37 (98)
Garbage disposal
To eliminate garbage disposal odours and to clean and sharpen blades. grind ice and used lemon and/or orange rinds until pulverized.
Remove the limescale coating on your kettle by filling it with water and adding 110ml/1/2 cup of vinegar. Let it stand ovemight, then rinse with clean water and dry.
Kitchen bin
Baking soda will keep away rubbish odours; sprinkle the bottom of the bin. and then sprinkle again after you put a new bag in.
Kitchen floor
To remove scuff marks or grease spills from the floor sprinkle with baking soda and then wipe with a warm. damp cloth. This is even safe for no-wax floors.
Kitchen sink
Wipe a cloth dampened with vinegar around the sink to deodorise and clean.
Kitchen taps
To clean kitchen taps, soak a cloth in vinegar then wrap it around your tap to remove minerał deposits. Allow to soak for about half an hour.
Use vinegar to loosen food grime and clean the microwave; Place a microwave-safe bowl with 450ml/2 cups water H0ml/1/2 cup vinegar inside the microwave and microwave on fuli power for 3-4 minutes (it needs to boil). Keep your microwave closed for a few minutes to allow the steam to loosen the grime, then open your microwave, carefully remove the bowl. and wipe clean.
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