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Hamelin (L.-E.) :« Quclques aspeets methodicjues de renseignement de la geographie dans le Que-bcc », Culture. Quebec, vol. 16, 1955, pp. 66 a 89. Koli. (L.) : « I/enseignement de la geographie », Cahiers de geographie de Quebec. Quebec, n° 3, oct. 1957, pp. 111 a 133.
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Wood (H. A.) : The teaching of geography in Canada. Rio de Janeiro, Instituto Pan-amcricano de Geografia e Historia, 1956. 72 pages (Colcęao ensino da geografia, n° 197-IV).
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Trudel (M.) : Atlas historiąue du Canada franęais. Quebec, Les Presses dc l’Universite Laval, 1961. 93 planches.
Watson (J.) : /Ve/son\s canadian school atlas. Toronto, Nelson, 1958. 92 pages.
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I. Hartshorne (R.) : Perspective on the naturę of geography. Washington. Association of American Geographcrs, 1959. 202 pages.
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Hutst (E. M.) : High school social studies per spec-tives. Boston, Houghton, 1962. 344 pages.
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Wagner (P. L.), Mikesell (M. W.) : Readings in cultural geography. Chicago, The University of Chicago Press, 1962. xil-589 pages.
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Chapman (J. D.), Turner (D. B.): British Columbia. Atlas of resources. Vancouver, B. C. Natural Resources Conferences, 1956. vn pages, 48 plan
Kerr (D. G. C.) : A historical atlas of Canada. Toronto, Nelson, 1960. 120 pages, 154 cartes et graphiques.