angielski opracowane tematy na ustny (2)

l. What are the threats for the natural environment? What can an individual do to protect it?

Cleaning up the world's environment is one of the major problems facing a1l the people in our planet. For many decades this problem has been neglected by many countries and the result is that is it more and more difficult to find any unpolluted place on Earth.

One of the most important problems is our pollution. Air is contaminated mainly by exhaust gases emitted into the atmosphere. Because of global warming and ozone layer there is a danger that many places on the planet may be flooded while other will suffer from droughts. Numerous species of animals and plants will become extinct. Instead there may be ideal conditions for bacteria. Polluted air will also be responsible for pregnant births of retarded children.

The next problem is water pollution. Some factories contaminate rivers or seas so heavily that many countries, for example China, do not have enough safe drinking water. What is more in some parts of the world for example in Peru people are at the mercy of contractors who sell water for money.

Because of tanker leaks as oil soi1ls make the water in many regions unfit for any use.

Whatever the consequences for people the pollution of water has an even greater effect on other living things. Fish birds and other creatures are poisoned and ecosystems are disrupted. The nest problem is too much litter on the streets. Because of that there are many new diseases.

I think that we have to do something to protect the natural environment. We can give financial support to poorer countries. Plant more trees or protect jungles and forests. We should create more protected national parks and introduce harsher punishments to close down illegal hunting. We can use bicycles instead of cars and educate the public about the importance of recycling to reduce air po1lution. We have to limit use of chemicals in industry and fine factories which pollute seas or rivers.

The decrease the risk of self-destination it seems necessary to take some forceful steps to dean up the world's environment or otherwise man has little chance to survive.

2. Discuss the role of television the contemporary world. Do you think that internet will replace TV in the future?

I am going to talk about the role of television the contemporary world. The twentieth century has made television a very popular form of entertainment. Nowadays no one can imagine life without this useful invention.

Television plays a large role in our life. First of all it's the most important source of information about what is happening in every corner of the world. It informs us about wars, political or cultural events accidents and crimes.

Moreover, television provides entertainment of every kind. We can listen to good music, watch interesting films, cartoons, sport or scientific programs.

TV increases our knowledge about the world, people, their culture and traditions. It offers us different courses, for example an English course cooking and gardening.

Watching television is a comfortable and cheap form of spending our time. Because, whenever we are tired, we can sit down on a sofa turn on the set find our favourite program and re1ax.

Unfortunate1v, television has a negative impact on us. A typical person spends about four hours daily in front of a TV set. Instead of going out to the park, wood, we prefer have eyes glued to the TV.

Moreover, informations in television may be subjective. Television may lie and finally we don't know the truth. Additionally public TV says different things than private TV.

Nowadays, there is much violence on television. It has a very impact on children.

They watching stupid and often brutal cartoons. They spend a whole day sitting in front of a screen. Sometimes children can't distinguish fiction from reality.

In my summary I would like to add that nowadays TV is indispensable. Watching television can give us many positives things but it can be also dangerous. It all depend on us, what a role plays TV in our life.

Now, I would like to go to the second question, it's about internet. Internet is a new thing but it will be still progress.

Internet has many applications. For example, quick access to different kind of information. If we go to a holidays, we will check where is the accommodation, what we can sightseeing. In internet we can have a bank account, we can buy different things or send an e­mail. If we are bored. we will play by network in our favourite games or talk on a chat with our friends.

Unfortunately internet is still very expensive. Watching television is cheaper than internet. Thanks to it, television will be the major source of entertainment and information for a long time.

At the conclusion I would like to add, that internet has many advantages and disadvantages. But we needn't give up this simplification of our life.

I think, that internet won't replace television in the future, because we will use them each other.

3. Europe is getting united. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this phenomenon.

Why are some people enthusiastic and some skeptical?


The EU is democratic family; committed countries are trying to work together. The institution

was established, because people after Second World War were afraid that

some big evil tike this can happened again. The purpose is to protect Europe and their

citizens. With such an organization the Europe can compete with other major populations. When countries are willing to cooperation the continents still rising in the power in every branch. Getting united can cause the increase the economic growth, the most important factor in economy. the future can become easier. No individual Europe country is strong enough to go it alone in world trade. The EU cooperates with NATO in order to protect military and strategies interests developing European Security and Defense Policy (ESDP). Fight with terrorism and organized crime, mean that polices of all countries has to work closely together. Economic foundations: single market (the reason is the need of operate on bigger market. it helps to find a new costumers), the same currency. Open borders for members of EU. When citizens become victims of cataclysms, floods, fires.. they can get financial support from the budget of EU and other countries, which are able to help.

Skeptical people:

In Europe every country has own culture, language, tradition, some people are afraid

that uniting of continent can mixed them all together, that they can loose identify. But they who are against this argument say that, the citizens should care about their own customs etc. so this is impossible to forgot about them.

Some people think that the price in less developed country can increase, that students will be educated in Poland, for Polish money, in order to take the next step and work out of borders, for bigger money.


The EU helped this country which was communist to adjust to new way of life, sometimes by gave them financial support.


Things like safety and security can never be taken for granted. Every step in diplomatic brings new opportunity, but also risk Countries can become enemies, very easily. It's always probability that process of united Europe can end quickly, because of big differences between nations, like in point of view. For example support for operation U.S.A in Iraq, terrorism.

4. Crime is a growing problem in many countries. What are the most common kinds of crime?

Discuss the main causes and suggest what could be done to reduce high crime rate.

At present one of the biggest problem we are facing in rising crime. Many people just don't feel safe, especially in big cities and after dark, although many crimes are committed in broad daylight. Mass-media keep informing us about different kinds of crimes which are committed everyday. All kinds of crime can be divided into two main categories: serious crimes, such as murders, burglaries, frauds or rapes and so-called petty crimes, such as shop­lifting or pick pocketing. There are some reasons why people break a law. It is believed that some criminals come from pathological families in which they often have grown up in extreme poverty and have been forced to steal or beg to have something to· eat. Another reason is unemployment. In such a situation some people start committing petty crimes just to survive.

Surprisingly, quite a large number of delinquents come from rich and respectable families. Sometimes boredom at home makes young people try out some forbidden but exciting experience.

If we want to reduce high crime rate, many different measures should be taken. First of all the law should be more severe. I think that quite often Polish judges are too lenient, especially in case of rapes and harassment of children. Besides, criminals shouldn't be pardoned as often as they are now. Quite often they commit crimes again just after leaving prisons. I think that a death sentence should be re-introduced for some kinds of crimes, such as murders.

I also think that the number of police force should be increased and they should be better equipped as they are now.

5. Most countries have abolished capital punishment. What are the arguments for and against it? What forms of punishment can replace prison sentences?

Capital punishment is a major penalty which is lawful inf1iction of death (killing people). This punishment is applied whenever awful crimes are being commit.

There are several ways to inf1ict the death penalty e.g. lethal injection, electric chair, firing squad and hanging.

In America, Asia( e.g. China, North Korea, Singapore, Thailand) and the Middle East (except Israel) most countries still retain the death penalty for certain crimes and impose it with varying frequency. In USA situation is a bit different because different states have different law. Some of states retain death penalty but some abolished it. One of the states which are still retain capital punishment is Texas. Between 1980- 2000 in Texas were executed 254 men and 2 women. In Europe almost all governments· abolished death penalty and replaced it by life imprisonment. But rising crime rate causes that they· consider restoration of death penalty.

What are arguments for death penalty?

l. The major argument is incapacitation of the criminal. It is obvious that capital punishment permanent1y removes' the worst criminals from our society. This make our environment safer. The dead criminal can't escape from prison and most important- he can't commit any further crimes.

2. Next argument which is mentioned by pro capital punishment campaigners are costs.

For all time when inmate is in prison government must pay money for him- money from our taxes. There are many more valid purposes to spend our money e.g. education, developing industry etc.

3. Retribution/revenge is next reason for restore or retain death penalty. Many of us want that the murderer suffer in proportion to offences that he made. Many of us takes principal "an eye for an .eye" in favor of death sentence.

4. Deterrence.

Some people says that death penalty deter potential offenders. Some of them make studies on criminals. Supporting this studies we could see a relation between crime rate and retaining or restoring capital punishment. Restoring death penalty makes that crime rate is going down.

Arguments anti-death penalty campaigners ..

1. Blindness of justice. Sometimes convicting somebody we can't be for 100% sure that we convicting right person. Let we imagine that we put to death someone who is innocent? We can't bring back his life.

2. Redemption of blames. Very often many criminals which are in prison realized that they were wrong. They want give something back to society. They want redeem themselves. Death penalty take away this chance.

3. Religion is last but not least. Our Christian forbidden us to kill anybody. Only God can give life and only him can take back life. We are not allowed to kill. We have to forgive even when it is hard to do.

6. What personal qualities make a good boss, colleague and employee?

If we want to achieve success and to be good at anything we must have some specific qualities.

We should have some general qualities which are required in any kind of job are: competence, honesty and hard working.

For being a good boss some qualities are necessary. We should be decisive, in other words we have to be able to make quick decisions. We must have the ability to take risks but only when it is necessary. A boss should be able to being a leader so he has to have the ability to make his staff follow him.

In my opinion good colleague should be ready to help because we never know when we will need his help. Good colleague has to be sociable and friendly because then he will be on friendly terms with other co-workers. He has to do always his share because in other way we can't trust him. A good colleague should have sense of humor because it make our contacts easier. And he has to be prepared to work in groups.

A good employee should have some interpersonal skills like a good boss. He should be able to communicate with other people. He has to be prepared to work 50 to 60 hours a week sometimes. He should be competent, know one's job perfectly. He has to be efficient: do things quickly, don't leave tasks unfinished. And he should have positive attitude to other people. Very important is also listening orders before acting.

7. Why are mobile phones gaining in popularity? Row are they changing our life? What are the recent technological developments in this area?

Many people especially young people have mobile phones, because it ·is very useful invention. Many people use the phones to contact with their friends and family, if they re going to be late or where they are. Others use the phone to stay in touch with friends or to discuss homework during the week.

The phones are very fashionable. Young people compare different types, ringing tones and programs. Thanks to mobile phones we can calls and send text messages or even photo. Mobile phones link us with the internet so we can receive many information. What is more, thanks to mobile phones we can paying for bus ticket or getting information about what is at our cinema and paying for the tickets.

Owning a mobile phone isn't a sing of how much money we have but it is a means of keeping in touch, because people out alone feel safer if they can reach family and friends quickly

8. Many people are fascinated with the idea of working abroad. What problems will they probably have to face?

Since we are a member of European Union more and more people are going to work abroad. In same countries like United Kingdom we can work legally. But the most people work illegally. The Polish go out to Germany, United Kingdom or Denmark. Sometimes people find announcement in newspaper, they make an appointment, pay same money and then their employer disappear. Sometimes they get to country but there is no work for them.

Sometimes we don't know our employers and we don't know how they will treat us.

We can live in horrible conditions or we can be humiliated. Sometimes people go to work abroad but they don't know language so they can't communicate with other people. They can't go shopping or tale a room in a hotel.

When we want to go abroad we should' find address our embassy because when we have some problem we can call them.

When we work somewhere illegally we can be deceived and don't get money for our work.

Even when we buy up health-giving insurance we have o pay when something happen

In same countries people don't want to employ workers from other countries so we can earn less money than workers from country in which we will be working. We have to remember that we can earn more money than in Poland but our life there will be more expensive than in Poland so before a trip we have there same meals or we have to find a hotel and restaurant.

9. Compare various means of transport.

People since their birth have been forced to move. In the course 01' time, the way to school, university or other institution is becoming longer and longer and sometimes it is impossible to go on foot.

We live faster and faster and we can't waste time on slow traveling, so we take advantage 01' various means of transport. Nowadays planets, ships, trains, buses and cars help us to easily reach our destinations.

One of the most popular means 01' transport in Poland is a car. We use it both in work and for fun whenever we have to cover a long distance. The car is comfortable and quite fast but sometimes it causes trouble, for example driving a car across big cities in rush trans is difficult.

Nowadays having a car is necessary and life without it or alternative means of transport wouldn't be possible. However, for the sake of high operating costs such as high price 01' fuel and insurance, people look for other cheaper means of transport.

Moreover, high number of cars pollute air environment, so busses and trams have become the most popular means of transport in the cities. They are cheap and quite comfortable. In the city moving by train is sometimes faster than by car because of crowded streets,

If more people used public transport, we would avoid traffic congestions and the air would cleaner.

Others means of transport, very popular in Poland is a train. Many people living in the suburbs use community trains to get to work every day. Trains are the most economical for them, because they have to cover long distances per a day. Also when we go on holiday or on business trip we take a fast train, because it offers us larger space and higher comfort than a car or bus. Modem trains have become faster, safety and more comfortable thanks to better tracks and innovate technologies such as tilting carriages. The fastest and the most comfortable mean of transport is the plane. Choosing the plane we save ... which would be lost If we choose a bus or a car. Bow ever the plane is the most expensive kind of transport.

10. What is the point of learning?

In my opinion learning means gaining knowledge. All the people have been learning for all life. Even when we are babies we are learning how to eat, talk or move. As children we are watching our parents and other children and we are learning something for them. I think that the point of learning can be different for every men. For somebody it can be widening knowledge for someone else to can manage in difficult situations or someone can do it only for fun. I think that the older we are the more things we want to learn. That is why mature people have so many interests. They are learning foreign languages, using computer or skiing. But also young people like to learn. But very rarely they like to learn at school. I think that not before when we choose degree subject our learning has meaning because we are motivated by our interests. And at high school we have to learn everything.

But if somebody is about 15-20 years old it is the best time to learning because when we really become interested in something we can commit it with our work. For example when we decided to go for scuba diving lessons and we will like gives us satisfaction for our all life.

I think that one of the reason why we are learning is thinking about all, the parents want to answer on questions their child because they want to prepare their children to adult life. We are learning because we are thinking about our future and we Wlll1t to have a good job. Learning can teach us tolerance and respect for other people.

  1. Why do people practice sports? What kinds of sport are most popular? Would you make any sport illegal?

I think that sport is very important part of life for many people. More and more people take care of their health so they practice sport.

There are many reasons why people practice sport. First1y they do it for health. When we hear from a doctor that our health conditions are very bad we try to change our lifestyle for healthier so we eat healthy food, practice sport and stop with our addictions.

Secondly we practice sport because we want to have nicer outline. Specially after winter we do some sport because we want to look better in summer. We take care of our out1ine because sometimes it is necessary in work and thanks to it we feel better. Sometimes people practice sport for money. If we do it professionally it is our livelihood. People sometimes practice sport for relaxation. When we have much free-time we can use it to take care of our outline. Practice sport can be a way for spending time with friends. Specially men often play football or basketball. When we are on holiday with friends we can do some exercises for example diving or climbing. Thanks to it we can see new places. Some people practice sport because they want to check their possibilities. They want to prove them or someone else that they can do it.

I think that the most popular kinds of sports is football or cycling. In Poland there are more and more playing fields and sports complex. Very popular kind of sport is also swimming, running. Some kinds of sports are popular because we don't have to pay for them, for example climbing or running.

I wouldn't do any sport illegal because I think that when something is illegal more people begin to interest it. And in my opinion there aren't any so dangerous that we have to make illegal.

12. What is the role of the press in the contemporary world?

In the contemporary world press have a lot of roles. In my opinion the first and the most important function of the contemporary press is informative function. We are living in the times of globalization, and there is a lot of event all over the world, which have an influence on our life. For example the situation on the Middle East have an influence on price of petrol and oil based products.

Political relations between country influence on economy of this country, and they can destabilize currency.

All these daily news we can find in newspaper. In daily newspaper we also can find information concerning scores of games for example football, basketball, tennis, and we can find information about cultural events in our city. In daily newspaper we can find also weather forecast.

Another function of press is providing entertainment. Almost in every newspaper, weekly and monthly, we can find crosswords, feature articles and gossips concerning well­-known persons for example actors, actresses, singers and politicians.

Next function of contemporary press is giving advices. Monthly newspapers are usually thematic magazine including information and advices concerning specific topic. For example "Row to build a house", "Row to furnish your flat" etc.

I must mention popular science press. In such periodical or magazine we can find a lot of interesting information concerning our hobbies or our work. So such press can help us in our work or to develop our hobbies. In the contemporary world there is a lot of sources of information for example television, radio and internet, but r think that the press is the most

. popular source of information. The newspaper have a lot of advantages. We can have the most recent information without using any electrical device. We can take the newspaper everywhere for example to train, to plane or we are waiting in queue to physician or to dean's office. In my opinion the newspaper is still the basic source of information for many people, because it is easy to get and is cheap.

  1. Do men and women have equal rights in Poland and in other countries? Do they have the same job opportunities?

The question of the equality of men and women in public and family life has never been seriously debated in Poland. Consciousness of discrimination and employee rights is very low among women but women' s consciousness of their liberties has grown. Women are increasingly able to identify the instances and comprehend the nature of discriminatory practice.

In Scandinavia countries culture and equal rights are on the highest level. Women's rights aren't observed in some countries as much as expected. In some societies, religion and tradition can be used as a barrier for equal rights. For example, the Bangladesh government tried to hide behind laws to deny women equal rights. In Pakistan honor killings directed at women have been done for the slightest reasons. In the worst positions are women from countries like Turkey or Egypt where women rights are very low. There are different types of problems all over the world that women face, from the wealthiest countries to the poorest.

Most employers and employees are still convinced that the free market system grants the employer the right to unlimited freedom in hiring his or her staff. Women applying for a position are expected to be better educated and have better qualifications than the males. Frequently, employers stereotypically see women as a mother and housewife and will discriminate against them in their first interview by asking questions about their family life, rather than professional qualifications. Employers do not make secret that they prefer to employ men, as men are considered to be more stable workers in the context of the length of employment. Often employers express their preference in interviews; women are asked their age, marital status, and plans for the future. In addition, employers, contrary to the law, often request a non-pregnancy certificate or a dec1aration that a woman will not become pregnant for some time. Despite the laws protecting the employment of pregnant women, many women are fired during pregnancy.

14. What are the main problems facing big cities?

At present in all developed countries most of people live in big cities, including capital cities. This fact is the source of many problems. The most important problem is pollution. As a rule, in every big city there is a lot of industry, both heavy and light one. All plants and factories situated there produce and emit big quantities of poisons substances and smoke which pollute the natural environment: water, air and soil. Sometimes smog is so dense that people and people with poor health are advised not to leave their homes.

Another big source of pollution is traffic or in other words, thousands of cars producing and emitting exhaust gases which pollute the air.

Many inhabitants of big cities complain about the traffic and public transport. It is commonly known that in big cities, especially in so-called rush hours there are many traffic jams which quite often make getting around the city almost impossible. They are the result of several factors, first of all, the huge amount of cars, narrow streets and poor system of traffic lights.

Another problem is the quality of the public transport. Quite often buses and trams which are the most popular means of public transport are too slow, late, not comfortable enough and overcrowded. Besides, many drivers have a lot of problems with parking their cars, especially in the city center. The next problem is a lack of safety in big cities. Mass-­media keep informing us about different crimes which are committed in big cities every day. The result is that many people who live in big cities are afraid of leaving their homes, especially after dark.

  1. How can computer users benefit from the Internet? 1s using the Internet dangerous in any way?

It is very easy to use from the Internet if we have computer and phone. Then we have to link in and we can use the Internet.

At present, more than 33 million people use the Internet. They use the Net to get information about things they are interested in, playing games, and socializing with other computer users. 1bis is very good way to know new people. We can do shopping without go out from our house. 1 think that Internet makes our life easier.

In my opinion using the Internet has also disadvantages, specially for children. Very often parents don't 100k after their children and children can meet other people trough the Net. They can give false name and age. They can force children to meet with them and it can be up very bad. There are some sites on which people want to find a partner. Sometimes they can meet with there matrimonial cheats. They find a woman, meet with her. They are very nice and woman fall in love with them. Than they steal her money and disappear.

When we use the Net we have to sit very close to monitor and it can be very dangerous for our eyes.

There are some sites for which we have to pay more money but it is writing in very invisible places. People watch this sites and pay huge money for this.

Using the Internet can be dangerous when we give it too much time. When somebody is already addicted forget about everything else. They don't read books, they forgot about their friends, do not go to sporting events or to the cinema But only using the Net in quantity can be harmful.

16. What is the greatest achievement of the 20th century.

I am going to talk about the greatest achievement of the 20th century. In my opinion the greatest achievements of 20th century is chain reaction and take control on a nuclear energy. It is a new source of electrical energy. Nuclear power stations don't produce any sulphur dioxide or carbon dioxide, like a coal power station. So the air is cleaner. It doesn't cause a greenhouse effect, or acid rains. Nuclear energy is the future. Resources of coal, oil, gas deplete in 30, 40 years. And a alternative, renewable energy sources produce too low energy. Nuclear power stations produce 20 percent electrical energy on the world. So without theirs it would be a energy crisis. Prices of petrol and gas grow up everyday.

Nuclear reactors are in submarines, and air-craft carriers. This ships don't have to return to the harbor for many months. In the future, the nuclear energy can be used by space exploration. Space ships could have a nuc1ear engines. The nuclear power station is better energy sources than coal, or petrol, because it doesn't need a oxygen to work.

17. Is it possible to find a mend, a partner or fall in love via the Internet? Discuss.

I think that virtual world is sometimes cal1ed our new reality. Here you can buy a car, sell a house, see the latest film, find a job or fall in 10ve - as some people say, especially those who can't live without the Internet. It seems that the number of such people is increasing steadily. This virtual world is regarded by many as the magic world where you can find anything you want, including love or as a kind of medicine against loneliness. They believe that the Internet can change their life for better and help them find a beloved person. However, in the real world it is not exactly so. The fact is that some people make a blind date via the Internet and then meet with person, face to face. And then all illusions disappear, as it often happens. The man who has introduced himself as a handsome young man appears to be a bald, fat, middle-aged man, who, in addition, is married and has several children.

That's why I think that finding a partner via the Internet is in fact a kind of 10ttery. It seems that traditiona1 ways of finding a life-long partner are much more reliable and effective.

But I think that we can find a mend via the Internet. In my opinion it is possib1e because when we meet face to face our looks isn't important so we can't be disappointed. There are many groups in the Internet talking about different things. Thanks to it we can find a person who has the same hobby or interests like we.

I think that the Internet is very important but traditional methods of meeting new people are better.

18. Should students have full-time, part-time or seasonal jobs? Talk about the present situation, advantages and disadvantages.

As we know, there are three main kinds of students: daily, evening and extramural students. Daily students, unlike evening and extramural ones, don't have any steady job and they don't have any steady income. Most of them have to rely on their parents who give them more or less regularly some pocket money and cover their basic expenses such as food, clothes and books. At present only a small percentage of student s get scholarships so most of them sooner or later face the problem: how to get some extra money?

Many students decide to find one of the following kinds of jobs: a part-time job, a full-time job and a seasonal job. A part-time job can be performed during a school year for example from September to June.

A seasonal job is performed only during a particular season, mainly during summer holidays. The most popular kinds of jobs choose by students are: work in bar, work in plants, looking after small children.

If students are working they can earn some extra money this way, they can cover their basic needs, they don't have to rely on and be financial burden for their parents, they gain respect both for work and money they have earned. In my opinion students can have part-time or full-time jobs only if they have much time.

In part-time or full-time job we can earn more money but seasonal jobs are easier to find because employees want to employ students. But in seasonal job we can be deceived easily. For example many students go to Great Britain or Spain and then there is no work for them. I think that part-time and full-time jobs can learn us more because it is more possible that this work can have something in common with our future job or with our studying.

19. What does healthy lifestyle mean to you?

I think that in Poland it isn't so popular to lead healthy lifestyle. But even in our country some people want to lead healthy lifestyle. Some of them are forced by bad health condition and others make it because they want.

When we want to lead healthy lifestyle we have to feed healthy. We can eat more vegetables and fruits. We should limit fat meat and sauces consumption. We should drink more mineral water fruit juices. We ought to limit drinking coffee. Secondary it is worth to practice some sports. We can climbing, running, playing football or cycling. When we do some exercises we feel better. Thanks to it we have beautiful outline and better opinion about us. In my opinion people who lead healthy lifestyle often move on foot not only by car or public transport like majority. They like walking and taking exercises.

They can't also drink too much alcohols and smoke cigarettes. They try avoid any stresses. Thanks to it they are happier and healthier. They spent much of their free time on air. They take care of their feeling: they are working suitable position - thanks to it they are happy and satisfied. Healthy lifestyle make a connection with take care of our outline. People spent time in sauna or swimming pool. They try to have a good sleep so they are sleeping about nine hours. In my opinion healthy lifestyle means take care of our outline and avoid stresses.

  1. Good-looking people are said to be more successful. Is physical appearance important In life? What do people do to look better?

I think that appearance is important in life. When we meet a person we often judge him by his appearance and if someone isn't attractive interesting for us in first impression we don't want to meet him c10ser and it's wrong behavior because person who appear as nice in reality can be evil and not friendly.

In my opinion physical appearance may make our life easier or more difficult. For example if you are an invalid or have defect in your appearance your life is harder. You can't do many jobs that you would like to do. Other people look at you in streets. Good-looking people have an easier life. For example if you apply for job with person with the same qualifications employees choice the more attractive person. Many people do many things to look better. They go on diets and do exercises to be slim.

I think that in life should be more important your inside, because if someone beautiful inside is beautiful outside.

21. What does success in language learning depend on? Suggest some strategies.

To start with foreign language learning is a long, time - consuming and difficult process. Nobody has learnt any foreign language in a few days or few weeks simply because it is absolutely impossible. There are at 1east two reasons for that. Using a language is a skill, not a knowledge, which makes it more difficult to acquire. There is simply a lot to 1eam and to memorize: thousands of words and expressions, the whole grammatical system and rules of spelling and pronunciation. I think that success in learning language depends on many factors. We should have teacher with professional preparation. We have to choose small size of a group of students because then we can learn more. But the most important is our will. We must be patience, hardworking and systematic. We will learn more if we are highly motivated. There are some strategies of learning foreign language. We can learn alone or with friends at home. We can also go to the country where this language is used. We can enroll on language course. We can read books or watch TV where this language is used.

22. Present the system of education in Poland. Does it give young people a good start in life?

In Poland children at age of 3 begin to attend Kindergarten. Children learn basic abilities but most of their time is spent on playing. Next when we are 6 years old we go to zero school, then we go to primary school. There we learn count, write and read, later we learn more difficult things, also other languages. When we are 13 we finish primary school we go to junior high school ( for 3 years ). Then we choose high school according with our interests. We learn there for also 3 years. In the end of high school we must pass high school finals which check our knowledge.

I think that our school don't give peop1e a good start in life. In our country there are many private schools for children, whose parents are rich. There they can learn much more than in usual school.

What is more we learn too much theory and too less practice. Theory we learn by heart and for a several hours or days we forget everything.

I think that 3 years of high school isn't enough because it is very important time in our life, our characters are created, and we can finally make decision where we want to go to university.

Next issue, children from country have a little chance to go to good high school because levels of teaching in country are very low. Children from city can choose school, because they have bigger opportunities, they can also develop hobby.

23.What makes an effective presentation?

I think that effective presentation consist of three parts: preparation, language and delivery.

Preparation is extremely important and there are six key areas we need to think about when we preparing our presentation. The first one is objectives. We have to think carefully about the object of our talk, and what we want to achieve. The second area is an audience. We should think about who they are, and what they need to know. The third area is content. We have to be careful not to give our audience too much information. We should concentrate on what they have to know, what will interest them. The fourth area is organization, so everyone can follow it without difficulty. The fifth area is visual information. Presenting information visually, for example on an overhead projector adds interest to a presentation and makes it easier to follow but it is important to make sure we don't give too much information at the same time. The last key area is practice. When we are finished preparing our talk, practice it. This way we will discover if there are any prob1ems and be able to check the timing.

The next part of an effective presentation is a language. If we want to use technica1 words that the audience may not know, we have to make sure we explain them clearly. We can't use 10ng and complicated sentences. We should keep our sentences short and easy to follow .

The last part is delivery. We need to consider five areas here. The first one is nerves.

Most of us feel nervous when we speak in pub1ic. Ii can help if we breathe deeply. The second area is voice. It's important to speak c1early and not too quickly. The next area is body language. Au important element of body language is eye contact because then the audience keep interested in what we are saying. We should stand but we have to make sure that we don't stand in front of visual information. And the fourth key area is a visual information. We have to give our audience enough time to take in the information we are showing them. The final area is questions. The best policy is to answer questions in a polite, diplomatic way.

  1. Can a society function properly without rules and regulations? Give some examples and discuss them.

Obeying rules seem to be difficult for some of us, but I think it is very important this times, because laws, rules, regulations was written down to bring safety, justice and peace.

In my opinion if in the world wasn't be any rules it would be worse, because people would be able to do everything they want for example steal, murder, drive without driving license. The world would be very dangerous. Many people won't go out because they will be afraid of getting hurt. We won't be able to sleep at night and go on the street. For example in Dutch people can take drugs and I think that it is wrong, because people who take this try to persuade even little children to take and then they sell them. In this way in the future the most people will take drugs. This is not only stupid but also dangerous because drugs cause serious medical problems.

So in my opinion we should obey rules because of our own good and for good of other people.

  1. What are national stereotypes? What do we think about foreigners and what do foreigners think about Poles? (part one)

There are various sources of stereotypes but we believe that main sources are history and tradition. Stereotypes needn't be constant. They can change in the course of time. Probably they are being formed nowadays. Contemporary reaction between countries, presents foreigners and national minorities have been still creating stereotypes.

I want to talk about our perceiving foreigners. Germany is our western neighbour. We perceived as reliable scrupulous workers. They are diligent and consistent in their job. But we think also they are firm, without feelings and they don't show compassion and emotions. The French are perceived as people who love wines and cheese. We specify them as people who like eating frogs. In contrast to Germany they show their feelings. Some Poles say that French is the language of love. The French is known that they don't like learning foreign language as the English. The English are very slow. They do everything phlegmatically and sluggish. We think also they are enterprising. The American like risk. For us this people excel in the most discoveries and new technology. This is the people who connects their tradition with modernity. When we say about Russian they make our think of drinking a lot of alcohol. Because of large number of Russian living in Poland. We know them as people who like trading on markets. Generally we think about them that they are simple and uneducated people.

What are national stereotypes? What do we think about foreigners and what do foreigners think about Poles?

Key words:

Foreigner obcokrajowiec

Thief złodziej

Cheat oszust

Perceive postrzegać

Upturn zmiana na lepsze

Hospitality gościnność

Hard working pracowity

Ignorance nieznajomość I niewiedza

Image wizerunek

Achievements of civilization osiągnięcia cywilizacji

Poles are well-known in the world because they are everywhere. The history and policy of Poland has made many people move to different corners of the world to look for better life. There they created opinions about Poland among foreigners. The stereotype of Poles on breakthrough of years has changed.

Few years ago the stereotype of Poles was negative. Foreigners compared Poland to Russia and for them Poles were alcoholics, thieves, cheats. In Germany the joke "Go to Poland your car is already there" was well-known recently. But everyone who has been in Poland know that Poles are very hospitable.

Today a lot of positive changes in perception of Poles has become. Many- people from Poland work aboard, and for foreigners we are hard workers. Such opinion- is on the whole world, western Europe or USA ... Comparisons of Poland to Russia, after our entry to the European Union, have disappeared - As like putting Poland in the eastern Europe or Asia. A few years ago people from western Europe were afraid of arriving to our country, but this situation changed. And now for example in my home town, over a half of holiday-makers are foreigners (German, Swede). I heard many foolish and funny opinions about Poland and Poles, mainly in USA. For example questions like: Do you have electricity, cars and every different achievements of civilization in Poland, I heard it everyday. Many foreigners have wrong opinion about Poles because of Television channels like TV Polonia, presenting only old sit-coms, comedies and programs about Polish villages made many years ago.

All in all, the image of Poles has upturned and we should improve it still.

26. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of being self-employed.

Several years ago state-owned economy collapsed and was officially replaced by free-market economy based on free competition. Since then thousands of Poles have stopped working in different companies, offices and other institutions. Instead, they decided to be self-­employed and start work on their own account. In practice that meant either to start their own business or to work quite independently as" a free lance ". Like almost everything else, being self-employed has some advantages and disadvantages.

The most important advantages are: big psychological comfort just because you don't have to hear other people orders; you can work at home what is very important for many people, for example to single mothers.

When you are self-employed you can regulate your working hours. For example, if you hate getting up early, you don't have to do it. You can start and finish your work whenever you want and there is a big chance that you will start earning better. In this work you can avoid such an unpleasant experience like getting to work and then back home in the rush-hours.

But being self-employed has also some disadvantages. There is always a danger of going bankrupt or losing a steady income. Sometimes you will have to work much longer, especially at the beginning. Being self-employed can appear to be quite a risky business because you must rely on yourself only.

  1. How should we get ready for a job interview? What must we remember to do and not to do during one?

I think that we should get ready for a job interview by following three simple guidelines: find out as much as possible about the company we aregoing to work for. We can get a lot of information from the company's brochures, annual reports or website; find out if the interview is with one person or with a group of people, and what their jobs are; make a checklist of the questions we want to ask at the interview.

During the interview we should dress smartly - a suit or something formal is the best way. We have to arrive on time or even a bit ahead of time. Arriving late for the interview is the worst thing that we can do. We should create a good first impression. Start the interview with a smile, a firm handshake, and a friendly manner. We have to try to stay positive and relaxed during the interview and remember that our body languages gives the interviewer a lot of information about us. We shouldn't give only "yes" or "no" answer. We have to talk freely about ourselves, give reasons for our opinions and explain why. We are good choice for their company. We should ask questions. Remember the checklist of questions we prepared before the interview. In this way we show that we are interested.

We can learn from the interview. Then we can analyze our performance afterwards and think how we can improve the next time.

  1. What do thing about university live? What changes in the curriculum would you introduce if you had power to do so? Would you fight cheating?

I study on Poznan University of Technology, one of the greatest higher schools in Poznan. During last two years of my studying I observe live on this university and relations between students and between students and lecturers. I like students socialize on university and after classes. I very like that students help each other by explaining difficult exercises and lending their notes. I like also relations between students and lecturers. If you are good student, you are active during classes and your exam or test goes bad (but you pass), it is more possible that your teacher allows you to improve your note, rather than student who wasn't so good or missed classes. All student meet every day on university but they can also meet after .c1asses on parties. There are many parties during Sprinter and Summer that are organize by Students Society, where you can meet new interesting people.

There is some issues that students don't like, for example queues in library. If I had power to do something with that, I would rearrange out old library or build new one closer to our campus. I will also rearrange time table, so students don't have to move from one campus to another, because it causes that sometimes they late for lectures. If I had an enough money I would enlarge students houses to accommodate more people and introduce some facilities for disabled. Although we have two lifts, there isn't driveway for wheelchairs to main entry. If I was some important in here, I would fight cheating. Students cheat, because this allows them easier pass tests and exams. Because of that cheating make them less educated and they remember less from classes, I thing it is important to finish with these practices.

  1. What will the world look like in the future? Talk about the changes you expect to see in the next 50 years.

Today the technology is developing faster than at any time before. It makes that our lives are changing. The changes will be very large in the next 50 years.

First of all I think that people will travel to other planets. It will be very fast, because the spaceships will travel at the speed of light. The space travels will be very popular because they won't be expensive. People will build bases and extract resources on the other planets. It is possible that we will find planet which will be similar to our Earth. On this planet we will live without bases and spacesuits. It is also possible that we will contact with other civilization. But it can be risky for us, because the aliens can be dangerous. But I think that it is worth exploring the universe.

There will be also big changes in cities. The cities will be huge, but they will be very well organized. The computers will control traffic and find the parking place for drivers. The robots will dean the street s and they will replace the policemen and firefighters. The banknotes will disappear completely and we will pay using plastic cards. Every human will have a micro chip which will be implanted in his body. It will inform the nearest hospital when somebody will be ill or when somebody's life will be in danger. Thanks this micro chip the illness won't be a problem because when the disease will be recognized very quickly, than the physicians can easily treat the patient.

I think also that in the future we can expect changes in politics. There will be one global government which will be chosen by all people from Earth and universe. All countries will form one federation and there will be no more wars between countries. I hope that in the future there will be also no famine, misery and inequality. Maybe my vision is too optimistic, but I think that it could come true.

  1. Why is it important to be aware of the differences between various cultures, nations and countries? Give examples of different social customs (e.g. attitude to time, using first/family names, clothes ...).

I think that is a lot of differences between cultures and nations. Everywhere we go, we are surprised by local custom which may seem strange to us and it is very easy to start conflict.

First example in Japan everyone must take off their shoes before enter house. In Scotland men should wear skirt which are called "kilts".

In Arabic Countries women cover their faces, and men couldn't see it. Sometimes some of them don't even want to show it to their husbands.

In Mediterranean Countries (Spain, Italy) it is impossible to buy anything during Siesta (after the noon ).

It is very important to be aware of differences between various cultures because lack understanding may cause quarrels, but it isn't worth, we can't appreciate only our cultures we must notice other, and respect it because it is heritage of other nations. We should know other custom with enthusiasm, because in this way we will be seen as tolerant and open-minded-and we will have more friends.

People can't be angry for some custom but respect that other have law for different ha


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