Bands, Hems, Ribbing

Attractive ribbing and bands on a sweater can catch the cyc.

The morę decorative the outside edges, the prettier the piece. No matter which method of casting on you prefer. you should match the bands to the main pattern as well as possible.

Bands arc the edges at the tagm-ning of a knitted piece, wherher they arc wristbands on the slceves or waistbands 011 the hack and front. They can rangę ftom tradi-tkmal ribbing—I or 2 stitches nlrer-natcly Itnit and purled. either worked normally or twisted—to double hems to bands that are patterns in them-sclvcs with cahle patterns or opon-work pattems. Ewrything is possible. A rolled edge worked tn stockinette stitch is verv simplc to make hut abo very dccorative.

Make surc that after rhe casting-on row (cxcept when you are using open casting on), you ahvnys work a row on the wrong side ot the work fust. because rhe casring-on row ttself forms a purl-like linę that often doe> not match the pattern.

Ribbing shotild lx- strctchable mul slightly gather ihc piece. That is wliy ii is generally workecl with a needte one or iwo sl:e$ sntaller than iłve rest ot the ptece. This holJ.s tnie even for batuU that arc workeJ double-

So that the seanu match too

If you are work mg ,1 2 X 2 ribbing, the number of stitches shmikl lx* di-\isible by 4. plus 2 sehedge stitches— lorexample, 50 or 98 stitches. No matter whether you start with 1 or 2 knit stitches or purl stitches. the paltem is ntaintained evcn after the pans are sewn together.

For 2x2 ribbing, cast on a number of stitches that is divisible by 4, plus 2 selvedge stitches. After the parts are sewn together, the pattern will also match at the seams—

Aluuyrs stan the ribbing with a row on the wrong side of the work so that the frurl stitches o) tiu.r autnig-oti rmc arc on the msłdc of ymtr sweater.

In the first tow on the wrong side of the work, ptitl 1 'tttch; the row will then nUoend with .1 purl stireh and the scheJge stitch. After the pieces arc sewn together with an itwisible stuch (sec pages 1 liii.). 2 knit stirchcs will be nght next to one anothet. Or start the tirst row on the wrong side ot the work with 2 purl stitches; then you will aut ornat ically end with 2 knir stirchcs. Here ngnin. the paltem is complete after the pieces are sewn tt»gether.

rcgardless of whether you begin with 1 or 2 stitches knit or ourl after the selvodge stitch.



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