IH    «4owed ruiu rolni icolly. The honzonul and two of che vcrucal tdcchcd wmi we

_I dany vkibk but kia noc obviou* why rhe joint down rhe two cenna) wcoom thooU hm

handttiaJfiniik. Potupt che hingwp hrrt betn moved.

According ro a family mdioon, tomc Icuha luagingt «m broogł* in Cdrdoba in 1C7* md * • bdkwd «hai dne iw che hingńgs in qoabon. The daw would tccm to be correct (cC Plan |l) bui chey aie unlikdy 10 have comc from Spoin: compamon wirh che rdoted penom *"m hm eeggem chey ait almon cmainly Dutch. At che ode of cha book ■iłinan, gik kocher hangmu hnt usually betn caOed 'Spairah Leathcr* and pcoplc havc condnord to link ihe na me ofCdrdoba wkh theae manrials longafter ihe day wben Cór doba lad cewed 10 ład che warid in dw fidd. Indecd, 'Cdrdoba Leathcr' wat tynonymout wkh *Spanith Leathcr’ and (his il probably how dic nutleodi ng Prcttonficld irodition camc oboui. Diaicntinmicach pand about 0-76 x 0*71    28 in.)

E ft—jtrl/Hawf.Ffafcrft Pb*j6 (fuli colour) (frtatispita)

£>Mcb;obout 16I0-1700.

Pand, emboned w uh a wooden mould, partly gildcd wkh ydlow vamkh and panly left ober, wid) touchct of red, green and (an point, oa o poinicd light bcown ground. h will be mm chat mme rf che figuro are o pode down. Tłm wat a common feamrt in dm clatt of ftrii - ‘wkh nafced boy*’, nnca term adopted to docribe upturio wkh u nul ar tubjccu - chat enablcd panek (o bc cithcr way up (cf. Pbict jj and 15).

TKu colour phowgraph of a wdl-ptc*avtd pand gńcs a (ak idea of how ■ufnAw* chor nefa hangwp origmalły looked and why Duch gik leathcr wat to much adoured ai ihe cod

|«f rhe jcwcuttendi amury. The designer and catver of rhe wooden mouldt nted for rhete pjRcrnt muu havc been cxiremdy accomplithcd. Hi* namc ii nor Icnown.

Dimemiom: 079 * 0*65 m. (31 x ajJ in.) p ykUrkmiAtkrt Mmmm, Lmtm nmjj

Dutcb; 16S0-1700.

Pand embotscd wkh a wooden mould. The rdief partern is cxecuted in a golden-coloured vunkh of a bconzcd boe; tbe ground ń paimed gyey.

Thetkdtarfy rtiasrd totbcpanernttfaown mthcthreeptmdingplaio. tMacanont: o^ox 0^7 m. (si| x 26| in.)

V*t*ńt Mti A&crt    Lenić*

Aa idcndcal learher it in rhe Muieum of Lcathcrcraft, London, and i* said to have been icmoved from a chair dating Iron 'about 16jo*.


Dutch; 1700 or 1703.

Panek emboned wkb a wooden mould. The graond ii pakacd and tbe omamental idkf a




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