Conjugations II and III
pres. subj.: -a, -as, -a; ~amos, -ais, -am imperf. subj.: -sse, -sses, -sse, -ssemos, -sseis, -ssern futurę subj.: -r, -res, -r, -rmos, -rdes, -rem
Notc: Although the endings are different for the present subjunctive, all three conjugations have the same endings for the imperfect and futurę subjunctive.
I |
n |
ni | |
infinitive: |
falar |
aprender |
partir |
fale |
aprenda |
parta |
falasse |
aprendesse |
partisse |
falar |
aprender |
partir |
2. Use of the subjunctive in commands
a. The present subjunctive is used to express all polite commands and negative familiar commands:
Abra a janela, por favor. Open the window, please.
Ndo abra a janela. Don’t open the window.
Ndo abras a janela. Don’t open the window
b. To indicate a desire or wish, and in indirect commands, with or without que:
(Que) viva opresidente! Long live the President!
Que venham cedo. Have them come early.
Ndo digamos mais. Let’s not say any morę.
3. Other uses of the subjunctive .
a. The subjunctive is used after verbs of desire, request, permission, approval, disapproval, and the like:
I want him to come early.
I should like for him to come early.
Quero ąue ele venha cedo.
Eu gostaria (de) que ele viesse cedo.
b. after verbs of emotion (to be happy, to be sorry, and the like):
Estamos contentes (de) We are glad that she ąue eła chegasse cedo. arrived early.
Sinto muito ąue ileś I am very sorry that ndo possam vir. they cannot come.
c. after verbs ofdoubt ordenial:
Duvido (de) ąue ele I doubt he will come venha hoje. today.
Ndo acho ąue seja 1 don’t believe it is tnie.
Ndo estamos certos (de) We are not surę she will ąue ela venha. come.
Notę: If the subject of the two verbs is the same, the infinitive tends to be used, instead of the subjunctive, for the second verb:
Quero chegar cedo. I want to arrive early.
Sinto muito ndo poder ir. I am very sorry I can’t go. Dwido poder ir hoje, I doubt I can go today.
d. after impersonal verbs (“it is possible,” etc.) which do not express certainty: