psychologia religii0
19. P. Tillich, The Courage to be. New Haven. Yale Univeraity Press, 1952, s. 4-1#
20# G.W. Allport, The Indyvidual and his Religlon. New York. The Kacmillan Go., 1950, s. 226.
21. C.G. Jung, The Practice of Psychotherapy. New York. Pantheon Books, Inc., 1954, s. 41.
22. A.T. Boisen, The JBxploration of the inner World. Chicago.
Willett, Clark and Company, 1936, s. 173.
23. W.E. Prankl, The Doctor and Soul. An Intrcduction to logothe-rapy. Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., 1957, s. 33.
24. A. Moader, Veien till sjolelig sunnher. Oslo. land and Kirke, 1951, s. 148 i 153.
25. C.A. Wise, Pastorał Counseling. New York. Harper and Brothers, 1951, a. 145.
26. V*E. Prankl, Op.cit., a. 73.
27. Rz. 12, 1.
28. R.H. Bonthiua, Christian Paths to Self - Acceptanco. New York. King' s Crown Press, 1948, s. 200.
29. C.A. Wise, Religion in Illness and Health. New York. Harper and Brothers, 1942, s. 204.
30. O.H. Kowrer, leaming Theor^ and Peraonality Dynamics. New York. The Ronald Press Co., 1950, s. 570.
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