general disorder

general disorder


General Disorder

|5pend hiv dCtion to gw t-10 to any Ortostcr ... but it cannot dcstroy to target, onty Dewstate.

Oneral Disoidor has txvn <iss<»ssin3tec repeat-edly, but he doesn't stay dead. II hc is killed or dctfroyod, hc counts as "dcstroycd'’ only until the end of the curhent tum. If no one bas wn, the General comcs back to lite on any arrow cł his for-nu?r master (i< nonę arę tiv3ilable, he returm to your band). His puppets return toy<x* hand when-te is CkStroyM. Hc kecps M\y Inked PłolS or Cther changes, <jood or bad


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