Taylor, Charles

Bibliografia di Charles Taylor

a cura di Paolo Costa

Charles Taylor è un pensatore che ha scritto molto, che ha frequentato e dialogato con ambienti culturali anche molto diversi e i cui interessi spaziano per uno spettro molto ampio, per cui non è un'impresa per nulla agevole approntare una bibliografia completa dei suoi scritti. Per di più Taylor è stato anche un protagonista della scena politica canadese e alcuni dei suoi scritti sono apparsi su riviste non accademiche che di norma non vengono segnalate nei principali repertori bibliografici internazionali. Con questa bibliografia si è cercato di integrare la principale bibliografia di Taylor esistente - apparsa in calce a J. Tully (ed), Philosophy in an Age of Pluralism: The Philosophy of Charles Taylor in Question, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1994 - nell'intento di fornire un utile strumento di lavoro a quel crescente numero di studiosi che in Italia sono interessati alla sua opera. Alla compilazione di questa lista di pubblicazioni, che è il frutto di numerosi anni di ricerche, hanno dato un contributo prezioso, e pertanto colgo qui l'occasione per ringraziarli, Hartmut Rosa, che è l'autore della migliore monografia su Taylor attualmente reperibile (Identität und kulturelle Praxis: Politische Philosophie nach Charles Taylor, Campus, Frankfurt-New York 1998), e William Hughes, professore emerito dell'università di Guelph (Ontario, Canada), che ha contribuito con importanti indicazioni bibliografiche a rendere più completo il presente lavoro.


The Explanation of Behaviour, Routledge and Kegan Paul, London 1964.

The Pattern of Politics, McClelland and Stewart, Toronto 1970.

Hegel, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1975.

Hegel and Modern Society, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1979 (trad. it. Hegel e la società moderna, Il Mulino, Bologna 1984).

Social Theory as Practice, The B. N. Ganguli Memorial Lectures 1981, Oxford University Press, Delhi 1983.

Human Agency and Language: Philosophical Papers I, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1985.

Philosophy and the Human Sciences: Philosophical Papers II, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1985.

Sources of the Self: The Making of the Modern Identity, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1989 (trad. it. Radici dell'Io. La costruzione dell'identità moderna, Feltrinelli, Milano 1993).

The Malaise of Modernity, Anansi, Toronto 1991; riedito negli USA col titolo The Ethics of Authenticity, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass. 1992 (trad. it. Il disagio della modernità, Laterza, Bari 1994).

Multiculturalism and "The Politics of Recognition", a cura di Amy Gutmann et al., Princeton University Press, Princeton 1992 (trad. it. Multiculturalismo. La politica del riconoscimento, Anabasi, Milano 1993; riedito in J. Habermas e C. Taylor, Multiculturalismo. Lotte per il riconoscimento, Feltrinelli, Milano 1998).

Rapprocher les solitudes: écrits sur le fédéralisme et le nationalisme au Canada, a cura di Guy Laforest, Les Presses de l'Université Laval, Québec 1992 (ed. ingl. Reconciling the Solitudes: Essays on Canadian Federalism and Nationalism, McGill-Queens University press, Montreal 1993).

(con Vitit Muntarbhorn), Roads to Democracy: Human Rights and Democratic Development in Thailand, International Centre for Human Rights and Development, Bangkok e Montreal 1994.

Philosophical Arguments, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1995.

A Catholic Modernity? Charles Taylor's Marianist Award Lecture, a cura di James L. Left, Oxford University Press, Oxford 1999.

Varieties of Religion Today. William James Revisited, Cambridge (MA); trad. it. in La modernità della religione, Roma 2004.

Modern Social Imaginaries, Durham 2004.

[Nell'aprile-maggio del 1999 Taylor ha tenuto a Edimburgo le "Gifford Lectures" presentando un ciclo di dieci conferenze intitolato Living in a Secular Age. Al momento la data di pubblicazione di questo materiale, prevista espressamente dalla prestigiosa istituzione scozzese, non è ancora nota e in ogni caso, per ammissione dello stesso Taylor, nemmeno prossima]



Can Political Philosophy Be Neutral ?, "Universities and Left Review", 1, spring 1957, pp. 68-70.

Socialism and the Intellectuals, "Universities and Left Review", 3, summer 1957, pp. 18-19.

The Politics of Emigration, "Universities and Left Review", 3, summer 1957, pp. 75-76.

Recensione di François Fejtö, Les democraties populaires e La tragedie hongroise, "Universities & Left Review", 2, summer 1957, pp. 70-71.

Marxism and Humanism, "The New Reasoner", 2, autumn 1957, pp. 92-98.


(insieme a Michael Kullman) The Preobjective World, "Review of Metaphysics", 1, 1958, pp. 108-132.

The Ambiguities of Marxist Doctrine, "The Student World", 2, 1958, pp. 157-166.

The Poverty of the Poverty of Historicism, "Universities & Left Review", 4, summer 1958, pp. 77-78.

Alienation and Community, "Universities and Left Review", 4, autumn 1958, pp. 11-18.


Ontology, "Philosophy", 129, 1959, pp. 125-141.

Phenomenology and Linguistic Analysis, "Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society", 1959, (supplemento), pp. 93-110.


What's Wrong With Capitalism ?, "New Left Review", 2, march-april 1960, pp. 5-11.

Clericalism, "Downside review", vol. 78, 1960, pp. 167-180.

Changes of Quality, "New Left Review", 4, 1960, pp. 3-5.


L'État et les partis politiques, in Le rôle de l'État, a cura di André Raynaud, Les Éditons du Jour, Montréal 1962, pp. 111-121.

La bombe et le neutralisme, "Cité libre", 47, mai 1962, pp. 11-16.

L'homme de gauche et les élections provinciales, "Cité libre", 51, novembre 1962, pp. 6-7, 21.

Recensione di Herbert Spiegelberg, The Phenomenological Movement, "Mind", vol. 71, 1962, pp. 546-551.


L'état et la laïcité, "Cité libre", 54, février 1963, pp. 3-6.

Regina Revisited: Reply to Walter Young, "Canadian Forum", 43, october 1963, pp. 150-151.

Le Canada, ouvrier de la paix, "Cité libre", 56, avril 1963, pp. 13-17.


La révolution futile ou les avatars de la pensée globale, "Cité libre", 69, août-septembre 1964, pp. 10-22.

Left Splits in Québec, "Canadian Dimension", july-august 1964, pp. 7-8.

Recensione di La philosophie analytique, "Philosophical Review", 1, 1964, pp. 132-135.


Nationalism and the Political Intelligentsia: a Case Study, "Queens' Quarterly", 1, 1965; ora in Reconciling the Solitudes, pp. 3-22.

La planification fédérale-provinciale, "Cité libre", 75, avril 1965, pp. 9-16.

What's Wrong with Canadian Politics, "Canadian Dimension", may-june 1965, pp. 10-11, 20-21.

Bâtir un nouveau Canada (recensione di G. Grant, Lament for a Nation: The Defeat of Canadian Nationalism), "Cité libre", 79, août-septembre 1965, pp. 10-14.


Marxism and Empiricism, in British Analytical Philosophy, a cura di Bernard Williams e Alan Montefiore, Routledge and Kegan Paul, London 1966, pp. 227-246 (trad. it. Marxismo e empirismo, in AA.VV., Filosofia analitica inglese, Lerici, Roma 1967, pp. 281-305).

Alternatives to Continentalism, "Canadian Dimension", july-august 1966, pp. 12-15.

(insieme a Gad Horowitz), The End of Ideology or a New (Class) Politics?, "Canadian Dimension", november-dicember 1966, pp. 12-15.


Teleological Explanation - A Reply to Denis Noble, "Analysis", 1, 1967, pp. 141-143.

Mind-Body Identity, a Side Issue?, "Philosophical Review", 2, 1967, pp. 201-213.

Psychological Behaviourism, in The Encyclopedia of Philosophy, a cura di Paul Edwards, MacMillan, New York 1967, pp. 516-520.

Recensione di The Primacy of Perception e Signs di M. Merleau-Ponty, "Philosophical Review", 1, 1967, pp. 113-117.

Nationalism and Independence, "Canadian Dimension", march-april 1967, pp. 4-12.

Relations between Cause and Action, "Proceedings of the Seventh Inter-American Congress of Philosophy", Les Presses de l'Université Laval, Québec 1967, pp. 243-255.

Neutrality in Political Science, in Philosophy, Politics and Society (III serie), a cura di Peter Laslett e W.G.Runciman, Basil Blackwell, Oxford 1967, pp. 25-57; inserito in Philosophy and the Human Sciences: Philosophical Papers II, pp. 58-90.


A Reply to Margolis, "Inquiry", vol. 11, 1968, pp. 124-128.

From Marxism to the Dialogue Society, in From Culture to Revolution, a cura di T. Eagleton e B. Wicker, Sheed and Ward, London 1968, pp. 148-181.

René Lévesque's New Party: A View from Montréal, "Canadian Dimension", april-may 1968, pp. 12-13.

Recensione di A. R. Louch, Explanation and Human Action, "Journal of Philosophy", 1, 1968, pp. 81-84.

Recensione di P. Ricoeur, History and Truth, "Journal of Philosophy", 3, 1968, pp. 401-403.


A Socialist Perspective on the 70's, "Canadian Dimension", february 1969, pp. 36-43.

Platform: Either We Plan Our Own Economy or We Become a Branch-Plant Satellite, "Maclean's Magazine", december 1969, p. 77.

Sauf vot' respect, vive le Canada libre, "Le Magazine Maclean", 9 dicembre 1969, p. 52.

Two Issues about Materialism, "Philosophical Quarterly", 74, 1969, pp. 73-79.

The "America" Issue, "Canadian Dimension", december 1969/january 1970, pp. 6-7.


Behind the Kidnappings: Alienation too Profound for the System to Contain, "Canadian Dimension", December 1970, pp. 26-29.

Marcuse's Authoritarian Utopia, "Canadian Dimension", august/september 1970, pp. 49-53.

Explaining Action, "Inquiry", 13, 1970, pp. 54-89.

The Explanation of Purposive Behaviour e Reply to Borger, in Explanation in the Behavioural Sciences, a cura di R. Borger e F. Cioffi, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1970, pp. 49-79 e 89-95 (trad. it. in AA. VV., La spiegazione nelle scienze del comportamento, Franco Angeli, Milano 1981, pp. 21-70). 


How is Mechanism Conceivable?, in Interpretations of Life and Mind: Essays around the Problem of Reduction, a cura di Marjorie Grene, Routledge and Kegan Paul, London 1971, pp. 38-64; inserito in Human Agency and Language: Philosophical Papers I, pp. 164-186.

The Agony of Economic Man, in Essays on the Left: Essays in Honour of T. C. Douglas, a cura di L. Lapierre et al., McClelland and Stewart, Toronto, 1971; riedito in Canadian Political Thought, a cura di H. D. Forbes, Oxford University Press, Toronto 1987, pp. 406-416.

Les cercles vicieux de l'aliénation post-moderne, in Le Québec qui se fait, a cura di Claude Ryan, Hurtubise HMH, Montréal 1971, pp. 161-165.

Interpretation and the Sciences of Man, "Review of Metaphysics", 1, 1971, pp. 3-51; inserito in Philosophy and the Human Sciences: Philosophical Papers II, pp. 15-57.

What is involved in a Genetic Psychology?, in Cognitive Development and Epistemology, a cura di Theodore Mischel, Academic Press, New York 1971, pp. 393-416; inserito in Human Agency and Language: Philosophical Papers I, pp.139-163.

Recensione di J. Fodor, Psychological Explanation: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Psychology, "Philosophical Review", 1, 1971, pp. 108-113.


Conditions for a Mechanistic Theory of Behaviour, in Brain and Human Behaviour, a cura di A. G. Karczmar e J. C. Eccles, Springer, Berlin 1972, pp. 449-465.

The Opening Arguments of the Phenomenology, in Hegel: a Collection of Critical Essays, a cura di Alasdair MacIntyre, Doubleday, New York 1972, pp. 151-187.

A Response to MacIntyre's "Prediction and Explanation in the Social Sciences", "Philosophic Exchange", 1, 1972, pp. 15-20.

Is Marxism Alive and Well? - Stuart Hampshire, Leszek Kolakowski and Charles Taylor discuss the Matter, "The Listener", 4 may 1972, pp. 583-585.


Peaceful Coexistence in Psychology, "Social Research", 1, 1973, pp. 55-82; inserito in Human Agency and Language: Philosophical Papers I, pp. 117-138.


The Canadian Dilemma, "Canadian Forum", may-june 1974, pp. 28-31.

Socialism and "Weltanschauung", in The Socialist Idea, a cura di Leszek Kolakowski e Stuart Hampshire, Weidenfeld and Nicholson, London 1974, pp. 45-58.


Force et sens, les deux dimensions irréductibles d'une science de l'homme, in Sens et existence, a cura di G. Madison, Les Editions du Seuil, Paris 1975, pp. 124-137.

Neutrality in the University, in Neutrality and Impartiality, the University and Political Commitment, a cura di Alan Montefiore, Cambridge University Press, London 1975; pp. 128-148.


The Nature and Scope of Distributive Justice, paper, 1976; inserito in Philosophy and the Human Sciences: Philosophical Papers II, pp. 288-317 (trad. it. in Comunitarismo e liberalismo, a cura di Alessandro Ferrara, Editori Riuniti, Roma 1992, pp. 77-114).

The Politics of the Steady State, in Beyond Industrial Growth, a cura di Abraham Rotstein, University of Toronto Press, Toronto 1976, pp. 47-70.

Responsibility for Self, in The Identities of Persons, a cura di Amélie O. Rorty, University of California Press, Los Angeles 1976, pp. 281-299.

Reply to Soll and Schmitz, "The Journal of Philosophy", 73, 1976, pp. 723-725.


Self-Interpreting Animals, paper, 1977; inserito in Human Agency and Language: Philosophical Papers II, pp. 44-76.

What is Human Agency?, in The Self, Psychological and Philosophical Issues, a cura di Theodore Mischel, Basil Blackwell, Oxford 1977, pp. 103-135; inserito in Human Agency and Language: Philosophical Papers I, pp. 15-44.

On Social Justice (recensione di R. P. Wolff, Understanding Rawls), "Canadian Journal of Political and Social Theory", 1, 1977, pp. 89-96.


Hegel's "Sittlichkeit" and the Crisis of Representative Institutions, in Philosophy of History and Action, a cura di Yirmiahu Yovel, Dordrecht, Reidel 1978, pp. 133-154.

Comments to Ricoeur's Paper "History and Hermeneutics", in Philosophy of History and Action, a cura di Yirmiahu Yovel, pp. 21-25.

Marxism: The Science of the Millennium, "The Listener", 2 february 1978, pp. 138-140.

Feuerbach and Roots of Materialism, "Political Studies", 3, 1978, pp. 417-21.

Language and Human Nature, paper, 1978; inserito in Human Agency and Language: Philosophical Papers I, pp. 215-247.

Marxist Philosophy, in Men of Ideas, a cura di Bryan Magee, BBC Publications, London 1978, pp. 44-58.

The Validity of Transcendental Argument, "Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society", 79, 1978-79; inserito in Philosophical Arguments, pp. 20-33.


Action as Expression, in Intention and Intentionality: Essays in Honour of G. E. M. Anscombe, a cura di Cora Diamond and Jenny Teichman, The Harvester Press, Ithaca, N.Y., 1979, pp. 73-89.

Atomism, in Powers, Possession and Freedom: Essays in Honour of C. B. Macpherson, a cura di Akis Kontos, University of Toronto Press, Toronto 1979, pp. 39-61; inserito in Philosophy and the Human Sciences: Philosophical Papers II, pp. 187-210.

Sense Data Revisited, in Perception and Identity, a cura di G. F. MacDonald, Cornell University Press, Ithaca, N.Y., 1979, pp. 99-112.

What's Wrong with Negative Liberty?, in The Idea of Freedom, a cura di Alan Ryan, Oxford University Press, Oxford 1979, pp. 175-193; inserito in Philosophy and the Human Sciences: Philosophical Papers II, pp. 211-229 (trad. it. in L'idea di libertà, a cura di I. Carter e M. Ricciardi, Feltrinelli, Milano 1996) .

"There is a Hidden Psychic Cost Involved in Having Constantly to Play one's Part in a Systematic Lie", "New Statesman", 6 july 1979, pp. 13-14.

Why Do Nations Have to Become States?, in Philosophers Look at Canadian Confederation, a cura di Stanley G. French, Canadian Philosophical Association, Montreal 1979; inserito in Reconciling the Solitudes, pp. 40-58.



Leader du NDP-Québec, in Robert Cliche, a cura di Alfred Rouleau, Les Editions Quinze, Montréal 1980, pp. 67-87.

Recensione di G. A. Cohen, Karl Marx's Theory of History: A Defence, "Canadian Journal of Philosophy", 2, 1980, pp. 327-334.

Nationalisme et droits, in Nation, souveraineté et droits, Bellarmin, Montréal 1980, pp. 173-184.

Recensione di Stuart Hampshire, Public and Private Morality, "Mind", vol. 89, 1980, pp. 623-628.

Theories of Meaning, Dawes Hicks Lecture on Philosophy, "Proceedings of the British Academy", 66, 1980, pp. 283-327; inserito in Human Agency and Language: Philosophical Papers I, pp. 248-292.

Recensione di J. Bennett, Linguistic Behaviour, "Dialogue", 2, 1980, pp. 290-301.

The Philosophy of the Social Sciences, in Political Theory and Political Education, a cura di Melvin Richter, Princeton University Press, Princeton, N. J., 1980, pp. 76-93.

Le centre du débat s'est déplacé, "Relations", 455, mai 1980, pp. 149-150.

Un génocide qu'on ne peut oublier, "Le devoir", 25 avril 1980.

Formal Theory in Social Science, "Inquiry", 23, 1980, pp. 139-144.

Les Sciences de l'homme, "Critique", 399-400, agosto-settembre 1980, pp. 839-849.

Understanding in Human Science, "Review of Metaphysics", 3, 1980, pp. 3-23.

Discussion with R. Rorty and H. Dreyfus, "Review of Metaphysics", 3, 1980, pp. 47-55

(insieme ad Alan Montefiore) From an Analytical Perspective, introduzione a Garbin Kortian, Metacritique, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1980, pp. 1-21.

A Voice for All in a Wider Labour Debate, "The Guardian", 17 november 1980, p. 9.

Minerva Through the Looking-Glass (recensione di R. Rorty, Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature), "Times Literary Supplement", 26, december 1980, p. 1466.


Growth, Legitimacy and Modern Identity, "Praxis International", 2, 1981, pp. 111-125.

Understanding and Explanation in the "Geisteswissenschaften", in Wittgenstein: To Follow a Rule, a cura di S. Holtzmann e C. Leich, Routledge & Kegan Paul, London 1981, pp. 191-210.


The Diversity of Goods, in Utilitarianism and Beyond, a cura di A. Sen e B. Williams, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1982, pp. 129-144; inserito in Philosophy and the Human Sciences: Philosophical Papers II, pp. 230-247 (trad. it. La diversità dei beni, in Utilitarismo e oltre, a cura di Sen e Williams, il Saggiatore, Milano 1984, pp. 165-184).

Table ronde: "Le sens de l'esprit absolu", "Revue de l'Université d'Ottawa", numero monografico dedicato al pensiero di Hegel, 4, 1982, pp. 593-607.

Consciousness, in Explaining Human Behaviour: Consciousness, Human Action and Social Sciences, a cura di Paul F. Secord, Sage, Beverly Hills 1982, pp. 35-51.

Recensione di E. Tugendhat, Selbstbewusstsein und Selbstbestimmung: Sprachanalytische Interpretationen, "Journal of Philosophy", 4, 1982, pp. 218-222.

Rationality, in Rationality and Relativism, a cura di M. Hollis e S. Lukes, Blackwell, Oxford 1982, pp. 87-105; inserito in Philosophy and the Human Sciences: Philosophical Papers II, pp. 134-151 (trad. it. in AA. VV., Ragione e forme di vita: razionalità e relativismo in antropologia, Franco Angeli, Milano 1990).


Hegel's Philosophy of Mind, in Contemporary Philosophy: A New Survey, a cura di G. Floistad, Martinus Nijhoff, The Hague 1983, vol. IV, pp. 133-155; inserito in Human Agency and Language: Philosophical Papers I, pp. 77-96. Il saggio è uscito anche in un'edizione lievemente modificata col titolo di Hegel and the Philosophy of Action, in Selected Essays on G. W. F. Hegel, a cura di Lawrence S. Stepelevich, Humanities Press, New Jersey 1993, pp. 168-186.

Political Theory and Practice, in Social Theory and Political Practice, a cura di C. Lloyd, Oxford University Press, Oxford 1983, pp. 61-85.

Dwellers in Egocentric Space (recensione di G. Evans, The Varieties of Reference), "Times Literary Supplement", 11 march 1983, p. 230b.

The Significance of Significance: The Case of Cognitive Psychology, in The Need for Interpretation, a cura di S. Mitchell e M. Rosen, Athlone, London 1983, pp. 141-169; riedito in versione leggermente modificata col titolo Cognitive Psychology, in Human Agency and Language: Philosophical Papers I, pp.187-212.

Social Theory as Practice, in Social Theory as Practice, Oxford University Press, Delhi 1983, pp. 1-27; inserito in Philosophy and the Human Sciences: Philosophical Papers II, pp. 91-115.

Understanding and Ethnocentricity, in Social Theory as Practice, pp. 28-47; inserito in Philosophy and the Human Sciences: Philosophical Papers II, pp. 116-133.

The Concept of a Person, in Social Theory as Practice, pp. 48-67; inserito in Human Agency and Language: Philosophical Papers I, pp. 97-114.

Réponse à Jean-Marie Beyssade, "Revue internationale de Philosophie", 3, 1983, pp. 288-292.

Use and Abuse of Theory, in Ideology, Philosophy and Politics, a cura di Anthony Parel, Wilfrid Laurier University Press, Waterloo 1983, pp. 37-59.


Foucault on Freedom and Truth, "Political Theory", 2, 1984, pp. 152-183; inserito in Philosophy and the Human Sciences: Philosophical Papers II, pp.152-184.

Kant's Theory of Freedom, in Conceptions of Liberty and Political Philosophy, a cura di A. Pelczynski e J. Gray, Athlone, London 1984, pp. 100-121; inserito in Philosophy and the Human Sciences: Philosophical Papers II, pp. 318-337.

Recensione di H. L. Williams, Kant's Political Philosophy, "Bulletin of the Hegel Society of Great Britain", vol. 9, 1984, pp. 44-47.

Aristotle or Nietzsche ? (recensione di After Virtue di Alisdair MacIntyre), "Partisan Review", 2, 1984, pp. 301-306.

Philosophy and its History, in Philosophy in History: Essays on the Historiography of Philosophy, a cura di Richard Rorty, J. B. Schneewind e Quentin Skinner, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1984, pp. 17-30.


Alternative Futures: Legitimacy, Identity, and Alienation in Late-Twentieth Century Canada, in Costitutionalism, Citizenship, and Society in Canada, a cura di Alan C. Cairns e Cynthia Williams, University of Toronto Press, Toronto 1985; inserito in Reconciling the Solitudes, pp. 59-119.

Connolly, Foucault, and Truth, " Political Theory" , 3, 1985, pp. 377-385.

Humanismus und moderne Identität, in Der Mensch in den modernen Wissenschaften, a cura di Krzysztof Michalski, Klett-Cotta, Stuttgart 1985, pp. 117-170.

The Person, in The Category of the Person. Anthropology, Philosophy, History, a cura di Michael Carrithers, Steven Collins e Steven Lukes, Cambridge University Press, New York 1985, pp. 257-281.

The Right to Live: Philosophical Considerations, in Justice beyond Orwell, a cura di Rosalie S. Abella e Melvin J. Rothman, Les Éditions Yvon Blais, Montréal 1985, pp. 237-241.

Justice after Virtue, in Kritische Methode und Zukunft der Anthropologie, a cura di M. Benedikt e R. Berger, Braumüller, Wien 1985, pp. 23-48.

Table ronde, "Revue de l'Université d'Ottawa", numero monografico su Temps et récit di P. Ricoeur, 4, 1985, pp. 311-316 (trad. ingl. in David Wood, a cura di, On Paul Ricoeur: Narrative and Interpretation, Routledge, London & New York 1991, pp. 174-179).


Human Rights: The Legal Culture, in Philosophical Foundations of Human Rights, a cura di Paul Ricoeur, UNESCO, Paris 1986, pp. 49-57.

Die Motive einer Verfahrensethik, in AA.VV., Moralität und Sittlichkeit: das Problem Hegels und die Diskursethik, Suhrkamp, Frankfurt a.M. 1986, pp. 101-135 (orig. ingl., The Motivation behind a Procedural Ethics, in Kant and Political Philosophy: The Contemporary Legacy, a cura di Ronald Beiner e William James Booth, Yale University Press, New Haven 1993, pp. 337-360).

Le pourqoi d'un philosophe (intervista con C. Taylor), "L'actualité", juin 1986, pp. 13-17.

Dialektik heute, oder: Strukturen der Selbstnegation, in Dieter Henrich (a cura di), Hegels Wissenschaft der Logik, Klett, Stuttgart 1986, pp. 141-153.

Sprache und Gesellschaft, in Kommunikatives Handeln: Beiträge zu Jürgen Habermas' Theorie des kommunikativen Handelns, a cura di Axel Honneth e Hans Joas, Suhrkamp, Frankfurt a.M. 1986, pp. 35-52 (trad. ingl. Language and Society, in Communicative Action, a cura di A. Honneth e H. Joas, Polity Press, Cambridge 1991, pp. 23-35).

Uncompromising Realist, recensione di The View from Nowhere di Thomas Nagel, "Times Literary Supplement", 5 September 1986, p. 962.

Lost Belonging on the Road to Progress, conversazione tra Taylor ed Ernest Gellner pubblicata in "The Listener", 20 marzo 1986, pp. 16-17.


Social Science in Relation to Practice, "Social Science", vol. 72, 1987, pp. 110-112.

Overcoming Epistemology, in After Philosophy: End or Transformation?, a cura di Kenneth Baynes, James Bohman e Thomas McCarthy, MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1987; ora inserito in Philosophical Arguments, pp. 1-19 (di questo saggio esiste una versione tedesca pubblicata un anno prima come Zur Überwindung der Erkenntnistheorie, in Die Krise der Phänomenologie und die Pragmatik des Wissenschaftsfortschritts, a cura di Michael Benedikt e Rudolf Berger, Österreichischen Staatsdrückerei, Wien 1986).


Algunas condiciones para una democracia viable, in Democracia y participation, a cura di R. Alvayay e Carlos Ruiz, CERC, Santiago del Cile 1988, pp. 19-43.

The Hermeneutics of Conflict, in Meaning and Context: Quentin Skinner and his Critics, a cura di James Tully, Polity Press, Cambridge 1988, pp. 218-228.

Reply to de Sousa and Davis, "Canadian Journal of Philosophy", 3, 1988, pp. 449-458.

Introduzione a A. Honneth e R. Meyer, Social Action and Human Nature, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1988, pp. vii-ix.

Inwardness and the Culture of Modernity, in Zwischenbetrachtungen: im Prozeß der Aufklärung, a cura di Axel Honneth, Thomas McCarthy, Claus Offe e Albrecht Wellmer, Suhrkamp, Frankfurt a.M. 1988, pp. 601-623 (trad. it. L'interiorità e la cultura della modernità, "Fenomenologia e Società", 1-2, 1996, pp. 4-24).

Logics of Disintegration (recensione del libro di Peter Dews, Logics of Disintegration: Post-Structuralist Thought and the Claims of Critical Theory, Verso, London 1987), "New Left Review", 170, July-August 1988, pp. 110-115.

Recensione di Martha Nussbaum, The Fragility of Goodness, "Canadian Journal of Philosophy", 4, 1988, pp. 805-814.

The Moral Topography of the Self, in Hermeneutics and Psychological Theory, a cura di S. B. Messer, L. A. Sass, R. L. Woolfolk, Rutgers University Press, London 1988, pp. 298-320.

Wittgenstein, Empiricism, and the Question of the "Inner": Commentary on Kenneth Gergen, in Hermeneutics and Psychological Theory, a cura di Messer, Sass, Woolfolk, pp. 52-58.


The Rushdie Controversy, " Public Culture" , 1, 1989, pp. 118-122.

Cross-Purposes: The Liberal-Communitarian Debate, in Liberalism and the Moral Life, a cura di Nancy L. Rosenblum, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass. 1989; inserito in Philosophical Arguments, pp. 181-203 (trad. it. Il dibattito fra sordi di liberali e comunitaristi, in Comunitarismo e Liberalismo, a cura di A. Ferrara, pp. 137-169).

Balancing the Humours: Charles Taylor talks to the Editors, "Idler", 26, 1989, p. 21-29.

Où est le danger?, "Liberté", 3, 1989, pp. 13-16.

Embodied Agency, in Merleau-Ponty: Critical Essays, a cura di Henry Petersma, University Press of America, Washington, DC, 1989, pp. 1-21; (la prima edizione del testo risale però al 1986 e la si può trovare in traduzione tedesca col titolo di Leibliches Handeln, in Leibhaftige Vernunft. Spuren von Merleau-Pontys Denken, a cura di Alexandre Metraux e Bernhard Waldenfels, Wilhelm Fink Verlag, München 1986, pp. 194-217).

Explanation and Practical Reason, in Wider Working Papers, World Institute for Development Economics Research of the United Nations University, Helsinki 1989; riedito in The Quality of Life, a cura di Martha Nussbaum e Amartya Sen, Clarendon Press, Oxford 1992; inserito poi in Philosophical Arguments, pp. 34-60.

Hegel's Ambiguous Legacy for Modern Liberalism, "Cardozo Law Review", 5-6, 1989; riedito in Hegel and Legal Theory, a cura di Drucilla Cornell, Michael Rosenfeld e David Grey Carlson, Routledge, New York 1991, pp. 64-77.

Marxism and Socialist Humanism, in Out of Apathy: Voices of the New Left Thirty Years On, a cura di Robin Archer, Diemut Bubeck, Hanjo Glock, Lesley Jacobs, Seth Moglen, Adam Steinhouse e Daniel Weinstock, Verso, London 1989, pp. 61-78.

La tradition d'une situation, in Penser l'èducation. Nouveau dialogues avec André Laurendeau, a cura di Nadine Pirotte, Boréal, Montréal 1989 (trad. ingl. The Tradition of a Situation, in Reconciling the Solitudes, pp. 135-139).

Taylor and Foucault on Power and Freedom: A Reply, "Political Studies", 37, 1989, pp. 277-281.



Comparison, History, Truth, in Myth and Philosophy, a cura di Frank E. Reynolds e David Tracy, State University of New York Press, Albany, N.Y., 1990; inserito in Philosophical Arguments, pp. 165-180.

Les institutions dans la vie nationale, in Les institutions québécoises: leur rôle, leur avenir, a cura di Vincent Lemieux, Les Presses de l'Université Laval, Québec 1990 (trad. ingl. Institutions in National Life, in Reconciling the Solitudes, pp. 120-134).

Religion in a Free Society, in Articles of Faith, Articles of Peace: The Religious Liberty Clauses and the American Public Philosophy, a cura di James D. Hunter e Os Guinness, Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C., 1990, pp. 93-113.

A Free, Indipendent Quebec in a Strong United Canada (recensione di C. Dufour, The Challange to English Canada. Le défi québécois), "Compass", May 1990, pp. 46-48.

Invoking Civil Society, Working Paper, Centre for Psychological Studies, Chicago 1990, pp. 1-17; inserito ora in Philosophical Arguments, pp. 225-256 (di questo saggio esiste anche una versione tedesca: Die Beschwörung der Civil Society, contenuto in Europa und die Civil Society, a cura di Krzysztof Michalski, Klett Cotta, Stuttgart 1991, pp. 52-81).

Irreducibly Social Goods, in Rationality, Individualism and Public Policy, a cura di Geoffrey Brennan e Cliff Walsh, Australian National University, Canberra 1990; inserito ora in Philosophical Arguments, pp.127-145.

Rorty in the Epistemological Tradition, in Reading Rorty, a cura di Alan Malachowski, Blackwell, Oxford 1990, pp. 257-275.

Our Therapeutic Age, "Compass", november 1990, pp. 6-10.


Von der Macht der Sprache: Interview mit Charles Taylor, "Mesotes", 1, 1991, pp. 85-87.

Comprendre la culture politique, in L'engagement intellectuel. Mélanges en l'honneur de Léon Dion, a cura di Raymond Houdon e Réjean Pelletier, Les Presses de l'Université Laval, Québec 1991, pp. 193-207.

Civil Society in the Western Tradition, in The Notion of Tolerance and Human Rights, a cura di Ethel Groffier e Michel Paradis, Carleton University Press, Ottawa 1991, pp. 117-136.

Comments and Replies, "Inquiry", 2, 1991, pp. 237-254.

The Dialogical Self, in The Interpretive Turn: Philosophy, Science, Culture, a cura di David Hiley, James Bohman e Richard Shusterman, Cornell University Press, Ithaca, N.Y., 1991, pp. 304-314.

Les enjeux de la réforme constitutionelle, in Les avis des spécialistes invités à répondre aux huit questions posées par la commission, testo presentato alla "Commission sur l'Avenir politique et constitutionel du Québec", Québec Government Publication, Québec 1991 (trad. ingl. The Stakes of Costitutional Reform, in Reconciling the Solitudes, pp. 140-154).

The Importance of Herder, in Isaiah Berlin: A Celebration, a cura di Edna e Avishai Margalit, University of Chicago Press e Horgath Press, Chicago e London 1991; inserito ora in Philosophical Arguments, pp. 79-99.

Philosophical Gadfly (recensione di G. Vlastos, Socrates: Ironist and Moral Philosopher), "Times Literary Supplement", 7 june 1991, pp. 3-4.

Lichtung oder Lebensform. Parallelen zwischen Wittgenstein und Heidegger, in Der Löwe spricht... und wir können ihn nicht verstehen, a cura di Brian McGuinness et al., Suhrkamp, Frankfurt a.M. 1991; riedito in inglese col titolo Lichtung or Lebensform: Parallels between Heidegger and Wittgenstein, in Philosophical Arguments, pp. 61-78.

Shared and Divergent Values, in Options for a New Canada, a cura di Ronald Watts e Douglas Brown, University of Toronto Press, Toronto 1991; inserito in Reconciling the Solitudes, pp. 155-186.


Liberal Politics and the Public Sphere, paper, 1992; ora in Philosophical Arguments, pp. 257-287 (trad. it. in Etzioni Amitai, a cura di, Nuovi comunitari. Persone, virtù e bene comune, Arianna Editrice, Bologna 1998, pp. 117-151).

Un choix de somnambules, "L'actualité", 1er mai 1992, pp. 65-66.

Modernity and the Rise of the Pubblic Sphere, The Tanner Lectures on Human Values (delivered at Stanford University, February 25, 1992), vol. 14, pp. 205-60.

Heidegger, Language, and Ecology, in Heidegger: A Critical Reader, a cura di Hubert Dreyfus e Harrison Hall, Blackwell, Oxford 1992; inserito ora in Philosophical Arguments, pp. 127-146.

The Politics of Recognition, Working Paper, Centre for Psychoscial Syudies, Chicago 1992; riedito in versione leggermente modificata in Multiculturalism and "The Politics of Recognition", a cura di Amy Gutmann; ora anche in Philosophical Arguments, pp. 257-288 (trad. it. in Multiculturalismo. La politica del riconoscimento, pp. 41-103).

Quel principe d'identité collective?, in L'Europe au soir du siècle. Identité et démocratie, a cura di Jacques Lenoble e Nicole Dewandre, Les Editions Esprit, Paris 1992, pp. 59-66.

Recensione di T. McCarthy, Ideals and Illusions: On Reconstruction and Deconstruction in Contemporary Critical Theory, "Ethics", 4, 1992, pp. 856-858.

To Follow a Rule, in Rules and Conventions: Literature, Philosophy, Social Theory, a cura di Mette Hjorth, John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, Md., 1992; inserito ora in Philosophical Arguments, pp. 181-203.

Impediments to a Canadian Future (1992), in Reconciling the Solitudes, pp. 187-201.

Un philosophe enraciné dans le monde (intervista con C. Taylor), "Le Devoir", 14 décembre 1992.

Wie viel Gemeinschaft braucht die Demokratie?, "Transit", 5, 1992-1993.


It is Strange and Wonderful that We Exist - Ethics and Ecology: A Symposium, "Compass", September/October 1993, pp. 21-22.

Engaged Agency and Background in Heidegger, in The Cambridge Companion to Heidegger, a cura di Charles Guignon, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1993, pp. 317-336.


Between Democracy and Despotism: The Dangers of Soft Despotism, "Current", 1, 1994, pp. 36-45.

Précis of "Sources of the Self" e Reply to Commentators, "Philosophy and Phenomenological Research", 1, 1994, pp. 185-186 e 201-213.

Reply to Braybrooke and de Sousa, "Dialogue", 1, 1994, pp. 125-131.

Un géant campé dans la modernité, "La Presse", samedi 26 février 1994, p. B6.

Replies and Re-Articulations, in Philosophy in an Age of Pluralism. The Philosophy of Charles Taylor in Question, a cura di J. Tully, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1994, pp. 213-257.

Philosophical Reflections on Caring Practices in the Helping Professions, in The Crisis of Care: Affirming and Restoring Caring Practices in the Helping Professions, a cura di Susan S. Phillips e Patricia Benner, Georgetown University Press, Washington, D.C., 1994, pp. 174-187.

Ne pas choisir: construire un Québec français et libéral (intervista con C. Taylor), "Nuit Blanche", juin-août 1994, pp. 48-50.

Can Liberalism Be Communitarian?, "Critical Review", 2, 1994, pp. 257-262.

Canadian Reality, a Little at a Time, "Compass", january-february 1994, pp. 47-48, 52.

Human Rights, Human Differences, "Compass", july-august 1994, pp. 18-19.


On 'Disclosing New Worlds', "Inquiry", 1-2, 1995, pp. 119-122.

Un entretien avec Charles Taylor, "Le monde", dimanche 14 - lundi 15 mai 1995, p. 12.

Preface, in Philosophical Arguments, pp. VII - XII.

Federations and Nations: Living among Others, in Richard Kearney (a cura di), States of Mind: Dialogues with Contemporary Thinkers, New York University Press, New York 1995, pp. 23-32.

A Most Peculiar Institution, in World, Mind, and Ethics: Essays on the Ethical Philosophy of Bernard Williams, a cura di J. E. J. Altham e R. Harrison, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1995, pp. 132-155.

A Qualified No: Message to the Rest of Canada, "Montreal Gazette", 28 september 1995, p. B3.

Charles Taylor en entrevue à La Presse, "La Presse", 16 septembre 1995.

Reply to Bromwich, "Dissent", winter 1995, pp. 103-104.


Iris Murdoch and Moral Philosophy, in Iris Murdoch and the Search for Human Goodness, a cura di Maria Antonaccio e William Schweiker, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago & London 1996, pp. 3-28.

Why Democracy Needs Patriotism, in For Love of Country. Debating the Limits of Patriotism, a cura di Joshua Cohen, Beacon Press, Boston 1996, pp. 119-121; trad. it.,La democrazia ha bisogno di patriottismo, in M. Nussbaum - G.E. Rusconi - M. Viroli (edd), Piccole patrie grande mondo, Roma 1995, pp. 37-40.

Communitarianism, Taylor-made: An Interview with Charles Taylor, "Australian Quarterly", vol. 68, 1996, pp. 4-5.

Les sources de l'identité moderne, in Les frontières de l'identité. Modernité et postmodernisme au Québec, a cura di Mikhaël Elboz, Andrée Fortin, Guy Laforest, Les Presses de l'Université Laval, Paris 1996, pp. 347-364.

Introduzione a E. Renan, Qu'est-ce qu'une nation? What is a Nation?, Tapir Press, Toronto 1996.

Spirituality of Life and its Shadow, "Compass", May/June 1996, pp. 10-13.

Recensione di Multicultural Citizenship di Will Kymlicka, "American Political Science Review", 2, 1996, p. 408.

A World Consensus on Human Rights ?, "Dissent", 43, summer 1996, pp. 15-2; trad. it. Partiamo dai diritti umani, in "Reset", 36, aprile 1997, pp. 27-33).

Sharing Identity Space, in J. E. Trent - R. Young - G. Lachapelle (edd), Québec-Canada: What is the Path Ahead?, Ottawa 1996, pp. 121-124.

Drei Formen des Säkularismus, in O. Kallscheuer (ed), Das Europa der Religionen. Ein Kontinent zwischen Säkularisierung und Fundamentalismus, Frankfurt a.M. 1996, pp. 217-246.

Der Trend zur politischen Fragmentarisierung. Bedeutungsverlust demokratischer Entscheidungen, in W. Weidenfeld (ed), Demokratie am Wendepunkt. Die demokratische Frage als Projekt des 21. Jahrhunderts, Berlin 1996, pp. 254-273.

Der Irrtum der desengagierten Vernunft. Ein Gespräch mit Charles Taylor, in I. Breuer - P. Leusch - D. Mersch (edd), Welten im Kopf. Profile der Gegenwartsphilosophie, Hamburg 1996, pp. 195-202.


Nationalism and Modernity, in Robert McKim e Jeff McMahan (a cura di), The Morality of Nationalism, Oxford University Press, Oxford 1997, pp. 31-53.

Prefazione a Marcel Gauchet, The Disenchantment of the World: A Political History of Religion, Princeton University Press, Princeton, N.J., 1997, pp. viii-xv (trad. it. in "Hermeneutica", annuario di filosofia e teologia, 1999, pp. 287-296).

Entretien avec Charles Taylor, in L'archipel identitaire, a cura di M. Ancelovici e F. Dupuis-Déri, Boréal, Montréal 1997, pp. 23-36.

Leading a Life, in Incommensurability, Incomparability and Practical Reason, a cura di Ruth Chang, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1997, pp. 170-83; trad. it. Condurre una vita, in «La società degli individui», 11 (2001), pp. 73-89.

Avant-propos, in P. de Lara (ed), La liberté des modernes, Paris 1997, pp. V-VIII.

Demokratie und Ausgrenzung, in «Transit», 7 (1997), pp. 81-97.

Die immanente Gegenaufklärung, in K. Michalski (ed), Aufklärung Heute, Stuttgart, 1997, pp. 54-74.

Was ist Liberalismus?, in Hegelpreis 1997, Frankfurt a.M. 1997, pp. 25-54.

Contributo a F.J. Varela (ed), Sleeping, Dreaming and Dying. An Exploration of Consciousness with the Dalai Lama. With Contributions by J. Engel, J. Gackenbach, J. Halifax, J. McDougall and C. Taylor, Boston 1997 ; trad. it. Il sonno, il sogno, la morte: un'esplorazione della consapevolezza con il Dalai Lama, Vicenza 2000, 291 pp.


From Philosophical Anthropology to the Politics of Recognition (intervista con C. Taylor), "Thesis Eleven", 1, 1998, pp. 103-112.

Modes of Secularism, in Rajeev Bhargava (a cura di), Secularism and its Critics, Oxford University Press, Oxford 1998, pp. 31-53.

Living with Difference, in Debating Democracy's Discontent, a cura di A. L. Allen e M.C. Regan, Oxford University Press, Oxford 1998, pp. 212-226.

L'expérience intérieure (intervista con C. Taylor), "Le Devoir", 4 avril 1998, pp. D1-2.

Le Fondamental dans l'Histoire, in Charles Taylor et l'interprétation de l'identité moderne, a cura di Guy Laforest e Philippe de Lara, Cerf, Paris 1998, pp. 35-49.

Le redresseur de tordus (intervista con C. Taylor), "L'actualité", juillet 1998, pp. 18-20.

Globalization and the Future of Canada, "Queen's Quarterly", 3, 1998, pp. 331-342.

The Dynamics of Democratic Exclusion, "Journal of Democracy", 4, 1998, pp. 143-156.

A Response, «Eidos», 15 (1998), pp. 79-87.


A Catholic Modernity? Charles Taylor's Marianist Award Lecture, ed. by J.L. Heft, New York - Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1999, pp. 13-37; trad. it. Una modernità cattolica?, in «Annali di studi religiosi», 1 (2000), pp. 405-427.

Conditions of an Unforced Consensus on Human Rights, in The East Asian Challenge, a cura di J. R. Bauer e D. Bell, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1999, pp. 124-144.

Comment on Juergen Habermas "From Kant to Hegel and Back Again", "European Journal of Philosophy", 2, 1999, pp. 152-157.

Democratic Exclusion (And Its Remedies?), in A.C. Cairns, J.C. Courtney, P. Mackinnon, D.E. Smith, Citizenship, Diversity and Pluralism: Canadian and Comparative Perspectives, Montreal 1999.

De la nation culturelle à la nation politique, in «Le Devoir», 19 giugno 1999.

Glaube und Identität. Religion und Gewalt in der modernen Welt, in «Transit», 16 (1999), pp. 21-37.

Two Theories of Modernity, in «Public Culture», 11 (1999), pp. 153-174, trad. it. Due teorie sulla modernità, in «Bollettino della Società Filosofica Italiana», 174 (2001), pp. 20-42.

Democratic Exclusion (and its Remedies?), in R. Bhargava - A.K. Bagchi - R. Sudarshan (edd), Multiculturalism, Liberalism and Democracy, New Delhi 1999, pp. 138-163.


The Immanent Counter-Enlightenment, in R. Beiner - W. Norman (edd), Canadian Political Philosophy: Contemporary Reflections, Oxford 2000, pp. 583-603.

[Rec.] J. McDowell, Mind, Value and Reality e Meaning, Knowledge and Reality, in «Philosophical Quarterly», 199 (2000), pp. 242-249.

What's Wrong with Foundationalism? Knowledge, Agency and World, in M. Wrathall - J. Malpas (edd), Heidegger, Coping and Cognitive Science: Essays in Honor of Hubert L. Dreyfus, Boston 2000, vol. 2.

Taylor-made Selves (intervista con Alexandra Klaushofer), in «The Philosophers' Magazine», 12 (2000), pp. 37-40.

Religion Today, in «Transit», 19 (2000).

Einige Überlegungen zur Idee der Solidarität, in «Transit», 20 (2000), pp. 189-201.

Die Moderne und die Säkulare Zeit, in K. Michalski (ed), Am Ende des Millenniums: Zeit und Modernitäten. Castelgandolfo-Gespräche 1998, Stuttgart 2000, pp. 28-85.

Modernity and Difference, in P. Gilroy - L. Grossberg - A. McRobbie (edd), Without Guarantees: In Honour of Stuart Hall, London - New York 2000.

Prefazione a J. Maclure, Récits identitaires: Le Québec à l'epreuve du pluralisme, Montréal 2000, pp. 15-17.

A colloquio con Charles Taylor (intervista con P. Costa), in «Annali di studi religiosi», 1 (2000), pp. 391-404.

The Ground of Inclusiveness, in P.F. Askonas - A. Stewart (edd), Social Inclusion: Possibilities and Tensions, Baskingstoke 2000.


A Tension in Modern Democracy, in A. Botwinick - W.E. Connolly (edd), Democracy and Vision: Sheldon Wolin and the Vicissitudes of the Political, Princeton N.J. 2001, pp. 79-98.

Abschied von einer Theorie der indirekten Erkenntnis, in L. Wingert - K. Günther (edd), Die Öffentlichkeit der Vernunft und die Vernunft der Öffentlichkeit. Festschrift für Jürgen Habermas, Frankfurt a.M. 2001, pp. 53-76.

On Social Imaginary, paper, reperibile su internet all'indirizzo http://www.nyu.edu/classes/calhoun/Theory/Taylor-on-si.htm

Dialogo sulla globalizzazione (insieme a G. Vattimo - R. Rorty), in «Micromega», 5 (2001), pp. 27-38.

Contributo al Review Symposium su B. Parekh, Rethinking Multiculturalism: Cultural Diversity and Political Theory, in «Ethnicities», 1 (2001).

Plurality of Goods, in R. Dworkin - M. Lilla - R.B. Silvers (edd), The Legacy of Isaiah Berlin, New York 2001, pp. 113-120.  

The Articulated Life (intervista con R. Abbey), in "Reason in Practice", 1/3 (2001).  

Modernity and Identity, in J.W. Scott - D. Keates (edd), Schools of Thought: Twenty-Five Years of Interpretive Social Science, Princeton, NJ, 2001, pp. 139-153.


Gadamer on the Human Sciences, in R.J. Dostal (ed), The Cambridge Companion to Gadamer, Cambridge 2002, pp. 126-142.

Democracy, Inclusive and Exclusive, in R. Madsen - W.M. Sullivan - A. Swidler - S.M. Tipton (edd), Meaning and Modernity: Religion, Polity, and Self, Berkeley - Los Angeles - London 2001, pp. 181-194.

Modern Social Imaginaries, in «Public Culture», 14 (2002).

On Identity, Alienation and the Consequences of September 11th (intervista con H. Rosa e A. Laitinen), in A. Laitinen - N.H. Smith (edd), Perspectives on the Philosophy of Charles Taylor, «Acta Philosophica Fennica», 71 (2002), pp. 165-195, trad. ted. Interview: Tocqueville statt Marx. Über Identität, Entfremdung und die Konsequenzen des 11. September, in «Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie», 50 (2002), pp. 127-148.  

Gewalt und Moderne, in «Transit», 23 (2002).

What it Means to be Secular (intervista con B. Ellis Benson), in "Books and Culture", 8/4 (2002), p. 36, reperibile su internet all'indirizzo http://www.christianitytoday.com/bc/2002/004/14.36.html 




Foundationalism and the Inner-Outer Distinction, in N.H. Smith (ed), Reading McDowell: On Mind and World, London 2003.


Sacred Killing. The Roots of Violence, in «Voices across the Boundaries», 1 ( 2003), pp. 11-16.


Response to Bhabba, in M.J. Gibney (ed), Globalizing Rights: The Oxford Amnesty Lectures 1999, Oxford 2003, pp. 184-188.  


Charles Taylor on Secularization (intervista con F. Lombo de Leon e B. van Leeuwen), in "Ethical Perspectives", 10 (2003), pp. 78-86.


Redefinir la famille (intervista con N. Dyke), in "MokaSofa", 21 marzo 2003, reperibile su internet all'indirizzo http://www.lepont.com/bulletin/05_2003.pdf




Merleau-Ponty and the Epistemological Picture, in T. Carman - M. Hansen (edd), The Cambridge Companion to Merleau-Ponty, Cambridge 2004.


Descombes' Critique of Cognitivism, in "Inquiry", 47/3 (2004), pp. 203-218.

A Place for Transcendence?, in R. Schwartz (ed), Transcendence: Philosophy, Literature, and Theology Approach the Beyond, New York 2004.  

Credo ergo sono moderno (intervista con D. Lepido), in "Avvenire", 15.05.2004, p. 25.




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