Ezpcrimem |
Ijocation |
De.icription |
M07I Minerał |
CSM Sc |
Prcascly measurc the input and output of |
Balance |
ows |
calcium and mtrogen by the astronaut to quaniify ratę* of gain or loss |
M072 Bonę Dcnsi to metry |
Ground |
Make a deruitometrie companson of prcflighl and postflight X rays of sdected bones to eva!uate bonc dcmincroli/alion under protonged wcightlcssness. |
M073 Bio&ssay of Body Fluid* |
Evaluatc plasma and urinc samplcs taken during flight to assess the metabolit changc> in Mon as a result of spacc flighL |
M074 Spccimcn Mass Mcasurc-ment |
Dcmonstrute the feosibility of mass meaturcmcnt without gnvity to assess Food tnUkc. unnary output. and bonc and muscle changes dunng flight |
M091 Lower-Body Ncgalivc Prcssurc |
Ground |
Apply negativc pressure to the lower h»lf of the astronauta body bcforc and aficr flight to astertain the cardiosascular function changcs result mg from spaoe flight. |
M092 Inflight Lower Body Ncgativc Pre»-sure |
ows |
Record heart ratę. blood pressure. and cłcctrocardiograni data dunng flight with ncgauvc pressure on the lower body. to cwluatc spaoe flight cardtovascuUr deconditionmg. |
M093 Vecior-cardiogram |
Monitor elcttrical actions of the heart during space flight ustne sensor* and sigrud condilioners to obtain vcctorcardiograms. |