Nerine Petros Shifting Perspectives 2 Jacey, Fynn & Aden

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Dedication: To a special group of ladies, helping this book be the

best it can: Meredith, Elaine and Iron Dog. Thank you.

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Chapter One

Jacey woke with a start, grimacing as he clicked his

tongue around his dry mouth, the taste of whatever he
drank last night sitting like acid in the back of his throat.
What a night! He had set out to well and truly distract
himself from something that could never be, and had
ended up just confirming what he had always feared to
be true, at least to himself. No one else would ever need
to know.

Stopping those thoughts before they gained

momentum, Jacey sat up as far as he was able, stretching
his arms above his head until they hit the roof of the cab.
Taking stock, Jacey decided that for sleeping stretched
out on the bench seat of a ute, he'd probably gotten off
lightly. Besides the marching band in his head and the
rock band in his gut, there was an ache in his lower back
he'd need to walk off.

He really had to stop sleeping in his ute. It was going

to cause his back and neck some serious problems as he
got older. He just hadn't wanted to be late. He really
didn't want to let Oliver down, plus he needed the job.
Missing large chunks of high school meant he was
happy to simply qualify, never mind considering
college, especially with the lack of funds after his
parents passed. He was lucky to still have a roof over his
head, and he would do well to stop bellyaching and
remember that. If only the marching band in his head
would cooperate with the plan.

Dragging himself out of the ute, Jacey stopped for a

moment to gain his balance with a hand on the side of
the truck before he started walking toward the
communal pack house.


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Jacey had no idea Fynn was watching at that

moment. Fynn stayed downwind, not that it mattered.
Jacey wouldn't have known he was there even if Fynn
had been upwind, but still; instincts were what they were
when you were a shifter.

Fynn could see how Jacey was hurting from these

binges. Knowing that Jacey was still wearing the clothes
from last night settled low in Fynn's brain and started a
slow burn of anger in the pit of his belly. Deliberately
moving away from the side of the house, Fynn needed to
get his mind on something else, or he could completely
fuck up whatever chance he and his mate, Aden, had at
the fair Jacey.

Fynn had already fucked things up back when they

had first moved into the area, because rather than play
his cards close to his chest, he had done the opposite.
Walking into the butchery and finding his second mate
had been a shock.

Another customer had given Fynn the chance to pull

Jacey out to the back room. Making it there had been all
Fynn was aware of. Fynn pushed Jacey against a wall.
Ignoring his shocked expression, Fynn pinned his arms
above his head with a hand on each wrist. The enticing
curve of Jacey's lower lip proved too much as Fynn
smashed their lips together in a predatory kiss.

Fynn pulled away, beyond reason, and had simply

said what was on his mind without thought. "You're

Jacey had flipped out. But still, he had managed in a

quiet and controlled way to explain he wasn't gay, never
had been, and no, he did not belong to anyone, let alone
more than one anyone. Fynn had looked him in the eye
for a moment and then headed back out to Oliver,
feeling like a chat with Aden was in order.

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Both had known there was a chance there may be a

third for them, because they felt something missing in
their relationship. Just a slight twinge every now and
then that let them know, although they would be
perfectly fine and balaka paired as they were, there
could be more for them.

Fynn could see Jacey straightening up from the ute,

heading toward the door leading to the main section of
the house. Fynn didn't yell out, too uncertain of the
emotions roiling in his gut to risk an approach right
now. Besides, through his mate connection, he knew
Aden was inside at the kitchen table. If there were
problems, Aden would let him know.


Jacey kicked at the dirt on the path in front of him,

heading toward the kitchen door. Dang, he was sick of
seeing red. Red sun, red dirt, red faces, red sunburn.
Red, red, red. Trying to distract himself from that
depressing thought, he wondered idly who would be
around at this time of day.

Okay, so maybe he needed some coffee, or even

another shot of Bundaberg rum, to help clear the
cobwebs, but sometimes it felt to him like there were a
few too many men in the house. There were five of them
-- five big, solid, tanned, hot shifters -- all living here,
plus Oliver. Between Angus, Aden, Fynn, Kyran and
Aric, the whole living situation brought way too many
college dorm room fantasies to mind.

Two shifters in particular made his heart beat faster

and his palms sweat. But they weren't for him. He had to
remember that. So far he had done an almost perfect job
of convincing everyone he was straight. Jacey was
nowhere near as brave as Oliver. He had kept his true

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self hidden, even from himself, at least until recently.
Jacey had pretty much forced himself to deal with his
issues when the shifters had arrived, or face slow
insanity from the lust and instant hard-ons he
experienced in Fynn and Aden's presence.

The Waangoo, or Dingo, shifter pack was fairly new

to town. They had left K'gari, or Fraser Island, because
the Australian government was about to start a dingo
tracking program, a nightmare situation for the entire
shifter community. Jacey had no idea where the other
dingo shifters had moved to. The larger dingo pack had
also excommunicated these men for being gay, so Jacey
just couldn't bring himself to care what might or might
not have happened to the rest of the Waangoo shifters
when they left K'gari.

Oliver, his best friend and boss, was mated to the

Alpha, Angus. This meant the butchery where he
worked had been moved to pack lands. It usually wasn't
an issue getting to work on any other day, it just meant a
slightly longer commute. Last night, though, Jacey must
have had a few moments of drunken clarity before
passing out, deciding to camp out here in his car rather
than head home.


Walking into the front hall, Jacey saw Oliver and

Aden sitting quietly at the kitchen table, each appearing
lost in their breakfast and respective readings. Both
paused as Jacey reached the kitchen, Oliver with a spoon
of Weet-bix halfway to his mouth, trailing milk all over
his lap. Angus would probably think that was adorable
and try and lick it all up.
Jacey caught himself with disgust before the thought
could go any further, stumbling forward to sink into the

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chair closer to Aden's end of the table, dropping his head
into his hands. He must be worse off than he thought if
he was starting to daydream about his best friend's love

The silence getting to him, Jacey slid his hands

around to cup his cheeks, catching Oliver's facial
expression, all pursed up looking slightly like a
pussycat. Jacey knew he probably looked like death
warmed over, and a slight blush caught his cheeks.

"What is that smell?"Oliver asked, his nose wrinkling

in disgust. "Is that yesterday's clothes you're still in?"

Jacey quietly groaned. If Oliver could smell him from

the other end of the table, he really didn't want to know
what Aden could smell from pretty much right next to
him. Chancing a glance, Jacey saw that Aden gave no
outward reaction at all. Deciding to ignore Aden for the
time being, Jacey answered Oliver's questions from the
safety of his hands, hiding his face from view.

"Yes, and the smell is probably a mix of sawdust,

cow poo, cheap perfume, cigarettes, and however many
beers they threw on me."

Of course, Jacey should have known Oliver couldn't

leave it at that, even after Jacey had given extra info in
the hope that the gossip in Oliver would be happy.

"So where did you sleep?" Oliver wanted to know.
"In my car, out in the butchery car park. Didn't want

to be late to work, you know," Jacey said, hoping this
didn't drag on for very long. He watched Oliver take one
really long, deep breath before letting it out slowly. That
couldn't be a good sign.

"Are you telling me that you went out for a night on

the town, did something that made people want to throw
beer all over you, then drove your car out to our place,
which is at least forty-five minutes away from the
closest bar, and slept in your car the rest of the night?"

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Oliver practically yelled at him, spewing little pieces of
Weet-bix over the table in the process.

"Geez, man, lower your voice a bit, it's no biggie."

Jacey really, really wanted Oliver to leave this alone.
Why did everyone have to ride him so much about every
little thing? Oliver didn't need to shout, either. That
wasn't helping his pounding head one little bit.

"No biggie? No biggie? You were drunk. Behind the

wheel of a car. Where did you go?"

Still with the yelling, although at a slightly higher

pitch this time. Jacey's head throbbed the tiniest bit
harder, and he started hoping that there were some extra
strength aspirin somewhere close by.

"The Pig and Whistle. You know the one, always full

of those curves, and I don't mean the architecture," he
slurred out, putting it on slightly in resistance to Oliver
making him feel like a twelve-year old.

This from Aden, who Jacey guessed had finally

decided to join in with 'pick on Jacey day'. Jacey didn't
think that was a good thing, either, 'cause Aden's tone of
voice was not friendly. Aden looked friendlier than
Oliver, though, whose face had that slightly flushed look
to it that meant either really mad or had just been
fucked. Since Jacey didn't see Angus anywhere close, he
was going with the former.

Jacey dropped his head back into his hands so he

didn't have to look at either of them. "Yeah, I needed to
relax, so I drove out to the Pig and Whistle and had a
really good time. I think I did anyway. Can't rightly
remember most of the second half of the night, but I do
remember riding the 'bull' and getting it down. That was
where the beer shower came in."

He really should have stopped while he was ahead.

Too late, he glanced to the side and realized Aden had

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developed a tic in the left cheek. Jacey watched,

"Okay, so you rode the bull and stayed on for the

time, congrats for that, but what made you get in the car
and drive in your condition?" Oliver asked.

"Oh, I had to drop Cristal off at her place; a

gentleman always takes his date home, even if he only
gets said date at the bar," Jacey informed them

"Ah, and how is the wonderful Cristal?" Oliver


Jacey was more than aware Oliver already knew the

lady in question by reputation. If Jacey had looked at
Oliver before responding, he would have seen the
question was sarcastic, but he was still so fascinated
with that tic of Aden's that he gave a smart-arse answer
without pausing to think. "My memories are vague, but
she gives good head."

He really should have held his tongue, but he would

never learn. He always had to have the last word. Jacey
whipped his head in the other direction as a magazine
snapped closed, watching Aden take a deep breath, stand
up, and walk out.

"What's his beef?" Jacey muttered, feeling like his

head was going to explode off his shoulders and really
wishing he had hit the coffee pot before sitting down.

"I have no idea, Jacey. I mean, really, what could his

problem be with how you spent yesterday evening and
last..." Oliver started in a dry, cutting tone.

They heard a door slam from the front of the house.

Heavy, almost angry-sounding footsteps thudded down
the hall, just before Fynn came striding around the
corner into the kitchen and set infuriated eyes on Jacey.

"You did what with who last night?" was growled out

between lips so thin and tight with repressed anger that

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you could barely see them except for the slash they
made on Fynn's face.

Jacey, shocked mute by the suddenness of Fynn's

arrival, pumped out a very articulate, "Huh?"

"I said," Fynn continued, taking a deep breath and

releasing it slowly -- seemed people were doing a lot of
that around him this morning -- "You did what with who
last night?"

"How is any of that your business?"
"I'm making it my business. As of right now, when

you are stupid enough to get behind the wheel of a car
drunk, everything about you becomes my business!"
Fynn exploded, starting out the back door, "I've taken
the keys to your car. You are not going anywhere
without permission. Aden tells me you got a nice little
present from the lovely Cristal last night. Was it good
for you? The last blowjob you'll ever get from a woman,
did it do it for you?"

Jumping up to follow, Jacey couldn't believe what

had become of his morning or where this conversation
had gone.

"What the fuck? I said she did good head, I never

said she did me. Get your facts straight. And what's that
about, the last blowjob a woman will ever give me? And
give me my fucking keys back. Where do you get up the
nerve to go poking around in my business? I don't go
poking around in yours. In fact, I leave you the hell
alone, you big, overcooked, testosterone-filled..."

The ground littered with loose stones, Jacey had been

busy looking where his feet landed while in pursuit, so
was not ready when Fynn walked up and threw him over
a shoulder.

"Hey! Put me down right now. I demand you put me

down," Jacey ordered, feeling weightless and out of
sorts, not liking it one bit.

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"Fine," was Fynn's response.
"Thank yo..." Jacey started to say, before giving a

startled shriek as he felt his body being thrown away
from Fynn. A large splash followed, and Jacey looked
up at Fynn in shock from the middle of the water trough.

"That will teach you to play with fire, Jacey. Keep up

with this toddler behavior and your punishments will get
worse, do you understand?" Fynn asked, his voice low
and gravelly.

Jacey's eyes narrowed, and he threw his head back

and screamed, releasing all his tension in one mighty
bellow. Climbing out of the trough, Jacey let fly with
colorful and creative swearing that called Fynn's
personality, his virility, and his sanity into question,
getting even more aggravated as Fynn just laughed it off
with a flap of his hand and walked away toward the
vegetable patch.

"I am going to kill you for this, just you wait. I'd be

sleeping with one eye open if I were you. And let's not
forget who helps prepare the meat you cook. I might just
add something personal to the mix that'll only affect the
chef..." Jacey continued to mutter under his breath, as he
headed for his truck and a change of clothes.

He stopped short, realizing he was locked out of his

vehicle, and turned toward Fynn, calling out, "I need my
keys, you moron, I need to get my clothes."

Fynn continued on his way, turning and walking

backward to call back, "All of the belongings from your
car are in our rooms where they belong, waiting for
you," before giving a little wave and continuing on his

Jacey was flummoxed. As he stood there feeling his

body vibrate from a combination of chills and anger, he
could console himself with the thought that payback

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would be a bitch if only he knew what to do about this
whole thing.

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Chapter Two

Jacey headed back to the kitchen, which was now

empty. He was finally able to grab that cup of coffee
before going deeper into the house. He wanted his stuff
back, damn it. He wasn't staying another minute. To hell
with the job. He'd move to a city and find something,
'cause there certainly wasn't anything keeping him here.
Oliver was obviously one of them now, and Jacey had
no interest in being a third wheel.

With these thoughts solidified, Jacey started

exploring the upstairs section of the building, which
seemed to house the bedrooms (if that's what they could
be called at the size they were) and the bathrooms.
Coming up to the third door, he tried the handle and
found it was locked.

About to turn and start further down the hall, a voice

from behind startled him out of his musings and made
him spill coffee down most of his front, not that it
mattered much in his present state of roughness.

"You want the fourth door down on the left."
Jacey would know that rumble anywhere, and

answered Aden without turning. "Right, thanks for that,
I'll just grab my things and be on my way, then." He
started forward again.

"I do not think so," was Aden's growled response.

Jacey turned to find the much larger man walking
slowly, but with purpose, toward him, herding him back
toward the aforementioned bedroom.

"Do you really think we are going to let you just walk

away, Jace? Do you really think that knowing my mate
has tasted your lips, and I have yet to, helps me sleep at
night? Does it not matter to you that I want to pin you to
a wall and have my way with you?"

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"Don't call me Jace." Jacey knew that wasn't a real

intelligent comeback, but it was the only thing he could
think to blurt out while ignoring the rest of what Aden
had said.

"Oh, I'll call you more than that. I'll call you mate

before this night is over," Aden declared.

It was easy to see how much Aden meant that. Jacey

had never seen the other man this worked up over
something. Aden was the calm one. It would have been
kind of flattering if it didn't scare the shit out of him.
Danger signals started in Jacey's head, and he
instinctively knew not to turn his back on Aden. Turning
his head slightly to the side, Jacey caught sight of the
edge of the doorway and possible salvation before
facing his aggressor once more.

He lost his train of thought completely when he saw

Aden's eyes -- Aden's dingo had come out to play.

"I am so fucked," Jacey whimpered under his breath,

none too sure what to do in this situation. After all, it
wasn't as if there was a 'How to manage an out-of-
control dingo mate' book at the local library. If he had
been more in his right mind, alarm may have flooded
him at the realization of how he had included 'mate' in
that title, but right now, his brain wasn't doing anything
close to helpful.

"That's the plan," was Aden's guttural response, his

dingo showing a little more in the definition of his jaw,
making it harder for him to produce normal-sounding

Aden lunged forward in a move so sudden Jacey had

no chance to respond. He found himself once again
thrown over a shoulder and moving into the artificially
darkened room beyond the doorframe. Jacey muttered
curses about Aden's shifter eyesight, meaning Aden
could see in the dark just as easily in bright light. That

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wasn't fair, and what the hell was with these two and
throwing him around? He might be on the smaller side
by comparison with these men, but he was still almost
six feet tall.

Jacey didn't get much of a chance to think about it,

finding himself deposited on his feet in a bathroom the
likes of which he had never thought existed, let alone
actually seen. The shower was huge. More than room
enough for four grown men, with jets at different
intervals on opposing walls. It was a beauty.

"H-hey. Hey. What are you doing?" Jacey exclaimed,

returning his concentration to Aden, two steps away and
gloriously naked.

Hold on, did I actually think 'gloriously'? Get a grip

here, Jacey, and get it together! This is not for you,
these men -- hell, any men are not for you. Oh, God, and
now I'm talking to myself in my mind. Well, Dad always
said I was nuts.

Aden had stripped most of Jacey's clothes off by the

time Jacey snapped himself out of his second round of
preoccupation. Jacey, still in unbuttoned jeans and
undershirt, threw his hands up and backed away from

"No way, man. I'll get changed and get out of here.

Forget the shower. I'm already wet. I just need to dry


Aden, already impatient, forewent any form of talk --

after all, it hadn't worked when Fynn tried it -- stalked
up to Jacey, and tore the undershirt off. While Jacey
appeared to be in shock, Aden grabbed hold of Jacey's
sodden jeans and tore them down the front as well. At
some point, Jacey needed to learn just what he was up

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against, and Aden hoped the show of strength would
help with that.

Aden had had some sort of plan when they'd walked

into the bathroom. Having Jacey standing there, naked,
blew all of those thoughts from Aden's mind. Jacey's
impressive, cut cock was already flushed light purple at
the head and standing at half mast, whether from arousal
or stimulatory overload, Aden couldn't be sure. As the
full scent of Jacey hit his dingo, Aden lost control.

With a growl, Aden lunged forward and threw Jacey

back against the wall of the shower enclosure.
Enveloping Jacey's lips with his own, Aden thrust in
with his tongue, taking in Jacey's flavor and returning
his own in the process, claiming every part of Jacey's
mouth in a show of power, imitating orally what he
intended to act out bodily.

Jacey moaned. Aden sensed when Jacey gave in,

melting into the kiss. Aden relaxed in the embrace,
allowing his dingo to take over, commencing the mating
dance. Aden let his tongue soften, taking licks over and
over on the roof of Jacey's mouth, down the sides,
rubbing tongues, trying to overwhelm Jacey with

Aden took a moment to let Fynn know through their

mate bond what was occurring in their bathroom. Fynn's
thoughts returned, sending Aden love and letting him
feel Fynn's lust for their third mate Aden hitched Jacey
up with an arm under each thigh and walked into the
adjoining bedroom, continuing to kiss Jacey.

Aden grunted as his shins met the edge of the bed. He

and Fynn had had it specially made larger than normal, a
fact he was particularly grateful for now, even if finding
sheets to fit had been a bitch. He slowly lowered Jacey
down until arse met bed, bending to keep contact as he

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did so, and leaned forward, slowly pushing Jacey back
and releasing his mating musk at the same time.

Jacey's head hit the comforter, and Aden finally

released his mouth, allowing Jacey to take a deep breath,
knowing the musk would be included.

Aden slid down Jacey's body, only to draw a sharp

breath at the image Jacey now presented. The flushed
purple head was swollen, leaking pre-come and chaining
itself to his pup's ribbed stomach in clear ribbons. Mouth
watering, Aden moaned, closing his mouth around
Jacey's cock. He allowed spit to slide out along the shaft,
easing the way over heated skin soft as silk. Aden pulled
up to the circumcised tip, closing his lips firmly just
beneath the mushroom head and sucking madly, losing
his mind slightly at the taste of his mate.

Barely hearing his pup's moans and groans in the

back of his mind, Aden focused on the task in front of
him. Holding a hip down in each hand, he tightened his
suction and moved his mouth slowly up and down the
almost eight-inch cock in his mouth, working his way up

"Agh, guhg, Aden!" Jacey screamed.
Relaxing his throat, Aden swallowed a number of

times over, making his pup squirm and shudder trying to
break his hold. Aden let go of one hip and moved his
hand down between his own legs, cupping his warm sac
in his hand and gently pulling down, warding off his
impending orgasm. This time was all for his pup. Aden
lightly dragged his teeth along Jacey's cock.

Jacey couldn't believe what was happening, the

amount of stimulation too much. His upper body arched
off the bed as he emptied himself into Aden's willing
mouth. Aden received it all with a muffled groan, taking
all he had to give, swallowing, leaning in to lick, suck,
and nuzzle. As he slumped back on the bed, Jacey

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realized he'd never experienced anything like it. Jacey
moaned as the delicious scent from earlier once again
drifted through the air, making his cock stir despite his

Aden moved further up his mate's body, leaving little

love bites as he went. He continued on this path until he
reached Jacey's sweet lips. Reaching under the closest
pillow, he closed his hand around the bottle he was
looking for -- lube. Aden dropped the bottle beside
Jacey's hip and, hooking his hands under his pup's arms,
dragged Jacey gently up the bed, thoroughly enjoying
the debauched sight as Jacey's dazed eyes met his.

Jacey's head lifted slightly to meet his kiss as Aden

lowered his head, moving his hands and threading his
fingers through the silk that was Jacey's hair. Breaking
the kiss, Aden leaned down and bit Jacey's neck gently
where he intended to mark later.

The curse that followed was all Aden needed to hear.

Aden flipped Jacey over, placing a hand under each hip
and levering him off the mattress, placing two pillows
under his pelvis to keep his backside in the air. Aden
placed a hand on one cheek and spread Jacey slightly,
squeezing the bottle so a small amount of lube slid
between his cheeks, feeling Jacey jump slightly from the
cool liquid. Aden soothed him, a hand on his lower back
rubbing gently.

When Jacey relaxed, Aden again slipped his hands

down with his thumbs on the inside of Jacey's cheeks,
spreading them gently. Seeing the bounty laid out before
him, Aden moaned as his entire body shuddered. He
could see Jacey's hole fluttering in anticipation or fear,
he knew not which, but he would make sure Jacey
wanted this.

Sliding the tip of a thumb down, Aden penetrated,

hearing Jacey's moans as his thumb slipped in further.

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Aden used his other thumb to massage and arouse the
area around Jacey's hole. Jacey was making more noise
now, head buried deep in a pillow, mewls and moans
interspersed with groans and "please," all delighting
Aden, keeping his dingo satisfied and quiet.

Removing his thumb, Aden slipped one finger into

Jacey, searching out and finding the magic button
guaranteed to make Jacey forget what planet he was on.
Massaging the internal walls, Aden made sure to brush
past that erogenous zone, slowly adding a second and
then a third finger, watching Jacey carefully for signs of
withdrawal or displeasure. Seeing and sensing none,
Aden continued to move his fingers in and out, waiting
for their third mate.


Fynn walked in the room and took a deep breath,

relishing the scent that hit the back of his nose and
dropped to the pit of his stomach. If he hadn't been hard
before, he was now. Every now and then, a shifter would
be gifted with an extra ability, and Aden happened to be
one of them. It may not have seemed like much, but the
shifters' mating musk could bring straight men to their
knees begging for it. For Aden's actual mates, men
predisposed to want Aden, it was devastating.

The sight that met Fynn's eyes when he could finally

focus took his breath away. He had deliberately cut off
his mate link earlier to avoid temptation; obviously, that
had been a mistake. Carefully, Fynn reopened the link,
falling to his knees under the weight of lust. Breathing
deeply for a moment, he gained as much control as he
was able and stood to remove his clothing. Moving to
the end of the bed, he caught Aden's eye and indicated
with a head motion for Aden to move aside before

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leaning in and catching Aden in a lustful mating of

Breaking the kiss, Fynn positioned himself in Aden's

abandoned spot, the head of his cock at Jacey's entrance,
gently pushing forward just a little to relax the outer
muscle. Jacey moaned and pushed back in desperation.

"You want this, pup? You want me thrusting into

you, claiming you?" Fynn asked, demanding. "Tell me,
pup, is this what you need?"

"I don't know. Something... anything... you, I need

you..." came the desperate, broken response, muffled by
the pillow.

With a growl, Fynn pushed through the resistant

muscle and, with the head of his cock inside his mate,
stopped to take a breath. Hearing Jacey taking great
gulps of air and exhaling loudly, Fynn leaned forward
and whispered gently in his pup's ear.

"That's it, pup. You've done it. The worst is over. Just

breathe. Now I can make you truly fly."

Jacey gave a garbled moan in response. Thrusting

gently to start with, gaining momentum and tilting his
hips just so to hit Jacey's prostate with the tip of his cock
with each inward thrust, Fynn heard Jacey shouting with

Fynn signaled Aden to take his place as he pulled out

of Jacey, who groaned in protest, only to gasp as the
larger Aden thrust gently inside, setting a rhythm almost
instantly, again dragging across Jacey's prostate with
each thrust.

Wiping some of the lube off as he went, Fynn settled

himself at the head of the bed, removing the pillow at
Jacey's head and sliding his legs under Jacey's chest,
holding his cock in one hand and stroking in rhythm
with Aden's thrusts. Watching this, Jacey moaned and
Aden moved faster, growling.

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Fynn watched as Aden leaned over Jacey's back,

opening and snapping his jaw closed on the tendons
between shoulder blade and neck on the left side as he
howled his release, marking their mate. Jacey stiffened
underneath him, dropping his head forward to rest on
Fynn as Aden reached underneath, grabbing Jacey's
cock in a hard grip.

"Don't come." It clearly wasn't a request; it was an


Fynn pulled out from underneath Jacey, returning to

slide smoothly into Jacey's arse, thrusting deep and hard.
Fynn could feel Jacey starting to tumble into orgasm,
walls clutching and grabbing as Fynn thrust, making lust
spread like liquid fire through his bloodstream. Fynn
leaned forward and marked Jacey's right shoulder in a
similar manner to Aden. Fynn shouted his completion
and collected his little mate tight to his chest, feeling his
mate collapse against him as Jacey's body went limp.

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Chapter Three

The next morning, Jacey woke to an empty bed. He

supposed he should feel some emotion other than relief
after what had happened the night before. He had been
fighting himself and his feelings for these two men for
so long now, almost two months; there was just no room
for anything else.

Well, maybe lust. Jacey smirked as he looked down

at the morning wood he'd woken up with that morning.
His thoughts were broken off as what felt like a radio
broadcast filtered across his head.

'I really regret using mating musk, Fynn. I truly

didn't mean to. I lost control, and my dingo came out to
play. Eager for his mate after such a long wait, I
suppose, but I still feel some guilt.'

'I wouldn't worry about it. If it wasn't meant to be a

true mating, the mate bond would not have taken, yet we
both can feel it.'

WHOA! Hold the phone, what, or who, the hell was

that? Jacey wondered. He had no idea what had just
happened, but he was guessing he was somehow
connected to his new mates. Huh, mates, who woulda
thunk it? Two of them...

Checking the alarm clock and finding it well into

mid-morning, Jacey decided it was past time he got up
and dressed. He had some questions that he needed
answers to, and pronto.


"Woohoo, look who's doing the walk of shame this

morning?" Oliver cooed, safely curled up in the lap of
his Alpha, who really was a big teddy bear as far as
Oliver went. It was everyone else who had to worry.

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Jacey could see the contentment oozing off of Oliver as
he spoke.

"Look who's using it as an excuse to slack off?"

Jacey responded tartly, walking to where his mates were
sprawled across what had to be the largest sofa he had
ever seen, settling himself on the floor in front. "How
the hell would you know, anyway?"

"Well, you have been locked in that room for over

twelve hours now, you had to expect something," Oliver

Angus smiled and placed his big hand over his mate's

mouth, "Enough, little boorri," before looking at Jacey
and asking in a quiet and serious tone, "Feel any
different, pup?"

Well, fuck, that meant he had to actually think about

what had happened over the last twenty-four hours and
then possibly confess. Jacey wasn't too sure how this
was going to go, but out with it was probably the best

"Uh, yeah... something weird 'bout that. Umm, I'm

not a shifter, but for some reason, I'm kinda hearing
other people in my head."

"Well, duh, that's how it works. You know when

you're mated, doofus," smartarse Oliver, ever helpful,

"We didn't know you could do that!" Fynn


"Good thing, too," Jacey retorted. "It was nice to

know Aden felt a little guilty for using mating musk on

"Hmmm, it seems more than one of us has been

keeping secrets." Angus smiled as he spoke, letting them
all know no harm had been done.

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"I would have mentioned it, Alpha, but it wouldn't

have done the pack any good..." Aden stammered out,
only to be interrupted by Angus again.

"It's no problem, Aden. I'm actually more curious to

find out if your newest mate blacks out after claiming,
as mine does."

"Indeed, he does, but only after both of us have

claimed him," Fynn revealed.

"Interesting. I have not heard of this before, and

neither has the Wolf Alpha. It seems we are breaking
new ground each and every day with our male/male
matings," Angus said wryly.

Jacey watched as Oliver threw his head back and

laughed, obviously at a private thought from Angus, but
he was too embarrassed at the topic of conversation to

"Oh, yeah, you think that's funny? Ask your big, bad

Alpha what little boorri means. Go on, I dare you,"
Jacey flung at Oliver, too caught up in his emotions to
know what he may have done. He caught on at the
swiftly indrawn breaths of those around him. Fynn and
Aden drew him up on the couch to settle halfway
between them, but mostly over their laps.

Jacey took full advantage, turning on his side to settle

his head on Fynn's shoulder and his feet on Aden's lap,
knowing full well... Jacey made a contented sound in his
throat as Aden picked up one foot and started smoothing
large, warm hands over and down Jacey's feet, giving a
loving rub.

Jacey shuddered as Fynn leaned down and licked

over an earlobe.

"Don't think I, at least, am not fully aware of what

you have just done, little pup. Provoking dissension
between the Alpha and his mate is very naughty. We
will need to discuss this later," Fynn stated firmly.

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Out of anyone else, the word naughty would have

sounded juvenile and foolish, but Fynn finished this
statement by closing even, white teeth down sharply on
the same earlobe. Fynn caught and muffled Jacey's
moan with a hand on the back of his head, keeping his
face turned toward Fynn's shoulder. Jacey thought he'd
never heard anything sexier than Fynn using the word

Returning attention to the room, Jacey watched as

Oliver narrowed his eyes and drew himself up, his body
language making Jacey think of a thundercloud
gathering its power before a lightning strike. He looked
at Angus, who would not meet his eyes directly.

"What does it mean?" Oliver demanded, "I thought it

meant baby or something like that, and you let me go
along with the assumption. Obviously I was wrong. So
what does it mean?" Oliver thumped Angus in the chest
as he said it. Angus released a warning growl in

"Oh, give it up, big man on campus, your growls

mean nothing to me. What. Does. It. Mean?" Oliver
asked again, giving each word its own emphasis.

Angus looked his mate directly in the eye and came

clean. "Little Fire."

Oliver's eyes widened slightly before narrowing even

more. He jumped from Angus' lap and let loose.

"Little fire? Your endearment for me is little fire? No

wonder all these goons have been laughing behind my

"No, baby, you're far from little. Trust me, I know,"

Angus soothed, glaring at his pack members, half of
whom were trying to kill smiles before Oliver noticed.

Oliver rolled his eyes, "It's not so much the little part

I have a problem with."

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Aden, who usually stayed out of things, piped up

with an explanation. "We weren't laughing at you,
Oliver, we were laughing at Angus. No one had ever
seen him so twisted up and confused as he is when he
tries to decide how to deal with you."

Angus frowned, but Oliver seemed to calm, looking

at Angus and then his pack, stating firmly, "Angus, you
can call me your little boorri here at home, but I'm
telling you all right now, no one outside this pack is to
know about it."

As each pack member nodded their head in

agreement, Oliver nodded his head decisively once
before declaring the matter closed; he was hungry and
was somebody going to make him some lunch?

Jacey laughed quietly to himself as the group moved

as one into the kitchen area, loving how his friend had
come into his own.


The next morning over breakfast, Jacey reflected on

all that had happened to him in such a short space of
time. Looking around the table, it was kind of hard to
believe that he now belonged to such a tight-knit group
of men. Would, in fact, feel terrible and excruciating
pain if he even attempted to try and leave, according to
what Oliver had told him yesterday afternoon as they

'And don't forget it, mate,' was the thought that next

filtered through his mind, causing him to jump and spill
Weet-bix down the front of his shirt. Jacey looked up
and pinned Aden with a frown.

'You know, for one of the quietest members of the

pack, you sure are one of the more possessive,' he
responded snarkily.

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Maddeningly, Aden simply smiled and returned to

his bacon and eggs, sans eggs. How these men managed
to keep their cholesterol at manageable levels was
beyond Jacey.

Jacey looked back over the table to meet the eyes of

Oliver, who immediately smiled.

"Jacey, I wanted to talk to you about the butcher

shop. We need to start making plans for a Grand
Opening. I want to get the word out to all of the rural
properties who won't have heard yet, so that when they
stop in for their monthly supply run, it won't be such a
shock. Plus, after all the work we've put in over the last
couple of months, we all deserve a good BBQ."

Jacey let Oliver ramble on and returned to breakfast,

knowing the time would come to rein Oliver in at some
stage, but letting him have his fun for now.

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Chapter Four

That evening saw Jacey thoroughly enjoying a soak

in the spa in Fynn and Aden's bathroom that could fit
five men comfortably. In their bathroom, Jacey guessed
he should be thinking now, but he wasn't quite
comfortable enough yet to give in to the almost
overwhelming feelings between him and his two mates.

He could feel the muscles in his body slowly relax

and release all of the tension built up over the last couple
months of dealing with Aden and Fynn. His mind
pleasantly empty for a change, Jacey allowed his body
to float in the absolutely ridiculously huge tub.

"Whoot whoo." A wolf whistle broke the silence,

causing Jacey to drop down to the bottom of the bath
like a stone as his hands hit the top of the water. The
splash made buckets of water cascade over the edge,
turning the floor around the tub into a shallow lake.
Jacey caught himself before he dunked under what water
was left, glancing up into the eyes of not one, but both
of his mates' serious faces.

"Out, pup," Fynn ordered. "We need to have a little

chat about the incident yesterday morning."

Jacey allowed his confusion to show.
"What incident?" he asked.
"Taunting your Alpha's mate," came Aden's

implacable response, spoken in such a monotone, Jacey
wasn't quite sure what emotion Aden was feeling.
Nothing was coming to him mentally through the mate

"Huh? Taunting? Do you mean about the boorri

thing? 'Cause if that's what all this is about, ha ha, you're

"Mate, that is exactly what we are talking about."

Fynn this time.

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"You've got to be kidding me!" Jacey said, looking

into twin expressions of resolve and finally realizing
that, no, they were not playing around. "Oliver totally
deserved everything he got, laughing at me the way he

"Oliver's behavior is not our concern right now.

Yours is," Fynn responded.

"I don't get what you're both so upset about. It was

just a bit of fun between friends."

"It is absolutely unacceptable for our mate to behave

in such a manner, whether Oliver is your friend or not.
Your taunt yesterday morning was not done out of fun,
but out of a desire to relieve your own embarrassment."
Fynn again.

Had they choreographed this earlier in preparation

and Aden just didn't have any thoughts of his own to
add? Or was Aden not allowed to talk?

'I have thoughts of my own, pup. I am simply too

angry to waste my energy formulating verbal responses.'

Whoops. Well, that was one way to turn a bad

situation into a crappy one. He would have to watch the
mental diarrhea. That was twice in a matter of hours that
Aden had caught a stray thought of Jacey's that he hadn't
wanted to share.

"Enough," Fynn stated, slashing down with his left

hand as he did so. "If you cannot show respect for your
Alpha or his mate, it is up to your mates to deal with it."

"Wha..." Jacey started, never completing the word or

the thought as Aden leaned forward and collected him
under the armpits, lifting him effortlessly up and out of
the tub, moving with him toward the bed.

Jacey watched in disbelief as Fynn sat on the bottom

edge of the bed, before Aden helped drape him over
Fynn's knees. As Jacey felt himself hardening where his

Shifting Perspectives Book Two: Jacey, Fynn, and Aden - 28

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cock sat between Fynn's thighs, he groaned,
embarrassed by the turn of events and his reaction to it.

He heard Fynn chuckle, but not in a reassuring way.

"It's flattering, pup, and a totally normal reaction, but it
will be a while yet before we get around to dealing with

Jacey still had no idea what his mates were planning,

but afterward, as the first smack landed with clinical
precision on the curve between his bottom and thigh, as
fire spread outward from the large handprint he was sure
was blooming on his skin and his back arched to cope
with the sensation, he would think back and be grateful
for that.

As Jacey's mind struggled to cope with the magnitude

of what was happening, he slowly realized that this was
a joint effort. The strikes were twofold, Aden coming
from below to strike his leg, Fynn following through
from the top to strike down on the upper swell of his
arse, causing the entire area to burn.

As the fire spread, Jacey moved beyond the pain and

slipped into a space in his mind he had never visited
before. A place where he still existed, could still hear
and feel everything that occurred, but where the pain
merged with other sensations, building his pleasure
nearly to orgasm. Jacey could hear his mates speaking as
if from far away, his brain failing to process exactly
what they were saying.


"Is he...?" Aden asked, easing off the last strike. Aden

looked down at him with what Fynn thought was shock
and awe.

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"I think he might be," Fynn replied, feeling slightly

shocked himself as he applied cooling gel in soothing,
circular motions.

"I have never put a lover in sub space before, not

even you. I never imagined..."

"We are close to evenly matched, love. It was one of

the reasons we always felt something was missing. But
no, I've never experienced this phenomenon before. He's
a natural, and beautiful in his ability to let go."

"Indeed. Although his release shows his utter trust in

us, will he recognize, as we do, this interlude for the
wonder it was?"

Fynn shifted Jacey around, gently turning him over

before moving up the bed to lay him down on his side
on the soft downy cover.

"I guess we will see, but I have no intention of letting

him see it in any other way, or ever letting him go."


Returning to himself, Jacey would have really liked

to enjoy the warm, mellow feeling a little longer.
Obviously, that wasn't meant to be. His world crashed
back into reality as Fynn's statement about never letting
him go registered. Jacey watched Fynn move into the
bathroom. The tingling, almost stinging sensation he
could still feel in his buttocks only added to the
panicked sensations Jacey now felt. There was no way
he wanted to go through that again.

Moving as quickly as his body would allow, Jacey

jerked upright. Moving off the bed, he grabbed his terry
robe on the way through and was out the door and
heading down the main stairs of the house before he
heard anything on his mental three-way radio.

'Aden...' growled Fynn.

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'On it,' was the response, and Jacey's only warning as

he reached the bottom of the staircase. Trying to think of
where he might go, his world was tipped upside down
yet again. His next view was of Aden's admittedly
scrumptious backside as Jacey raised his foot to


Aden carried Jacey back into their bedroom,

slamming the door shut behind him with his foot before
carefully laying Jacey on the bed into Fynn's already
waiting arms.

"We will let that one go this time around, pup. We

know you're scared, but run again and we will need to
repeat the whole process. The pain you would
experience being separated from us would be worse than
the pain of discipline." Aden climbed into the bed on the
other side of him and completed the Jacey sandwich.

Jacey ignored him, and for the first time since the

connection was made, consciously made an effort to
close a door in his mind. It must have worked, because
he now felt truly alone, his brain cavernous, full of
nothing but the emptiness of his own thoughts. After all
he had experienced in the last day or so, this knowledge
was truly depressing, especially since his mates were
still on either side of him.

Because his mates were still beside him, it came as a

shock when the pain registered, starting slow and mild,
but building quickly and steadily into blinding,
migraine-like pain, before enveloping him in waves of
shuddering sweats and nausea. It was this last that
allowed Aden to break back through the mental barrier
Jacey had erected, almost instantly eradicating all of
Jacey's symptoms except for a mild headache.

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"Do that again, pup, and you will cause yourself

unnecessary pain. It's not just being physically away
from your mates that sets off the mating mark; it works
on a mental plane as well," Fynn stated, in a tone that
sounded like he had been chewing on stones.

'I know you're tired, Jacey, and you can sleep in a

minute, but first you need to know that this is for life. We
will build trust between us. We all need to work at this,
but if something scares you or you don't understand, you
need to ask the questions, and we need to explain before
we react,'
Fynn continued, speaking mentally now.
Jacey had to wonder if Fynn realized it was easier for
him to handle that way.

'Then what did happen? Where did I go?' Jacey

figured he might as well ask, if they weren't going to let
him sleep.

'Have you ever heard the term sub space?' Aden


'No, what does that mean?'
'When pleasurable stimulation of the body is such

that it allows the mind to release and perceive things
from a different point of view. We can't be sure yet, but
the fact that you apparently went into sub space points
to a natural submission we have both already sensed
from you. It probably means that spanking won't be a
disciplinary experience from here on out,'
Aden finished

Jacey had the grace to blush, a flush moving

downward covering the upper portion of his chest. He
caught Aden and Fynn glancing at each other over his
head before they simultaneously leaned down and
sucked a nipple into their mouths, licking and biting and
loving on their little pieces of him, his tension and
arousal building on top of those sensations already felt

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Aden leaned up and kissed Jacey, a kiss full of

tongue and teeth as he rolled over onto his back, taking
Jacey with him to straddle Jacey's legs over his hips.
Aden moved his mouth down Jacey's neck, using his
hands to hold Jacey's hips still at the same time.

'Have you ever heard of frottage, little mate?' Aden


'Unnghg,' Jacey tried to respond, before laughter

from both shifters filled Jacey's mental space. It quickly
disappeared as Aden rocked his hips up. Jacey broadcast
the sensations to both his mates in retaliation for the
teasing. He felt the vibrations as Aden groaned, before
the scent of Aden's mating musk hit Jacey, furthering the


Fynn collected the lube and coated himself, not really

needing much more help, what with the pre-come
created from the image in front of him. Their little
human mate's rosette was beautifully flushed and clearly
visible between ruby red cheeks held wide by his shifter
mate's large, work-darkened hands. As Aden's musk hit
him, he could hold back no longer.

Inserting two fingers, Fynn felt Jacey jerk as the

moan passed along their mental link. Scissoring his
fingers, he moved forward, pulling his fingers away and
holding himself in position as he leaned over and slid his
way in. Liquid fire, rippling waves of heat enveloped
him, and Fynn started a rocking motion in time with
Aden's thrusts underneath, sliding his hands up his pup's
torso to tease and tug at Jacey's nipples, enjoying the
warm flush spreading up his mate's back as the pleasure

Shifting Perspectives Book Two: Jacey, Fynn, and Aden - 33

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All three could feel what the others felt as any walls

previously left standing crumbled under the weight of
their connection. Blown away by sensation, teased by
both mates' scents right under his nose, Fynn bent down
and clasped his mate mark between his teeth, a little
growl escaping as he did so.

He heard Jacey whimper as Aden pushed up to grasp

the other shoulder in much the same manner. Both
shifters tensed slightly as the connection coalesced,
building with Jacey's impending orgasm before both bit
down sharply at exactly the same moment. Two growls
and one scream rent the air, the scream abruptly cut off
as Jacey lost consciousness.

Jacey came to moments later, aware of no other

thoughts and nothing else but peace as two warm,
smooth, male bodies enveloped him before sleep swept
him away in its serene embrace.

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Chapter Five

Oliver was still set on the idea of a town barbecue, so

the next week for Jacey was spent furiously throwing
together what would be needed to pull off a gathering
that big. This was made especially difficult, as both he
and Oliver were still coming to terms with overbearing
mates, or in Jacey's case, two overbearing mates, and
what it meant to be at any sort of distance for any length
of time from said mates.

There were many interruptions, and Jacey got really

sick of walking in on Oliver bent over the cold room
shelves. The first time it happened, Aden happened to be
close enough to catch sight of the mental image of
Oliver and Angus in Jacey's head. Fynn could only
shake his head in wonder at Aden and Angus, who had
almost come to blows over the incident. With everyone
being so newly mated, the men's possessiveness had
blown out of proportion. The whole thing had left Jacey
with the headache from hell trying to deal with the
mental connection to Aden when feeling such strong

After that, Jacey put a 'busy' signal in place, not

needing the added aggravation. Whenever Jacey needed
mental time-out, he would just start singing show tunes,
having learned a few days prior that neither mate liked
them. Fynn and Aden couldn't get out of his head fast
enough, but the connection was never closed off.

He was pretty sure Oliver was just as sick of catching

Jacey with one or both mates, too, because after one
particularly memorable afternoon, it was Oliver who
suggested the dorm room solution to the problem.


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Two hours before the barbecue, Jacey walked around

the corner into the kitchen with a topside cut of meat for
Fynn to prepare, only to stop in his tracks just before
entering the kitchen. He finally realized the buzz he had
been hearing on and off for the last few minutes was
Fynn and Aden having a conversation they obviously
thought he wouldn't be close enough to hear. Before
Jacey could wonder too much about why, he spied
Angus sitting at the kitchen table reading, obviously
well aware of what was going on not five meters away,
judging by the smirk and covert looks in his mate's

'...don't think he'll go for it, you can't push him.'
'If we don't push him, it will never happen. It has

been forever. I want my mate here.'

'Our mate, and don't you think I feel the same? But

the last time you got demanding, he took off.'

'If we had mated with another dingo, they would have

been completely comfortable with us since the instant we
realized we were mates. I was being patient waiting for
Jacey to decide to completely move in with us, but he's
taking too long.'

'Yeah, patient for you, not patient enough for him,

and we're back to where we started. You can't push him,
especially right now, when he's so busy helping Oliver.
It will just come back around to bite you in the arse.'

'You are aware, if you simply worked with me...'
'He would feel confronted,'
Jacey injected, cutting

Fynn off as he finally worked out who was who in this
mental back and forth, sick of hearing the debate go
around in circles, especially when it was about him.

The sight of both his mates' reactions as it hit them

that not only was their human third within hearing
distance of their mental conversation, he was also in the
same room with them without either of them realizing it,

Shifting Perspectives Book Two: Jacey, Fynn, and Aden - 36

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said more to Jacey than anything else ever could. He
knew in an instant that his scent was now so bound with
that of his two mates, and their mental communication
so seamless, it was almost as if they had always been
three instead of two.

It was Fynn who recovered first walking over to

Jacey and greeting him with a long and loving kiss.
Fynn continued with the mental conversation as if Jacey
had always been involved.

'Aden is feeling lonely when you leave for home. We

were just discussing how to broach the subject again of
you moving fully into the pack house. Everything you
could need or want is here.'

'Hmm, yes, I find it suits my dingo to have you close

at hand. I'm feeling extremely possessive after last
week's stunt,'
Aden injected, obviously covering for
Fynn, although why he bothered was beyond Jacey
when they all knew who the overbearing one in this
threesome was.

'Firstly, I already told you I couldn't help walking in

on them, but we've got a system now. You should know,
having used it not an hour after they were done, to my
extreme embarrassment. And, secondly, it's not as if I
haven't been here nearly twenty-four seven anyway.'

'Not good enough,' came the implacable response. 'I,

we, want you here all the time, but apart from that, we
need the knowledge that you are here to stay.'

'Let us let you in on a little secret. Mated males are

very insecure and jealous in their mating until the dingo
feels his new mate is secure in his 'lair'. Having you
almost come and go at your leisure this last week has
put both our dingoes on edge; we are now having
trouble keeping control. If you don't move in of your
own accord, we'll do it for you.'

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Jacey started laughing at Aden's last comment,

knowing they would do nothing of the sort. If there was
one thing Jacey had learned this week, it was that his
happiness was paramount, and if he wasn't ready to give
up his own place, there was no way his mates would
force the issue. At the same time, Jacey's mind reeled at
all that Aden had revealed in that last statement. This
information, on top of his earlier satisfaction at the proof
of their connection, eased Jacey's mind, and as his
laughter eased, he allowed how good he felt to show.

'Huh. You know, if you idiots had just said something

earlier, I would have dealt with it sooner. I've been busy
with Oliver, and you lot haven't been helping,
interrupting whenever you felt like it. If it makes you feel
better, go and get my stuff yourselves.'
Jacey pulled his
keys out of his pocket and handed them to Fynn, who
reached out to grab them before they fell to the floor.

'It's that easy?' Aden asked.
'It's that easy,' Jacey responded.
With a growl, Fynn threw the keys over his shoulder

and surged forward, collecting Jacey with a hand under
each butt cheek, slamming his mouth down on Jacey's at
the same time, using momentum to carry them backward
into the pantry. Aden followed, laughing quietly and
hanging the agreed-upon signal, a pair of underwear, on
the door handle before closing the door on the way.

Shifting Perspectives Book Two: Jacey, Fynn, and Aden - 38

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Word Meanings:
Balaka: Content
Barrabooka: Hunting ground
Boorri: Fire
Burrabil: Light
K'gari: Fraser Island, meaning paradise
Waangoo: Dingo

Other Slang:
Bundy: Bundaberg Rum. A popular alcohol named after
the town it's made in, Bundaberg, located on the
southern coastline of Queensland, Australia.

Shifting Perspectives Book Two: Jacey, Fynn, and Aden - 39

background image

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and
incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or
are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events,
locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely
coincidental and beyond the intent of either the author or the

Shifting Perspectives Book Two: Jacey, Fynn, and Aden
An imprint of Torquere Press Publishers
PO Box 2545
Round Rock, TX 78680
Copyright © 2011 by Nerine Petros
Cover illustration by Michelle Lee
Published with permission
ISBN: 978-1-61040-190-6

All rights reserved, which includes the right to reproduce this
book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever except as
provided by the U.S. Copyright Law. For information address
Torquere Press. Inc., PO Box 2545, Round Rock, TX 78680.
First Torquere Press Printing: March 2011
Printed in the USA

Shifting Perspectives Book Two: Jacey, Fynn, and Aden - 40


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