Traffic Arbitrage:
Content Campaign
About Content Campaigns:
System Description: Driving large amounts of traffic with pay
per click begins with proper content campaign and adgroup
structuring. This system will focus on how to structure your con-
tent campaigns and adgroups. Campaign settings, ad writing,
bidding strategies and research tactics are all outlined in this
system to maximize your paid content traffic. After completion
of this system you should have a content campaign driving traf-
fic to your website.
Required Skills: Necessary skills required include: basic com-
puter and internet skills, ability to follow instructions, can or-
ganize and sort information, monitor and fine tune campaigns,
adgroups and keywords.
System Checklist:
Step 1: Content Campaign Structuring, Video 1
Action Steps:
1. Login to your preferred advertising account (Google).
2. Create a new content campaign using the most
broad keyword for your industry or niche – label
that campaign “keyword keyword – content.”
3. Create a new adgroup. Title this adgroup the same
Weekly Action Plan:
Day 1 Task Checklist:
Keyword research.
Create new content campaign
and adgroups.
Complete steps one and two.
Day 2 Task Checklist:
Keyword research.
Write three ads for each
Adjust campaign settings.
Day 3 Task Checklist:
Review adgroups and ads.
Activate ads.
Day 4 Task Checklist:
Monitor ads and keywords.
as the campaign name.
4. Copy and paste all keywords into the adgroup.
(Not necessary to group root keywords as it is with
Step 2: Keyword Research, Refer to Keyword Research
Video and Supplement
Action Steps:
1. Review and follow the steps outlined in the keyword
research supplement.
Step 3: Writing Content Ads, Video 2
Action Steps:
1. Ad writing concept: attention, interest, decision, ac-
tion (AIDA).
2. Keywords aren’t as critical here.
3. Get more creative with headlines – catchy and sexy.
4. Emphasize benefits of product sell the click not the
5. Use broad match on the keywords within the ad
6. Present an irresistible offer – create interest.
7. Add a keyword to the end of the display URL.
Step 4: A/B Split Testing, Video 3
Action Steps:
1. This will require that three ads are written for each
ad group.
2. Write the first ad – this is your control.
3. Write the second ad the same as the first only
changing the headline.
4. Write the third ad with the same headline as the
System Checklist:
Adwords Editor:
Weekly Action Plan:
Keyword research.
Day 5 Task Checklist:
Monitor ads and keywords.
Prune low performing key-
Adjust bid prices.
first but with different description one and two lines.
5. The display URL will remain constant throughout
all three ads.
Step 5: Content Campaign Settings, Video 4
Action Steps:
1. Select the right campaign settings.
2. Budgets – this is a daily number, choose whatever
you are comfortable spending on a daily basis.
3. When running a content campaign be sure to un-
check the search boxes.
4. To enable A/B split testing you must select rotate
ads evenly.
5. Be sure to target additional countries.
System Checklist:
Quick Tip:
Campaign Setup:
The initial campaign and
adgroup set up is critical to
your overall pay per click
marketing success. Be sure
to take the time to properly
structure your advertising
accounts because this will
benefit you in the long run.