How to use How to Bars AW

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Use How to…

How to…

What you need to know

How to…is a package designed for training new and current team members

The cards are simple in layout, easy to use and easy to understand

All the cards can be completed within the units normal day to day operations

The tools cover all the usual tasks that your teams carry out within their roles and provides guidance on where to

look for further information if it is required

The cards are regularly updated which allows you to keep your team up to date with all the latest standards

(updates can be found on THE HUB)

The cards are SSP brand specific

There are 5 sections to this package


Explains all you need to know about your Brand

Team Member:

How to… cards for all front line employees


How to… cards for all supervisors


How To… cards for all managers

What does good look like section:

Either A6, A5 or A4 or a combination of 2 or more

There is also a How to… find out more card which details where further reference documents,

training materials and other useful tools can be found.

All new team members must complete the

‘4, 8 and 12 Week Challenge’

at the time of their Job Chat’s

How we do it…

Select the card you plan to train – they can be completed in any order

Read the card yourself to make sure you understand exactly what you need to train

The cards can be used as a self teach tool but this is not recommended

Each card is broken down into 4 sections

1. What you need to know…

This section explains standards, useful information,

background knowledge, legal requirements, brand

specifics and other useful facts relating to that task

Discuss the content with your learner, questioning

them on the key facts (e.g. why do we temperature

check deliveries?).

Remember to find out the answers

so you know if they have got it right!

2. How we do it…

This section explains clearly step by step, through

the use of pictures, diagrams and simple instructions,

exactly how to perform the task to brand standard

Carry out the each step of the task with the learner,

demonstrating wherever necessary and allowing them

to practice as much as possible. Explain why the task

is completed in that particular way

Team Members

March 2009

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Use How to…

3. Your are responsible for…

This section lists the key responsibilities every team member must

demonstrate to ensure the task is completed to brand standard

every time.

Discuss the content with your learner. Test their understanding

through questions to make sure they are clear exactly what is

required of them and are given the opportunity to ask any

questions they may have.

4. Your challenge

This section is a mixture of activities, questions and challenges

to test your learner’s ability to complete the task successfully

and to brand standard.

Set your learner the challenges and allow them plenty of time

to complete them.

Check their progress early on and regularly providing support

and encouragement throughout – do not wait until they have

finished the task.

Observe them, coach & direct as necessary and question them to keep them on the right track and help them

through the tasks.

If they are not confident in their new ability or if you feel they need further support, revisit the areas on

the How to…card that they need further help with. Remember to check the How to…find out more card

as more support can be found in other locations.

Once you are both confident they can complete the task unaided and to standard, you both must sign

the relevant section of the Training Record Card.

How to…

You are responsible for…

• Using the How to… with all new

team members

• Using How to…as refresher and update

training for the whole of your team

• Checking THE HUB for updated How

to…cards and printing them to keep

in your folder

• Discarding old cards as you replace

them with new ones

• Recording all completed training in

the Training Record Card

• Informing the Learning and Development

department if you feel changes need to

be made to the cards.

Your challenge….

• Read through the How to…pack

familiarising yourself with all of it’s


• Check your teams Training Record Cards

to identify any gaps in their knowledge.

Use the How to…cards to complete

their training

• Ask your current team to complete

the 4 Week Challenge!

• Regularly check your teams skills

by using the quality checklists

Team Members

March 2009

Team Members

March 2009


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