Die Bestiraraung der spannungen in beanspruchten kdrpern mit hilfe polarisierten liehtes, von H• Schulz. Betriebstechnik,

Apr. 10, 19.21, v. 3, no. 14, p. 405-12. diagrs.

Deterraining strcsses by polari 2ed light, by G.W. Hall and A.L. Kimball. Scientific amerlcan monthly, New York, Jan.

1921, v. Z, no. 1, p. 49-o5. illus.

Optical system for determining stress, by A.L. Klmball. General electric review, New York, Jan. 1921, v. 24, no. 1, p. 7381 illus.

Optical determin&tion of stresses in airplane spars, by A.R. Low S.A.E. Journal, New York, Oct. 1920, v. 7, p. 393. diagr. (Aiso Englneering, London, FeL. 21, 1919, v. 107, no. 2773, p. 234)

Effect of circular holes on ćistributicn of stress in tension

members. Machinery, London, Mar. 18, 1920, v. 15, no. 390, p. 790-92. illus.

Photo-elastie and strain nessuroments of thc effects of circular holes on thc ćistribution of stress in tension members, by E. G. Coker, H. C. Chakko and Y. Satako. Englneering, London, Fet. 29, 1220, v. 109, no. 2825, p. 259-04. illus.

Stress optical experiments, by A. R. Low. Flight, London, Mov. £8, Dec. 19, 1218, v. 10, no. 48-51, p. 1255-56; 1272-81; 1409-10; 1435-59. illus* (Also Aeronautieal Journal, London, Nov. 1916, v. 22, no*. 35, p. 341-77)

Photo-elzsticity for engir.eers, by E. G. Coker. Institution of automobile engineers, London, Nov. 1217.    25 p. illus.

Polarizcd light and its application to englneering (abrićged), by E. 0. Coker. Naturę, London, Feb. 24, 1916, v. 96, no. 2417, p. 718-23. illus., table.


Tables of moments and ćeflections for a rectangular piąte fixed on aLl edges and carrying a uniforraly distributed load, by Thomas H. Evans. Transactions of the A.8.M.B. (Journal of applied mechanics), New York, 1939, v. 60, p. A 7-10. diagrs., tables.

Eine Einfachc beziehung zur sbschatzung der gróssten schub-

spa.inurtg in elastischen platten, von H. Olseon. Der Bau-ińgenieur, Berlin, Dec. 9, 1938, v. 19, no. 49-50, p. 679-80. diagrs., tables.


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