol; 117mg Sodium

Food Exchanges: 0 Grain Starch); 1 Lean Meat; 0 Vegetable; 0 Fruit; 0 Fat;

0 Other Carbohydrates

Mushroom Caviar

Serving Size : 16

Categories : Appetizers 0 Points Per Serving

Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method

-------- ------------ --------------------------------

1 tablespoon olive oil

4 scallions -- minced

1/2 pound Portobello mushrooms -- cut in 1 1/2 inch cubes

6 cloves garlic -- roughly chopped

1/2 teaspoon fresh thyme -- chopped

2 teaspoons lemon juice

4 teaspoons balsamic vinegar

1/4 teaspoon freshly ground pepper

In large saucepan heat 1 tsp. olive oil and sauté scallion until tender. Set aside.

Heat remaining oil and sauté mushrooms, garlic and thyme until tender. Do not

overcrowd pan, or mushrooms will poach.

Transfer mushrooms and scallions to a food processor. Using pulse button process

until coarsely chopped. Return to saucepan.

Add remaining ingredients and sauté over medium high heat until liquid has


Serve in a small crock or dish as a spread for toast


"0 Points Per Serving"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Per serving: 14 Calories (kcal); 1g Total Fat; (52% calories from fat);

trace Protein; 1g Carbohydrate; 0mg Cholesterol; 1mg Sodium

Food Exchanges: 0 Grain Starch); 0 Lean Meat; 1/2 Vegetable; 0 Fruit; 0 Fat;

0 Other Carbohydrates

This is another one of our favorites, you just don't realize this is so low in

calories by taste alone! This also makes an excellent filling for omelets with a bit

of fat free Cheddar cheese - very delish!!

Cucumber Salsa

Serving Size : 4

Categories : Appetizers 0 Points Per Serving

Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method

-------- ------------ --------------------------------

1 cup cucumber -- diced

1 tablespoon fresh orange juice

1/2 cup orange sections -- chopped

1/4 cup red onion

2 tablespoons jalapeno peppers -- finely chopped

1 tablespoon white wine vinegar

2 teaspoons olive oil

1/4 teaspoon salt

1/8 teaspoon pepper

Combine all ingredients in a bowl; stir well.

Serve chilled or at room temperature.


"0 Points Per Serving"


"2 cups"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Per serving: 30 Calories (kcal); 2g Total Fat; (65% calories from fat); trace

Protein; 2g Carbohydrate; 0mg Cholesterol; 134mg Sodium

Food Exchanges: 0 Grain Starch); 0 Lean Meat; 1/2 Vegetable; 0 Fruit; 1/2 Fat;

0 Other Carbohydrates

Serving Ideas : This is suggested for use over fish or pork.

Fresh Salsa

Serving Size : 6

Categories : Appetizers 1 Point Per Serving

Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method

-------- ------------ --------------------------------

1/2 cup chopped green bell pepper

1/2 cup chopped red bell pepper

3 small jalapeno peppers -- chopped

1/2 cup white onion -- chopped

4 green onions -- chopped

2 cloves garlic -- minced

14 ounces canned tomatoes -- crushed

2 small chopped tomatoes

1/2 cup black olives -- sliced

1 tablespoon olive oil

1 tablespoon red wine vinegar

1/2 teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon ground cumin

1 teaspoon oregano

1/2 lemon -- just the juice

Coarsely chop green pepper, red pepper, jalapeno pepper, onions, sliced olives,

minced garlic, tomatoes into food processor bowl.

Pulse to chop into medium coarse pieces.

Add can of crushed tomatoes, olive oil, vinegar, lemon juice and spices. Pulse again

to mix.

Refrigerate at least 1 hour prior to serving but overnight is best.

If you like it spicier add more jalapeno peppers, dried red pepper flakes, or

Tabasco to taste.


"1 Point Per Serving"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Per serving: 76 Calories (kcal); 4g Total Fat; (41% calories from fat); 2g Protein;

11g Carbohydrate; 0mg Cholesterol; 381mg Sodium

Food Exchanges: 0 Grain Starch); 0 Lean Meat; 1 1/2 Vegetable; 0 Fruit; 1/2 Fat;

0 Other Carbohydrates

*NOTES: If you eliminate the black olives and the oil it is a ZERO Point recipe.

Green Sauce

Serving Size : 22

Categories : Appetizers 1 Point Per Serving

Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method

-------- ------------ --------------------------------

3 medium green tomatoes -- chopped

4 tomatillo -- chopped

2 jalapeno peppers -- chopped

3 cloves garlic -- peeled and chopped

3 avocados

4 sprigs cilantro

1 teaspoon salt -- or more if needed

1 1/2 cups fat-free sour cream

Put first 4 ingredients in sauce pan bring to a boil, lower heat and simmer for 15

minutes or until tomatillos are soft. Cool. Peel and slice avocados. Place all

ingredients in blender or food processor until smooth. Pour into container and add

sour cream... stir to mix. Cover and chill


"1 Point Per Serving"


"5 1/2 cups"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Per serving: 64 Calories (kcal); 4g Total Fat; (55% calories from fat); 2g Protein;

6g Carbohydrate; 2mg Cholesterol; 115mg Sodium

Food Exchanges: 0 Grain Starch); 0 Lean Meat; 1/2 Vegetable; 0 Fruit; 1 Fat;

0 Other Carbohydrates

Serving Ideas : -- serve with chips

NOTES : Serving size 1/4 Cup

(You may need to take out seeds of the jalapenos- depends on how hot you like it.)

You can find the tomatillos at most super markets in the produce section, along with

green tomatoes too.

Mock Mayonnaise

Serving Size : 16

Categories : Appetizers 1 Point Per Tablespoon

Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method

-------- ------------ --------------------------------

1 cup cottage cheese, low fat

1/4 cup egg substitute, liquid

1 tablespoon white vinegar -- or lemon juice

2 tablespoons sugar

1/2 teaspoon salt -- optional

1/2 teaspoon dry mustard

1/2 teaspoon paprika

pinch pepper

Combine all ingredients in blender. Cover and blend on medium speed until smooth,

scraping down container with rubber spatula as needed.

Store covered in fridge.


"1 Point Per Tablespoon"


"1 cup"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Per serving: 20 Calories (kcal); trace Total Fat; (13% calories from fat); 2g

Protein; 2g Carbohydrate; 1mg Cholesterol; 131mg Sodium

Food Exchanges: 0 Grain Starch); 1/2 Lean Meat; 0 Vegetable; 0 Fruit; 0 Fat;

0 Other Carbohydrates

No-Fat Chipotle Tomato Salsa

Serving Size : 24

Categories : Appetizers 0 Points Per Serving

Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method

-------- ------------ --------------------------------

6 tomatoes -- ripe

2 chipotle peppers -- dried

2 chili peppers -- guajillo

2 cloves garlic -- chopped

1/2 cup water

salt -- to taste

Place tomatoes in a shallow metal baking pan or pie pan and broil, turning from time

to time, until evenly charred on all sides. Let cool in their juices. Lightly toast

chilies in an ungreased pan until they lighten in color and puff up slightly. Cool,

then remove stems, seeds and veins.

Grind chiles in a clean coffee grinder or spice mill to a coarse powder. (Chipotle

powder and guajillo powder may be substituted.) Cut tomatoes into pieces and puree

with garlic, chili powder and water. Season to taste with salt. Place in a covered

container and store in refrigerator for up to 1 week.


"0 Points Per Serving"


"1 1/2 cups"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Per serving: 10 Calories (kcal); trace Total Fat; (8% calories from fat);

trace Protein; 2g Carbohydrate; 0mg Cholesterol; 3mg Sodium

Food Exchanges: 0 Grain Starch); 0 Lean Meat; 1/2 Vegetable; 0 Fruit; 0 Fat;

0 Other Carbohydrates

NOTES : If there's no time to broil tomatoes, use good-quality diced canned ones.

Basil Cheese Triangles

Serving Size : 72

Categories : Appetizers 1 Point Per Serving

Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method

-------- ------------ --------------------------------

1 Pound Shredded Monterey jack cheese

2 eggs -- slightly beaten

1/4 cup basil leaves -- finely chopped

1/4 teaspoon white pepper

16 ounces phyllo dough -- thawed

1/3 cup butter

Heat oven to 400º F. Grease cookie sheet.

Crumble Feta cheese into small bowl; mash with fork. Stir in eggs, basil, and white

pepper until well mixed.

Cut stack of phyllo sheets lengthwise into 2-inch strips. Cover with plastic wrap,

then with damp towel to prevent them from drying out.

Place 1 level teaspoon cheese mixture on end of 1 strip; fold phyllo strip end over

end, in triangular shape, to opposite end. Place on cookie sheet. Repeat with

remaining strips and cheese mixture. Brush butter over triangles.

Bake 12 to 15 minutes or until puffed and golden. Serve warm.


"1 Point Per Serving"


"6 dozen"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Per serving: 52 Calories (kcal); 3g Total Fat; (75% calories from fat); 2g Protein;

trace Carbohydrate; 13mg Cholesterol; 74mg Sodium

Food Exchanges: 0 Grain Starch); 0 Lean Meat; 0 Vegetable; 0 Fruit; 1/2 Fat;

0 Other Carbohydrates

Blooming Onion

Serving Size : 2

Categories : Appetizers 2 Points Per Serving

Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method

-------- ------------ --------------------------------

1 large onion

1/4 ounce corn flakes -- crumbled

pinch red pepper

pinch seasoned salt

1 egg white

1/2 cup nonfat sour cream

2 teaspoons Miracle Whip® light -- or fat free

1 teaspoon horseradish sauce

1/2 clove garlic -- finely minced

cooking spray

Preheat oven to 350 º F. Spray 2-cup round baking dish with cooking spray.

Trim root end of onion so it stands upright. Slice off 1/2" from top and remove peel.

With sharp knife, cut triangular slices to center of onion, slicing from top down

and stopping 1/2" from bottom. Work your way around to make several "petals."

Spray with cooking spray and place in microwaveable safe bowl. Cover and microwave

on high for 3-4 minutes or until onion is slightly tender and petals have begun to


In small bowl combine corn flake crumbs, seasoned salt, and pepper; set aside.

In medium bowl, whip egg white until foamy. Dip onion in egg white, coating petals


Place in prepared baking dish and sprinkle evenly with corn flake mixture.

Bake until lightly browned and crisp about 10-12 minutes. 6. Meanwhile, combine sour

cream, Miracle Whip, horseradish sauce and garlic. Cover and chill.

This may be prepared up to 2 days ahead.


"2 Points Per Serving"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Per serving: 103 Calories (kcal); 2g Total Fat; (16% calories from fat); 7g Protein;

15g Carbohydrate; 9mg Cholesterol; 151mg Sodium

Food Exchanges: 0 Grain(Starch); 1 Lean Meat; 1 Vegetable; 0 Fruit; 1/2 Fat;

1 Other Carbohydrates

NOTES : Serving Size 2 (1/2 of each onion and sauce)

Cheesy Potato Skins

Serving Size : 8

Categories : Appetizers 2 Points Per Serving

Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method

-------- ------------ --------------------------------

4 Large potatoes

2 tablespoons butter -- melted

1 medium tomato -- chopped

1/2 cup cheese -- colby-jack

1/2 cup fat-free sour cream

5 medium green onion -- sliced

Heat oven to 375º. Scrub potatoes; pierce potatoes to allow steam to escape. Bake

about 45 minutes or until tender. Let stand until cool enough to handle.

Cut potatoes lengthwise into fourths; carefully scoop out pulp, leaving 1/4 inch

shells. Save potato pulp for another use.

Set oven control to broil. Place potato shells, skin sides down, on rack in broiler

pan. Brush with butter.

Broil with tops 4 to 5 inches from heat 8 to 10 minutes or until crisp and brown.

Sprinkle tomato and cheese over potatoes. Broil about 30 seconds or until cheese is


Top with sour cream; sprinkle with green onions.


"2 Points Per Serving"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Per serving: 89 Calories (kcal); 3g Total Fat; (28% calories from fat); 3g Protein;

14g Carbohydrate; 9mg Cholesterol; 47mg Sodium

Food Exchanges: 1/2 Grain Starch); 0 Lean Meat; 1/2 Vegetable; 0 Fruit; 1/2 Fat;

0 Other Carbohydrates

Chocolate "Trail" Mix

Serving Size : 12

Categories : Appetizers 2 Points per serving

Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method

-------- ------------ --------------------------------

2 ounces semisweet chocolate chips

2 tablespoons smooth peanut butter

2 tablespoons light corn syrup

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

4 1/2 ounces Cheerios® -- Or toasted oat cereal

1 ounce pecans -- finely chopped

Line large baking sheet with wax paper.

In medium saucepan, over medium heat, combine chocolate, peanut butter, corn syrup

and vanilla. Stir until chocolate is melted and smooth. Remove from heat.

Add cereal and pecans to saucepan, stirring to coat cereal.

Spread mixture onto prepared baking sheet. Let stand 30 minutes, until completely

dry. Break into bite-sized pieces and store in airtight container.


"2 Points per serving"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Per serving: 104 Calories (kcal); 5g Total Fat; (39% calories from fat); 2g Protein;

15g Carbohydrate; 0mg Cholesterol; 118mg Sodium

Food Exchanges: 1/2 Grain Starch); 0 Lean Meat; 0 Vegetable; 0 Fruit; 1 Fat;

1/2 Other Carbohydrates

Chicken Nut Puffs

Serving Size : 72

Categories : Appetizers 1 Point Per Serving

Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method

-------- ------------ --------------------------------

1 1/2 cups skinless boneless chicken breast -- finely chopped

1/2 cup chopped almonds -- toasted

1 cup chicken broth

1/2 cup vegetable oil

2 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce

1 tablespoon dried parsley

1 teaspoon seasoned salt

1 teaspoon celery seed

1/8 teaspoon cayenne pepper

1 cup all-purpose flour

1 cup egg substitute

Preheat oven to 450º. Combine the chicken and almonds; set aside.

In large saucepan, combine the next seven ingredients; bring to a boil. Add flour

all at once; stir until a smooth ball forms. Remove from heat; let stand for 5


Add eggs, one a time, beating well after each addition. Beat until smooth

Stir in chicken and almonds. Drop by heaping teaspoonfuls onto greased baking sheets.

Bake at 450º for 12-14 minutes or until brown. Serve warm.

To Make Ahead: Prepare as directed but do not bake. Freeze mounds on baking sheets

about 1 hour or till solid. Remove from foil and place in a freezer container.

Freeze up to 1 month.

To bake, place on baking sheet lined with greased foil.

Bake in a 400º oven about 18 minutes or till golden brown


"1 Point Per Serving"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Per serving: 37 Calories (kcal); 3g Total Fat; (60% calories from fat); 2g Protein;

2g Carbohydrate; 3mg Cholesterol; 41mg Sodium

Food Exchanges: 0 Grain Starch); 0 Lean Meat; 0 Vegetable; 0 Fruit; 1/2 Fat;

0 Other Carbohydrates

Corn Crepes

Serving Size : 16

Categories : Appetizers 2 Points per serving

Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method

-------- ------------ --------------------------------

1 cup skim milk

2 eggs

3 tablespoons water

1/2 cup all-purpose flour

1 Tablespoon all-purpose flour

3 3/4 Ounces yellow cornmeal -- (about 1/2 cup)

1/2 teaspoon salt

2 tablespoons butter -- melted

2 teaspoons butter -- melted

In medium bowl, beat together first 3 ingredients. Sprinkle in next 3 ingredients;

stir to combine. Stir in melted margarine. Cover and let stand 1/2 hour.

Over medium heat, heat a griddle or large nonstick skillet; spray with nonstick

cooking spray. Spoon batter by 1/2 tablespoons onto griddle, leaving 3" between

crepes; with back of spoon, spread batter to make a circle 2" in diameter.

Cook crepes about 1 1/2 minutes on first side; turn and cook 1 minute more. Remove

crepes to platter and repeat with remaining batter to make 64 crepes in all.

Wrap crepes well in plastic wrap and refrigerate until ready to use.


"2 Points per serving"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Per serving: 71 Calories (kcal); 3g Total Fat; (33% calories from fat); 2g Protein;

9g Carbohydrate; 29mg Cholesterol; 101mg Sodium

Food Exchanges: 1/2 Grain Starch); 0 Lean Meat; 0 Vegetable; 0 Fruit; 1/2 Fat;

0 Other Carbohydrates

NOTES : These crepes can be made the day before the party, if desired, and

wrapped in plastic wrap until ready to reheat.

Makes 16 servings, 4 crepes each.

Deviled Eggs

Serving Size : 12

Categories : Appetizers 1 Point per serving

Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method

-------- ------------ --------------------------------

8 eggs -- cooked

8 ounces plain nonfat yogurt

1 Tablespoon sweet pickle relish -- drained

1 tablespoon Dijon mustard -- country style

1/8 teaspoon salt

1/8 Tablespoon white pepper


Slice eggs in half lengthwise, and carefully remove yolks from 8 egg halves;

mash yolks in a bowl. Discard remaining 8 yolk halves.

Finely chop 4 egg white halves, and add to the mashed yolks. Set aside remaining 12

egg white halves.

Spoon yogurt onto several layers of heavy-duty paper towels; spread to 1/2-inch

thickness. Cover with additional paper towels; let stand 5 minutes.

Scrape into yolk mixture, using a rubber spatula. Add relish and next 3 ingredients,

and stir well.

Spoon about 1 tablespoon yolk mixture into each egg white half. Cover and chill 1


Sprinkle with paprika.


"1 Point per serving"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Per serving: 57 Calories (kcal); 3g Total Fat; (48% calories from fat); 5g Protein;

2g Carbohydrate; 125mg Cholesterol; 100mg Sodium

Food Exchanges: 0 Grain(Starch); 1/2 Lean Meat; 0 Vegetable; 0 Fruit; 1/2 Fat;

0 Other Carbohydrates

NOTES : serving size: 1 filled egg half

Fruit Kabobs and Yogurt Dip

Serving Size : 4

Categories : Appetizers 2 Points Per Serving

Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method

-------- ------------ --------------------------------

3 cups fruit -- *see note cut or small whole

8 skewers -- wooden or metal

3 cups plain nonfat yogurt

1 teaspoon vanilla

1 teaspoon sugar substitute

Thread the fruit onto the skewers, alternating different kinds of fruit

If using plain yogurt, flavor with vanilla and sugar substitute.


"2 Points Per Serving"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Per serving: 100 Calories (kcal); trace Total Fat; (2% calories from fat);

10g Protein; 14g Carbohydrate; 3mg Cholesterol; 132mg Sodium

Food Exchanges: 0 Grain Starch); 0 Lean Meat; 0 Vegetable; 0 Fruit; 0 Fat;

0 Other Carbohydrates

Serving Ideas : Serve two skewers to each person, along with 3/4 cup of

yogurt for dunking or spooning over the fruit. You can also use strawberry yogurt,

or any flavor, If you put yogurt in the freezer for a short time it gets a little


NOTES : *mixed fruit (melon, berries, peaches, nectarines, pears, apples,

bananas, oranges, or kiwi)

Kabob Bar (Chicken & Vegetable)

Serving Size : 10

Categories : Appetizers 3 Points per serving

Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method

-------- ------------ --------------------------------

3 3/4 pounds skinless boneless chicken breast -- cut into 1" cubes

1/2 cup teriyaki sauce -- light

1/2 cup orange juice

1/4 cup honey

6 cloves garlic -- chopped

40 wooden skewers

4 pounds zucchini -- each cut in 8-1" coins

8 yellow pepper -- each cut in 16 pieces

40 cherry tomatoes

40 medium mushrooms -- halved

***chicken baste***

2 tablespoons teriyaki sauce -- light

2 tablespoons orange juice

1 tablespoon honey

***vegetable baste***

1/4 cup lemon juice

1 tablespoon olive oil

1/4 teaspoon salt

1/4 teaspoon pepper

Two days before the party: Place chicken in large bowl. In small bowl, combine

teriyaki sauce, orange juice, honey and garlic. Pour over chicken, cover and

marinate overnight. Soak 10" skewers in water overnight.

One day before the party: In large nonstick skillet over high heat, Sauté chicken in

batches each for about 4 minutes or until cooked halfway through. Place chicken on

cookie sheet to cool.

On 20 prepared 10" skewers, alternating pieces, thread 3 pieces of the chicken,

2 pieces of the zucchini, 2 pieces of the yellow pepper, 1 cherry tomato and 2

mushroom halves. Thread 2 mushroom halves, 4 pieces zucchini, 4 pieces pepper,

1 cherry tomato and 2 mushroom halves on remaining 20 skewers.

To make chicken kabob baste: In a small bowl, combine teriyaki sauce, juice and

honey; brush on chicken kabobs.

To make vegetable kabob baste: In another small bowl, combine lemon juice, oil, salt

and pepper; brush on vegetable kabobs.

Place skewers on baking rack and broil 6 inches from heat until cooked through,

about 6 minutes, turning once and basting with additional mixture. Place in

refrigerator overnight.

Day of the party: Preheat oven to 350º F. Heat kabobs for 5 minutes. Remove kabobs

to platter and sprinkle with salt and pepper to taste.


"3 Points per serving"


"20 Kabobs"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Per serving: 340 Calories (kcal); 4g Total Fat; (11% calories from fat); 46g Protein;

32g Carbohydrate; 99mg Cholesterol; 871mg Sodium

Food Exchanges: 0 Grain Starch); 5 1/2 Lean Meat; 4 Vegetable; 0 Fruit; 1/2 Fat;

1/2 Other Carbohydrates

NOTES : Serving size (1 vegetable and 1 chicken kabob)

According to the magazine: Per serving: 174 Calories, 2g Fat, 2g Fiber Selections:

2 FR/V, 3 P/M

****Mastercook calculates the nutritional values of all ingredients uses.. Naturally

we don't consume all ingreedients because of the maranades and basting liquids that

are being thrown out. Points will be calculated according to the magazine then.****

Italian Vegetable Kabobs

Serving Size : 8

Categories : Appetizers 0 Points Per Serving

Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method

-------- ------------ --------------------------------

1 Medium Zucchini

1 medium yellow squash

1 small red onion -- cut into wedges

1 medium red bell pepper -- or green, cut into 1" pieces

4 ounces mushrooms, whole -- divided

1/2 cup fat-free Italian salad dressing -- divided

8 wooden skewers

Soak 8 wooden skewers in enough water to cover in a large bowl for 30 minutes.

Preheat grill. Slice the zucchini and yellow squash lengthwise into halves. Cut the

halves crosswise into 1/2 inch pieces.

Thread the zucchini, yellow squash, red onion, bell pepper, and mushrooms

alternately on the wooden skewers or metal skewers. Brush the vegetables with half

the salad dressing.

Grill over medium-hot coals for 10 minutes or until veggies are tender-crisp,

turning occasionally.

Remove the kabobs to a serving platter. Brush with remaining dressing.


"0 Points Per Serving"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Per serving: 28 Calories (kcal); trace Total Fat; (5% calories from fat); 1g Protein;

6g Carbohydrate; 0mg Cholesterol; 213mg Sodium

Food Exchanges: 0 Grain(Starch); 0 Lean Meat; 1 Vegetable; 0 Fruit; 0 Fat;

0 Other Carbohydrates

Low-Fat Cheese Triangles

Serving Size : 24

Categories : Appetizers 1 Point Per Serving

Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method

-------- ------------ --------------------------------

vegetable cooking spray

3/4 cup yogurt cheese -- see note

1/2 cup crumbled feta cheese

1 large egg white -- lightly beaten

1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley

2 tablespoons grated parmesan cheese -- fresh

1 tablespoon fine dry breadcrumbs

pinch cayenne

8 sheets filo dough -- thawed

2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil

Position rack in upper third of oven; preheat to 350º.

Lightly oil a baking sheet or coat with nonstick cooking spray; set aside.

In a bowl, stir together the yogurt cheese, feta, egg white, parsley, parmesan,

bread crumbs and cayenne.

Set the stack of filo sheets to one side of the work surface and keep them covered

with a damp towel.

Place one sheet with the long edge facing you. Brush lightly with olive oil. Top

with a second sheet and brush with oil. Cut filo vertically into 6 strips.

Place a heaping teaspoon of cheese filling at the bottom of the first strip. Fold

one corner over the filling, then continue to fold loosely (as you would a flag) to

form a triangle. Place triangles on the prepared baking sheet and brush tops with

olive oil.

With a sharp paring knife, make a small slit in the top of each to allow steam to

escape. Repeat with remaining sheets and filling.

(Triangles can be prepared up to this point and frozen. Freeze them in a single

layer, then place in a plastic bag and store up to two months. Do not thaw

before baking.)

Bake the triangles until golden brown, about 25 minutes. Let cool for 5 minutes

before serving warm.


"1 Point Per Serving"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Per serving: 50 Calories (kcal); 2g Total Fat; (57% calories from fat); 2g Protein;

2g Carbohydrate; 4mg Cholesterol; 90mg Sodium

Food Exchanges: 0 Grain Starch); 0 Lean Meat; 0 Vegetable; 0 Fruit; 1/2 Fat;

0 Other Carbohydrates

NOTES : Note: To make yogurt cheese, place 2 1/2 cups plain nonfat yogurt in a

fine-mesh strainer. Place on a plate and refrigerate 8 hours or overnight.

Makes 24 triangles 1 triangle per serving

Low-Fat Potato Skins

Serving Size : 6

Categories : Appetizers 2 Points Per Serving

Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method

-------- ------------ --------------------------------

4 teaspoons butter buds® -- granules

6 medium baking potatoes -- scrubbed and baked

1/2 teaspoon garlic powder

freshly ground pepper -- to taste

pinch fat-free cheddar cheese -- or your favorite

Preheat oven to 450º.

Reconstitute the butter buds granules according to the directions on the package

Cut each potato in half. Scoop out the center, leaving about 1/4 inch of potato

on the inside of each skin. (Save leftover potato for other uses). Cut skins into


Dab with liquid butter substitute onto the white inside of each potato skin.

Sprinkle with garlic and pepper. Place prepared skins, skin side down, on a baking

sheet. Bake 15 minutes, or until lightly browned. Turn skins over and bake another

5 minutes or until crisp. Return to skin side down sprinkle with cheese, turn oven

off and leave until cheese melts.

Serve immediately.


"2 Points Per Serving"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Per serving: 151 Calories (kcal); trace Total Fat; (1% calories from fat);

4g Protein; 35g Carbohydrate; 0mg Cholesterol; 58mg Sodium

Food Exchanges: 2 Grain Starch); 0 Lean Meat; 0 Vegetable; 0 Fruit; 0 Fat;

0 Other Carbohydrates

Nacho Appetizers

Serving Size : 4

Categories : Appetizers 6 Points Per Serving

Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method

-------- ------------ --------------------------------


2 teaspoons olive oil

1/2 cup yellow onion -- chopped

3 cloves garlic -- minced

1 teaspoon chili powder

1/2 teaspoon ground cumin

8 ounces canned pinto beans -- drained

1/2 cup tomato juice


2 teaspoons olive oil

1/4 teaspoon chili powder

1/8 teaspoon ground cumin

4 corn tortilla -- 6 Inch

3 ounces monterey jack cheese -- shredded

1 1/2 cups tomato -- wedges

1/2 cup red onion -- chopped

1/4 cup jalapeno chili peppers -- sliced

10 small black pitted olives

1 cup salsa -- or pecante sauce

To prepare the beans, in a heavy medium saucepan over medium heat, warm the oil

until hot but not smoking.

Add the yellow onion and garlic, and sauté for 5 minutes. Stir in the chili powder

and cumin, and cook for 1 minute.

Remove the saucepan from the heat. Add the beans alternately with the tomato juice,

mashing the beans with a potato masher or sturdy wire whisk until the mixture is

fairly thick and smooth.

Cook over low heat just until heated through, about 2 minutes. Cover to keep warm.

Preheat the broiler.

To prepare the nachos, in a small cup, blend the olive oil, chili powder, and cumin.

With a pastry brush, evenly brush one side of each tortilla with the oil mixture.

Stack the tortillas and cut evenly into quarters. Place the quarters on a baking

sheet and broil, turning once, until the tortilla chips are crisp and brown,

4 - 6 minutes. Preheat the oven to 375º.

Spread half of the reserved bean mixture in the bottom of a medium baking dish.

Press half the tortilla chips into the beans and sprinkle with half of the cheese.

Repeat, using the remaining bean mixture, tortilla chips and cheese.

Bake until the cheese is melted and bubbly, 3 - 5 minutes. Top with the tomato, red

onion, jalapeno peppers, and olives.

Serve immediately with the salsa (or picante sauce) on the side.


"6 Points Per Serving"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Per serving: 293 Calories (kcal); 14g Total Fat; (39% calories from fat);

12g Protein; 34g Carbohydrate; 19mg Cholesterol; 893mg Sodium

Food Exchanges: 1 1/2 Grain Starch); 1 Lean Meat; 2 1/2 Vegetable; 0 Fruit; 2 Fat;

0 Other Carbohydrates

Petite Pizzas

Serving Size : 8

Categories : Appetizers 3 Points Per Serving

Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method

-------- ------------ --------------------------------

1/2 cup warm water -- (110 -115 º)

3/4 teaspoon active dry yeast

1/2 teaspoon sugar

3/4 cup bread flour -- or all purpose flour

3/4 cup whole wheat flour

1/4 teaspoon salt

1/2 teaspoon extra virgin olive oil

**Pizza Sauce**

1/2 teaspoon extra virgin olive oil

1 clove garlic -- minced

8 ounces tomato sauce

1 tablespoon chopped fresh basil -- or 1 teaspoon dried

1/2 teaspoon dried oregano

dash salt and pepper


1/4 cup green pepper -- finely chopped

1/4 cup onion -- finely chopped

2 ounces sausage meat -- turkey, crumbled and cooked

2/3 cup mushrooms -- sliced and cooked

1/4 cup grated parmesan cheese

1/4 cup part skim milk mozzarella cheese

To prepare crust, place warm water in small bowl. Sprinkle yeast and sugar on top;

stir to combine. Let stand 10 minutes or until bubbly.

Combine flours and salt in medium bowl. Stir in oil and yeast mixture; mix until


Remove dough to lightly floured work surface. Knead 5 minutes or until dough is

smooth and elastic.

Place dough in medium bowl sprayed with nonstick cooking spray. Turn dough in bowl

so top is coated with cooking spray; cover with towel. Let rise in warm place 45

minutes or until doubled in bulk.

Punch down dough; place on lightly floured surface and knead 2 minutes more. Cover

with towel and let rise 20 minutes more.

Roll out to 1/4 inch thickness and cut into 32 circles with 2-inch cookie or biscuit


Place on baking sheet sprayed with cooking spray. (Combine scraps of dough and roll

out again to obtain 32 circles, if necessary.

Prepare Pizza Sauce (recipe below)

Pizza Sauce

Heat oil in small saucepan over medium heat. Add garlic; cook and stir 1 minute,

being careful not to brown garlic. Add tomato sauce, basil and oregano; simmer 20


Stir in salt and pepper.

Place about 1/2 tsp sauce on each dough round. Spread sauce gently, leaving a small

border of crust.

Preheat oven to 400º.

Combine bell pepper and onion in small bowl. Evenly sprinkle on top of sauce. Place

sausage on half the pizzas and 1 or 2 mushroom slices on each of remaining pizzas.

Evenly sprinkle cheeses on pizzas. Bake 10 minutes or until cheese melts.

Serve immediately.

(to reheat, warm pizzas in 250º oven 10 minutes.)

Garnish with fresh basil, if desired


"3 Points Per Serving"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Per serving: 156 Calories (kcal); 5g Total Fat; (29% calories from fat); 7g Protein;

21g Carbohydrate; 9mg Cholesterol; 353mg Sodium

Food Exchanges: 1 Grain(Starch); 1/2 Lean Meat; 1/2 Vegetable; 0 Fruit; 1 Fat;

0 Other Carbohydrates

NOTES : *You may substitute all-purpose flour for bread flour; however, bread flour

works better with yeast since it contains more gluten. It also contains more Vitamin C and


SERVING SIZE: 2 sausage pizzas and 2 mushroom pizzas


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