

My long lovn affair with beads dates back to my childhood, when my grandmother mado mo a ring. li was just a circlc of beads. bul I was cntranced. I began making frequent visits to the local crafi storę and bcfore long. I was making my own bead jewclry. My first atternpts werc informed by bead books, but also involved a lot ot trial and error. Ovcr the years. my interest in bcadcraft grew lo the point where I now create my own designs, which I am very happy to share v/ith you.

Each individual bead is likc the paints on an artisfs palctte. The resuliing beadwork, like a finished painting, is a reflection of itscreators individuality. I hope this book will inspire you to expcrionce the joys of beadcraft (making and owning uniąue jewnlry and accessorics). and to create your own designs.



Notes about the instructions in this book

Beads: Read pp. 78-70 butoro ynu begin a projecf. II yuu havn difficulty finding ari exact match. rion’t hesitate to substilutc beads of 1he same size utid shape.

Finished measurements: We have rot specified finished size, sine© it will vary sliyhtty according to the beads you use and liow lighily you woave. Check mcasiirements fceforo you put the firushing touches on a piece. II adjustments aro needed. inercase er docrcase the number of beuds at an apprcpriate Iccation.

Findings and other supplies: In tho instructions lor each profect. we have specified thu yiiiOłint of nylon thread end/ur wite you will reed. Tor threud and wire size. see p 80. Suggested finding sizes are on po. 32-83.

Drawings: When it is not obvious where werk hegins or ends. we frave snpplied symbols {★ for Ihe IX!g nning, and ) for the end)


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