ape 068
Fic.ukk 40.
Lie down on fluor. Feet to Exerciser. Lift hands straight nver hcatl, touch the fluor and sink to hips. Raise body to sitting posi tion without lifting feet from the fltH.fr. Effect strońg on abdominal inuscles.
Lie down on the floor. He ad to the Exerciscr. Lift hands straight oyer łicad, touch the floor forward and return. Raise body to sitting position without lifting feet from the floor. Action: Strong on abdominal musdes.
1. Lie down on the floor, raise legs up to a vertical, knecs extcnded. Action: Abdominal musclcs.
2. Bring arms up ovcr and down to sidc of thigh. Action:
Front arm. abdomen, and chest.
3. Raise arms about two inches
Ficikk 4>. from the
... . floor, then
swing outward and down to side of thighs. Action: Shoulder. under the arms. sidc, and chest. Use brcathing cxercises.
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