Sonie of these reflexive verbs use a preposition before a following object:
żles se despedem They are taking leave of
de seus amigos. their friends.
Ela se ri de nós. She is laughing at us.
O senhor nao se atreve You don’t dare tell me. a dizer-me.
The “se” form is often used where the passive form would be used in English:
Fala-se portugues aąui. Portuguese is spoken
As portas se abrem The doors are opened
as oito. at eight.
The “se” form is also used to translate the in-definite “one,” “they,” “people,” etc., in English:
Diz-se que... It’s said that ... They
say that... People say that...
Aprende-se muito aąui. You (“one learns”) learn
a lot here.
1. Senta-se.
2. Nós nos vemos.
3. Divirto-me.
4. Disse-me.
5. Nós nos levantamos.
6. Eu me lavo.
7. Ri-se.
1. Wegetup.
2. They are taking Ieave.
3. He gave it to them.
4. Shelaughs.
5. I wash myself.
6. Tm having a good time.
7. They write to each other.
8. Escrevem-se. 8. He told me.
9. Deu-lhes. 9. We see ourselves.
10. Despedem-se. 10. Hesitsdown.
1—10; 2—9; 3—6; 4—8; 5—1; 6—5; 7—4; 8—7; 9—3; 10—2.
11. It and Them
Masculine o it
Feminine a it
O senhor tern o dinheiro? Tenho. (Sim, tenho-o.)
O senhor tem a carta? Tenho. (Sim, tenho-a.)
O senhor viu Jodo e Fedro?
Vi. (Sim, vi-os.)
O senhor viu Maria e Ana?
Vi. (Sim, vi-as.)
os them as them
Do you have the money? Yes, I have it.
Do you have the letter? Yes, I have it.
Did you see John and Peter?
Yes, I saw them.
Did you see Mary and Anna?
Yes, I saw them.
Notice that the pronoun is masculine if the word it refers to is masculine, plural if the word it refers to is plural, etc. In conversation a short answer is often given, as just the verb form as shown above. If the abject pronoun is used in the answer, it can follow the verb, as shown above in parentheses, or it can precede the verb: Sim, eu os tenho, etc.