stoma, cwiczenia, Nowotwory i stany przednowotworowe skóry, Nowotwory i stany przednowotworowe skóry

Nowotwory i stany przednowotworowe skóry

Stany przedrakowe

Actinic (solar) keratosis:

Róg skórny

Skóra barwnikowa i pergaminowata

Przewlekłe uszkodzenie porentgenowskie skóry

Why is skin cancer important?

Skin malignancies: The „Big Three”

Non-melanoma skin cancers (NMSC):

Incidence and Epidemiology

(true incidence diffcult to determine !!!)

NMSC and CM worldwide
Incidence rates (per 100,000)

Risk factors: UVR exposure

(mutations in suppressor genes:p53, PTCH)

severe sunburns (5 or more) in childhood and adolescence

Exposure to UVR (natural or sun beds)
is one of the most important risk factors for NMSCs and CM,
BUT the major one
is skin color (melanin)

Fitzpatric's skin phototypes

Skin Cancer Risk Factors

Immunosuppression & Skin Cancer

Cells of origin:

Basal Cell Carcinoma

BCC: Subtypes

BCC: Nodular type

papule or nodule

BCC: Superficial type

BCC: Morpheaform (Infiltrative) type

BCC: Pigmented variant

Squamous cell carcinoma

Bowen's disease

(keratinocytes atypia

histologically confined

to the epidermis)

Invasive SCC:

Cutaneous Melanoma

Precursors of melanoma:
Lentigo maligna

invasive melanoma within 15-20 years

Precursors of melanoma:
congenital melanocytic nevi

Precursors of melanoma:

common melanocytic nevi:

Acquired melanocytic nevi:
Risk markers or precursors of CM?

Familial Atypical Multiple Mole and Melanoma (FAMMM) Syndrome

in 20-50% of families

Melanoma: Histogenetic classification

Amelanotic Melanoma

Skin Cancer Clinical Diagnosis:
Algorithm of Differentiation

The ABCDE rule
Benign Nevus vs. Melanoma:

Benign Nevus vs. Melanoma:
The ABCDE rule

The ABCDE rule
Benign Nevus vs. Melanoma:

The ABCDE rule
Benign Nevus vs. Melanoma:

The ABCDE rule
Benign Nevus vs. Melanoma:

Benign Nevus vs. Melanoma: Misdiagnosis

Early detection of melanoma: Dermoscopy

Three-point checklist of Dermoscopy
[Consensus Net Meeting on Dermoscopy]


Atypical Pigment Network

Blue-whitish veil

when present at least one of these features

diagnostic excision is highly recommended

Histological evaluation
is a „gold standard”
in diagnosing skin cancers
and in determining appropriate treatment

Treatment options

NMSC treatment: Non-surgical

!!! Should be combined with initial curettage or shave biopsy

to provide a specimen for histological evaluation:

NMSC treatment: Non-surgical

Use of topical agents:

Photodynamic therapy (PDT)

and subsequent irradiation with light

PDT: Mechanism of action

Status of PDT in Skin Cancers: 2007

PDT: Actinic keratosis

(phase III randomized controlled studies)

PDT: Bowen's Disease

PDT: Basal cell carcinoma

PDT in Skin Cancer: Pros & Coins

„On the basis of this evidence,

PDT can be recommended as a

first-line treatment for

AK, BD, and sBCC.

PDT can also be recommended for nBCC lesions”.

5% Imiquimod (Aldara®)

Antitumoral action of Imiquimod

Imiquimod in AK

Imiquimod in AK

Imiquimod in sBCC:

Imiquimod in sBCC:

Imiquimod in BD

Imiquimod in LM - a pilot study

Imiquimod in Skin Cancer:
Pros & Coins

Topical Diclofenac

and AK are associated

with increase PG synthesis

in the skin

Topical Diclofenac in AK

Topical Diclofenac in AK:
Studies review

NMSC and CM: a growing problem

consistently reported)

Skin Cancer: can it be PREVENTED?


should not be used to extend

the duration

of sun-exposure




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