cation nationale. 11. 'Roumanie. Decision du 7.9 1950 relative au fonctionnement du Comite des inven et decouvertes et des organes appeles a financer rexperimentation et la recompense des innovateurs. 12. R ment concemant le fonctionnement du Comite des inventions et decouvertes et des organes appeles a fini l‘experiraentation et la recompense des innovateurs.
V * *• . " -w *'
. 2-me PARTIE
€ 4 # # . ^ 9 13. Inventions — delivrance de brevets (du No 34852 au No 34984); changements dans le registre; radia dans le registre. 14. Brevets imprimes. 15. Modeles — enregistrement'des móctóles d‘utilite (du No 963<; No 9644); changements dans le registre; radiations dans le registre. 16. Perfectionnements techniąues — en strement (Nos 530; 660—662; 803—1050). 17. Exposes de perfectionnements techniąues. 18. Projets de i nalisation — enregistrement (du Nr 30001 au No 34001). 19. fcxposes de projets de rationalisation; 20. Ma de fabriąue ou de commerce — enregistrement (du No 35577 au No 35637); renouvellements de marąues; gements dans le registre; reconstruction du registre; radiations dans le registre.' *
Rectifications. . • t '
3-me PARTIE -
/ "
• # • « a %
Revue d‘Inventivitć.
_ % •
.'. • l-st PART
m , . - +* # * :% * * .
Legislation, information: 1. Law of the 29.12 1951 conceming the change of the decree on the
kers* inventiveness. 2. Disposition of the President of the State Commission for Economic^ianni the 15.12 1951 regarding the worker and engineer ratio nalization brigades.- 3. Disposition the sident of the State Commission for Economic Planning of the 17.11 1951 concerning registration of trade-ri for goods to be exported. 4. I n s t r u c t i o n of the Minister of Communal Economy of 5.9. 1951 ot adjustment of the disposition of the President of the State'Commission for Economic Planning of the 7.7: conceming definition of organs proper to receiving and appraising the workers* inventions, technical imp ments and rationalization-projects, and deciding in eon troversies dealing with the amount of the rewarć those inventions, technical improvements and rationalization-projects, conceming also those organs* way of ceeding — to the organization of the units subject to .the Minister of Communal Economy. 5. Instt t i o n of the Minister of .Communal Economy of the 27.10 1951 conceming the way of counting the sa arisiąg from the application of workers* inventions, tech nical iinprovements and rationalization-projects. 6. / s o 1 u t i o nJ of the National Meeting of scientific wor kers, engineers and innovators that took place in; cław on the lst and 2nd of December 195i. 7. Anno*u n'cement'* of the Patent Office of the Rej of Poland on patent classification. 8. Annou.ncement.of the Patent Office of the Republicof.P on classes of goods in application to designs. . . • • • . .
Foreign countries: 9. France. Resolution of the 8.6 1951 conceming formation of the Commissic matters of inventions conceming national defence. 10. Decree No 51—904 of the 10.7 1951 conceming < nisation of the inventive service at the Ministry of National Education. 11. Kumania. Decision of thej ster Council No 943 of the 7.9 1950 conceming the activity of the Comitee for Inventions and Discoverie of organs appointed to financing experiments and to rewarding innovators. 12. Instructions ceming the activity of the Comitee for Inventions and Discoveries and of organs appointed to financing e: ments and to rewarding innovators.
2-nd PART
- 13. Inventions — granting patents (from No 34852 to No 34984); changes in the register; cancelh from the register. 14. Patent specifications. 15. Models — registration of utility -models (from No 96 No 9644); changes in the register; cancellations from the register. 16. Technical improvements — registi (Nos 530; 660—662; 803—1050). 17. Descriptions of technical improvements. 18. Rationalization-projects Ą gistration (from No 30001 to No. 34001). 19. Descriptions of rationalization-projects. 20. Trado-marks — regj tion (from No 35577 to No 35637); renewal of trade marks; changes in the register; restoration of the reg cancellations from.the register. ^
Amendments. **
3-rd PART ‘ 1
Inventional Review.
PRENUMERATA: rocznie zl 60.—, półrocznie zł 30.—.
CENA O-G ŁOSZEN: po tekście oraz na 3 14 str. okładki zł 1,50 od wiersza 1 mm szpalty redakcyjc
' ' • • • KONTO czekowe w P. K. O. nr 1-3577/431* „Urząd Patentowy R.P.*
WYDAWNICTWO URZĘDU PATENTOWE G^O RZECZYPOSPOLITEJ |OLSKf Redakcja i Administracja: Urząd Patentowy R. P., Warszawa, Al. Niepodległości 188, teł. 6-26^7 (wewn.'ł-
^ * t •!