Engine. 88SS. 497cc o.h.v. vertlcfll twin (66mm borę x 72.9mm stroke). 650SS. G47cc o.h.v. vertical twin (68mm borę x 39mm stroke). Alloy cylinder head with iritegral rocker boi: parallęl mduction tracts with large riiameter miot valve$: forged Steel rockers: alloy push-rods: arge dinmeter lappots: singlo chain-dnvon cnmshnft: bmlt-up forgod stool crankohott with lmqo diumetet central Iron Rywhool: plain blg-end bonrmgs: 2 ploco connocline rodn: nlloy plstons: onn-ptoce cast-ron cylinder błock: cionkshaf! diiven gaar type all pump: carburation by twin Amal Monoblocs: ignition by magneto* with aut0rnancadv0r.ee and retard.
Gearbo*. Separatc- 4-spced, with medium-close ratios: wido toolh heavy duty pinions; dri/en through five piąte dutch which mcorporates rubbor vnnn r-hock absorber singlu prirmiry choin hour.ed in presserJ sted oll balh Frame. The famous Norton Toathnbod' with its raco-bretł IranrJling and road-holdmg.
Forks. 'Roudholdms' with built-in thlei-prool lock: piogresslve '.wo-way 01I damplnę- single ratę springs lioused wlthm heat treated tubular steel stanchions: light alloy stiders with chiomed Steel entensions.
Wheols. 19‘ diameter chrome plntori stool rirns flttpd with Avon high hystoruslp ty/es—r-irec: Front 3.00 k 19; Roar 3.50 x 19 Grand Pn*. Huba mul Brakos. Lmii« rlmmiłtar alloy hubt: front brake drum cast into hub: ono-pioco ront drom and sprockot boltod up to hub: bali journal bearings. Brake stzes—Front 8' x 1 y. Rear 7' x'>i .
Lighting. l2-volt: crsnkshaft mountoc alternator: two 5-voH battenes mounted in series: Zcner diodę: adjusiablc V diameter headlamp with 50/40w. doubtn pigment hond bulbo: combinod rcar and stop liflht with integral roHoctois.
Tnnkn. 3.5 galion petrol tank, complctely rubbor mountod: alnflic two-lovol tap: 4.5 plnt oil tank.
Colour Finish. Jot btack primarlly with silver petrol tank and chrome plated rnudguards.
Optional. Siriecar forks, nears and suspension
Optłonul Extran. Dolphin fniringn. Rpv. counter. Fully enclosed rcar chain-caso. Stcering damper. S.ifwty bars