Fear of Automation
is a professor of business at New York University, and the author of "
: The End of Employment and the Rise of Crowd-Based Capitalism." He is on
OCTOBER 4, 2016, 3:21 AM
Fears of widespread automation and an imminent “
” have risen as advances in
digital technology herald the emergence of increasingly sophisticated artificial intelligence. A distinct
air of technological determinism – that the technology by itself dictates its broader economic and
societal impacts – surrounds these dire
, while ignoring the political and organizational
factors that often shape the nature and pace of social change. Society can amplify automation's
benefits while limiting its harm.
Artificial intelligence can also expand human capabilities rather than substituting for them.
Government policy and research funding should favor the development of artificial intelligence that
expands human capabilities rather than substituting for them. For example, artificial intelligence-
can broadly expand the reach of health
care and education, especially in less prosperous countries, by empowering a broader fraction of the
population to participate in these professions.
Investments in physical and social infrastructure must allow the benefits of automation to be widely
shared. When cars become autonomous, cities can be redesigned to improve the quality of urban life.
And as corporate employees get replaced by a more independent and entrepreneurial workforce, a
, benefits like paid time off, workplace insurance and income stability are
available to fewer, challenging a social safety net that is contingent on full-time employment.
Fashioning and funding a next-generation social contract, perhaps as a
government, the individual and the institution, or maybe even as a
, may be
instrumental in preventing modern-day versions of the
Industrial Revolution.
Eventually, whether technological progress will increase or diminish human employment has always
been a race between education and technology. The benefits of digitally enabled automation can thus
be amplified by a reinvention of our educational system. As the cognitive capabilities of machines
expand, the economy will need less STEM education in its workforce, and more design thinking,
entrepreneurship and creativity instead. And perhaps more caring, empathy and compassion as well,
human qualities most likely to differentiate us from the machines we compete with for the jobs of the