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Investigations, supervised by the author. of the development of the Słupia and Lupawa vslleys have led to the conclusion that the period of extragladal outflow of sandurs. marginal valleys and pradolina types was IbUowed by forjnation of the nver valleys.

The overcoming of marginal forma of the Gardno Phase. which occured in the Bolling, was connected with formation of the Iow terrace of the Słupia river in Słupsk region. The Boreal (ałter the palynologic dating), or the beginning of Atlantic period brought the formation of the Słupia’s meandering channel. cut In to the older morphologic levels. A flood plain began to form. Fuli and intensive development of fluvial processes on the flood plain arcas, especially in the lower valley sections. took place no earlier than in the Sub* Atlantic period. Thls was related to the humidiflcation of cli ma te


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