cń. turn.

2 sts. work a Double V ■rrc cn sp at center of V st. work a Double V nex? V st; rep from * o*' ’ast Double V ■together with 1dc

aVs* mto each sp to r:o top of tch, turn. iMofirst st. *1ch, skip V st nto sp at center runtH 1 V st remains. nco top of tch, turn.

łrc 5'n rows.

y “w«


Tri *

- rWT

4th row: 3ch, 1dc into first st, V st into sp at center of next V st, 'skip next 3ch arch, (5dc Popcorn, 2ch, 5dc Popcorn, 2ch. 5dc Popcorn] into next 3ch arch, skip next 3ch arch**, |V st into sp at center of next V stl 3 times; rep from * ending last rep at * *, V st into sp at center of last V st. 2dc into top of tch, turn.

5th row: 3ch, 1dc into first st, V st into sp at center of next V st, *(3ch, 1sc into next 2ch sp] twice, 3ch* *, IV st into sp at center of next V st] 3 times; rep from * end ng last rep at * *, V st into sp at center of last V st. 2dc into top of tch, turn.

6th row: 3ch, 1dc into first st, V st into sp at center of next V st, *IV st into 2nd ch of next 3ch arch] 3 times**, IV st into sp at center of next V st] 3 times; rep from * ending last rep at * *, V st into sp at center of last V st, 2dc into top of tch, turn.

Rep 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th rows.

into next st; rep from * ending last rep in tch, turn.

Rep 2nd, 3rd and 4th rows.

mrm ?

6 0/+ + + +44++ ++ +


4 f rnTrf

-M* + + + + 4-M- + + \03



Fantail Stitch

v    v v' \\io

9 {/    v    \i

V V \ \l \l V V V W W \ / V \V,D

VV    W 4





Noughts and Crosses Stitch

jNpccm see page 14. i b~Jt nght and wrong surę to push them pfe of *ne fabric as you

"dc nto 4th ch from a V st of [1 dc. 1ch, §om * tolast 3ch, skip •um

first st, V st i nto sp 3 , ~5ch skip next V st, ~iext V st, 5chT skip "D sc at center of next ending last rep at r last V st, 2dc into

: krst st. V st into sp ;|3ch. 1sc into next fV st nto sp at center K rep from * ending last center of last V st, un.

Multiple of 2 sts + 1.

(add 3 for base cham)

Notę: For description of crossed stitches see page 12 (Crossed Stitch II).

1st row (nght side): 1dc into 6th ch from hook, ’ 1 ch, skip 1 ch, 1 dc into next ch; rep from * to end, turn.

2nd row: 3ch, skip next ch sp. work 2 crossed stitches as follows: 1 dc forward into next ch sp, 1 dc back into ch sp just skipped going behind forward dc so as not to catch it, * 1 dc forward into next unoccupied ch sp, 1dc back into previous ch sp going behind forward dc as before; rep from ’ to end when last forward dc occupies tch, 1 dc into next ch, turn.

3rd row: 1ch (counts as 1sc), 1sc into first st, 1 sc into next and each st to end workmg last st into top of tch, turn.

4th row: 4ch (counts as 1 dc and 1 ch), skip 2 sts, 1dc into next st, *1ch, skip 1 st. 1dc

Multiple of 10 sts + 1.

(add 1 for base Chain)

1st row (nght side): 1sc into 2nd ch from hook. 1scintonextch, *skip3ch. worka Fan of [3dc, 1 ch, 3dc] into next ch, skip 3ch, 1 sc into next ch* \ 1ch, skip 1ch, 1sc into next ch; rep from * ending last rep at * *, 1 sc into last ch. turn.

2nd row: 2ch (count as 1hdc), 1hdc into first st, ’3ch, 1 sc into ch sp at center of next Fan. 3ch * *, work a V st of 11 hdc, 1 ch, 1 hdc] into next sp; rep from * ending last rep at **, 2hdc into last sc, skip tch, turn.

3rd row: 3ch, 3dc into first st, * 1 sc into next 3ch arch, 1ch. 1sc into next arch**, work a Fan into sp at center of next V st; rep from * ending last rep at ’ \ 4dc into top of tch, turn.

4th row: 1 ch, 1 sc into first st. *3ch, V st into next sp. 3ch. 1sc into sp at center of next Fan; rep from * ending last rep into top of tch, turn.

5th row: 1 ch, 1 sc into first st, * 1 sc into next arch, Fan into sp at center of next V st, 1sc into next arch* *, 1ch; rep from * ending last rep at *\ 1sc into last sc. skip tch, turn. Rep 2nd, 3rd. 4th and 5th rows.



6 4




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