Phantom Eagle
FIRST APPEARANCE Marvel Sopef Heroes »16 (September 1968) REALNAME Karl Kaufman OCCUPATION Pilot BASE Mobile
MEIGHT 5 fi 11 in WEIGHT 175 Ibs EYES Bluti MAIR Brown SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Ałthough he had no superhuman powers. Phantom Eagle was an extraordinary pilot. except»onaffy skiiied m aenal combat.
When World War I brokc out, acc flycr Karl Kaufman wanted to use his skills against thc Gcrmans. but he feared reprisals against his German parents. So he donncd a costume and mask and took thc name Phantom Eagle.! le becanie one of the grcatest aerial warriors of thc war, wining many dogfights, and tlien joincd the Freedom s Five, a team of tostumed heroes who assisted the Allies. Kaufman s ulemity was diseovcred by a German pilot, who killed him and his parents.The ghost of the Phantom Eagle hunted the pilot down and killed him. MT
FIRST APPEARANCE Ftornals vOl 2 »1 (October 1985)
REAL NAME Phastos OCCUPATION Technołogtst. weaponsmith BASE Ruhr Valtoy. Germany HEIGHT 6 ft 3 in WEIGHT 410 Ibs EYES Brown HAIR Bald (black beard) SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Able to lly and lewtate objocts; virtually mvuinerabłe. super-strong. and projects cosmic enorgy from eyes or hands: ingemous lnveotor hammer f»es eoergy bolts.
Phastos is an F.iHUNai,a nearly immortal race created thousands of years ago by the alien Clllstials.
Being a weaponsmith.
Phastos was mistaken for the Olympian god 1 lephaestus (Vulcan) during the days of ancient Greece (sec Gons of Olympus). Phastos is morę reticent than his fellows, having a melancholy spirit and an ambiralcnce toward tigluing. When Apocalypse tried to ineite a new war with the Deviants. the Lternals ilecided to go public as Super Heroes. In his new identity. Phastos adopted the eodename Ceasefire. ;:nv
Phantom Rider
The greatest vigilante in the Wild West, that s what people said about Carter Slade, the Phantom Rider. Originally a schoolteacher, Carter was shor and seriousły wounded by a rutblcss local land baron. His life was savcd by a Comanche Indian calied Flaming Star, who rccognized that the young mail was destined for great things. When Carter had madę a fuli recovery. Flaming Star providcd him with a wbite horse and a cloak covered with a phosphoresccnt dust. Styling himsclfthc Phantom Rider, Carter began a onc-man battle against injusticc.
Not knowing that thc Phantom Rider was his brother, Marshall I incoln Slade teamed up with him to battle the Reverend Rcaper. A vicious gunfighter. the rcverend was set on taking control of Bison Bend. the town Carter was dedicated to protect.Their finał confrontation resulted in the death of hotłi the reverend and Carter Slade. Finally discovering the truth about his brother. Lincoln dccidcd to fbllow in his footsteps.
In morę rccent times. I incolns dcscendcnt. Hamilton Slade. has become a modern day Phantom Rider. AD
With his Kffrtnescont dook and
sktts. the Phantom Rłder fe, oppearod to bo ftying. Ir
Schoolteacher, wgilante BASE
HEIGHT 6 ft 1 in WEIGHT 200 Ibs
HAIR Reddish-blond
Phantom Rider
(September 1973)
A tast draw arx) a fcrtfcmt rnarksman: tomudabto hand-io* hond combatant; notable horseman.
Wrth gulo and somo magnificeni dev>ces. the Phantom Rider stayed cxie step atiead of toca) mtscroants.