notatki z literatury


To jest to co mi się udało samej zrobić z literatury

Pyt.1 - odpowiedź "b" (Fabliau)

Pyt.2 - odpowiedź "b" The Wanderer

Pyt.4 - odpowiedź "b" (Opposed to the Italian tradition of sonets)

Pyt.6 - Daniel Defoe - "Robinson Crusoe"

Crusoe's Preface is traditionally regarded as the place where Defoe equivocates between wanting to say that the text that follows is a history or a novel. An Editor is spoken of in the third person, and we learn that this Editor "believes the thing [Robinson Crusoe] to be a just History of Fact," and that "neither is there any Appearance of Fiction in it." This seems to be the moment at which Defoe puts his foot down, preferring to frame his text as history. But if we read closely, we see that the Editor does not, in fact, know whether the text is fact or fiction -- he only "believes" the text to be fact. How is the reader to judge, then, what genre of writing -- nonfiction or fiction (and furthermore, what sort of fiction) -- Robinson Crusoe might be categorized as? And, moreover, is the reader asked to come out on one side or the other, after all? That is, Defoe's Preface gives us a fifty-fifty option: either the book is fact or it isn't, but in the end, what might be more important isn't whether or not the tales are true, but what kinds of readerly tasks such waffling makes possible. If we can't know for sure what kind of text Crusoe is -- and if, then, the question of determining what sort of text Crusoe is, isn't all that important -- what kinds of questions should we be asking the text? And what sorts of tools should we use to encounter the text, if empirical tests have been declared to be inconclusive from the start? We might say that the reader's imagination must supplement this always-deferred question of genre. How do you think the Preface frames the rest of the text? How do some of the questions raised in the Preface get played out in Crusoe more generally?

Pyt.7 - odpowiedź "c" (intrisive)

Pyt.8 - odpowiedź "c" (Writes to evoke higher feelings)

Pyt. 10 - odpowiedź "c" i "d" ( Heathcliff + Mr Rochester)

Pyt.11 - odpowiedź "a" (Walter Pater)

Oczywiście wolałabym, żeby ktoś jeszcze sprawdził te moje odpowiedzi tak dla pewności. Narazie mam tylko tyle.


Ania M.


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