30059 TME"7

30059 TME"7


Power Pack

Young hero temu witli power to buru


Dr. James Power nactosrtentty caused rw cWdren to jo*i the ranks ot Earth's Super Horoes

Professor James Power, father of Alex, Julie. Jack, and Katie, iiwented an antimatter generator that siphoned energy from an alternate dimension. Aelfyre “Whitey” Wiiitemane, a member of the alien Kymcllian race, arrived on Earth to prevent the machinę being used, knowing it had the potential to wipe out entire planets. A rival species, the Snarks, attempted to steal the device.


W hitemane sutfered latał injuries in the ensuing struggle. but before dying lie bestowed one of his abilities on each of the four Power «hildren. I hev becamc the superheroic Power Pack. and adopted the identities of Gee (Alex). l.ightspeed (Julie). Mass Master (Jack), and F.nergizer (Katie). Ilidmg their dual identities from their parents. the Pack dealt witli extraterrestrial threats and employed Whitey s intelligcnt spaeecraft, the Smartship Friday. Power Pack aided the Moruh ks during the Mutant Massacre. and fought Apocalypse horsenicn during the Fali of the Mutants. Franklin Richards. using the name Tattletale due to his ability to perceivc possible tutures. bccanie an unotłicial member of the team, as did Kon. i Kymcllian relatiee ofthe late Whitemanc.

Frcquent contact witti tho Kymeflans and tłie Snarks have lurnod the ntembers o( Power Pack into veteran intorstollar adventurers.    J

Energy Swapping

Power Paeks powers often switched from one member u} .mother. After one such incident. the childrcn adopted the^ unes of Dcstroyer (Alex), Molccula (Julie). Coumerweight (|ack), and Starstreak (Katie). The team and helped the Kymellians relocate to a new worki. Alex cven appeared to transform into a Kymcllian. though this was reeealed to be a pseudoplasm duplicate planted byTechnocrat a domineering Kymellian.

Alex joined the New Warriors, stealing the energies of his hrother and sisters to hecome Powcrpax and then , PowERHoush. He restored his siblings’ powers when hc left the New Warriors.

Power Pack is again active. with Alex going by the name of Zero-G. The team rccently fought ofTa squad of Snark invaders. D’

Despito their youth, the Power Pock mcm bers combine their abfitles to


(AJex Power, leader) Ability to contro) the gravity of himsetf or other obfects LK3HTSPEED

(Julie Power) Flight, super-speed. MASS MASTER (Jack Power) Can compress or disperse his body s mass. ENERGtZER

(Katie Power) Can absorb and rełease energy.


Bambridgo Istand, Washington


•    Power Pack VOl. 1 §1

Power Pack ctebuts. launctung a popiiar 62-ssue senes

•    Power Pack Vol. 2 ki-4

The heroes rotum—now a few years o*der— « a Imited sen that p<ts thom aganst ther penanrwl cnemes. the Snarks.

•    X-Men and Power Pack ki-4

Power Pack rotorns to its roots in a hmitod senes that guest-stars such tamous mutants as Cydops.

Boast. and Wołvenno


7 y' /

1 Mass Master

2 Encrgćer

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3 Lightspeed

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4 Zero-G


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