Coremans, The recouery..., I.c., p. 176. Van den Gheyn, Les tribulations..., o.c., p. 41. et Howe, o.c., p. 244-245 : The famous panels had heen reposing in the Central Collecting Point at Munich sińce we had remoued them from the salt minę at Alt Aussee. A special piane had heen chartered to fly them to Brussels. The Belgian Gouemment had signified approual of air transportation. Direct raił communication betwecn Munich and Brussels had not been resumed, and the highways were not in the best of condition. By truch, U would be a rough two-day trip ; by air, a matter of three hours. .../ went out to the airport to confirm the arrangements for the C.-54. It was ordy a fifteen-minute drive from the Konigsplatz to the field. / was also to check on the condition of the streets : they were in good shape all the way. The piane was to take off at noon. Lamont, Steve and 1 superuised the loading of the ten precious cases. We led off in a jeep. The tmck followed with the panels. Four of the ciuilian packers went along to load the cases into the piane. Captain Posey was to escort the altarpiece to Brussels. When we got to the airport we learned that the piane had not arriued. I here would be a two hour delay. At the end of the Iwo hours, we were informed that there was bad weather South of Brussels. All flights had been canceled for the day. We droue bach to the Collecting Point at the Konigsplatz and had just finished unloading the panels when a message came from the field. The weather had cleared. The piane would be taking off in half an hour... The cases were reloaded and we were on our way to the field in fifteen minutes. The truck was driuen onto the field where the big C.-54 stood waiting. In another ąuarter of an hour the panels were aboard and lashed securely to metal supports in the forepart of the passenger compartment... The piane reached Brussels without mishap...
Ministerb Instruction pubuque. Dossiers Beaux-Arls ; Coremans ct Janssens de Bisthoyen. o.c., p. 21.
Coremans et Janssens de Bisthoyen. o.c., p. 22.
Van Hyck-dagen 1945, Handelingen der Maatschappij van Geschiedenis en Oudheidkunde te Gent, Nieuwc reclts, 1945. II. 2. p. 16.
Van den Gheyn, Ł/Ągneau Mystigue, trois faits..., I.c., p. 15. Coremans, /he recouery..., I.c., p. 178. Coremans et Janssens de Bisthoyen, o.c., p. 22.
Catalogue : Vcm Jan uan Eych tot Rubens, n° 29.
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Documentation A.C.L.. Bruxclles.