II III year lab2 3 liquid drugs Rp

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• Contain drug/drugs dissolved in water or


– for internal and external use
– for injections

• Bottles containing 100-200 g of liquid
• The single therapeutic dose is 1-20 ml

• Containing insoluble substances =


• Always shake before use

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SoIutiones ad usum externum

Water-based solution

Acidum boricum 2%


Acidi borici 2% sol. 100,0

S. Use externally to clean the skin around

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Alcohol-based solution:

Acidum salicylicum 2%

Rezorcinolum 2%


Acidi salicylici

Rezorcinoli aa 1.0

Ethanoli 70°

ad 50.0

M.f. solutio

S. Use externally for disinfection

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3% Hydrogenium peroxydum dilutum


Hydrogenii peroxydi diluti 100,0

S. Use externaly to clean the


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Glycerol-based solution for brushing the
oral mucose:

Iodum purum 1%

Kalium iodidum 10%


Iodi puri


Kalii iodidi


Menthae pip. Olei gtts. IV

Glyceroli ad


M. f. solutio

S. Apply locally, on infected areas
of oral cavity

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Solutions for internal use

May contain additives correcting

-Sirupus simplex


-Tincturae auranthii

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Solutions, drops etc.


For example:
Content of drug in solution- 20 mg/1ml
Dosing - 4 mg/kg b.m. daily in 2 doses; child 15 kg

daily dose = 15 · 4 = 60 mg

20 mg - in 1 ml
60 mg - in x ml
60 mg · 1ml

X = --------------------- = 3 ml

20 mg

Daily dose = 3 ml

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Bromhexine for an 8 y.o. child –

indicate how many ml should be taken

Bromhexin Apofri 0,8 mg/ml och 1,6mg/ml oral lösning
Bromhexin Apofri tilhandahålls i förpackningarna 125 ml, 200 ml och
250 ml.

- Vanlig dos för vuxna och barn över 12 år: 8 mg 3 gånger
- Vanlig dos för barn 6-12 år: 2-4 mg 3 gånger dagligen.

-Vanlig dos för barn 1-5 år: 2 mg 3 gånger dagligen.


Bromhexin Apofri


bottle a 125 ml
Lag No 1
S. Give …. ml 3x daily.

1 ml – 0.8 mg
X ml – 2 mg

2 mg · 1 ml

X= -------------------------- = 2.5 ml

0.8 mg

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Rp. Loratadine for a 4 y.o. child 18

kg b.m.

Available: Claritine tabl. á 10 mg, sirup 10 mg/1ml;


2-12 y.o. ≤30 kg : 5 mg/kg/day; 1-2 doses
>30 kg : 10 mg/kg/day;1-2 doses
>12 y.o. – 10 mg/kg/day; 1 dose


Claritine 0.01/1 ml
Lag. No. 1
S. 4.5 ml every 12 hours

5mg/kg·18 kg=90 mg/day
10 mg – 1ml
90 mg- 9 ml

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• Water 1 ml = 1 g= 20 drops
• Alcohol 1ml =50 drops
• Liquid form of drugs containing the

dose in the small amount of solution

• Bottle usually contains 5-20 ml of


• Dosage: usually 5-30 drops

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For example:
Content of drug in oral drops - 10 mg/1ml
Dosing - 2 mg/kg b.m. daily in 2 doses; child 15 kg

daily dose = 15 · 2 = 30 mg

10 mg - in 1 ml
30 mg - in x ml

30 mg · 1ml

X = --------------------- = 3 ml

10 mg

Daily dose = 3 ml = 3 · 20 drops = 60 drops
The single dose = 60:2 = 30 drops

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1. for a 4 y.o. child in drops
2. for a 10 y.o. child – 38 kg body mass

Oral drops 10 mg/ml; Oral solution 1 mg/ml;

Tablets 10mg

Adults and >12 y.o. 10 mg 1x/day
Children 6-12 y.o.:
>30 kg body mass 10 mg/day in 1 or 2


<30 kg body mass 5 mg/day in 1 dose
Children 2-6 y.o. 5 mg/day in 2 doses

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• Devikap – drops 15 000 IU/ml
• Dosage : 600-1000 IU/day

15 000 U – 1 ml – 30 drops
1500 U - 3 drops
500 -1 drop

Devikap 15 000 IU/ml
oral drops
D.t.d. No 1
S: 2 drops per day

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Prescribe haloperidol, single therapeutic
dose 0.5 mg,
2 x daily.
Available Haloperidol 2mg/ml (0.2%).

2mg (in 1ml )

- 20 drops

0.5 mg

– x drops

X= (20 ·0.5 ): 2 = 5 drops


Haloperidol 0.0020/ml

- drops
Lag No 1 a 10 ml (one bottle)
S. Orally 2 x daily 5 drops.

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• Contain saccharose
• Concentration of saccharose is very


• When it is lower than 65% the syrup

is unstable

• added to liquid drugs to improve

their taste

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Rp. Paracetamol for a 4 y.o. child, b.m.
22 kg,
dose: 10-15 mg/kg single dose, NOT
more often than 5 doses a day; minimal
interval 4 hrs

Available: Panadol tabl. 500 mg; sirup

120, 240, 500 mg/5 ml; supp. 80,
120, 240 mg



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Clarithromycin in susp.; for
a child 8 kg;
Dosing - 7.5 mg/kg/day in 2
equal doses.
Available – Klacid,
granulate for suspension;
125mg/5ml or 250 mg/5ml;
bottle 60 ml.


1) ready to use
2) as granulate to

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7,5mg/kg/day· 8kg = 60 mg/day

i.e. 30 mg single dose


5 ml

30 –

x ml

5 ml · 30

150 ml

X = ----------- = ------------ = 1,2 ml






for suspension
Lag. No 1 a 60ml
S. Fill up the bottle with boiled, cooled down water,
shake properly. Give to the child 1.2 ml every 12 hours
for 7 days.

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drag. 200, 400 mg;
supp. 60, 125 mg;
sirup 20 mg/ ml, 40 mg/ml;
Adults: 200-400 mg dose;
up to 1200 mg/day;
Children: 3 months -12 y.o.
20-30 mg/kg/day; in 3-4

Homework – Rp.
Ibuprofen for a 5 y.o.
child, 25 kg

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Tablets 250; 375; 500; 750;

1000 mg

Powder for suspension: 25

mg/1ml; 50 mg/ml; 100
mg/ml (bottle á 60 ml)

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• For adult with UTI; 750 mg /day in 3 equal

doses (EVERY 8 HOURS!!!)

• For adult with Helicobacter pylori infection

– 1000 mg 2x/day (EVERY 12 hours!) for 14


• For adult with gonorrhoea 3g – single dose

• Children

<20 kg – 20-40 mg/kg /d in 3 doses
> 20 kg – 750 mg/d in 3 doses

• in otitis media – 90 mg/kg/d in 2 equal

doses; 5 days

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Amoxicillin, 3 y.o. child, 18 kg b.m., bronchitis

Powder for suspension 25 mg/1ml; 50 mg/ml; 100 mg/ml (bottle

á 60 ml)

Dosage: 30 mg/kg/day in 3 doses (every 8 hrs)- for 7 days
i.e. 540 mg/day – 180 mg every 8 hours
50 mg – 1 ml
180 mg – x ml
X= 3.6 ml



for susp.
Lag.No 1 a 60 ml
S. Fill up the bottle with boiled, cooled down water, shake
properly. Give to the child 3.6 ml every 8 hours

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Solutions for injections – in amp.

Prescribe 2% sol. Lignocainum hydrochloricum in amp. 2ml.
Use for infiltrational anesthesia, in 0,75% concentration.
Dilute with aqua pro iniectionae.

Concentration C1>C2



0.75 (C3 - C2)



0% (H20)

1.25(C1 - C3)

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2% Sol. Lignocaini hydrochlorici

in amp. a’ 2ml

D. t. d. No 10
Aqua pro injectionae
in amp. a 5 ml
D.t.d. No 10
S. Take 0,75ml of drug from amp., mix with


ml of water, use for infiltrational


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 Prescribe Lignocainum hydrochloricum in amp.
40mg/2ml. Use as 0,5% solution.

40 mg – 2 ml
X mg

- 100 ml


40 mg · 100 ml

X = --------------------- = 2000 mg = 2.0 g

2 ml

i.e. 2g w 100 ml - 2% roztwór


Lignocaini hydrochlorici 0,04
in amp. a`2ml
D.t.d. No 1


Aqua pro injectionae
in amp. a 5 ml
D.t.d. No 1
S. Take 0.5 ml of 2% sol. f Lignocaini, mix with 1.5

of water and

use for

local anesthesia.

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• Diclofenac 25 mg/1ml

ampoules a 3 ml
In 1 ampule – 3 ml · 25mg=75 mg

• Dosage: 75 mg every day i.m. for 10



Diclofenac 0.025/1ml
in amp. a 3 ml
D.t.d. No 10

S: once a day inject content of 1



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Prescribe morphine, 30 amp.; dose 20mg,
volume of amp. 1ml.

Rp. (N)
Morphini sulfas 0,020
in amp. á 1ml
D. t. d. No 30 (thirty)
S. Inject content of 1 amp. i.m. in case of
D. Thirty amp. containing twenty mg of
morphine each; total six hundred miligrams
of morphine.

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Dexamethasone (Dexaven); 4 mg / 1

ml; amp. a 1 and 2 ml; 8 mg i.m.
every morning

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- amp. 1mg/1ml
- Epipen Jr (0.15 mg/autoinjector - syringe)
- Epipen Senior (0.3 mg/autoinjector -


Dose – in anaphylactic shock
Adults and children >30 kg

- 0.3 mg i.m.

Children < 30 kg - 0.15 mg i.m.

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Prescribe Ampicillin in vials a 500mg (20 vials).
Use physiological saline as solvent, dose 500 mg
every 12 hrs, i.m.

Ampicillin 0, 5
in violis
D. t. d. No 20


Natrii chlorati 0,9%
in amp. a’ 5ml
D. t. d. No 20
S. Content of 1 ampicillin vial mix with 3 ml of
solvent. Give i.m. every 12 hours.

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• Vials a 100 mg
• Powder !!! Dissolve!
• Water for injection

• 200 mg – single dose

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• Rp.

Hydrocortisone 0.1
in vials
D.t.d. No 2
Water for injection
in amp. a 5 ml
D.t.d. No 2
S: Dissolve content of 2 amp. of
hydrocortisone in 5 ml of water for injection
and inject i.v.

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• Adult 2,25 g/day in 3 doses i.v. or i.m.

• Children 50 mg/kg/day in 3-4 doses

(child 27 kg body mass)

• 10 days of treatment

• Vials a 500, 750 and 1500 mg of

cefuroxime (powder for injection)

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• Adult
2,25 g =2250 mg
2250:3=750 mg
30 vials
• Child 27 kg
50 mg/kg needed 27*50=1350mg/day
1350:3=450 mg (vials a 500 mg!)

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Infusion pump

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1 ml =

20 drops

250 ml =

x drops

X=5000 drops

2 hr =


5000 drops – 120 min
X drops - 1 min

5000 drops· 1min 500drops

X = ----------------------- = ------------- = 41.66 ~ 42

120min 12

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INFUDIBILIA (infusions)


D.t. 1 mg (e.g. in bradycardia – until
symptoms decline; infusion 10 µg/min;

Calculate how many drops should be given
per min?

1 mg - 1000 μg
250 ml - 5000 drops

1000 µg - 5000 drops
10 μg - 50 drops/min

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INFUDIBILIA (infusions)


Isuprel 0.001

in amp. a 5 mI

D.t.d. No1


0.9% Natrii chloridi

In bottle a 250 ml

D.t.d. No 1

S. Infuse with the speed of 50 drops/min, until
bradycardia recedes .

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Patient 100 kg b.m.; dose 3µg/kg/min
• Infusion in 500 ml of 5% glucose for

2 hrs

Available : 1% and 4% sol. - Dopamin

10mg/ml and 40mg/ml amp. a 5 ml
i.e. 50 mg and 200 mg/5ml

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100 kg · 3µg/kg/min= 300µg/min

300 µg

- 1 min

X µg - 120 min

0.3 mg · 120 min

X= ---------------------- = 36 mg

1 min

50 mg – 5 ml
36 mg - x ml
X= (5·36):50= 3.6 ml
3.6 ml of Dopamin from amp. into 500 ml

500 ml – 120 min
250 ml – 60 min

X ml – 1 min

X = 250:60 = ~ 4.1 ml = 82 drops/min

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in vial a 5 ml
D.t.d. No 1
5% Sol. of Glucose
in bottle a 500 ml
D.t.d.No 1
S. Take 3.6 ml from dopamin vial and

add to the bottle with glucose. Infuse

with the

speed of 82 drops/min.

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Drops for external use

- indicated concentration in %

• Gentamycin -0,3% sol.; bottle a 5ml

• Rp.

Gentamicin 0,3% sol.
eye drops
Lag No 1
S: 1 drop into the left eye every 6

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When more than 1 active


- do not give concentration

Dexamytrex - eye drops; 1 g contains:

0,3 mg dexamethason, 5 mg



eye drops
Lag. No 1
S. 2x daily one drop into each eye.

Document Outline


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