Les sections prćcćdentes ont ćtć mises k la disposition du lecteur afin que celui-ci soit en mesure de bien comprendre les spćcifications de 1’amplificateur foumies k Opal-RT. Ces spćcifications sont prćsentćes k la Figurę 6.40 et k la Figurę 6.41.
Amplifier per sub module
Y floating
Amplifier type
D-Class, four quadrants
Dissipative unit for absorption modę (braking chopper).
Amplifier switching frequency
200 kHz
Continuous *
Limited by thermal dissipation in the hcatsink. Upgradable with supplcmentary cxtemal braking chopper.
Transient for 0. ls, 10% duty factor ♦
Continuous (0 - 600Hz)
Limited by input powcr supply Acopian Sourccs W100NT230
Transient for 0. ls, 10% duty factor
50V output guaranteed over 0.1 s with a 6600uF extemal capacitor, using W100NT250 sources
Transient for O.ls, 10% duty factor *
65V output guaranteed over 0.1 s with a 6600uF extemal capacitor, usina W100NT250 sourccs
Amplifier Bandwidth with unity output gain and Iow phase shift
Amplifier Bandwidth up to -3dB gain with 150° phase shift
Due to output filter characteristic designed for motor emulation.
Usage of standard Butterworth filter may change that characteristic, keeping in mind the power dissipated in the output resislor (sec also EMI characteristic).
Phase Shift at 400 Hz |
0.3° 0.55° |
1QV,——l sine wavc output. no load (Exp) Sine wave output, 80 load (Theo.) |
Phase Shift at 1 kHz |
0.5° 1.56° |
lOYpe^^o^k sine wave output, no load (Exp.) Sine wave output, 80 load (Theo.) |
* Indicated power is for a three phase operation
Figurę 6.40 Spćcifications de 1’amplificateur (1 de 2).