punkty, Diety, WW

Dowolna ilość ziemniaków to tylko 2pkt.Nie zawierają one tłuszczu i są sycące, dostarczają jednak kalorii, dlatego nie należy przesadzać, bo większe ilości spowalniają proces odchudzania.

Ogranicz: alkohol, nasycone tłuszcze ukryte w kiełbasie, tłustym mięsie, serze -TYCH PRODUKTÓW WYBIERAJ NAJMNIEJ.

0pkt ma: filżanka kawy bez cukru, cukinia lub ogórek zielony, garść fasolki szparagowej, pomidory, kalfior bez dodatków, sałat , papryka, bakłażan, herbata bez cukru, marchew

1/2pkt ma: sałatka z warzyw(4łyżki), owoce leśne(100g), marmolada(2łyżeczki), grejpfrut(150g), truskawki(100g), miód(1łyżka), suchary(2szt), czereśni(80g), morele(100g), pomarańcze(1szt)

1pkt ma: tuńczyk w sosie(60g), owoce z jogurtem(4łyżki), jabłko(1szt), chleb tostowy(2kromki), zilony groszek(100g), mały banan(1szt), majonez(1łyżka), kiwi(1szt), mała kiść winogron, oliwa(1łyżka), jogurt 3proc.tłuszczu(150g)

2pkt ma: barszcz(1mała filżanka), ryż(50g), jajko(1szt), chleb chrupki(3płatki), chuda wędlina(5plasterków), płatki z mlekiem(miseczka), bułeczka(60g), sałatka jarzynowa(1łyżka), piwo(1szklanka), mały rogalik(1szt)

3pkt ma: befsztk(1mały), ciasteczka(1szt), klopsiki(1szt), ser żółty(30g), mięso wołowe(125g), ser pleśniowy(30g), salami(30g), chudy pieczony schab(150g), tost z filetem drobiowym(120g), lampka wina

4pkt ma: wędzona mozzarella(50g), owoce z cukrem(1szklanka), czekolada(30g), camembert(60g), serek wiejski(120g), jogurt owocowy(200ml), makaron z warzywami(80g), ryż z ziołami(50g), pirożki z mięsem(80g), cielęcina z oliwkami(120g)

5pkt ma: zapiekane ziemniaki(200g), naleśniki z serem(100g), fasolka po bretońsku(porcja), kanapka z szynką i sałatą, ciastka pełnoziarniste(60g), owoce ze śmietanką(200g), omlet z jogurtem(1mały), pizza(1kawałek), gołąbki(1szt), fasola(50g)

6pkt ma: lazania(150g), makaron z oliwkami(50g), śledź marynowany(1szt), tarta owocowa(1kawałek), babeczki z owocami(2szt), lody z polewą(120ml), spaghetti po bolońsku(porcja), tofu(serek sojowy)(300g), frytki(150g), kabanosy(1pętko)

7pkt ma: zupa z mięsem(mała porcja), makowiec(1plasterek), hamburger(1szt), kotlet mielony(100g), pizza margerita(1mała), krem z owocami(150g), ryba panierowana(1filet), rosół z kurczaka(mała porcja), karkówka(1kotlet), galaretka ze śmietanką.

GDY JESTEŚ GŁODNA.Jedz warzywa i owoce kilka razy dziennie w sumie przynajmniej 300g warzyw i 200g owoców.Są idealne w dietach odchudzających, bo powodują uczucie sytości. Możesz więc bezkarnie jeść warzywa surowe lub ugotowane, pić soki warzywne.

jogurt, 250g, 5P

Migdały 22 = 4
sok jabłkowy 1/2 cup = 1
1/4 cup = 1
świeże 1 duże = 2
małe = 1
Applesauce, unsweetened 1 cup = 2
suszone 6 halves = 1
świeże 3 = 1
Szparagi 12 spears or 1 cup= 0
Avocado 1/4 = 2
Boczek, cooked, crisp 3 slices= 4
any type 1 small or 1/2 large = 3
Bagel, with cream ch
eese and lox 1 large= 12
1 = 2
sos 1/4 cup = 1
Barley, cooked 1 cup = 3
Fasola, gotowana:
baked 1/2 cup = 5
baked, vegetarian, canned 1/2 cup = 2
czarna 1/2 cup = 2
cannellini 1/2 cup = 1
garbanzo 1/2 cup = 2
green or wax 1 cup = 0
kidney 1/2 cup = 1
lima 1/2 cup = 1
navy 1/2 cup = 2
pinto 1/2 cup = 2
pork and beans, canned 1/2 cup = 2
refried 1/2 cup = 3
refried, fat-free or regular, canned 1/2 cup = 2
soybeans 1/2 cup = 3
white 1/2 cup = 2
ground 1 patty (3 oz) = 6
ground, lean 1 patty (3 oz) = 6
lean 1 slice or 1/2 cup cubed or shredded (2 oz) = 3
regular 1 slice or 1/2 cup cubed or shredded (2 oz) = 4
steak 1 small (4 oz) = 10
steak, lean 1 small (4 oz) = 7
Beef stew 1 cup = 5
light 1 can or bottle (12 fl oz) = 2
regular 1 can or bottle (12 fl oz) = 3
Beets 1 cup =0
Biscotti homemade 1 small (2" diameter) = 3
Blackberries 1 cup = 1
Blueberries 1 cup = 1
Bologna, any type 1 slice (1 oz) = 2
Brandy 1 jigger (11/2 fl oz) = 2
Bratwurst 2 oz = 5
Breads: any type(other than those listed here)
1 slice = 2
corn 2" square = 3
garlic 1 slice = 5
high-fiber (3 g or more dietary fiber per slice) 1 slice = 1
Bread crumbs, dried 3 Tbsp = 2
Broccoli 1 cup = 0
Brownie 1 (2" square) = 5
Brussels sprouts 1 cup = 0
Buffalo wings, cooked 3 = 9
Bulgur, cooked 1 cup = 2
bean 1 medium (8") = 8
bean 1 small (6") = 5
Butter, regular or whipped 1 tsp = 1
Cabbage 1 cup = 0
angel food 1/16 of 10" tube = 2
pound 1 slice (5"x3"x1") = 8
with icing, homemade 1/12 of 9" layer cake or 3" square =12
1/2 candy bar, or 2 Tbsp chips (1 oz) = 3
fudge, plain 1 piece (1"x2") = 3
hard 1 oz = 2
Cantaloupe 1/4 melon (8 oz) or 1 cup = 1
made with fat-free milk 1 grande (16 fl oz) = 2
made with low-fat milk 1 grande (16 fl oz) = 3
made with whole milk 1 grande (16 fl oz) = 4
Caraway Seeds 1 tsp = 0
cooked 1 cup = 1
raw 1 cup = 0
Cashews 14 nut s= 4
Cauliflower 1 cup = 0
Celery 1 cup = 0
Cereals, cooked:
cream of rice 1 cup = 3
cream of wheat 1 cup = 2
farina 1 cup = 2
grits 1 cup =3
oatmeal 1 cup = 2
Cereals, ready-to-eat:
any type (other than those listed here) 1 cup = 2
raisin bran 3/4 cup = 2
fortified 1 cup =2
frosted 1 cup = 3
granola 1/2 cup = 4
granola, low-fat 1/2 cup = 3
nuggets 1/2 cup = 3
puffed 1 cup = 1
shredded wheat 1 biscuit = 1
wheat germ 3 Tbsp = 1
Cereal bars:
fat-free 1 = 2
regular 1 =3
cottage 2 Tbsp = 1
- fat free 1 cup = 3
- low-fat (1%) 1 cup = 3
- reduced-fat (2%) 1 cup = 4
- regular (4%) 1 cup = 6
cream 2 Tbsp = 1
- fat free 4 Tbsp = 1
- light 2 Tbsp = 2
- regular (4%) 1 Tbsp = 1
feta 1/4 cup (1 1/3 oz) = 3
hard or semisoft, dairy or soy 2 Tbsp = 1
- fat-free 1" cube, 4 Tbsp shredded, or 3 Tbsp grated (1 oz) = 1
- low-fat 1" cube, 4 Tbsp shredded, or 3 Tbsp grated (1 oz) = 2
- regular 1" cube, 4 Tbsp shredded, or 3 Tbsp grated (1 oz) = 3
Neufchatel 1 Tbsp = 1
pot 1 cup = 3
ricotta 2 Tbsp = 1
- fat-free 1 cup = 4
- part-skim 1 cup = 8
- whole 1 cup = 11
Cheeseburger on bun, fast food 1 average = 9
Cheese sandwich, grilled, restaurant-type 1 = 13
Cheese sauce 1/4 cup = 2
dried 1/4 cup = 2
fresh 1 cup = 2
buffalo wings, cooked 3 = 9
canned 1/2 cup = 4
dark meat, cooked 1 slice or 1/2 cup cubed or shredded = 3
light meat, cooked 1 slice or 1/2 cup cubed or shredded = 2
nugget-style, fried, fast food 6 pieces = 8
- breast, without skin and bone 1 = 3
- breast, without skin 1 = 3
- breast, with skin 1 = 5
- drumstick, without skin 1 = 1
- drumstick, with skin 1 = 3
- thigh, without skin = 3
- thigh, with skin 3 = 4
salad 1/2 cup = 6
Chili con carne, with or without beans 1 cup = 8
Chili dog on roll 1 = 10
Chili sauce 1 Tbsp = 0
Chinese vegetables with:
beef 1 cup = 6
chicken 1 cup = 5
pork 1 cup = 7
shrimp or tofu 1 cup = 4
corn 10 large or 30 small = 4
potato, baked 1 medium = 2
Cocoa, hot, instant: regular 6 fl oz = 2
fat-free 6 fl oz = 1
no sugar added 6 fl oz = 1
Coffee, black, without sugar 1 cup = 0
Coleslaw 1/2 cup = 4
kernels or cream-style 1 cup = 3
on the cob 1 small ear (5") = 1
Corn bread 2" square = 3
Corn chips 10 large or 30 small = 4
Cornmeal, cooked 1/4 cup = 4
Couscous (semolina), cooked 1 cup = 3
Crackers, snack any type (other than those listed here) 1 oz = 3
fat-free 7 = 1
graham 2 (2 1/2" squares) or 2 Tbsp crumbs = 1
matzo 1 board = 2
melba toast 6 rounds or 4 slices = 2
rice cakes, plain 2 regular or 6 mini = 1
saltines 6 = 2
dried 1/4 cup = 2
fresh 11/2 cups = 1
Cranberry sauce 1/4 cup = 2
light 2 Tbsp = 2
half and half 2 Tbsp = 1
sour, fat-free 1/4 cup = 1
sour, light 3 Tbsp = 1
sour, regular 1 Tbsp = 1
whipped cream or topping
aerosol or frozen 1/4 cup = 1
whipping, heavy or light 2 Tbsp = 3
Cucumber 1 cup = 0
dried 1/4 cup = 2
fresh 1 cup = 1
dried 1/4 cup = 1
fresh 1 cup = 1
Doughnut, plain or glazed 1 (3" diameter) = 6
Dressing, salad: creamy:
- fat-free 2 Tbsp = 1
- reduced-calorie 2 Tbsp = 2
- regluar 2 Tbsp = 4
Itlian-type (other than creamy
- fat-free 2 Tbsp = 0
- reduced-calorie 2 Tbsp = 1
- regluar 2 Tbsp = 4
mayonnaise or mayonnaise-type:
- fat-free 4 Tbsp = 1
- reduced-calorie 2 tsp = 1
- regluar 1 tsp = 1
oil, vegetable 1 tsp = 1
vinegar 1 tsp = 0
Duck, without skin, cooked 1/4 duck (3 1/2 oz) = 5
Eggplant 1 cup = 0
Eggplant parmigiana, with sauce 1 serving (3" x 4") = 13
Egg rolls:
beef or pork 1 (4 1/2" long) = 5
chicken or shrimp 1 (4 1/2" long) = 4
omelet, cheese 2-egg, = 8
omelet, ham and cheese 2-egg,= 9
scrambled 2 or 1/2 cup = 5
substitute, fat-free 1/4 cup = 1
whole 1 = 2
English muffins:
regular, any type 1 = 2
light 1 = 1
Escarole 1 cup = 0
beef 2 = 12
chicken 2 = 8
pork 2 = 13
Fish and shellfish:
fish, canned, drained:
- anchovies 6 =1
- salmon 1/2 cup = 4
- sardines 5 = 3
- tuna, canned in oil, drained 1/2 cup = 5
- tuna, canned in water 1/2 cup = 3
fish, fresh, cooked without added fat:
- catfish 1 fillet= 6
- cod 1 fillet = 4
- halibut 1 fillet or steak = 5
- herring 1 oz = 1
- salmon 1 fillet or steak = 7
- snapper 1 fillet = 4
- sole 1 fillet = 4
- swordfish 1 fillet or steak = 4
- trout, rainbow 1 fillet = 6
- tuna 1 fillet or steak = 6
fish, fried 1 fillet = 12
shellfish, canned, any type (meat only), drained 1/2 cup = 2
shellfish, fresh (meat only), cooked without fat:
- clams 1/2 cup = 2
- crab 1/2 cup = 1
- crayfish 1/2 cup = 1
- lobster 1/2 cup = 1
- oysters 1/2 cup = 2
- scallops 1/2 cup = 1
- shrimp 1/2 cup = 1
tuna salad 1/2 cup = 7
Fish and cheese sandwich, fried, fast food 1 = 13
Flour, any type 3 Tbsp = 1
beef or pork, fat-free 1 = 1
beef or pork, light 1 = 2
beef or pork, regular 1 = 5
turkey 1 = 3
roll or bun 1 = 3
French fries, homemade 20 (each about 4 1/2" long)= 10
French toast 2 slices = 7
dried, mixed 1/4 cup = 2
Fruit butter 1 Tbsp = 1
Fruit salad 1 cup = 2
Fruit, spreadable 1 1/2 Tbsp = 1
Fudge, plain 1 piece (1"x2") = 3
Gin 1 jigger (1 1/2 fl oz) = 2
Gingersnap cookies 2 = 1
Grapefruit juice 1/2 cup = 1
sections 1 cup = 2
Grape juice 1/2 cup = 2
Grapes 1 cup = 1
brown 1/4 cup = 2
cream 1/4 cup = 4
Greens (beet, chard, collard, dandelion, kale, mustard, turnip) 1 cup = 0
Guacamole 1/4 cup = 2
Gum, chewing 1 piece = 0
Ham, cooked 1 slice or 1/2 cup cubed or shredded = 3
Hamburger: on bun, fast food 1 small = 6
Honey 1 Tbsp = 1
Honeydew melon 1/8 melon or 1 cup = 1
Hummus 1/4 cup = 3
Ice cream:
fat-free, no sugar added 1/2 cup = 2
fat-free, sweetened with sugar 1/2 cup = 2
light 1/2 cup = 3
premium 1/2 cup = 7
regular 1/2 cup = 4
Ice cream cone, plain or sugar 1 small = 1
Ice cream sandwich 1 = 4
Ice cream sundae 1/2 cup ice cream with syrup, nuts, and whipped topping = 8
Jelly 1 Tbsp = 1
Jerusalem artichokes (sunchokes) 1 cup = 2
Jicama 1 cup = 1
Kasha (buckwheat groats), cooked 1 cup = 3
Ketchup 1/4 cup = 1
Kiwi fruit 1 = 1
Knish, potato 1 (3 1/2" square) = 6
Knockwurst 2 oz = 5
Lamb, cooked:
lean 1 slice, 1 chop, or 1/2 cup cubed or shredded = 3
regular 1 slice, 1 chop, or 1/2 cup cubed or shredded = 4
Leeks 1 cup = 0
Lentils, cooked 1/2 cup = 2
Lettuce 1 cup = 0
Liquor (brandy, gin, rum, scotch, tequila, vodka, whiskey) 1 jigger, (1 1/2 fl oz) = 2
Liver, cooked:
beef 1 slice or 1/2 cup = 2
chicken 1/2 cup 2
Lo mein, any type 1 cup = 8
Luncheon meat:
lean (3 g fat or less per oz) 1 slice = 1
regular (4 g fat or more per oz) 1 slice = 2
Macaroni 1 cup cooked or 1 1/2 oz uncooked = 4
Macaroni and cheese, package mix 1 cup prepared = 9
Mandarin orange 1 = 1
Mango 1 = 2
fat-free 4 Tbsp = 1
reduced-calorie 2 tsp = 2
regular 1 tsp = 1
Marinara sauce 1/2 cup = 3
without sauce 2 = 10
with tomato sauce 2 with 1/2 cup sauce = 13
Meat loaf: 1 slice (5/8" thick) = 6
buttermilk, fat-free, low-fat (1%),or reduced-fat (2%) 1 cup = 2
evaporated, fat-free or low-fat 1/2 cup = 2
evaporated, whole 1/2 cup = 4
fat-free 1 cup = 2
instant nonfat dry powder 1/3 cup = 2
low-fat or light (1/2% or 1%) 1 cup = 2
reduced-fat (2%) 1 cup = 3
soy milk:
- fat-free 1 cup (8 fl oz) = 2
- regular 1 cup (8 fl oz) = 3
sweetened condensed 1/2 cup = 11
whole 1 cup = 4
any type (other than those listed here) 1 large (3" diameter) = 6
English, light 1 = 1
English, regular 1 = 2
fresh 1 cup = 0
marinated 1/2 cup = 3
Nachos, cheese 4 = 8
Nectar, any type 1/2 cup = 1
Nectarine 1 = 1
Noodles, cooked:
cellophane 1 cup = 3
egg 1 cup = 4
Oil, vegetable 1 tps = 1
Okra 1 cup = 0
Olives 10 small or 6 large = 1
cheese 2-egg, = 8
ham and cheese 2-egg, = 9
Onion rings, fast food 1 medium serving = 10
Onions 1 cup = 1
juice 1/2 cup = 1
orange-grapefruit juice 1/2 cup = 1
sections 1 cup = 1
whole 1 = 1
Pancake, homemade 1 (4" diameter) = 3
Papaya 1/2 (8 oz) or 1 cup = 1
Parsnips 1 cup cooked = 2
Pasta 1 cup cooked or 1 1/2 oz uncooked = 4
Pasta sauce, bottled, any type 1/2 cup = 2
beef 1 slice = 3
turkey 1 slice = 1
canned, unsweetened 1 cup = 2
fresh 1 = 1
Peanut butter 1 Tbsp = 2
Peanuts 40 nuts = 4
canned, unsweetened 1 cup = 2
fresh 1 = 1
Peas, cooked:
black-eyed (cowpeas) 1/2 cup = 1
chick 1/2 cup = 2
green 1 cup = 2
snow (Chinese pea pods) 1 cup = 1
split 1/2 cup = 2
sugar snap 1 cup = 0
Pecans 14 halves = 5
Peppers 1 cup = 0
Persimmon 1 = 2
sweet 2 large = 1
unsweetened 1 cup or 1 medium = 0
Pie crust, any type, refrigerated or frozen 1/8 of 9" pie crust = 2
fruit, one-crust 1/8 of 9" pie = 6
fruit, two-crust 1/8 of 9" pie = 9
meringue 1/8 of 9" pie = 10
cabbage, cheese, or potato 3 (each 3 1/2") = 7
meat 3 (each 3 1/2") = 8
chunks, canned, unsweetened 1 cup = 2
fresh 1/4 (12 oz) or 1 cup = 1
Pineapple juice 1/2 cup = 1
Pita, any type 1 small or 1/2 large = 1
Pizza, cheese, restaurant-type, thin crust 1 slice (1/8 of 12", 1/10 of 14", or 1/12 of 16") = 4
Pizza, one-meat topping, restaurant-type, thin crust 1 slice (1/8 of 12", 1/10 of 14", or 1/12 of 16") = 5
Pizza crust dough, refrigerated, frozen, or ready-made 1 oz = 2
Plantain 1 cup = 3
Plums 2 = 1
air-popped 3 cups = 1
microwave-popped, light 3 cups = 1
microwave-popped, reduced-fat
(94% fat-free) 5 cups = 1
microwave-popped, regular 3 cups = 3
movie popcorn, without butter 3 cups = 3
oil-popped 3 cups = 3
Poppy seeds 1 tsp = 0
lean 1 slice, or 1/2 cup cubed or shredded (2 oz) = 3
regular 1 slice, or 1/2 cup cubed or shredded (2 oz) = 5
Pork and beans, canned 1/2 cup = 2
French fries, homemade 20 (each about 41/2" long) = 10
mashed 1/2 cup = 2
salad 1/2 cup = 7
sweet 1 large (8 oz cooked) or 1 cup = 4
white or red 1 large (8 oz cooked) or 1 cup = 4
white or red 1 small (2" diameter or 3 oz cooked) = 1
Potato chips:
baked 1 oz = 2
regular 14 (1 oz) = 4
Preserves 1 Tbsp = 1
hard or Bavarian 1 (3/4 oz) = 2
rods 2 (3/4 oz) = 2
soft 1 (2 1/2 oz) = 3
sticks 45 (3/4 oz) = 2
twists, regular 7 (3/4 oz) = 2
twists, small 15 (3/4 oz) = 2
Prune juice 1/2 cup = 2
Prunes 2 = 1
Pudding, reduced-calorie (made with fat-free or low-fat [1%] milk) 1 cup = 2
Pumpkin 1 cup = 0
Pumpkin seeds 1 Tbsp = 2
Quesadilla (6" diameter) = 5
Radishes 1 cup = 0
Raisins 1/4 cup = 2
Raspberries 1 1/2 cup = 1
Ravioli, with tomato sauce,
cheese 8 pieces with 1/2 cup sauce = 16
meat 8 pieces with 1/2 cup sauce = 14
Rice, cooked:
brown 1 cup = 4
fried, with beef, chicken, pork,shrimp, or plain 1 cup = 8
Spanish 1 cup = 5
white 1 cup = 4
Rice cakes, plain 2 regular or 6 mini = 1
Rice drinks:
any type (other than those listed here) 1 cup (8 fl oz) = 3
chocolate 1 cup (8 fl oz) = 4
fat-free 1 cup (8 fl oz) = 2
dinner 1 (2 oz) = 3
hamburger 1 (2 oz) = 3
frankfurter 1 (2 oz) = 3
hard 1 (2 oz) = 3
hot dog 1 (2 oz) = 3
high-fiber (3 g or more dietary fiber per roll) = 1
Rum 1 jigger (1 1/2 fl oz) = 2
Caesar 3 cup = 7
chef's, no dressing 4 cups = 6
chicken 1/2 cup = 6
coleslaw 1/2 cup = 4
fruit 1 cup = 2
mixed greens 1 cup = 0
potato 1/2 cup = 7
side, without dressing, fast food 1 serving = 0
spinach, with dressing 2 cups = 7
three-bean, canned 1/2 cup = 1
tuna 1/2 cup = 7
Salami, any type 1 slice (1 oz) = 2
Salsa 1/2 cup = 0
Saltines 6 = 2
bagel, with cream cheese and lox 1 large = 12
cheese, grilled, restaurant-style 1 = 13
cheeseburger on bun, fast food 1 small = 8
chicken, grilled, fast food 1 = 9
falafel in pita = 1
large pita with 4 falafel patties = 13
fish and cheese, fried, fast food 1 = 13
hamburger on bun, fast food 1 small = 6
Sauerkraut 1 cup = 0
Scotch 1 jigger (1 1/2 fl oz) = 2
Sesame seeds 1 tsp = 0
canned, any type (meat only), drained 1/2 cup = 2
fresh (meat only), cooked without fat:
- clams 1/2 cup = 2
- crab 1/2 cup = 1
- crayfish 1/2 cup = 1
- lobster 1/2 cup = 1
- scallops 1/2 cup = 1
- shrimp 1/2 cup = 1
Soft drinks:
club soda 1 can or bottle (12 fl oz) = 0
diet, any flavor 1 can or bottle (12 fl oz) = 0
seltzer, unsweetened 1 can or bottle (12 fl oz) = 0
sweetened with sugar, any flavor 1 can or bottle (12 fl oz) = 3
Sorbet, any flavor 1 scoop or 1/2 cup = 2
bouillon, any type 1 cup = 0
broth, any type 1 cup = 0
chicken noodle 1 cup = 3
egg drop 1 cup = 1
hot and sour 1 cup = 2
lentil 1 cup = 3
mushroom, cream of, canned(made with fat-free milk) 1 cup = 2
onion soup mix 1 cup prepared or 1/4 envelope = 1
tomato, canned (made with water) 1 cup = 1
vegetable 1 cup = 2
Sour cream:
fat-free 1/4 cup = 1
light 3 Tbsp = 2
regular 1 Tbsp = 1
Soy products:
seitan 2 slices (2 oz) or 2 Tbsp prepared mix = 1
soybean nuts 1/4 cup (1 oz) = 3
soybeans, cooked 1/2 cup = 3
soy milk: 1/2 cup = 2
- fat-free 1 cup (8 fl oz) = 2
- regular 1 cup (8 fl oz) = 3
soy yogurt:
- flavored 3/4 cup (6 oz) = 3
- plain 3/4 cup (6 oz) = 3
tempeh (fermented soybean cake) 1/4 cup = 2
textured vegetable protein 1/3 cup (3/4 oz dry) =1
- frozen 1/2 cup = 5
- low-fat 1/3 cup, or 3 oz =1
- regular, firm 1/3 cup, or 3 oz = 2
- regular, soft 1/3 cup, or 3 oz = 1
Soy sauce 1 Tbsp = 0
Spaghetti 1 cup cooked or 1 1/2 oz uncooked = 3
Spaghetti sauce, bottled, any type 1/2 cup = 2
Spaghetti with marinara sauce 1 cup spaghetti with 1/2 cup sauce = 6
Spaghetti with tomato sauce and meatballs 1 cup spaghetti, 1/2 cup sauce, and 2 meatballs = 16
barbecued 4 (each 4" long) = 8
Chinese, barbecued 2 (each 4" long) = 4
Spinach 1 cup = 0
Spinach salad, with dressing 2 cups = 7
Spreadable fruit 1 1/2 Tbsp = 1
alfalfa 1 cup = 0
bean 1 cup = 0
spaghetti 1 cup = 0
summer 1 cup = 0
winter 1 cup = 1
zucchini 1 cup = 0
Steak sauce 1 Tbsp = 0
Stir-fry with garlic or black bean sauce:
beef or pork 1 cup = 8
chicken or shrimp 1 cup = 7
Strawberries 1 1/2 cups = 1
Stuffing mix, bread, 1/2 cup prepared =
Sugar, any type 1 Tbsp = 1
Sunflower seeds 1 Tbsp = 1
Sushi, maki, nigiri, or nori maki 4 pieces = 2
Sweet and sour:
beef or pork 1 cup = 12
chicken or shrimp 1 cup = 10
Sweet and sour sauce 2 Tbsp = 1
low-calorie 2 Tbsp = 1
regular (maple, pancake, or chocolate) 1 Tbsp = 1
Tabouli 1/2 cup = 4
beef, fast food 1 = 5
sauce 1 Tbsp = 0
shells, store-bought 2 = 2
Tahini 2 Tbsp = 2
Tangerine 1 large or 2 small = 1
Tartar sauce 1 Tbsp = 2
Tea, black, without sugar 1 cup = 0
Tempeh (fermented soybean cake) 1/4 cup (1 oz) = 2
shrimp 4 jumbo shrimp = 12
vegetable 1 cup = 8
Tequila 1 jigger (1 1/2 fl oz) = 2
beef 2 slices = 7
chicken 2 slices = 6
fish 4 oz = 5
sauce 1 Tbsp = 0
dried (not packed in oil) 1/4 cup = 0
fresh or canned 1 cup = 0
paste 2 Tbsp = 0
puree or sauce 1/2 cup =0
Tomato or mixed vegetable juice 1 cup = 1
Tomato sauce, Italian 1/2 cup = 3
Tortilla chips 12 = 3
Tortoni 1 serving = 7
beef 1 = 10
chicken 1 = 8
shells, store-bought 2 = 2
canned in oil, drained 1/2 cup = 5
canned in water, drained 1/2 cup = 3
fresh, cooked 1 fillet or steak = 5
salad 1/2 cup = 7
Turkey, cooked:
dark meat 1 slice or 1/2 cup cubed or shredded = 3
ground 1 patty (3 oz) = 5
ground 1/2 cup = 3
ground, lean 1 patty = 4
ground, lean 1/2 cup = 3
light meat 1 slice or 1/2 cup cubed or shredded (2 oz) = 2
Turnips 1 cup = 0
Veal, cooked:
lean 1 slice, 1 chop, or 1/2 cup cubed or shredded = 3
parmigiana, with sauce 5 oz with 1/2 cup sauce = 12
regular 1 slice, 1 chop, or 1/2 cup cubed or shredded = 4
breakfast strips 4 = 3
Vodka 1 jigger (1 1/2 fl oz) =2
Waffles, any type,
low-fat, frozen 2 (4" round or square) = 3
Walnuts 14 halves = 5
Watercress 1 cup = 0
Watermelon 2" slice or 1 cup = 1
Water or mineral water 1 cup = 0
Wheat germ 3 Tbsp = 3
Whiskey 1 jigger (11/2 fl oz) = 2
Wine 1 small glass (4 fl oz) = 2
Yam 1 large (10 oz uncooked) = 6
fat-free, sweetened with sugar:
- flavored (vanilla, lemon, coffee) 1 cup = 3
- fruit-flavored 1 cup = 4
- plain 1 cup = 2
light (artificially sweetened) 1 cup = 2
low-fat, sweetened with sugar:
- flavored (vanilla, lemon, coffee) 1 cup = 4
- fruit-flavored 1 cup = 5
- plain 1 cup = 3
soy yogurt:
- flavored 3/4 cup (6 oz) = 3
- plain 3/4 cup (6 oz) = 3
Yogurt, frozen:
fat-free, no sugar added 1 scoop or 1/2 cup = 2
fat-free, sweetened with sugar 1 scoop or 1/2 cup = 2
low-fat 1 scoop or 1/2 cup = 3
Yogurt drink 1 cup = 5
Ziti, baked (without meat) 1 cup = 6
Zucchini 1 cup = 0

Restaurant and Ethnic Chinese Food Food Portion POINTS
Chinese vegetables with:
Beef 1 cup = 6
Chicken 1 cup = 5
Pork 1 cup = 7
Shrimp or Tofu 1 cup = 4
Egg drop soup 1 cup = 1
Egg rolls:
Beef or Pork 1 (4 1/2" long) = 5
chicken or shrimp 1 (4 1/2" long) = 4
Hot and sour soup 1 cup = 2
Lo mein, any type 1 cup = 8
Rice, fried, with beef, chicken, pork, shrimp, or plain 1 cup = 8
Stir-fry with garlic or black bean sauce
beef or pork 1 cup = 8
chicken or shrimp 1 cup = 7
Sweet and sour:
beef or pork 1 cup = 12
chicken or shrimp 1 cup = 10
sweet and sour sauce 1 tbsp = 2

Fast Food POINTS
Bean burrito 1 = 8
Cheeseburger on bun 1 small = 8
Chicken pieces (nugget-style), fried 6 pieces = 8
Chicken sandwich, grilled 1 = 6
Fish and cheese sandwich, fried = 13
Hamburger on bun 1 small = 6
Milk shake, any flavor = 10
Onion rings 1 serving = 10
Side salad, without dressing 1 = 0
Beef taco, hard or soft = 5

Italian Food Portion POINTS
Biscotti 8 mini, 2 small,or 1 regular = 3
Chicken parmigiana, with sauce 5 oz with 1/2 cup sauce = 10
Eggplant parmigiana, with sauce 1 serving (3" x 4")= 13
Garlic bread 1 slice (1 oz) = 5
Lasagna, with meat 1 serving (4"x 21/2") or 1 cup = 6
Marinara sauce 1/2 cup = 3
Pasta, cooked 1 cup = 4
Pizza, cheese, thin crust 1 slice (1/8 of 12", 1/10 of 14", or 1/12 of 16") = 4
Pizza, one-meat topping, thin crust 1 slice (1/8 of 12", 1/10 of 14", or 1/12 of 16") = 5
Ravioli, with tomato sauce:
cheese 8 pieces with 1/2 cup sauce = 16
meat 8 pieces with 1/2 cup sauce = 14
Spaghetti, cooked 1 cup = 3
Spaghetti with marinara sauce 1 cup spaghetti with 1/2 cup sauce = 6
Spaghetti with tomato sauce and meatballs 1 cup spaghetti, 1/2 cup sauce, and 2 meatballs = 6
Tortoni 1 serving = 7
Veal parmigiana, with sauce 5 oz with 1/2 cup sauce = 12
Ziti, baked (without meat) 1 cup = 6

Baking Ingredients

Flour 1 cup white -- 9
1 cup Whole Wheat -- 8
Sugar (brown or white) 1 cup -- 20
1 cup Powdered Sugar -- 10
Shortening & Oil
1 tbsp , 3
1/4 cup -- 12
1/3 cup -- 16
1/2 cup -- 24
2/3 cup -- 32
3/4 cup -- 36
1 cup -- 48
Canola & Olive Oil -- 1 tbsp, 4
Regular Margarine 1 tsp , 1
1 tbsp , 3
1/4 cup -- 12
1/3 cup -- 16
1/2 cup -- 24
2/3 cup -- 32
3/4 cup -- 36
1 cup -- 48
Baking Soda or Powder -- 1 tsp 0
Bread Crumbs -- 3 tbsp, 1
Butter -- 1 cup 51
Chocolate Chips -- 1/2 cup, 12
Chocolate Chips -- 1 cup, 24
Coconut -- Baker's Angel Flake Coconut (bag), 2 tbsp, 2
Cornmeal -- 1/4 cup, 2
Cornmeal -- 1/2 cup, 4
Cornmeal -- 1 cup, 8
Cornstarch -- 1 tbsp, 3
Dry Milk -- 1 cup, 2
Evaporated Milk -- (12 oz can), 12
Evaporated Skim Milk -- (12 oz can), 6
Sweetened Condensed Fat Free Milk -- Borden Eagle Brand, 2 tbsp, (2.5)
Egg (1) -- 2
Eggs Substitute (1/4 cup) -- 1
Graham Cracker Crumbs -- 3 tbsp, 2
Honey -- 1 tbsp, 1
Honey -- 1 cup, 20
Jell-O -- Sugar-Free, (3 oz pkg), 1
Ketchup -- 1/4 cup, 1
Lard -- 1 tbsp, 3
Mayonnaise -- 1 tbsp, 3
Mayonnaise -- Fat Free, 4 tsp, 1
Mayonnaise -- Light, 2 tsp, 1
Molasses -- 1 tbsp, 1
Oatmeal - Old Fashioned -- 1 cup, 5
Raisins -- 1 cup, 8
Sour Cream (1 cup) -- 13
Sour Cream -- Non-Fat, (1 cup), 3
Syrup -- Reduced Calorie, 2 tbsp, 1
Walnuts -- 1/2 cup chopped, 10
Whipping Cream (1 cup) -- 20
Whipped Cream -- Aerosol, (1/4 cup), 2
Whipped Cream -- Non-Fat Aerosol, (1/4 cup), 0
Whipped Topping -- Frozen, (1/4 cup), 1
Whipped Topping -- Fat-Free Frozen, (1/4 cup), 0

Points are per serving. Points can be reduced by substituting “lite” or low fat ingredients.
**** these have too many calories to calculate points; not a WW friendly food

Casual Cooking Cookbook

South of the Border Steaks ~~ 7 pts
Corn on the Cob with Herb Butters ~~ 4 pts
Teriyaki Pork Kebabs with Asian Rice ~~ *****
Lemon chicken with Cucumber Salsa ~~ 11 pts
Italian Style Grilled Pizza ~~ 11 pts
Grilled Rosemary Pork Chops ~~ 11 pts
Hot German Potato Salad ~~ 8 pts
Grilled Ratatouille ~~ 6 pts
Mediterranean Steak Salad ~~ 12 pts
Cajun Chicken Salad ~~ 12 pts
Bountiful Bread Bowl ~~ 4 pts
Cheesy Pita Bread Wedges ~~ 4 pts
Grilled Garlic Bread ~~ 3 pts
Grilled Asparagus & Portobello Mushroom Salad
~~ 5 pts
Mexican Burger Bar ~~ ****
Southwestern Two Bean Salad ~~ 2 pts
Creamy Potato Salad ~~ 4 pts
Barbecued Country Style Pork Ribs ~~ 7 pts
Citrus Shrimp Skewers ~~ 5 pts
Calico Coleslaw ~~ 1 pt
Minted Melon Medley ~~ 1 pt
Bistro Turkey Burgers ~~ 11 pts
Strawberry Spinach Salad ~~ 1 pt
Picnic Sausage and Potato Kebabs ~~ 9 pts

Tangy Barbecue Beans ~~ 4 pts
Family Pasta Salad ~~ 5 pts
Grilled Onion flowers ~~ 2 pts
Blue Ribbon Barbecue Sauces ~~ 1 pt (2 T)
Southwestern Cobb Salad ~~ 8 pts
Taco Topped Potatoes ~~ 11 pts
Sloppy Joe's Pocket Sandwiches ~~ 8 pts
Cashew Chicken and Broccoli Stir Fry ~~ 12 pts
Italian Salad Pizza ~~ 7 pts
Tuna Melt Patties ~~ 8 pts
Philly Steak Wraps ~~ ****
Tortellini with Fresh Tomato Basil Sauce ~~ 11 pts
Saucy BBQ Chicken Sandwiches ~~ ***
Sweet & Sour Shrimp Stir Fry ~~ 9 pts
Grilled Chicken & Veggie Sandwiches ~~ 9 pts
Seafood Caesar Pasta Salad ~~ 5 pts
Santa Fe Turkey Sauté ~~ 4 pts
Vegetable Primavera ~~ 8 pts
Monte Cristo Sandwiches ~~ 10 pts
Italian Chicken Pasta Toss ~~ 3 pts
Curried Vegetable Couscous ~~ 7 pts
Asain Summer Salad ~~ 7 pts
Pepperoni Pizzadilla ~~ ****
Easy Risotto with Ham and Peas ~~ 11 pts
Pan Seared Salmon with Julienne Vegetables ~~ 7 pts
Banana Cream Brownie Squares ~~ 9 pts
Wild Raspberry Summer sipper ~~ 4 pts
Spiced Tropical Tea Cooler ~~ 3 pts
Iced Coffee Latte ~~ 5 pts
Fresh Strawberry Pie ~~ 5 pts
Sunshine Cake ~~ 7 pts
Mile High Turtle Pie ~~ ****
Hawaiian Dessert Cloud ~~ 5 pts
Crispy S'more Treats ~~ 3 pts
Lemon Blueberry Cheesecake Torte ~~ 8 pts
Dreamy Creamy Orange Pie ~~ ****
Candy Bar Parfaits ~~ 12 pts
Apple Berry Crisp ~~ 5 pts
Bananas Foster Stir fry ~~ 7 pts
Double Chocolate Cherry Dessert Pizza ~~ 7 pts
Grilled Peach Melba Dessert ~~ 3 pts


Baked Brie w/ Apples & Cranberries ~~ 4 pts
Shrimp Wonton Cups ~~ 2pts
Asian Sweet & Sour Meatballs ~~ 4 pts
Layered Athenian Cheese Spread ~~ 4 pts
Hot Artichoke Crabmeat Dip ~~ 6 pts
Baked Pita Chips ~~ 1 pt
Stuffed Portobello Mushrooms ~~ 2 pts
Warm Olive Bruschetta ~~ 3 pts
Four Seasons Appetizer Pizza ~~ 6 pts
Party Salmon Puffs ~~ 2 pts
Fancy Deviled Eggs ~~ 2 pts
Roast Beef Roll-Ups ~~ 2 pts
Bacon, Lettuce & Tomato Dip ~~ 2 pts
Canape French Bread ~~ 1 pt
Chicken Enchilada Ring ~~ 8 pts
Family Style Calzone ~~ 4 pts
Southwestern Snack Squares ~~ 3 pts
Barbecued Chicken Drumsticks ~~ 5 pts
Calypso Peach Salsa ~~ 1 pt
Plantain Chips ~~ 2 pts
Southern-Style Salsa ~~ 2 pts
Barbecue Snack Mix ~~ 3 pts
Honey Mustard Dip ~~ 2 pts
Herb Seasoned Beef Rib Roast ~~ 6 pts
Individual Yorkshire Puddings ~~ 1 pt
Mushroom Sauce ~~ 1 pt
Roast Breast of Turkey w/Apple Scented Pan Gravy
~~ 8 pts
Roasted Winter Vegetables ~~ 2 pts
Savory Beef Brisket ~~ 7 pts
Giant Potato Pancake ~~ 4 pts
Step-Ahead Sweet Potato Bake ~~ 4 pts
Twice-Baked Potato Cups ~~ 2 pts
Seafood Chowder ~~ 5 pts
Individual Beef Wellingtons ~~ ****
Tangy Mustard Glazed Ham ~~ 8 pts
Festive Scalloped Corn ~~ 5 pts
Ham Florentine Wreath ~~ 8 pts
Lemony Chicken Popover Puff ~~ 8 pts
Party Pasta Bowl ~~ 9 pts
Mexican Two Bean Chicken Chili ~~ 6 pts
Chicken Lasagne Alfredo ~~ 7 pts
Sunrise Oven Omelet ~~ 5 pts
Lemon-Dill Grilled Salmon & Asparagus ~~ 12 pts
Grilled Asian pork Tenderloin Salad ~~ 9 pts
Grilled Italian Sausages w/Confetti Vegetable Relish ~~ 10 pts
Picnic Potato Salad ~~ 3 pts
Chicken Pesto Sandwich Ring ~~ 10 pts
All-Occasion Cookies ~~ 3 pts
Harvest honey Cake ~~ 8 pts
French Apple Pastry ~~ 7 pts
Frosty Pumpkin Dessert ~~ 8 pts
Cherry Eggnog Tea Bread ~~ 8 pts
Candy Cane Coffee Cake ~~ 6 pts
Tuxedo Brownie Cups ~~ 3 pts
Cocnut Almond Brownie Squares ~~ 9 pts
Dazzle Berry Pie ~~ 9 pts
Chocolate Caramel Oatmeal Chews ~~ 6 pts
Creamy Lemon Supreme ~~ 10 pts
Teatime Tartlets ~~ 3 pts
Bride-to-be Party Cake ~~ ****
Peanut Butter Rocky Road Dessert ~~ 8 pts
All-American Celebration Cake ~~ 4 pts
Ultimate Banana Split Cake ~~ 12 pts
Cappucino Mousse Trifle~~ 10 pts
Ice Cream Pizza ~~ 6 pts
Very Cherry Ice ~~ 3 pts
Very Cherry Slush ~~ 3 pts


Garden Seafood Pizza - 5 pts
Hawaiian Meatballs - 2 pts
Tomato-Basil Squares - 3 pts
Tangy Fruit Salsa With Cinnamon Chips - 2 pts
Chicken Satay With Peanut Dipping Sauce - 3 pts
Fiesta Nachos - 4 pts
Western Potato Rounds - 3 pts
Mini Soft Pretzels with Honey Mustard Dip - 3 pts
Reuben Roll-Ups - 4 pts
A Pizza Teaser - 3 pts
Athenian Artichoke Dip - 3 pts
Baked Pita Chips - 1 pt
Hot Pizza Dip - 3 pts
Valtrompia French Bread - pt
Veggie Stuffed Mushrooms - 2 pts
Pesto Party Squares - 3 pts
Chocolate Apricot Tea Ring - 7 pts
Cran Orange Croissant Pinwheel - 5 pts
Cranberry Cobblestone Bread - 5 pts
Bountiful Brunch Pizza - 5 pts
Banana Orange Muffin Bread - 5 pts
Roasted Potato Wedges - 5 pts
Luau Pizza - 8 pts
Oven Baked French Toast - 4 pts
Fresh Vegetable & Ham Strata - 7 pts
Oven Omelet Ole' - 6 pts
Dilly Seafood Quiche - 7 pts
Double Cheese Grits - 7 pts
Florentine Chicken Ring - 10 pts
Fruit 'N Oat Scones - 4 pts
Savory Pork Roast With Apple Stuffing - 19 pts
Cacciatore Pot Roast - 18 pts
Philly Beef Stuffed Sandwich - 8 pts
Stuffed Mushroom Spinach Pizza -10 pts
Lattice Topped Chicken Bake - 10 pts
Cheesy Tuna Noodle Casserole - 9 pts
Southwest Taco Pie - 8 pts
Apricot Dijon Glazed Turkey with Herbed Pilaf
- 14 pts
Smoked Turkey Quesadilla Stack - 7 pts
Chuck Wagon Casserole - 9 pts
Garden Style Meat Loaf - 6 pts
Lemon Greek Chicken - 13 pts
Create a Pizza - 15 pts
Oven Fried Catfish with Cajun Style Sauce - 6 pts
Pronto Pasta Bake - 10 pts
Crispy Parmesan Chicken Strips - 9 pts
Harvest Sausage Casserole - 10 pts
Favorite Oven Beef Stew - 10 pts
Tuxedo Brownie Squares - 11 pts
Snappin' Cranberry Pear Crisp - 4 pts
Citrus Flan Cake - 7 pts
Pumpkin Cream Cheese Squares - 4 pts
Lemon Streusel Bares - 7 pts
Peanut Butter Fudge Pudding Cake - 9 pts
Upside Down Caramel Apple Pie - 9 pts
Tropical Pound Cake - 8 pts
Quick Cherry Cobbler - 6 pts
Peachy Plantation Pizza - 7 pts
Colossal Candied Cookie - 6 pts
Choco Peanut butter Cup Cookies - 6 pts
Sunshine Lemon Cake - 7 pts
Berry Patch Brownie Pizza - 8 pts

More Stoneware Sensations

Antipasto Bread ~~ 4 pts
Roasted Garlic Spread ~~ 2 pts
Baked Pita Chips ~~ 1 pts
Cheesy Cheddar Fondue ~~ 5 pts
Spinach Diamond Puffs ~~ 6 pts
Cheddar Potato Puffs ~~ 3 pts
California Appetizer Pizza ~~ 5 pts
Blue Cheese Spread ~~ 3 pts
Toasted Canapé Bread Slices ~~ 3 pts
Hot 'N Spicy Buffalo Wings ~~ 9 pts
Sausage Wrap Arounds ~~ 4 pts
Touchdown Taco Dip ~~ 3 pts
Baked Tortilla Chips ~~ 1 pts
Flaky Crabmeat Bundles ~~ 2 pts
Lacy Cheese Rounds ~~ 2 pts
Golden Seafood Tart ~~ 5 pts
Broccoli Salad Squares ~~ 5 pts
Mediterranean Cheese Quesadillas ~~ 3 pts
Caramel Corn Snack Mix ~~ 5 pts
Ham 'N Eggs Brunch Braid ~~ 8 pts
Apple Cinnamon French Toast ~~ 8 pts
Berry Pancake Puff ~~ 10 pts
Country Breakfast Bake ~~ 8 pts
Garden Fresh Oven Omelet ~~ 4 pts
Chicken Artichoke & Rice Casserole ~~ 8 pts
Peanutty Chocolate Banana Bread ~~ 7 pts
Spiced Carrot Zucchini Bread ~~ 7 pts
Twice As Nice Danish Braids ~~ 9 pts
Giant Cinnamon Rolls ~~ ****
Cinnamon Orange Pull Aparts ~~5 pts
Mom's Apple Noodle Kugel ~~ 8 pts
Apricot Almond Coffee Cake ~~ 7 pts
Shrimp Pasta Pie ~~ 8 pts
Company Roast Chicken ~~ ****
All American Cheeseburger Ring ~~ 11 pts
Pan Roasted Chicken & Vegetables ~~ ****
Chicago Style Deep Dish Pizza ~~ 9 pts
Spaghetti with Meatballs ~~ 9 pts
Lasagna Primavera ~~ 9 pts
Enchilada Extraordinaire ~~ 10 pts
Jumpin' Jambalaya ~~ 7 pts
Asian Pork Ribs ~~ ****
Turkey 'N Swiss Calzones ~~ 7 pts
BBQ Chicken Twister ~~ 9 pts
Hearty Oven Chili ~~ 7 pts
Thai Salmon Fillets with Cucumber Salsa ~~ 8 pts
Fried Chicken Salad ~~ 12 pts
Cool Lime Colada Cake ~~ 8 pts
Fruit Topped Triple Chocolate Pizza ~~ 7 pts
Peach Raspberry Crumble ~~ 6 pts
Tempting Toffee Crisps ~~ 4 pts
Bonanza Brownie Bars ~~ 3 pts
Plum Delicious Spice Cake ~~ 8 pts
Cranberry Macadamia Oat Cookies ~~ 4 pts
Marble Cheesecake Squares ~~ 7 pts
Chocolate Satin Mint Cake ~~ 9 pts
Black Forest Ice Cream Cake ~~ 9 pts
Pumpkin Pie a la Easy ~~ 5 pts
Cinnamon Pecan Biscotti ~~ 3 pts
Old Fashioned Apple Pie Squares ~~ 4 pts
Strawberry Rhubarb Cake ~~ 8 pts


Fantastic Focaccia Bread - 3 pts
Cold Seafood Pizza - 6 pts
Tomato Bacon Squares - 3 pts
Light Tomato Bacon Squares - 2 pts
Cool Veggie Pizza - 5 pts
Tomato Bruschetta - 2 pts
Quesadillas - 3 pts
North Stars - 5 pts
Light North Stars - 2 pts
Mushroom Bread - 3 pts
Canapé' French Bread - 1 pt
Cocktail Reuben's - 3 pts
Apple Berry Salsa with Cinnamon Chips - 1 pts
Light Crab Spread - 3 pts
Hot Artichoke Dip - 2 pts
Lil' Citrus Muffins - 6 pts
Cinnamon Swirl Bread - 1 pts
Sweet Spread - 1 pts
Vermont Spread - 1 pts
Savory Sandwich Ring - 8 pts
Chicken Club Brunch Ring - 14 pts
Light Chicken Club Brunch Ring - 8 pts
Broccoli Ham Ring - 8 pts
Chicken Holiday Wreath - 8 pts
Bubble up Pizza - 7
Three Cheese Garden Pizza - 5 pts
Deep Dish Antipasto Pizza - 7 pts
Fiesta Chili Corn Bread - 6 pts
Chili Cheese Pie - 9 pts
Torta Italiano - 6 pts
French Potato Chicken Salad - 7 pts
Sweet 'N Sour Chicken -7 pts
Lemon Dijon Baked Fish - 4 pts
Lemon Rosemary Chicken - 7 pts
Italian Pasta Stir Fry - 3 pts
Cheesy Mostaccioli - 8 pts
Confetti Egg Strata - 6 pts
Cherry Cheese Coffee Cake - 7 pts
Light Cherry Cheese Coffee Cake - 5 pts
Taffy Apple Pizza - 7 pts
Candy Apple Delight - 4 pts
Dessert Pizza - 5 pts
Swiss Apple Pudding - 5 pts
Cranberry Apple Crisp - 4 pts
Apple Nut Ring - 5 pts
Banana Split Brownie Pizza - 8 pts
No-Bake Lemon Cheesecake - 3 pts
Turtle Cake - 6 pts
Authentic Italian Lemon Ice - 2 pts
Cappuccino Freeze - 4 pts
Banana Cream Supreme - 7 pts
Light Banana Cream Supreme - 5 pts
Berries 'N Stars - 6 pts
Chocolate Toffee Flan Cakes - 8
Nancy's Apple Bread - 6 pts
Pecan Tassies - 3 pts


Grasshopper Dessert Squares - 6 pts
Harvest Spiced Nuts - 3 pts
Quick Chocolate Mint Fudge - 2 pts
Citrus Striped Angel Cake - 3 pts
Peanut Butter Blossoms - 2 pts
Orangesicle Fruit Ring - 2 pts
Apple Bundles - 3 pts
Chocolate Chip Sensation - 7 pts
Easy Melon Ice - 2 pts
Easy Melon Slush - 2 pts
Apple Crisp Cake - 6 pts
Peanutty Brownie Pizza - 9 pts
Cool Cookie-wiches - 2 pts
Angel Almond Macaroon - 2 pts
Strawberry Ice - 1 pts
Petite Chocolate Cherry Cheesecakes - 1 pts
Nutty Crescent Pastries - 2 pts
Peach Skillet Cobbler - 6 pts
Oatmeal Chocolate Raisin Cookies - 3 pts
Brown Sugar Shortbread - 6 pts
Triple Berry Cherry Pie - 10 pts
Quick Carrot Cake - 8 pts
Banana Split Shortcakes - 8 pts
Caramel Pecan Bread Pudding - 7 pts
Pumpkin Ribbon Cake - 9 pts
Streusel Apple Cranberry Pie - 9 pts
Sweet Potato Pound Cake - 10 pts
Peanutty Crunch Cake - 7 pts
Apple Rhubarb Crisp - 9 pts
Pineapple Upside Down Cake - 11 pts
Brownie Pudding Cake - 8 pts
Orange Poppy Seed Tea Bread - 6 pts
Summer Lattice Pastry - 8 pts
Decadent Chocolate Cake - 9 pts
Macadamia Key Lime Pie - 16 pts
Coconut Cake - 6 pts
Almond Puff Pastry with Glazed Plums - 5 pts
Luscious Lemon Angel Roll - 8 pts
Red, White and Blueberry Pie - 9 pts
Lace Baskets with Ice Cream - 8 pts
Spiced Apple Topping - 3 pts
Pink Lemonade Ice Cream Cake - 3 pts
Cocoa Meringue Shells - 4 pts
Strawberries & Cream Cloud - 3 pts
Black Bottom Banana Cream Pie - 11 pts
Tiramisu Ice Cream Cake - 9 pts
Slim 'n Trim Tiramisu Cake Roll - 5 pts
New York Style Cheesecake - 13 pts
Phyllo Nests with Chocolate Mousse - 2 pts
Cookies 'n Cream Cake - 7 pts
Fancy Southern Nut Bars - 4 pts
Lemon Tartlets - 2 pts
Black Forest Trifle - 9 pts
Triple Layer Brownies - 5 pts
Strawberry Margarita Squares - 9 pts
Red Velvet Cupcakes - 5 pts
Apricot Linzer Bars - 3 pts
Summer Fruit Sampler - 1 pt
S'Mores Galore - 5 pts
Cream Puff Squares - 5 pts
Snazzy Snickerdoodles - 2 pts
Texas Sheet Cake - 5 pts
Coffee House Cookies - 8 pts
Confetti Crisps - 2 pts


Pizza by the Slice - 7 pts
Berry Banana Fruit Smoothies - 5 pts
Flower Power Snacks - 5 pts
Flower Power French Bread - 1 pt
Fruit Jewels - 2 pts
Munch a Bunch Snack Mix - 4 pts
Brain Freeze - 3 pts
Fluffy Peanut Butter Dip - 2 pts
Alphabet Bread Sticks - 3 pts
My "X-Tra" Special Cinnamon Rolls - 9 pts
Honey Granola Crunch - 6 pts
Tex Mex Breakfast Burritos - 6 pts
Toasty Breakfast Pockets - 10 pts
Deliciously Golden Applesauce - 2 pts
Dreamy Pudding Pillows - 6 pts
Fabulous Frosty Fruit - 1 pt
Hot Griddle Cakes - 8 pts
Early Rising' Raisin Scones - 7 pts
French Toast Dippers - 8 pts
Taco Grande - 9 pts
The Easiest Kid Pleasin' Lasagna Ever - 6 pts
Bacon 'N Cheddar Bubble Bread - 3 pts
Cheesy Dogs and Spuds - 12 pts
Home On The Range Chili - 6 pts
Super sub - 9 pts
Bow Tie Pasta Salad - 2 pts
Cheeseburger Pizza - 10 pts
Sweetie Potato Pie - 4 pts
Sizzling Fried Rice - 4 pts
Crinkle Cut Potato Fingers - 3 pts
Chicken Riddle Soup - 5 pt
Corny Corn Muffins - 3 pts
Speedy Stir Fry Veggies - 1 pts
Crispy Chip Chicken - 12 pts
Tempting Tuna Melt - 12 pts
Rainy Day Cookie Art - 3 pts
Spiced Carrot Snack Cake - 5 pts
Shortcut Strawberry Shortcakes - 7 pts
Ooey Goody Caramel chocolate Dunk - 3 pts
Slammin' Jammin' Berry Bars - 4 pts
Thumbs Up Thumbprints - 3 pts
Mini Brownie Buttons - 5 pts
The Best Banana Cream Pie - 8 pts
Pineapple Crown Cake - 5 pts
Striped Pudding Parfaits - 6 pts
Giant Pizza Cookie - 8 pts
I Scream, You Scream, Ice Cream Cake - 13 pts
Valentine Sweet Heart - 5 pts
The Big Breakfast Omelet - 5 pts
Spring Bonnet Cake - 10 pts
Firecracker Ice - 4 pts
Cookie Pops - 3 pts
Cheery Cherry Apple Crisp - 6 pts
Itsy Bitsy Spiders - 7 pts


Antipasto Fruit Platter - 2 pts
Crispy Oven Fried Vegetables - 2 pts
Herbed Onion Focaccia - 3 pts
Roasted Garlic Red Pepper Dip - 1 pts
Confetti Tortilla Spirals - 1 pts
Hot Broccoli Dip - 2 pts
Oriental Vegetable Pizza - 2 pts
BBQ Meatballs - 6 pts
Stuffed Jalapeno Peppers - 1 pts
Hot Chicken Sticks - 3 pts
Honey Dijon Chicken Spread - 1pts
Black Bean Salsa with Toasted Cornbread Slices - 1 pts
Mock Guacamole - 1 pts
Stuffed Pizza Sticks - 4 pts
Canapé French Bread - 1 pts
Italian Chicken Pasta Toss - 7 pts
Tortellini Chicken Soup - 5 pts
Lemon Seasoned Turkey Breast w/ Sweet Potatoes
and Onion -6 pts
Turkey Loaf with Garlic Mashed Potatoes - 6 pts
Four Cheese Mac & Cheese - 10 pts
Quick Minestrone - 6 pts
Easy Black Bean Chili - 5 pts
Cajun Stuffed Peppers - 7 pts
Dijon Tuna Burgers - 6 pts
Oriental Pork Tenderloin - 6 pts
Southern Fried Chicken - 4 pts
Asian Beef Noodles - 5 pts
Garden Frittata - 3 pts
Angel Hair Primavera - 6 pts
Caesar Pasta Salad - 9 pts
Southwestern Fish Fillets with Fresh Salsa - 5 pts
Contemporary Cheesecake - 6 pts
Heavenly Kiwi Raspberry Trifle - 6 pts
Down Home Lemon Pudding Cake - 4 pts
Dreamy Peach Pie - 4 pts
Apple Dessert Pizza - 7 pts
Lemon Ginger Berry Shortcakes - 5 pts
Creamy Dessert Clouds - 5 pts
Frozen Strawberry Pineapple Pie - 4 pts
Very Berry Kuchen - 5 pts
Frosty Cappuccino Pie - 4 pts
Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies - 4 pts
Jammin' Cookie Triangles - 2 pts
Velvet Brownies - 3 pts
Pear Ginger Upside Down Cake - 5 pts
Black Forest Angel Roll - 7 pts


Curly Pasta & Chicken Toss - 7 pts
Baked Potato Soup - 8 pts
Crusty Grilled Sandwiches - 13 pts
Rav'n Ravioli - 14 pts
Chicken & Asparagus Risotto Skillet - 10 pts
Greek Turkey Burgers - 7 pts
Spicy Beef & Broccoli Stir-Fry - 9 pts
Mac 'n Cheese Soup - 8 pts
Quick Chicken Cacciatore - 4 pts
Apple Oven Pancake - 11 pts
Scrambled Egg Foo Yong - 9 pts
Tater Topped Fish Bake - 12 pts
Chicken Tortilla Soup - 6 pts
Stuffed Crust Pizza - 11 pts
Farmstand Frittata - 5 pts
Caribbean Pork Roast - 7 pts
Paradise Pita Pockets - 10 pts
New England Corned Beef Dinner - 14 pts
Rueben Quesadillas - 14 pts
Roast Chicken & Garlic - 7 pts
White Lightning Chicken Chili - 6 pts
California Grilled Vegetable Sandwich - 14 pts
Angel Hair Pasta with Grilled Vegetables - 13 pts
Autumn Roast Turkey Breast - 7 pts
Home Style Turkey Hash - 10 pts
Swedish Meat Loaf Supper - 13 pts
Millennium Meat Loaf Sandwiches - 14 pts
Tamale Round About - 14 pts
Shepherds Pie - 14 pts
Taco Ring - 9 pts
Salad Nicoise - 10 pts
Chicken & Berry Salad - 7 pts
Kansan City BBQ Ribs - 11 pts
Italian Muffuletta - 10 pts
Thai Tuna Wraps - 3 pts
Cajun Grilled Beef Sandwiches - 15 pts
Dilly Seafood Pasta Salad - 7 pts
Chicken Caesar Salad Wraps - 5 pts
Greek Island Fish Packets - 3 pts
Cobb Salad Squares - 10 pts
Curried Chicken Salad - 8 pts
Mediterranean Patio Pizza - 8 pts
Cheesy Chili Casserole - 10 pts
Calico Bean Bake - 10 pts
Mexican Macaroni Medley - 9 pts
Double Potato Scallop - 6 pts
Beef Ragout With Polenta - 9 pts
Creamy Pasta with Spring Vegetables - 10 pts
Elegant Chicken Rolls - 11 pts
Seafood Lasagna - 6 pts
Pork Chops with Harvest Stuffing - 17 pts
Chicken & Broccoli Braid - 10 pts
Hunters Beef Pot Pie - 8 pts
Salmon en Papillote - 13 pts
Florentine Shells - 14 pts
Patio Party Fajita - 12 pts
Italian Sausage Charlotte - 10 pts
Ham & Cheese Omelet Roll - 8 pts
Grilled Steaks with Savory Butters - 12 pts
Backwoods Stuffed Trout - 9 pts

Season's Best - Spring/Summer 2002

Cajun Chicken Dip ~~ 3 pts
Canapé French Bread ~~ 1 pt
Mexicali Cornbread Squares ~~ 4 pts
Lemon Pepper Crab Canapés ~~ 2 pts
Mini Mushroom stuffers ~~ 3 pts
Cool Red Pepper Pizza ~~ 3 pts
Chicken & Broccoli Pastry Cups ~~ 4 pts
Black bean Salsa Dip ~~ 2 pts
Italian Artichoke Crostini ~~ 2 pts
Cinnamon Crunch Cobblestone Muffins ~~ 5 pts
Peaches & Cream Braid ~~ 6 pts
Tangy Grilled Chicken Pizza ~~ 6 pts
Spring Pasta Stir Fry ~~ 4 pts
Greek Islands Pastry ~~ 7 pts
Tomato Herb Mini Loaves ~~ 5 pts
Strawberry Cheesecake Torte ~~ 7 pts
Deli Salad Party Torte ~~ 6 pts
Cool & Creamy Chocolate Fondue ~~ 3 pts
Lemon Blueberry Trifle ~~ 8 pts
Raspberry Truffle Cake ~~ 11 pts
Asian Slaw on Crunchy Noodle Nest ~~ 3 pts
Peanut Butter & Jelly Pie ~~ 7 pts
Clubhouse Chicken Squares ~~ 8 pts
Sundae Dessert Squares ~~ 8 pts
Tiramisu Brownie Squares ~~ 8 pts
Waffle Berry Bread Pudding ~~ 8 pts
Heavenly Lemon Angel Cake ~~ 4 pts
Turtle Fudge Skillet Cake ~~ 11 pts
Creamy Mint Brownie Wedges ~~ 9 pts
Easy Éclair Puff ~~ 4 pts
Quick Apple Crisp ~~ 5 pts

Season's Best - Spring/Summer 2001

Tex - Mex Chicken Melts - 2 pts
Cheesy Artichoke Triangles - 4 pts
Pepperoni Pizza Pinwheels - 5 pts
Barbeque Cheddar Spiral Bread - 6 pts
Buffalo Chicken Pizza - 4 pts
Chile Verde Dip - 3 pts
Barbeque Beef Bundles - 7 pts
Asian Seafood Tart - 6 pts
Ham Florentine Wreath - 6 pts
Quick Apple Crisp - 5 pts
Monte Christo Casserole - 6 pts
Creamy Banana Walnut Squares - 7 pts
Waffle Berry Bread Pudding - 8 pts
Greek Islands Pastry - 7 pts
Summer Lattice Pastry - 8 pts
Lemon Blueberry Trifle - 10 pts
Chicken Caesar Salad Pizza - 6 pts
Raspberry Truffle Cake - 11 pts
Asian Slaw on Crunchy Noodle Nest - 3 pts
Pina Colada Ice - 3 pts
Pina Colada Cooler - 3 pts
Speedy Streusel Apple Pie - 9 pts
Double Chocolate Fruit Dip - 3 pts
Apple Blossom Tartlets - 2 pts
Cherry Cordial Cookies - 2 pts
Bananas Foster Stir-Fry - 5 pts
Fresh Strawberry Cheesecake - 8 pts
Turtle Fudge Skillet Cake - 10 pts
Spring Fruit Charlotte - 7 pts
Rocky Road Brownie Bars - 4 pts
Raspberries & Cream Streusel Squares - 3 pts

Season's Best - Fall/Winter 2001

Black Bean Salsa Dip ~~ 2 pts
Barbecue Beef Bundles ~~ 7 pts
Cool Asian Pizza ~~ 2 pts
Broccoli & Ham Quiche ~~ 3 pts
Han & Cheddar Snack Squares ~~ 3 pts
Honey Barbecue Chicken Wings ~~ 3 pts
Tex - Mex Chicken Melts ~~ 2 pts
Pepperoni Pizza Pinwheels ~~ 5 pts
Chicken Caesar Salad Pizza ~~ 5 pts
Harvest Apple Skillet Cake ~~ 7 pts
Mushroom Focaccia Bread ~~ 4 pts
Mediterranean Tuna Wreath ~~ 6 pts
Italian Sausage Bread ~~ 5 pts
Florentine Brunch Casserole ~~ 9 pts
Apple Cranberry Popover Puff ~~ 4 pts
Lemony Chicken Popover Puff ~~ 7 pts
Peppermint Pinwheel Pie ~~ 8 pts
Maple Pecan Brunch Ring ~~ 7 pts
Lemon Pepper Crab Canapés ~~ 2 pts
Apple Bottom Spice Cake ~~ 7 pts
Spiced Cherry Compote ~~ 2 pts
Double Chocolate Mocha Trifle ~~ 11 pts
Easy Artichoke Melts ~~ 2 pts
Pumpkin Lattice Pastry ~~ 7 pts
Raspberry Mousse Cake ~~ 8 pts
Quick Apple Crisp ~~ 5 pts
Cream Cheese Spritz Cookies ~~ 2 pts
Peanutty Chocolate Cake ~~ 11 pts
Creamy Banana Walnut Squares ~~ 7 pts
Glazed Peach Almond Cake ~~ 8 pts

Season's Best - Fall/Winter 2000

Buffalo Chicken Pizza - 4 pts
Cheesy Artichoke Triangles - 4 pts
Italian Sausage Bread - 5 pts
Chile Verde Dip - 3 pts
Deep Dish BLT Pizza - 7 pts
Cheesy Ham & Broccoli Wedges - 6 pts
New Orleans Crab Dip - 1 pt
Toasted Canapé Bread Slices - 1 pt
Parmesan Pepper Pull-Apart Bread - 4 pts
Black Forest Torte - 8 pts
Gingerbread Cake - 5 pts
Tiramisu Ice - 3 pts
Tiramisu Slush - 3 pts
Pumpkin Bread Pudding - 7 pts
Peppermint Ice - 4 pts
Glazed Pear Wreath - 8 pts
Turkey Cranberry Wreath - 9 pts
Harvest Apple Skillet Cake - 8 pts
Cajun Chili Cornbread Skillet - 6 pts
Family-Style Calzone - 8 pts
Asian Slaw on Crunchy Noodle Nest - 3 pts
Florentine Brunch Casserole - 9 pts
Fabulous Fajita Pizza - 4 pts
Pina Colada Rolls - 8 pts
Roasted Chicken, Onion & Rosemary Pizza - 6 pts
Banana Cream Flan Cakes - 5 pts
Cappuccino Mousse Trifle - 10 pts
Chocolate Macaroon Pizza - 10 pts
Cool Mint Pinwheel Pie - 8 pts
Quick Apple Crisp - 5 pts
Praline Cheesecake - 9 pts
Red Velvet Pudding Cake - 7 pts

Caramel Frappuccino Light Blended Coffee (3 WW Points)  - 140 calories 1.5g fat, 28 carbs, 2g fiber, 21g sugar, 5g protein

Coffee Frappuccino Light Blended Coffee (2 WW Points) -  110 calories, 1g fat, 22 carbs, 2g fiber, 15g sugar, 5g protein

Espresso Frappuccino Light Blended Coffee (2 WW Points) - 100 calories, 0.5g fat, 19 carbs, 2g fiber, 15g sugar, 5g protein

Mocha Frappuccino Light Blended Coffee (2 WW Points) - 140 calories, 0.5g fat, 28 carbs, 3g fiber, 19g sugar, 5g protein

Grande Iced Caffe Americano (0 WW Points) - 20 calories, 0g fat, 3 carbs, 0 fiber, 0g sugar, 1g protein

Grande Iced Caffe Latte (2 WW Points) - 100 cal, 0g fat, 14 carbs, 0g fiber, 11g sugar, 9g protein

Cafe Misto, Tall, fat free milk (1 WW Point) - It's 1/2 coffee, half FF milk and just 60 calories (no fat). We love this. It's a good hot coffee option.  For more sweet flavor, add a shot of sugar free vanilla.


Cappuccino, Tall, fat free milk (2 WW Points)- Awesome Cappuccino for just 80 calories and no fat.

Iced Black Tea (0 WW Points) - Tastes great, no calories if ordered unsweetened.

Iced Black Tea Lemonade (1 WW Point) - You can get the tea unsweetened, though the lemonade has some sugar. Still you'll be saving 1/2 the calories, so your drink will clock in at 45 calories instead of 90 (The Black Tea and the Lemonade are good together).

Iced Green Tea, Unsweetened (0 WW Points)  - It's really good, calorie free (and good for you!), but has a slight mint taste.  If you don't like mint, don't get it


Dannon Light n' Fit Yogurt (2 WW Points) - Comes in many flavors.


Fruit Salad (2 WW Points) - Very fresh & yummy.  Has 100 calories, 0.5g fat & 2g fiber.


Sugar Free Jones Sodas (0 WW Points) - Awesome, fruity, no-cal beverages.


bulka (kazda) - 2P

chleb czarny i pumpernikiel mają po 1,5p za kromkę (50g),

chleb tostowy 1p

chałka kromka 50g 3,5p

chleb pita 2 kromki 2,5p

suchary,wafle ryzowe 1szt 0,5p

większośc pieczywa chrupkiego 3 kromki 1p

reszta przeważnie kromka 50g 2p

chrupkie - kromka - 0,5P

- chrupkie zytnie Wasa - 3 kromki - 1P

- tosty - sztuka - 1P

- chleb, kazdy rodzaj - kromka(50g) - 2P

- chleb o zredukowanej wartosci kalorycznej(do 160kcal na 100g) - kromka - 1,5P

- bulka, kazdy rodzaj - sztuka(45g) - 2P

- Croissant - sztuka - 8,5P

suchy tost za 1P


ryz - 1 lyzka ugotowanego - 0,5P

platki owsiane maja 0,5P za lyzke


wloskie - sztuka - 1P

pistacje - 7 sztuk - 1P

ziemne - lyzka - 1P

Płatki kukurydziane 30 gram +pół szkl. mleka 3,5 pkt

kasza gryczana 100 g ma (356 kcal :60 )+(tłuszcz 1,4:9 )= 6 (akurat taka kasze mam w domu ) lyzka czubata ma gdzies 20 g ,a wiec 1,5p

1łyżka pestek słonecznika 1,5P

1filizanka (20g) platkow-1p , musli slodzone lyzka -1p ,musli bez cukru lyzka 0,5p


maka 1 lyzeczka 0p,ale lyzka 10g 0,5 , cukier lyzeczka 0p,lyzka 15g 1p ( 3 lyzeczki dziennie 0p,jezeli nie jesz tego dnia miodu ani dzemu),orzechy laskowe 4szt 1p -gramy podaje za ww ,przyprawy wiekszosc 0p


zupa pomidorowa 1.

punkty za zaciaganie jej czyms:

maka - 1 lyzka - 0,5P

smietana (do 30%) - 1 lyzka - 1,5P

ok 250ml zupy pomidorowej zabielanej mlekiem 1,5% // zalezy na czym gotowana i czy miesko bylo ze skora, policzylabym ok. 3P

rosol gotowany na miesie ze skora 2, ok. 5,5 na garnek

Zupka typu „gorący kubek” winiary 2 pkt

Barszcz winiary 1,5 pkt

goracy kubek knorra ekstra Makaron z ... ,puree to 2,5P,pozostale kubki 1P

owsiankę 1filiżanka 2P

filiżanka makaronu z cukinią2P z 2 łyżkami oliwki2P


serek figura - jakies 1,5P na 100g (zalezy ile ma tluszczu)

mleko 250 ml 0,3% 1,5 P,

1,5 % 2,5 P,

3,5 % 3,5 P

50g proszku) ma 4P

serek farmerski 20% ma 0,5 za lyzke


zalezy od firmy i skladu, ale generalnie

- 0,1% tluszczu ok 1,5-2P za 200-250g

- do 3,5% ok. 5 za 200-250g

JAJKO ma 2 punkty, obojetnie jak zrobione. Doliczyc trzeba tylko jesli przyrzadza sie je np. na masle itp

100g sera zoltego pelnotlustego (dojrzewajacy rotterdamer) na sniadanie - 10P

4 plasterki sera zoltego, ok. 6p // zalezy od tego ile tluszczu w suchej masie i od wagi plastra: dla sera, ktory ma 40-50%tl.w.sm. liczy sie 3P za plaster o wadze 30g (to taki duzy plaster)

serek wiejski 150g - 3P

lyzka majonezu - 2P (jesli mial mniej niz 50% tluszczu

200 ml maślanki owocowej - 2,5 pkt

Serek wiejski 200 gram 5 punktów

Plasterek sera tostowego Hochland 1,5 pkt

serek biały150g za 3P

zolty plasterek (30g)w zaleznosci od tł - 30% tł ws.m.-2p, 45-48% -2,5; 50% -3p chyba wiekszosc serow ma ok 50%

feta30% -caly 13,5p,40%-18p,50%-22,5


golabeczki jakies 6-7P za sztuke gołąbek 1 szt. 160g to 5p


pączek to 4,5p za sztukę ,a z lukrem 5,5p

kisiel 250ml. ze słodzikiem ma 1P

kisiel ze slodzikiem 250g ma 1P ,kisiel z cukrem 100g 5P

Deserek ryżowy Czaruś 4 pkt

za trzy lyzeczki dzemu nie liczysz P,jezeli oczywiscie nie jesz tego dnia miodu i cukru

galaretka np winiary op 90g-7p


pizza ¼ ok5p , całość ok 20p

Pizze maja przewaznie ok. 16P za calosc

nalesniki z serem 100g 4,5P


100g wędzonego łososia ma 4P a 1 plasterek 1,5P

1 filet z lososia ma 6P, 1 plaster wedzonego - 2P

filiżanka makaronu z cukinią2P z 2 łyżkami oliwki2P


kiełbasa śląska 100g =5P

2 plasterki wedliny drobiowej chudej - 0,5P //naciagniete, bo kolo 8 plasterkow tyle ma ale nie mozna sobie zaokraglac do zera )

2 grube ok 0,5cm pasterki wedlinki drobiowej - ok.1,5P

kielbasa salami 4 cienkie plasterki - 3P

ok 150g wedliny drobiowej - 2P


Mars 6

twix 5,5

Snickers 6,5

Bajka 40g 4

Princessa 40g 4

Lion op. 45g 4,5

Nesquik 25g 3

Milka 35g 4

prince polo (mały) 2p

2 szt. misków żelków, 0p, 5 szt. 0,5p

czekolada ma przewaznie ok.1P za kostke


piernik 1 szt.( 40g ) 3,5p

pierniczki serca nadziewane marmoladą 1 szt. (30g) 3p

25g takich zwyklych lub w czekoladzie mlecznej to maja 2,5p,delicje szampanskie 1 szt 1p,pierniczki w czekoladzie 3szt (100g)-8p


ziemniaki - sztuka: 1P

- porcja, az sie najemy: 2P

100g kolba kukurydzy ma 1P

czeresnie maja 0,5P za 8 sztuk

groszek i kukurydza z puszki maja po 0,5 P za 2 lyzki ,np: ogorki konserwowe maja 0P ,grzyby surowe 0P,

warzywa - 0P (nie spotkalam sie jeszcze z warzywem, ktore mialoby


owoce - 0P wiekszosc NIE wszystkie

1. banany - 1 maly, 1P

2. Wisnie i czeresnie - 8 sztuk, 0,5P

3. Winogrona - pelna garsc - 1P

fasolka szparagowa zolta i zielona -0p


drob - 100g - 2P

2 udka z kurczaka wedzonego - 4P ok. 100g, ze skórą +1,5-2P


olej - 1 lyzka stolowa(LS) - 1P

maslo - 1 lyzeczka(L) - 1P

margaryna - 1L - 1P

margaryna o obn. zaw. tl - 1L - 0,5P

oliwa z oliwek czosnkowa - 2P jesli byly 2 lyzki


wiekszosc sosow ma 0,5 P za lyzke sosu ( z tych podanych),ale sos pomidorowy 2 lyzki 0,5P,ketchup 1 lyzeczka 0P,1 lyzka duza 20ml to juz 0,5 P,vinaigrette 1 lyzka 1P

1 łyżką musztardy za 0,5P


soki warzywne... hmm... pomidorowy, marchwiowy, buraczkowy i z kapusty kiszonej maja po 0P na szklanke, a co do Kubusia itp. to zalezy czy nie sa czyms ulepszane i jak mocno sa slodzone - nie wiem niestety

liczylabym za niego 1P za szklanke - jak za sok owocowy

Wszystkie herbatki maja 0P Ach, i Pepsi light


1 loda smietankowego malego - 2P


Brauner Bär, 2,6

Calippo Cola, 1,5

Calippo Truskawka, 1,5

Capri, 1

Cornetto Truskawka, 5

Cornetto Orzech, 5,5

Cornetto Royal, 8

Cornetto Whippy, 5

Cuja Mara Split, 2

Domino, 3

Flutschfinger ( palec ), 1

Happen, 2

Cremissimo classic 3,5

Algida Konfekt, paczka, 5,7

Magnum Classic, 6,5

Magnum Double Chocolate, 9,5

Magnum Migdal, 7,5

Magnum baton Caramel & Nuts, 5

Magnum White, 7

Magnum Yogurt fresh, 6

Mini Milk Truskawka, 0,5

Mini Milk Czekolada, 0,5

Mini Milk Wanilia, 0,5

Nogger Classic, 5,5

Solero Exotic, 2

Solero Shots Cool Lemon, 0,5

Solero Shots Tropical, 0,5

Solero Smoover, 2

Sea World, 2

Chupster, 2

Fruit 5s, 0,5

Cornetto Soft Truskawka, 4

Cornetto Soft Orzech, 4

Cornetto Soft Wisnia, 3

Cornetto Soft Stracciatella, 4,5

Cornetto Soft Waniliowe, 3,5


Tropsy = 0,5 Points

Caretta Orange = 1 Points

Milk Flip = 1

Points Racer = 1 Points

Cool Comics Speedy Consales = 1 Points

Kaktus = 1,5 Points

Vivana Jogurt-Malina = 1,5 Points

Larry = 1,5 Points

Pop Orange = 1,5 Points

Beach Cola, Kiba = 2 Points

Vivana Jogurt-Truskawka, Jogurt Pomarancza = 2 Points

Konfekt, 1 Stück = 3 Points

Nucki Truskawka = 3 Points

Rumfaß = 4 Points

Mövenpick Mini Amarena Cream = 4 Points

Larry Choc = 4,5 Points

Mövenpick Tüte Amarena Cream = 6 Points Mövenpick

Tüte Maple Walnuts = 7,5 Points


whisky, koniak, likier, rum, brandy - maly kieliszek, 20ml - 1P

wodka - maly kieliszek, 20ml - 1P

wino - wytrawne i lekkie rodzaje, 100ml - 1P

wino - ciezkie i slodkie rodzaje, 100ml - 1,5P

wermut, slodki - 50ml - 1,5P

wermut, wytrawny - 50ml - 1P

szampan - kazdy rodzaj, 100ml - 1,5P

piwo - kazdy rodzaj, poza mocnym, butelka 500ml - 4P

piwo - kazdy rodzaj, poza mocnym, butelka 330ml - 2,5

piwo mocne - butelka 500ml - 5P

piwo pszeniczne - butelka 500ml - 4P

koktajl - kazdy rodzaj, mala szkl. 100ml - 3P

Bittburger Light - 250ml - 2P // dobre piwko

Campari - mala szkl. 50ml - 1P


mala porcja gyrosu ma 9P


chodzenie wolne - 0,5P za 15 min., za srednie tempo - 1P, a za szybkie - 1,5 2P warte jest np. plywanie i bieganie

30 min zajec:


praca w ogrodzie-2p gimnastyka-2p

sprzatanie-1p jazda na rowerze -2p

bieganie-4p spacer-2p

plywanie-4p szybki spacer-4p

taniec na dyskotece-3p


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