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MACRO Testing

Macro Test or Macro Examination

Faikre Anayss or lnvest>ga!ion

Hydrostatic Testing

Pressure Equpmeni Inspections

NDT NorvOestm:tve Testing NDT FAOS

Resource Centre    Metalkirgical Testng    MACRO Testing

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Macro test

Macro test or macro examiratk>n 6 perlormed on the cross section, longitudina! secton or 7 drectbn {through thickness) as an independent test to evaluate subsurface condrtons or as an scbseguertf step of another test to revoal the etfects on the subsurface

Generalty macro test or examnaton ks performed at less than 10x magnrtication. S*v*raJ 8emfmhod and samptes of fmished products are s^tojected to macro test to reveal interna! dsccntiruties such as mpuities. inckisaDne in rolled products or gran flow m forginjs atter exposure to apprcpnate preparabon and exposuro to Chemicals or heat

i Macro test is ałso performed on the test specmens oxposod to other tests such corroson rtMtance test. passwation. salt spray test. case depth measuement.

Melbourne Victoria NDT & Mechanical Testing Services

Melbourne He ad Office

C Tecnno Por* Ortvc

Vtton* 3010 Ptione *01 3 9399 8143 A

Dandenong —mim 03 Mam Anmony Orve Dardrrorg VC 3173

CnefTUcal Anayss A PMI Tlwd party mpect>on Non Desmjcti*? Testing MDT

Mochamcai Tetfcng Serv<et

The most corrrron test is weld cross section examination to reveal intemel discontinuties. weld profile, weld passes and sequence. ettect of penetrabon and the quaity of weld.

LMATS Meboune and Sydney laboratories performs weld macro examtnatbn to satsfy the requfemerts ol huge fabrcat on mdustry m Auttrafta. LMATS performs macro examir\atton in accordance w?th AS 2205 5. ASME IX QW 183. OW 184. EN 1321. AS 1554. AS 3092. AS 2885.2 and sirwlar national and mterratonaf standards.

Sydney NSW NDT & Mechanical Testing Services

Sydney NSW

1C /137 Sifwwitef Road SlYcrwaSer NSW 2128 Pnono 02 9048 1969

TNrd Party ropcctton

1 of 2

8/8/2013 4:23 P\1


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