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The aim of the thesis was estimation of two thermal treatments: cooking and microwaving on the basie Chemical composition of chosen varieties of onion.
Eight onion bulbs were used as an experimental materiał: 2 brown (Takstar, Petra), two yellow (Efekt, Grabowska), 2 red (Scarler, Wenta) and 2 white (Albion, Alibaba). There were used two kinds of heat treatment: cooking (10 minutes, in 150 ml of water) and microwaving (5 min, power 900 W).
Applied heat treatments have great impact (p<0.05) on the decrease of fat. Microwaved onions had higher amount of nutrients compared with cooked ones.
No significant differences between the content of the analyzed components in the raw materiał in terms of dry weight. Only a tendency to a higher content of vitamin C was determined in brown onion bulbs, but lowest in red one.