Scientific Physics (Contd)

Scientific Phystcs (Contd)

Instltut Atoa>oy Kurchatova, 1966, pp 1-11.

RUSSIAN, ipt, ■ova,


Work on Higb-Power Rigb-Frequsncy Generator lnto Hlaaina Load, by N. A. Borzunoy, S. M. Oeovete,

11 PP

NumericAl Solution of Scsne Speclflc Probiera ln Radiant Ueat Sxchange by a New Method for Calculating Lccalized Radlatlon Characteristtca, by Yu. A. Surlnov & 0. P. luk*yanenko.

RUSSIAN, per, Izvegćlya. AK S3SR. Enerr.etlka_Ą transport,, No 3, 1967» PP 121-136. •FTI>-OT-2>221-68C

Kagnetic Chann3l, by A, L, Rezbatchenko &

£• I. Sadovskiy.

RUSSIAN, per, Instltut Atomnoy Enerpjl In, I, V Kurchatova. foskva, SSSR (IA2-1Ó99). 1966.

PP 1-15.



Increase ln Thrust by Flow Rotation, by I. U. 13aumova & Yu, D, Shnyglevskiy, RUSSIAN, per, Izyestlya AN SSSR. Mekhanika zhldkosti 1 gaza. No 1, 19^7, PP >*-37.



High-Speed Slectrodynanrio Ribbon Valve for Peripberal Acbdssion of Gas, by N. V, Filippor & L, G, Golu'Dchikov,

RUSSIAN, per, Instltut Atoranoy Energii Ir., I, V, Kurchatova. *,csi:va SSSR. 1966. rp 1-i1;.

? 1009^568-7 FTI>-Kf-2’l-87-^7

PowerfUi Sourcea of High-Voltage Faed of In-Jectora and Ouestiona of Voltege SUblliaatlon, by R. P. VaeHryev, 0. N. Kachalov, 24 pp. RUSSIAN, rpt, Inetltut Atcamoy Energii la I. BKurchatoya, 1S46, pp 1-24.    PiaX48768-V


A Method for Coopleoc Siaulatlon of Nonatatlonary Masa and Hast Transfer Proceasea, by N, A. Frldlender, 10 pp.

RUSSIAN, per, Inchanento-Fialoheekly Zhuraal.

Vol 9. No 5. 1965. PP 577-5: . iOOOOt^68-V FTG-KT-67-164

Steady Move*ent of Craoka at Straight-Une Joint Betvesn Two SLaetio Materiale, by R. V. Ool‘dahttyn, 19 PP.

RUSSIAN, per, Inahenernyr    ,

5. W. w 9J-1&. tdm70S8.V

ijydrodynsmics of Ianlnar Hm/ of a Thin Liouid I-lin Over an Inclined Cylinder, by K# I, Brtyrńn & V, N, Unetakly.

RUSSIAN, per, ltvestiya An SSSR, Enerpetlkr A transport, Vo 3» 196?» PP 115-120. •KT&-*r-2>221-68C

Flo*» of Radiating Ifydrogen in Axially Syrcnetrical I/ozzles, by V. V, Aleksandroy.

RUSSIAN, per, Izv, Akad, Nauk SSSR, Zhld, Gaza,

No 4, 1967, pp~19-2S.    P9110833^-V


CR tha Problen of Radiation-Generated Deetruotioo Cryrtala, by S. V. Starodubtaev.

ROSSIAN, per, AM PtSSR, Isveetiva. SerUa Filikg-rtste«,Nąuk, No 2, 1963, PP 41-^3. •FTD-KT-^3-193-68

Sono Kiodels of Radiation Darage in Non-Conducting Crystals, by A. Ye. Kiv & S. V, Starodubtsev. oitecTAi!    LU UZSSR. S6i“iva Fiziko* fater^tlcheaklkh lUuk, ♦tTD-HT-2 V222-^>£

Experimental Study of the Effect of the Therrco-dynanic Pr oper tle s of a Fluid on Cavitation Phenonena, by N, S. Yerahov.

RUSSIAN, par, Ir/eatlya Vyashlkh Uchebnykh Zayedenly, Aylatgiennaya Teklinlką, Vol 9. ‘<0 21966, pp 130-1361 NASA TT F-10,913 )<*paot Maohine for Produoing Thin-Fila >y H. V, Belous,

(UBSIAN, per,

dglll hllfr- N°    PP


Hm>Rate ano Pressure Coefflcients on the Surfaoe of a Conical Flow at typarconic Velocities, by A, M* Ifrhitaryan A Ii, P, Ovsyannikov,

RUSSIAN, per, VUZ. Izy,, Avlatalonnaya Tekh,,

Vol 10, No 1, 1967, «p 125-127.

Dcpt of ;Jf/y/APL/J!W tg 230-T541


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