Por. też G. 2, 101-103; Ulp. 20, 2. W literaturze przyjmuje się w zasadzie, że przed ustawą XII tablic znane już były zarówno testamentum calalis comitiis jak i testamentum in procinctu, zaś testame/itum per aes et librom rozwinęło się dopiero w drodze interpretacji przepisów ustawy XII tablic. Por. [•. Gintowt: Rzymskie prawo prywatne w epoce postępowania Icgisakcyjncgo (Od Dccemwiratu do lcx Aebutia). Warszawa 1960. s. 71 i n.; P. Voci: Diritto ereditario romano2, I. Milano 1967, s. 14 i n.

Por. Gell. 7. 7

Por. J. Zabłocki: Appunli sul “testamentum rnulicris” in etił arcaica. 13IDR 94-95, 1991*92, s. 157 i n.

Por. J. Zabłocki: Kompetencje patres familias i zgromadzeń ludowych w sprawach rodziny w świetle Noctcs Atticae Aulusa Gclliusa. Warszawa 1990, s. 108 i n.




Nocles Atticae by Aulus Gcllius conslitute a valuablc cncyclopcdic sourcc providing Information on different branchcs of knowlcdgc. Basing on llic data providcd thcrcin we may itinonglhc others dra w a picturc of Roman family, cspccially in the archaic period. In that linie a Roman family was morę of a political than social irrstilulion. A family, licaded by pater familias, consistcd of childrcn bom ex iuslis nuptiis, that is ex uxore and hura legii imam tempus, and a wifc ifshe was subordinated to his aulhority.

On the basis of Nocles Atticae provisions of the la w of Twclvc Tablcs wcrc rcconstructcd, whieh providcd that a child bom at the latcst in the tenth nionth afler the death of his mothcr’s hnsband was considcrcd a poslhumous child (Celi.3,16,12).

Admitling a stranger as a member of a family was execuled by adoplion in the form of adrogatto or adoptio (Gcll.5,19). Thanks to Gcllius bolli a notę on the oath of adrogation as well as the words of the formula of adrogatio delivcred by patris familias in the course of admgatio were prescrvcd. It sccms that the oath of adrogation safcguardcd the interes! of the ndrogated person'* family, wlilcli as a result of adrogation ccascd to cxist, sińce its sacra rspired and the property tell to the adrogating person (Gell.5,19,5-6). Pursuant to the words of the formula of rogation the adrognted person bccamc iure legecpie filius, ovcr whom pater familias cxcrciscd vitae necisąue patestas (Gcll.5,19,9).

In the carlicst period in principlc a wife bccamc a member of her husband’s family as a result of comertlio in manum (Gell.18,6). Corwentio was performed in the form of the act of confarrealio, coemptio, orristis that is she stayed in her husband’s homc for a ycar. Howcvcr Gcllius maintained that in the latter case she could lcavc her husband’s homc for Ihrcc succcssive nights (trinoctium abesse) thus interrupting husband’s aapiisilion of the aulhority ovcr her (GeII.3,2,12).

Dcfore a marriagc was conlraclcd an engagement, callcd spornalia, was mm ludni (Gcll.4,4). Afler conclusion of marriagc, irrcspcctivc of the fact whether or not a wite was under her husband’s aulhority. she was ohligatcd to bcar and bring up children (Gell. 12,1) and also she was cxpcetcd to conduct alistcmious life. For such acts as drinking winę or adultery she may liavc becn punished cvcn with dcath (Gell. 10,23). Roman marriages were monoganiic (Gell.1,23) and durable. According to Gcllius a First divorcc in Ronie occurcd fivc hundred years sińce the establishment of the State, when Scrvius Carvilius Ruga divorced his stenie wifc (Gell.4,3; 17,21,44).

A falher cxcrciscd aulhority in his family until his dcath. Howevcr hc could excludc from his family an unworthy person (sacer). His dccision in this respcct howevcr underwent a conlrol - il rcquircd an approval of populus. In my opinion the said approval is sacrorum detestatio, whieb is known soldy duc to Gcllius (Gell.7,12,1; 15,27,3). Disposition regarding the falc of familia in casc of dcath, whieb was in the carlicsl period donc in the form of testamentum calatis comitiis, was also subjeeted to conlrol (Gell. 15,27,3). If the dcceaicd pater familias did not draw up a testament, person who were subordinated dircclly to hit aulhority crcatcd consortium ereto non cito until the p*itrimonium wił dividcd.



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